Transcript for William McBride journals, 1854-1855; 1874, vol. 2
Monday 23d, Aminute of the travils of a company of Saints who leaves this place for San Bernerdino [Bernardino] & Salt Lake City. At 10 o clock A.M. the company all met at Bro. Whipple’s ready for the word march; Bro. P.P. Pratt. called them in a circle and all joined in singing “When Shall we all meet a gain,” &c after which we all bowed down and united in prayer[.] Bro Parley P. Pratt being mouth, – it was then voted that Elder William Mc. Bride act as leader of the Company until we arrive at San Juan where the company will be more fully organised, the camp then shook hands with many of their friends and then left – There is however a number of the brethren who leaves in a few day by water for San Bernardino. – Came 12 miles and campt on “Kioty [Coyote] Creek” –
We called about an hour at San Hosa [Jose] to get a neck <yoke> repaired, after leaving the town a bout half an hour one of Brother Gate’s best mules dropt dead in his harness Supposed by some to been poisened! Evening prayers by Bro. Mc. Bride.
Tuesday 24th. Camp came to gether this morning and had prayers. Bro. Farrer, mouth. Came to San Juan distance 30 miles, good road – ferried the Pathro [River] $1 per 3 and 4 horse teems, 50 cents for spare.
Saturday April 28th 1855. Camp of the Saints at San Juan Bound for S. Bernardino & Salt Lake City were this day Organized as follows. By the assistance of P. P. Pratt.
William Mc. Bride[,] 1 waggon[,] 4 Mules[,] 1 horse[,] 2 guns[,] 1 Pistol
Cynthia Jane Whipple
Hen[r]y Willard Whipple
Bechias Dustin[,] 1 waggon[,] 2 horses[,] 3 Pistols[,] 1 Dog
Reuben Gates[,] 2 waggons[,] 3 Mules[,] 2 horse[,] 2 guns[,] 2 Pistols
Henry W. Bigler[,] 2 horses
Sarah Jane Bryant
Hamilton M. Wallace[,] 2 waggons[,] 4 Mules[,] 1 gun[,] 1 Dog
Elizabeth Wallace[,] 1 pistol
William Farrer[,] 1 gun[,] 1 Pistol
Norman G. Brimhall[,] 1 waggon[,] 3 Mules[,] 1 gun[,] 1 Dog
Rozilla [Rozella] Brimhall
Louisa Jane Brimhall
Isibel [Isabella] Brimhall
Nancy Brimhall
Norman Brimhall
George W. Wilkins[,]1 waggon[,] <1 colt> 4 horses[,] 1 guns[,] 1 Pistol[,] 1 goat[,]1 Dog
Cathirine [Catherine] A. Wilkins
Mary A. Wilkins
George A. Willkins [Wilkins]
Charles H. Wilkins
Moroni Wilkins
John Lindon[,] 1 Horse[,] 1 gun
Harly Swartout[,] 1Mule[,] 1Horse
Total Persons, etc.
24 Persons[,] 8 waggons[,] 15 Mules[,] 12 <13> Horses[,] 8 guns[,] 8 Pistols[,] 1 goat[,] 3 Dogs
On Motion Wm. Mc. Bride Was unanimously Chosen Captain, & President of the Company. Bechias Dustin Chaplain, H. W. Bigler Sergant of the guard, & Historian.
Monday, April 30th The following additional camp having arived last evening, were this morning Organised, & added to the Company as follows.–
Nathan Tanner[,] 2 1 waggon[,] 2 Mules[,] 1 Horse[,] 2 Pistols
Chancy W. West[,] 1 waggon[,] 2 Mules[,] 3 Horses[,] 1 Pistols
Redick N Allred[,] 1 Mule[,] 1 gun[,] 1 Pistol
Orren[Orrin] Smith[,] 3 waggons[,] 6 Horses[,] 1 gun[,] 2 Pistols
Amy A Smith
Ellen M. Hopkins
Amelia A. Smith
Emely [Emily] M. Hopkins
Frances Smith
Ann E. Smith
Eugene Smith
James B. Cole
James R. Allred[,] 1 Pistol
Grand Total.
37 persons[,] 13 waggons[,] 20 mules[,] 23 Horses[,] 10 guns[,] 15 Pistols[,] 1 goat[,] 3 Dogs
At about 10 o clock the camp was all harnessed up and ready to roal out when the camp was called in close order by the Capt. and at the request of Bro. Parley, Sung “When shall we all meet a gain” &c Prayers by Brother Pratt after which he gave us council relative to the order and manner in which we should travil, to be sure and not fall out by the way but hang to gether and be patient and for bareing one to wards another, not to scatter but hearken to our captain and uphold him boath by our prayers & faith because upon all theese things dependids our Salvation (temporally) against thieves, wicked men or indians. –
It was motioned and secon[d]ed and unamisouly voted by the camp that Brother Redick N. Allred be capt. of 10. Bro. Parley then dismist us with the blessings of God above us and we roalled out in regular order the captain’s waggon in front and Sister Jane Whipple bareing a flag with the inscription there on, “Latter day Saints[.]” Brother Parley and a number of the brethren accompanied us through the villidge San Juan to the foot of the mountain where we gave them the parting hand – We past over the mountain to the westward in full view of the ocean[.] Several of the brethren from the San Juan branch with us on horse back to see us safe a cross the mountain which was Steep and difficult to Surmount – Came 16 miles and encampted at the “Ranch Teverdah” all safe and sound[,] good Camping.
Yesterday Brother John Lindon joined Bros Mc Bride & Gates to go through to the valley by furnishing one animal in the teem and paying over $22 cash and a grees to bare his part in camp duty. Bros. Mc. and Gates is to board him and deliver him in the valley of Great Salt [Lake]. – I Receved
This evening guard was organized and sot – Prayers by Bro. Mc. Bride.
Tuesday May 1st. 1855. At 8 o clock we struck our tents and traveled down <up> the Selenis [Salinas] valley and crost the Selenis River by placing blocks under our wagon beds to raise the bodys above the water[.] So much quick-Sand made it bad crossing – in doubling teems wih the Capt. brother Gates broke his whipple trees in assending the opposite bank – the camp made to day a bout 30 m. and encamped on a creek called Dry Creek some 6 or 8 miles from the Crossing of the Selenis – Grass scarce – evening prayers by Bro. William Farrer.
Wednesday 2nd. Clear and nice. Morning prayers by Bro. Bigler – at a bout 8 left camp came 30 miles – Good road all the way excep 2 or 3 deep gulches where we locked and let down by hand and doubled teems to haul up – We past two or 3 ranches – This evening after we had stopted to camp and had unchained we found the water to be bitter so much so that it could not be used. Bros Tanner, Wallace, and Bigler Sot [set] out to hunt water, soon after. Bro. Smith took his Carriage and all the vessels he could get and Sot out for a load of water a bout 4 miles back on the road. Good Grass here. Evening prayers by Bro. West.
Thursday 3d. Clear & frosty this morning – prayers by Brother Brimhall. Guard lost a horse belonging to Bro. Tanner
The Capt. gave orders for 2 men to stop and and wait for Bro. T. who is gone in search of his horse – the camp proceeded on their way and arriving at the foot of the Santone [San Antonio] mountains bro. Gates broke his waggon tonge. a bout 100 feet of the mountain was steep[,] had to double – Came to day a bout 20 miles. and encampted <on the Santone [San Antonio] River,> good grass. – from our camp this morning to the first water over the mountain 8 m. a pond or Spring on the left of the road. Brother Tanner returned with his horse, had went back over 10 miles. Evening prayers by Bro. Wilkins.
Friday 4th, Clear, heavy frost last night – morning prayer by the Chaplin. near camp was a bad piece of road and while breakfast was prepairing the Capt. and 5 or 6 of the brethren went and fixed it – about 8 left Camp[.] Came 25 miles and pas encampted by a River[.] Camping only midling. – The road to day was bad[.] Soon after leaveing camp this morning we had to let down our waggons over an assent some 50 or 60 feet, by means of rope, the race was broken, past over one mountain vary steep, however only a fiew of the teems doubled – Prayers at night by Brother Tanner
Sat. 5th. Fair and nice, though cool early in the morning– prayers by Bro. Smith – got alate start this morning in consequence of Bro. Tanners mules escaping from camp[.] waited one hour when he returned with them – Sot off a bout 9 went a bout 25 m. and encampt at 4 o clock near a River, San Ma gill [Magill]. Splendid feed– the road today not vary good. a bout 12 m. back we past the San Ma gill mission. 4 miles back we called a halt and washed hands, and soar [sore] lips & faces in a warm spring on our left by the road side – Evening prayers Brother Mc. Bride being mouth.
Since leaveing San Juan we met several large droves of Cattle being driven to San Francisco and other places to Slaughter, as also flocks of Sheep.
Sunday. 6th, Warm and pleasant. in Camp all day - <prayers by Bro. Bigler> at 10 o clock the brethren came together by the sound of the shell and held meeting[.] Bros. Dusten, Mc. Bride and several of the elders present spoke and had a good little meeting – dureing which time a gard was ke[p]t to look out for the animals. in the afternoon the emblems of the Death and Sufferings <flesh and Blood> of our Lord Jesus Christ was administered by the Chaplin.
Monday7th, <morning prayer by El[der]. Farrer.> fair, Sot out this morning a bout 7 o clock[.] had tolerable good road to San Margarete 15 miles, from thence some 8 or 10 miles bad road a crossed a vary bad mountain however we did not have to double, but was exceedingly broken, rough, narrow and sideling – in decending the mountain the Captain broke the King bolt of his waggon. at the foot of this mountain we campt. Plenty of wild oats. Prayers this evening by br. Allred.– Here we met a large herd of cattle being driven by some spaniards to market. they asked us 16 cts per lb. for beef and dress it our selves. on theese conditions the camp bought none. Sister Jane Whipple was administered to this evening by Elders Mc. Bride, Wallace, Bigler & Gates, having the Canker in her mouth.
Tuesday 8th, Clear – Sot off after prayers
Camp came to gether as useal [usual] for morning prayers Bro. Brimhall being mouth. had awful bad road for 3 or 4 of the first miles until we arrived to San Louis Obispo[.] here we called a halt until Brother Mc. Bride got his King bolt fixed[.] after which we came a bout 13 miles and encampted. grass scarce in consequence of being eat off. This morning soon after leaving camp the Captains waggon upsot in consequence of not being able to manage one of his mules who all at once got in a vary unruly mood, but nothing was injured except to broke his King bolt and he put in its place a iron picket pin which answered every purpose excep it was a little too long. Made to day a bout 16 miles. The brethren met this evening for prayers at Br. Smith’s tent Bro the Chaplin being mouth.
Wednesday 9th. Prayers this morning by the Captain – about 8 o clock we roaled out[.] traveled down the beach 8 or 10 miles thence across some sand hills about 4 miles. here was hard pulling for our animals being no road and the sand being drifted up in mountains made it laborious traveling – soon after leaving the Sand hills we struck a large valley and having no road we struck for a pass low place in the mountains some 18 or 20 miles a head as near as we could guess from a paper with directions where to go &c
Bro. Wilkins had passed through and had the impression we should go more to our rite which threwe us of <out> of our way for several miles[.] a spaniard came to us and gave us direction where to go and where we mite find water &c &c[.] we made a late encampment in consequence of not getting to wood and water – our wandering to day must have been over 40 miles going at least 5 miles out of our way. grass good here.
Today while resting our animals just after getting over the sand hills, Bro Dustin pulled the bridles from his carriage horses to let them feed a few minutes, something or other frightened them[.] they took the advantage and run <with the caarriage> for some rods and plunged into a mud hole turning all most a complete summer set, but no damage was sustained by the fright stampede. Prayers to night by Bro Tanner.
Thurs 10th. Clear. This morning the Camp divide it being the wish of Bros. Tanner, West and others to go a head to Sanbrnerdino [San Bernardino] to rig up some teems and to attend to some other business &c[.] desired to go a head as they could travel faster and attend to their business so as to not detain the company but have all things ready by the time the camp got up. Capt Prayers this morning by Bro. Bigler. We traveled to day a bout 35 miles and past over the Santeness [Santa Inez] Mountain and encampted in the Canion [canyon] without water and not much grass. the mountain was bad – doubled teems most all the way up, and in decending[.] the t rode was steep, Sideling & a short bend like the elbow of a mans arm, here we took part of th our teems of the wagons and attached ropes to the waggons to ease them down and to keep them from up setting – in decending Bro Brimhall broke his King bolt, a wooden pin was put in its place. night cumming on we was obliged to strike Camp without water[.] Some of the Children Cried most all night for water.
Evening prayers by Bro Dustin.
Friday May 12 11th. Fogy this morning. the camp was up at an early hour and was on the road to get to water[.] went some 6 or 8 miles and over took the other Company in Camp on the Santeness [Santa Ynez] River. here we called a halt for 2 hours or more[.] good grass for our animals[.] they were soon unharnesed[,] watered and let out to feed, the other Camp soon left having they said arrived last evening a bout two hours by sun. – after the camp partook of their morning meal they was called to gether for prayers. Bro. Wilkins> By B <Wallace> prayed, after which we harnessed up went 5 or 6 miles and encampted in a little valley – the best of food plenty of wood & water – had some bad road in passing over the Gava ota [Gaviota] mountain – made to day a bout 15 miles. Prayer this evening by Bro. Brother Wilkens, after which we anointted and laid hands on Bro. Wilkin’s – Child, who some said has the appearance of having the measels.
Our Captain is quite unwell having taken cold!
Saturday 12th, Heavy fog this morning from the Coast, morning prayers by Bro. Mc. Bride. This morning we had to assend a steep hill where we had to double, it was vary steep then decended in to a canion 3 or 4 miles long and vary bad norrow and rockey, this was little the worst place the camp had encountered, some of the wagons broke the tonge – Horses falling down &c &c[.] at last got through without any serious damage, and encampted near the mouth of Canion, plenty of wild oats <on the side of mountain> for our animals[.] made to day a bout 8 miles, late when we made camp. Evening prayers by Bro. Farrer.
Sunday 13th. Clear. As the feed was rather unhandy and some distance from camp, the Capt. thought it best to moove a fiew miles on to fresh food. After morning prayers (Bro. Bigler being mouth) we mooved some 6 miles the road was bad. soon after leaving camp we had to double up a steep place to get on the bench or table land. – about every 2 or 300 yards we had a deep gulch to cross. Wild o<a>ts for the animals.
This evening the chaplin held prayer meeting with the Camp & had a first rate time.
Monday May 14th, Bro. Gates was mouth this morning at prayers. – about half past 7 we left Camp traveled until a bout 3 P.M. when it Commenced to rain and made it too slipp<er>y for our teems.– Campted near a – [ sentence Unfinished] Poor feed. In travelling down the beach the Captains waggon upsot. the rode was a little better than yesterday[.] made to day a bout 20 miles. Prayers this evening by Brother Brimhall
Tuesday 15th. Clear, About 8 we were off[,] traveled to Santa Barber [Barbara] 17 miles, Some bad road – we campted a bout 1 mile out from town. Good food and plenty to day[.] as we past a long we saw some havesting barley – Evening prayers by Bro. Dusten. Santa Barber is situated near the Sea Co[a]st[.] Contains some 2 or 300 inhabitances mostly spaniards, and is near by is Santa barber Mission, (Catholicks) founded by the Spaniards in an early day for the perpose of Converting of the heathins.
[Page missing]
We. 16th. fair[.] Prayer this morning by Bro. Brimhall[.] quarter after 7 left Camp[.] Came 30 miles and encampted near San Buena ventura, food scarse – traveled to day several miles on the beach – some bad road, Brother Wilkins upset his waggon with all his family in it wife & 4 Children no harm was done[.] She was soon rited and on we came rejoicing as usual
Thursday 17th, Clear & fine[.] Prayers by Bro. Bigler – at 8 left camp came 30 m. found water in a little ravine to our rite, tolerable good food. here we encampted, had good road most all day, Crost one River, (San Clare) past over some vary good land to day, called at a ranch and got some dried beef 12½ cts per lb. Prayers this evening by the Capt.
Friday 18th. Clear & warm. Prayers by Bro. Wallace. Sat off at the usual hour[.] Came 35 miles and made a late encampment. Some of our road today was bad[.] Crost over 2 mountains[.] water along the way was scarce as also the food for the animals animals. Encampted near warm spring. here a fiew families of indians & spaniards live – the water of this spring was not vary good and was warm. There is a beautiful valley large and wide but appears to be poorly watered. Evening prayers by the Chaplin.
Saturday 19th. Clear & vary warm, Our animals vary dry – this morning. Camp was up early, after breakfast had prayers by Bro. Bigler, harnesed up came 5 miles to an indian or S[p]anish Rancheree to the left of our road a bout ¼ of mile, good large spring here. halted and watered –
Roaled into Los angelos stopted 2 hours or more and done some trading &c[.] here the Capt. fell in company with one of the brethren from Sanbarnendino [San Bernardino] Came out of town with us on his return home[.] Convaied [conveyed] us to good Camping plenty of wild oats and Clover.
Evening prayers by Bro. Gates.
Sunday 20th, Clear & warm After prayers the Camp roaled out with the E intention of only going a fiew miles but finding no good Camping traveled 25 miles and encampted at mud Spring a bout 3 o clock P.M. food tolerably plenty wood scarce – the road to day was good but vary dusty[.] Some times I co we could not see our l[e]aders.
Monday 21st. Fair & warm, after, attending to morning prayers the camp roaled out. had good road and arrived in Sanbarnendino a bout 5 o clock and was met by Several of our Santa Clara friends and was convaied to a good spot for the animals, but water was not good. the Capt. Stopted his wagon at the house of Bro. Whipple’s to unload and repair his wagon &c Before arriving in town the camp haulted at the River and rubed themselves down and shooked the dust off and mad[e] a fiew changes of rags &c &c &c and went in clain [clean] as pins. Sanbarnerdio was hid from our view until we roaled in to her and <even> then was hard to get sight of, appeared to be on low land surrounded by the higher ground and incircled a bout with scirts and belts of timber
Tuesday 22nd. Warm day, Mooved Camp where we have plenty of good water and turned our animals out on to good pasture
Wednesday, May 23d, Vary warm. Brother Amasy [Amasa M. Lyman] Counseled brother Wallace to stop here for a while until the way opened when he mite go up to the House of the Lord & get his endowment &c Several of the Brethern met with Bro. Lymen [Lyman] in the council hous where he give a general out line of things and matters as they exhisted in this place &c after which he invited the brethren to take a ride in his Carriage <to morrow> and go out and see the contry and have a fair view of Sanbarnerdino &c
Thursday, 24th, Warm as useal, By the time the seabreeze reaches here it is hot and makes the day time vary warm[.] nights cool, – The day was mostly <spent> by the brethren in visiting their friends &c Bros. Limen [Lyman], Mc. Bride, Whipple, Warren, Wallace, West, Tanner, Dodge, Hopkins, Capt. Hunt, and Bigler wrode out with Brother Amasa Limen[.] Called at the warm spring where part went in and baithed. went out on to the high land where we got a good view of the City and surrounding Contry &c and truly it was a delightful scene acknowledged by all[.] the fields of grain, Wheat & Barley &c, harvest had allready Commenced– Sanbarnerdino is handsomely better off with timber and is watteried with some 32 streams putting out from the mountain on the north, some of which [illegible strikeout] is well suplied with trout. the mountains is well timbered with the pine & redwood, there is some 5 or 6 saw mills in the Kanions[.] the roads <to the timber> is generally good. Sanbarnerdino is 8 liegues [leagues] square[.] population over one thousand souls – the wheat crops is badly damaged with the rust & Smut – their barley crops is good, – This evening the Salt Lake mail arrived bringing word that Brother C. C. Rich will be in soon from the valley – the Deseret News giveing the minutes of the april conference show that a goodly number of elders is called out to go on missions[.] a mong whom is elder Geo. Q. Cannon to take charge of the printing press at San Francisco under the presidency of P. P. Pratt. – This night a meeting of the Santa Clary [Clara] brethren with some of the brethren of this place was held at Brother Whipples. Singing, praying, Speaking &c &c[.] Elder Mc. Bride presided.
Sunday 27th. Vary warm, Camp all went to meeting[.] Bro. Amasy called on several of the missionary brethren to speak a mong whom was Elders Mc. Bride, C. W. West, N. Tanner and Captain Hunt who had just returned from the Legislation in Sacremento City, the Congregation was highly edified in list[en]ing from thoes who spoke.
This evening at dusk Elder Mc. Bride baptised Bro. Geo. Moore after which a meeting was held at Bro. Whipples where elder Mc. Bride addrest the <Congregation> on the subject of keeping a correct record of their Geneolgy &c after which Elders Mc. Bride & Bigler confirmed Bros Moore, and Nelson Beeby who had been baptised in the morning by elder Mc. Bride. This day after meeting Bro. Chipman invited all the missionaries who had just been on missions to take dinner at his house[.] a first rate dinner it was got up in good stile. Mc. Bride, West, Tanner, Farrer, Bigler, & Capt Hunt & lady. Allred.
Tuesday May 29th. Nothing of importance sence the 27th – the wether has been vary warm and the camp has been buisy in getting their animals shod and some little repairing done to their waggons &c &c for the journey
Friday June 1st, 1855. This day a bout noon the Capt. and first ten left Sanbarnerdino to go as far as the Mohava [Mojave] and there await for the ballance of Company as they are not quite ready. brother Nathan Tanner & C. W. West is fitting up waggons & teems to take a load of Merchandise for Brother – [Theodore] Thorp[e] up to Great Salt Lake City and will not be ready before Monday or tuesday next. This moove was in consequence of its being so unhandy to attend to our animals and as the Captain had herd that there was plenty of good feed on the Mohova thought it best to hich up and go over there and wait for Bro. Allred and ten where. Came 14 miles and encampted in the mouth of Cahoon Canion, feed good – To day it was vary warm.
Sat. 2nd Vary warm day. got a late start being detained in mending the Capt’s waggon tonge – the roade up the canion was Rockey and bad, broke two single treese. Brother Wilkins goat fell out of the hind end of his waggon and choked to death. made 9 m. food scarce.
Sunday June 3d. 1855. Prayers by Brother Wilkins this morning – at a bout 80 o clock left camp in order to get over to the mohova as soon as possible to feed – the road to the Pass was Sandy heavy pulling – at the S Mountain had to double made it vary late – arrived at the Mohova at half past 9 o clock in the night tired and thirsty, Some of the Company suffered badly for want of water as there was none on the way and did not start with any thinking there was a spring on the road. – distance to day 25 miles
Monday 4th. In Camp all day But little grass at this encampment. This evening Bro. Rich arrived from the valley – Bro. Cannon & wife was on their way to San Francisco where he expects to take charge of the press under the direction of Bro. Pratt. – all was peace at home – the grass hoppers was plenty distroying the Crops in places
Tuesday 5th. Came 20 miles and encampted in a large Cotton wood [cottonwood] grove. Clover and grass in abundance here could be made a first rate ranch. Here we expect to wait for the ballance of company. Road to day was Sandy & dusty.
We. 6th Vary warm – in Camp. The Captain and others caught a fine lot of fish, at night Brother Reubin Gates and Sister Sarah Jane Bryant was joined to gether in holy matrimony by our Captain after which he hoped wished them all the blessings of Abraham Isaac & Jacob. [illegible strikeout]
Thurs. 7th. Still in Camp. a fine lot of fish was taken[.] a species of trout an excellnt flavor – they were taken from a hole ½ mile north of camp –
This morning the mail arrived on their way to the valley. stopted until 4 P. M. when they left expecting to travel all night[.] Several of the camp wrote letters and sent them to their friends.
Friday 18th <8th>. In Camp – [illegible strikeout] Brother Wilkins Child is vary Sick. Bros. Dustin & Bigler administered to it.
Sat. 9th Administered again to Bro. Wilkins Child[.] Sister Whipple Sick[.] This morning the mail from Sanbarnerdino arrived on the way to the valley[.] Stopted until 4 P.M. then left expecting to travel all night. Several of the camp wrote to their friends. – Late in the evening Captain Allred and ten came up. all in good spirit.
Sunday 10th. This morning Sister Gates was quite Sick and was administered to by the Chaplin, Capt & Bigler and in a few minutes was better.
The fore noon was spent in Setting waggon tire by the brethren that came in last. in the after noon the Chaplin called a meeting. Sang and prayed, the minutes of Camp travels read and accepted after which Capt. Allred made the following report of his ten sence leaving the company.
Report of 2nd ten sence leaving Capt. Mc. Bride on Thursday May 10th
as Bros. West & Tanner had taken a contract to haul goods to Salt Lake for Bro. Thorp, they asked permission of the Capt. to go ahead to Sanbarnerdino to purchase teems – permission being given we all started as above except Bro. Wilkins. C. W. West acted as chaplin and prayers was attended to by the camp each night and morning. We travelled about 35 miles per day and arrived in Sanbarnerdino on thursday 17th all well. but as Bro. Thorp had not arrived with the goods they were detained longer than was expected before the purchase of teems was commenced.
On Monday the 21st. Capt. Mc. Bride arrived with the rest of the company all in good health and on Friday June 1st. – left and mooved over to the Mohave to await the “goods trains” which was not yet ready .
Wednesday June 6th. we started from Sanbarnerdino and on Saturday 9th over took Capt. Mc. Bride at the Big timber on the Mohave and reunited with them. Brother Smith with his family, and James R. Allred stopted in Sanbarnerdino, and Bros. Wm Farrer & Theodore Thorp were added to our number. The statestics were as follows
Tanner & West 3 waggons, 1 Carriage, 3 horses, 16 mules, and three pistels. Wm Farrer, 1 mule, 1 gun, & 1 pistel. Theodore Thorp, 1 horse, 1 pistel[.] Jas. Cole, 1 gun. Reddick N. Allred, one mule, 1 gun & 1 pistel.
Monday 11th. At half past 4 in the morning left camp. Came 14 miles and encampt rather poor camping. so much Sallerettes [saleratus]. <evening> Prayers by Bro. Farrer. after wards administered to Bros. Allred and the Capt. <who were unwell> by the Chaplin & Farrer & Bigler.
Tues. 12th Part of camp detained this morning[.] 2 mules <missing> lost[.] Came 16 m. and encampted at feed scarce, about 2 hours ballance of camp came up. had found the lost mules
This afternoon the animals left paster to hunt water and went back on the road for 6 or 8 miles was over taken by Bro Tanner and brought in camp – grass a bout camp is salty. Sister Whipple and Bro. Wilkins Child is sick and was administered by Bros. Dustin, Mc Bride & Bigler. Morning and evening prayers by Bros. Dustin and Allred.
Wednesday 13th Early this morning drove the animals to grass one mile or more from camp – fine bunch grass and vary dry[.] animals did not seam to like it vary well and wanted to wander[.] drove up at 10 o’clock and preparied to start on the dessert 15 miles to first water. the camp filled up their cags, cans, Canteens with water and at 1 oclock P.M. left the camp traveled 10 m. called a halt turned out the animals on grass for 1½ hour then hooked on and traveled until 8 in the evening when the train stopted watered the animals from the water they hauled took supplies and roaled on all night and arrived at Bitter springs at 6 o clock in the morning – the road the most of the way was vary sandy[.] hard pulling.
Thursday 14th. In Camp all day – Grass scarce[.] Evening prayers by Brother West. The Wither vary hot. th[i]s eve found some good fead
Friday 15th, Morning prayers by Bro. Bigler. Got off at 10 A. M. Carrying water for our animals 60 miles to first fresh water[.] traveled until near Sundown when part of the camp stopted and watered, took supper and fed the animals with barley mixed with flower and roaled on all night and overtook ballance of Company at Salt Springs. Here Brother Wilkins Child died! We let our animals rest an hour and watered the waggon wheels for they were the spokes <and tire> was getting loose. this morning one of Bro. Wilkins waggon wheels fell all to peaces and we were detained some time in putting it to gether
We arrived at the Amigocha [Amargosa] Springs a bout 5 P. M. from Salt Springs to the amigocha 14 m. was hard <bad> first 7 m. after leaveing Salt Springs the road was vary Sandy and the day hot and it was surprisingly to how well our animals stood the fatigue of the day not having any water sence last night at dusk and nothing to eat.
yesterday Brother Thorp left a fine mare had got stifled and was oblige to leave her[.] Shot her with his pistel. neither prayers last night nor this morning[.] just <before> arriving in camp the Captain broke his wagon tonge. Part of the Company got in camp some 2 or 3 hours before the rest[.] Bro. Farrer met the rear Company with as much water as he could Carry and they all felt to bless him for they were out of water and was vary dry and faint. Evening prayers by Bro. Farrer.
Sunday 17th Last night Mr. Cole refused to stand wach – morning prayers by the Captain[.] Came to day 7 m. and encampted at resting springs – doubled up one hill, the animals is vary tired. some with soar [sore] shoulders. Evening prayers by Bro. Brimhall.
Monday 18th, Morning services by the Chaplin. Laid in Camp all day. Good water, feed rather poor – Here we buried Brother Wilkins Child 17 paces bove the spring near under a shrubbery (Mis Keat) [Mesquite] Sung and prayed at the grave. Charles Henry Wilkins Son of George <W.> Wilkins & Catherine A. Wilkins died departed this life June the 16th. 1855. aged Six months lacking two days.
Tuesday 19th, Warm Wether – morning parayers by Bro. Allred[.] Got off at 7 o clock went 18 m. and encampted at Stump Springs. made this encampment a bout 9 in the night and not a spear of grass scarecly could be found, tied our animals up to missceat Brush for the night – to day our road was tolerably good, we crost over 2 mountains though the last one was low, did not have to double at either place. Bro. Tanners waggon In decending the first mountain a tire broke and smashed the wheel from Bro.Tanner’s waggon, this accident detained us for 2 hours or more[.] the loading was taken out and put in other wagons – a fiew spokes and fellows [felloes] stuck together in the wheel[,] the tire was put on and lashed to the wheel by with rope and then locked so as not let the wheel revolve, hooked on 2 span and hauled it in to camp and if possible will take hur [her] to the Los Begus [LasVegas] The capt. upset his waggon but no damage was done.
Wednesday 20th. Prayers this morning by Elder West. Some green grass was found close by[.] Stopted until 1 P.M. when we filled up our cags, cans and canteens with water, hooked on and went a bout 15 miles and encampt but vary little grass here and no water
Thursday 21st Morning servises by the Captain – Left camp at 6 this morning in order get to a spring in the mountain and grass 6 miles a head. we stopted and bated at this spring for 2½ hours and then crost the mountain some 8 miles further to the willow springs[.] here was good grass and water
Evening prayers by Brother Gates.
Friday 22nd, Prayers this morning by Elder Farrer – Last night just as we were makeing camp Brother West waggon tonge broke and was mended this morning. We hooked up and roalled to the “Los Bagus” <Vagus> 20 miles – the camp met a small company 3 wagons from Salt Lake City on their way to Sanbarnerdino [San Bernardino.] Brother Henry Rollens and others with families had been 15 days from Salt Lake – Evening prayers by Bro. Tanner. 4 miles from here is the new station formed by the brethren a bout 30 souls[.] Brother Bringhurst being their president. Came there a bout a week sence according to the council of President Young to establish a Settlement a resting place for the traveling saints as also to teach the natives to farm and Civilize them and do them good &c
Saturday 23d. Vary warm day – <prayers by El. West. Brother Dustin. > Mooved to the station here we found warm harted brethren who seamed glad to see us and treated us well and desired we could <would> stop for weeks with them[.] they were all living in their waggons had already broke up and planted several acors [acres] of land in corn, Beans, Pumpkins, potatoes and other vegatables. some was allrea[d]y up and growing. they had a bout one hundred head of Cattle & horses and a milch Cow apice [a piece], as also a fine lot of fowls and pigs. the place in deed looked good and promising and good and a good spirit seamed to be in every bosom determine to fill their mission with honor. here were a good meny indians who had just cum in and seamed well pleased with their new neighbours and said they were on hand to do any thing for them[.] help to cultivate the Soil &c &c
There was also a nother party that had just cum in who had been out exploring down on the Coller Rado [Colorado] River were on their way back to Harmony[.] Bro. Rufus Allen being their president[.] Evening prayers by Brother West.
Sunday 24th, Clear and vary warm. Prayers by Bro. Bigler. in the fore part of the day the Capt. and others were buisy at work in setting tire &c At 1 P.M. Bro. Bringhurst Called a meeting, preaching by Elders Mc. Bride, West[,] Tanner and others who spoke their feelings and in fine had a first rate meeting[.] also at night the brethren came to gether and had a first rate meeting speaking in tonges &c administered to Bro. Allred who is afflicted with reumaties [rheumatitism] in the back and hip.
Monday 25th. Morning servises by Elder Allred. – Camp buisy to day in mending and setting waggon tires &c Sister Gates was administered to by the laying on of hands. at night the Brethren had a good meeting Brother Brown and Bringhurst being the speakers – Evening prayers by the Chaplin. Brother Tanner got kicked on the leg by a mule and panes him vary much and looks bad.
Tuesday 26th. Camp prayers by Elder West. at 1 P.M. the camp was ready to roal out haveing every thing ready, to gether as also we get one of the Brethren to haul a waggon load of water to the top of the devide 16 miles for our animals <for ten Dollars> as we are about to cross the 55 mile desert – The Brethren of the station came to our waggons when a hymn was sung and prayers offered up by Elder Chancy W. West <Brother Bringhurst> after which the Capt. returned thanks in be half of the Camp for the kindness of Brother Bringhurst and Company manifested to us while we ware with them. a hearty shake of hands then ensued and we parted with the piece and blessings of God on each others head – traveled all night and at day light Called a halt turned out the animals on some bunch grass for an hour or two, took breakfast <had prayers by Bro Wilkins> then hooked on and roaled to the mudy. Here we were met by meny of our red brethren who took our animals to herd until we get ready to leave this encampment. Brother Brown said there was some 233 natives baptised at this point but a short time since. Evening prayers by Bro. Brown one of Brother one of Brother Rufus Allen’s men. Bro Allen and Company joined us at Los Bages on their way to Harmony – 20 miles north from where we struck the mudy is a mountain of Rock Salt. the Capt. has got spesimes [specimens] of the salt to take home[.] Some of the lumps is as clear as crystal and is strong.
Thursday 28th. this morning prayers by Bro. Allen[.] Laid in camp until noon when the animals was brought up by the indians and we roalled out traveled until near Sundown turn out the animals for an hour took supper and Continued on our Journey until 2 o clock at night when we arrived at the Rio Virgin and encampted[.] distance to day 26 miles[.] had some bad ro[a]d but most part was good. the moon shone bright and it was beautiful traveling. Bro. Tanner and West did not get in until after day light next morning in consequence of waggon tonge brakeing.
This day one of Bro Wilkins animals give out and had to lead <tie> it be hind his waggon and so lead it. at ten o clock the Chaplin called the camp to gether held a little meeting and administered the Sacrament and had a good little time.
Friday 29th. Laid in Camp until night when we went 9 miles up the River and encampted. the road is vary sandy – hard wheeling – food for the animals is scarce and not good at that being mostly wire grass & came – the water tastes of Sallerettes [salaratus] and is not good. Evening prayers by Bro. Shirts.
Sat. 30th, morning servises by Bro. Brimhall[.] Came today about 14 miles – the day was exceedelingly warm[.] in the morning we came a bout 4 or 5 miles then laid by until 6 in the evening then hooked on and drove until midnight. the road is vary sandy all the way – we have no feed scarecely for the animals and they begin to grow weak and some we fear will not be able to stand it long[.] they can’t unless the road gets better and food more plenty. Prayers to night by Bro. Bigler[.] Several indians followed us and we hired some of them to gard the animals until morning by giving them something to eat. Sister Gates is quite unwell. <as one of Bro. Wilkins animals gave out Bro. Gates and the Captain took> part of his loading in their waggons. Bro. West also took in some and thus lighten up Bro. Wilkens so as to travel with the camp.
Sunday July 1st. 1855. Morning servises by Brother Brimhall. Left camp before breakfasting in order to get to a better camping place 5 miles a head – heavy Sandy road[.] here we stopted until 6 P.M. then hooked on and drove 10 miles to the Cotten wood [Cottonwood] springs – food is better here than at any other camping place for several days past – a good spring is here and an indian settlement haveing Corn, beans, Pumpkins growing. we hired them to gard the animals – this evening Bro. Tanner was taken violently sick, vomiting[.] Evening prayers by Elder Allred. While lieing in Camp to day the Cha[p]lin held meeting and Bro. Brown and Tanner spoke on the origin of man &c
Monday 2nd In Camp all day until 4 o clock when we left and came 20 miles and encampted at the sumit of the mountain[.] com good road all the way up – it was half past 2 o clock A. M. when we made this place[.] turned the animals out on some mountain grass to pick, no water here
Tuesday 3d Came to the Santa Clara <10 m> here is first rate good Cool water and tolerably food for the animals[.] Several indians came in to se us. the Capt. got some to herd the animals. they said they did not like to be called Pahutes [Paiutes] but to be called mormons for the mormons were good people. Some squaws came in camp[.] Sisters Gates & Whipple gave them some clothing and got them some coffee and buisket [biscuit] to eat and they desired to stay all night in camp with us[.] it was granted and blankets was given to make them beds to rest on dureing the night. 10 miles below here is a small settlement of Brethren raising wheat[,] corn, pumpkins &c &clearning the natives how to farm. Prayers to night by brother Brown
Wednesday 4th. This morning a horse was missing, one that Brother West got of an indians yesterday. Prayers this morning by the Capt. hooked on and went 14 m. to night the camp placed doubbe gard – the horse that was taken last night was found and brought back <that> had been stolen by an indian[.] this deed was the cause of double gard – as we past a long the road to day we saw a number of fine corn patches, pumpkins, beans &c belonging to the indians. Evening prayers by Brother Brown.
Thursday 5th. Morning servises by Bro. Wilkins. Got off at 7 Came 18 miles and encampted at the Mountain Meadows. first rate food and water. Brother Brimhall said the Captain was under obligations to see that the company got through and that if one of his animals give out the captain was obliged to furnish one in its place[.] Evening prayers by Elder Farrer.
Friday 6th. Left camp a bout 8 came 5 miles and the Captain and part of the camp stopted to let the animals feed as there is was first rate grass. Bros. Tanner, West, Allred, Thorp <and Dustin> went a head to Cedar City as they was about out of provision. Brother Brimhall <also went a head> left the Capt. and went on with them
after letting the animals eat an hour or tow we hooked up and went 5 miles further and encampted on good feed & water. here we met 3 disaffected brethren either on their <way> to Callifornia or some other place – their report is the grass hoppers & Crickets has eat up every thing and left nothing and that the saints must suffer this season for want of provisions &c[.] they had scaled the walls at Philmore [Fillmore] and entered the fort and was sweeping all before them <and that we had better stop at some of the out settlements and not go up to the Salt Lake City.> Our Captain asked them if the grass hoppers and Crickets had eat up all the roots? as well as the herbage they looked at him and said no. the Capt. loud [allowed] there was no danger then of starven to death and the Company would Continue their journey up. Prayers this evening by Brother Bigler after which Sisters Gates and Whipple was anointed and hands laide on them for they were vary sick!
Saturday 7th. morning prayers by Brother Mc. Bride – the sick is better – Hooked on and went 12 miles and encampted on good feed.
Sunday 8th. In camp all day– at ten o clock the Camp came to gether and had a good little meeting lasting near 3 hours. Bro. Gates presided.
Monday 9th. Morning prayers by Brother Miles – Came to day a bout 24 miles and encampted at Summit Creek. We called at Cedar City about 2 hours. Here Brother Brimhall got Scared stopped concluded not to go any further. some thought he was affraid of the grass hoppers. Brother Wilkins stoped in consequence of not being able to go any further with his teem.
Tuesday 10th. Morning prayers by the Captain. got a late start this morning in consequence of the animals straying from camp – Came to day 21 miles and over took Bros. Dustin, Tanner, Farrer, Thorp, and encampted to gether. Bros. Allred & West haveing gone a head To to the City of the Saints. We called We stoped a bout 3 hours in Parrowin [Parowan] and was in vited and took dinner with Several of the brethren and Sisters who used us with every mark of respect – This is a beautiful location and everything a bout the town looked well, their gardens, Potatoe patches, peas, & corn &c &clooked well. Evening prayers by the Chaplin.
Wednesday 11th, Morning prayers by the Captain. Hooked on and went to the Beaver and made a early encampment – distance 18 21 miles. good food and plenty of water. Evening prayers by Elder Tanner. Sister Gates is vary sick was administered to twice.
Thursday 12th, Morning prayers by Brother Gates. Made to day 22 miles and encampted at pine Creek. good feed. Sis Gates quite Sick and was administered to by the laying on of hands. Evening – prayers by bro. Bigler.
Friday 13th, Camp detained this morning in consequence of the water failing dureing the night. Brother Miles said he had past this place twelve <several times> times and had never known this stream to fail before[.] our animals is was thirsty and vary uneasy – a bout 10 o clock the water came down from the mountain, melted snow, after watering the animals we came to Corn Creek 30 miles, morning and evening prayers by Bros. Farrer & Miles
Sat. 14th Morning servises by the Chaplin, at 7 o clock hooked on and Came 22 miles and encampted at Cedar springs – We stopted 3 hours in Philmore [Fillmore] City took dinner with the brethren – Sister Gates feeling so unwell the Capt. advised Bro. Gates to stop here until morning with his wife to get a little rest – The Crickets & grass hoppers has eat up most all the grain – but is said they are leaveing – We saw the state house last evening from our Camp, is a fine building built of red Sand stone and is nearly finished.
The feed a bout theese springs is good and plenty.
Sunday 15th, Morning prayers by Bro. Bigler, at noon Bro. & Sister Gates came up also Bros Tanner & Thorp who had stoped at Philmore to sell a fiew goods[.] at 3 P.M. we got up the animals and came to Round Valley <14 miles> and encampted – good grass near the mountain – the indians however had burnt off much of the grass. Evening prayers by the Chaplin.
Monday 16th, Morning prayers by Bro. Gates[.] at 7 we left camp came to the Severe [Sevier] River 14 m. and let the animals to grass 2 hours then hooked on and came to Chicken Creek 9 miles and encampted[.] here is good camping – Evening prayers by Brother [text missing]
Sister Whiple is unwell and was administered to[,] annoinited and hands laid on her[.] haveing a severe pain in her side and too[t]h ache. Sister Gates is recovering and is quite smart.
Tuesday17th, Came 24 miles and encampted at Willow Creek here is splendid Camping. We stoped 3 hours in Nephi City and Several of us. The grass hoppers is playing destruction here with the grain[.] Bishop Bigler Said there was not more than 20 acres of wheat left of the first sowing – Evening prayers by Bro. Miles.
Wednesday 18th. Morning prayers by the Chaplin – at 7 we hooked on Came to Summit Creek and baited our animals 2 hours then hooked on and Came – and encampted 2 miles from pason [Payson.] Here some of the brethren talked of going a head on the morrow the Chaplin & others – The Camp history was then called for and read to know whether it would be accepted or rejected by the Camp[.] no person made any objections
Thursday 19th, Came to battle Creek and encampted[.] Evening prayers by the Captain
Friday 20th Came to little Cotten wood [Cottonwood] and staid all night with Bro. Coburn. – We stopted at the point of the mountain this side of battle Creek to bait our animals and take dinner, while here a Shower of rain and hail came on lasted a bout 3 quarters of an hour and laid the dust so as to make it pleasent traveling.
Saturday 21st. Came to Brother Mc. Bride’s Salt Lake City distance 8 miles where the Captain was welcomed on every side boath by his family and brethren as also the Company.