
Transcript for William Snow journal, 1832-1833 and 1850, 3-8

Gardner Snow, Capt. 2nd 50. We then appointed 7 capts. of 10 and ajourned untill Sunday fornoon when we held a meeting of worship. Asked Br. Joseph Young to speak. He did so for a short time, when we adjourned untill afternoon, when we met and appointed 3 more capts of 10. Asked Br. Joseph Young if he would like to act as capt. of 10 waggons and choos such of his friends as he wished to travel with, as I had previsly understood he had said would sute him. He said no. He did not want to be capt. of 10 nor of 50. The council had appointed him two years ago to leed a company to the mountains and now they had ---- there own words and went on to considerable length manifesting a spirit anything but good. However, our waggons and co we finished our organization and same evening commenced crossing our waggons and continued with but little ceasation untill we had crossed 136 waggons.

Friday morning, 21st, we started from the river. Traveled about 12 miles to water and timber. Br. J.M. Grant was just leaving the ground with his waggons. Br. Roundays teams were there. Same evening Br. Woodruf[f] came up with his company.

This day Br. Cole had a child die with boul complaint. About two years old. Was buried that evening.

Next morning, Sat. 22nd, we met to arrang our traviling when Br. Warren Smith left the company unseremonously without the consent of the company with 14 waggons as capt. of the same. When I discovered he was going, I went to him and asked him if he was going acording to order. He said he was not. I told him if he left in this way he went without the sanction of this company and without the good feelings, prayers and faith. He still went on. Same morning we started with 60 waggons by a unanimous vote of company, leaving 62 in the 2nd 50 to follow. We traviled about 10 miles to Rock Creek, Overtook Br. Grants company. Camped here over Sunday. Some raney. Br Grant moved of. We remained on the ground.

Monday 24. Rainy. We didnot start. I went back 3 miles to Squaw Creek where 2nd 50 was camped. Found some sick with bowl complaint. One case of colery, Father [John] Sweet [Sweat], but he was getting better. When I returned to our camp I found several of the company was sick. We remained untill Tuesday morning,

25th, when we started. Tr. 3 miles to the first creek. Overtook some of Elder Woodrufs camp that had gone ahead. We passed 6 graves newly made on the hill. We had two bad places to cross this day. Camped 6 miles from the upper crossing of Rock Creek on the Prairie.

Wednesday, 26th. We traviled 6 miles to Rock Creek. Crosed over foornoon. On the west bank of this creek we saw three graves of the Saints, viz. M. McDougal, Alfred Brown, a child by the name of Webb. Continued our journey on this afternoon to where we found water on the prairie without timber, about 4 miles from the creek. Here we camped. This night Clark Campbell, aged 26 years, died with chol[e]ra. Also a little girl of Geo. Catlins 4 years old [Sarah Altana Catlin].

Thursday 27th. Continued our journey. Came to Salt Creek. Crosed over. Passed Br. Whipple and company. Tr. about 5 miles where we encamped for the night. Here 2 children died with cholra, Br. [Charles David] Barnhams [Fanny Ester Barnum] and Br. Samuel Smiths.

Friday 28. Tr. about 10 miles. Camped on prarie without wood. Had a heavy shower.

Sat. 29th Traviled about 5 miles to wood and water where we camped for the night. Here Wm. Fox died with cholra, aged 18 years. Sister Bibee [Bybee] was confined same night. Gave birth to a fine girl.

Sunday 30. We remained in camp. Br. Joseph King taken with cholera and died same evening. This evening camp came together. Prayed for health of camp and the weather.

Monday morning, July 1st, berried Br. King, Br. James Mcleland [McClellan] had 2 children very sick, but we started on. Traveled about 13 miles. This day we met the mail from the valley. One of Br. McClelans children [James Travers McClellan] died.

Tues. 2d. Buried Br. McCleland child. Tr. 10 miles. Camped for the night. Br. Whipple camped one side of us. Br. Woodruff the other. Health of camp very good.

Wednesday 3. Tr. about 14 miles to Platt[e] bottom where we camped. Weather fine. Health much better than had been for some time.

Thursday, 4th of July. Tr. 12 miles to Clear Creek. Stoped. Women commenced to wash. This evening camp met to see if we should divide camp but could not agree to separate. A few wished to goo. We agreed to give untill morning & all who wished to start in the morning with Br. [Lucian] Noble might do so.

Friday 5. Morning we caled on all who wished to go on to come out, but a few came out. Br. Geo. Catlin came, but not enough to make a company. So non started untill noon when Br. McClelan took 2 tens and started. Soon after he started I learned Sister [Elizabeth M. Emery] Catlin was taken sick. She lived but a few hours. One camp of 13 waggons stayed untill Sat. Morning, 6th, when we started early and overtook the camp. Stoped and fed and started the camp on. We followed soon.

Sund. 7. We camped on the bank of the Platt[e]. Had a meeting. I baptized Br. John Moon for his health, Sister Utl[e]y, Br. [John] Fox, Br. Shipley. Evening baptised Br. [Edward] Farley [Jr.]. I had forgot to say Friday we found Br. John Moon on the prarie so bad he could not walk to his waggon. We laid hands on him, helped him to his wagon and baptised him 7 times, anointed him and he was much better, after which I baptised Norman Hines, Joseph Robins, Carline [Caroline] Roberts, Charles Cole, [Mary] Lucinda Cole, James Cole, Ellin Smith.

Sunday 7th. Br. Woodrifs [Woodruff’s] company came up. Also Br. Garner with 10 waggons, 2-10 from the 2nd division of our company.

Monday morning we started early. Tr. about 16 miles. Br. Day broke his waggon wheel down.

Tuesday 9. Mother Moon died early in the morning. We started the main body of camp. The rest stoped. Buried Sister Moon. Mended Br. Days waggon. We came on and overtook the camp about 10 miles.

Wednesday 10th. Tr. 16 miles. Camped on the Platt[e].

Thirsday 11th. Tr. 16 miles to Clear Creek. This day Br. O. Hyde passed us. Ira got run over with the gib waggon, both wheels.

Friday 12. Tr. passed Garners 10. Sister Price very sick. Also her babe. Sister [Nancy Kittle] Barnham took her little babe 2 years old. Brought it on with us. It died that afternoon. Br. John Moon died this evening. Had a very heavy thunder shower. Buryed Br. Moon in the evening, also the child of Sister Prices.

Sat. morning 13. About 8 miles from the fort Br. [Alfred] Walton went back after a cow of Sister [Mahala] Kings that had been left the day before because she was lame, but could not drive her. She was so bad had to leave her. This night camped about 1½ mile from the fort at Grand Island. Very heavy rain. Stayed over Sunday. Meet in evening and talked some about our journey and our religion. This night a very heavy shower.

Monday 15. Rainy in the morning. Started about 10 o’clock. Passed Br. Grant, Br. [Truman] Leonard and [Harmon Dudley] Pearsons [Pierson] just ahead. Tr. about 12 miles. Charles M. Johnson died Sunday morning 14th out of Br. Leonards camp of 10.

Tuesday 16th. Traviled about 18 miles to Plum Creek. Found flies bad this afternoon here. We stoped and washed and dried out things.

Wednesday 17. Afternoon Br. Woodrufs company came in sight and camped on the River.

Thursday 18. Half past 7 morning started from Plum Creek. This day passed 15 graves, mostly gold diggers. Traviled about 16 miles.

Friday, 19. Traviled about 16 miles. Pased 14 graves.

Sat. 20. Tr. about 18 miles. Passed 12 graves. Passed Br. Grant. Camped about one mile ½ from him. Here there begins to be bufaloe near the road. Stayd over Sunday about 4 miles from the the Cotton Wood Springs.

Monday, 22nd. Pased the Spring. Drove about 8 miles. stoped for noon. The bufalo became so plenty our camp thought they must have some, and while we were getting up our cattle, Br. McClel[l]an with 5 or 6 more men started off requesting that the teams should stop. We then drove about two miles to the river. Got some wood, the next morning, Burnt coal to fix some waggons this morning.

Tuesday, 23. The men brought in two bufalo. We fixed our waggons and

Wednesday 24, started on. Drove about 16 miles this day. Met a large drove of government cattle going from L----- down.

Thirsday. Tr. about 10 miles this day. Kiled 2 bufalo. Our 2nd division came up with us.

Friday, 26. Traviled about 16 miles. This eve one bufalo kiled and brought into camp by Smith and [Joseph] Hardy. Did not divide as usuall.

Next morning, Sat. 27, they stoped unbeknown to the majority of the company to lay in meet for themselves, contrary hunting regulations. We traviled about 17 miles this day. At noon my cows was missing. I rode back about 16 miles. Found them. Came on and overtook the camp before night.

Sunday 28. We hitched up, drove about 12 miles, and camped.

Monday. Traviled 3 miles. Crosed the Plat[te] and camped. Our 2nd division came on the oposite bank and camped.

Tuesday, 30th. Traviled about 16 miles to the N. fork of Platt[e].

Wednesday 31. Traviled about 12 miles. Came into the Sandroads.

Thirsday 1st. August. This morning two carages and one six mule team pased us from the fort. We traviled through sand.

Friday 2nd. Traviled about 14 miles.

Sat. 3rd. Travled about 16 miles. This evening cow died.

Sunday. Lay by. Held Meet.

Monday. Drove 15 miles to Chimney Rock. 2nd division camped about one mile ahead of us.

Tuesday 6. Traviled about 12 miles to where the road turned over the Blufs.

Wednesday 7. Traviled about 18 miles. Camped in a canion where was pine and seder plenty and good water. Feed not the best. We stayed 2 days. Washed and set tyre. 2nd division left here Friday 9th. Also Br. Bibee [Bybee] left with 8 waggons.

Sat. 10. We traviled 17 miles to the river. Found good feed a mile and ½ below camp.

Sunday. Father Bigalo [Bigelow] came up with us from Bishop Hunters company. Cunningham and [Thomas] Bird left because we would stay over Sunday. This day we held meeting in camp. Had very good turnout and good meeting.

Monday 12th. Father Bigalo joined our company. We traviled about 15 miles.

Tuesday 13. Traviled 14 miles. Pased Ft. Laramie one mile this evening. Had to cross our cattle over the River for feed. Also had a heavy shower. This day pased som Indians that has the smallpox. Came up with Br. Grant and Farley that had left us at Salt Creek with nine waggons.

Wednesday 14. Traviled about 12 miles. Road hilly. This evening Br. Grant pased us where the Claton road left the river.

Thursday 15. Traviled about 12 miles.

Friday 16. Traviled about 14. Camped on a creek. Had good feed.

Sat. 17. Tr. 16 miles this day. Met about 150 or 200 Shion [Cheyenne] Indions [Indians], all on horses, some first rate. Camped on the river bottom. Very heavy shower just before we got in carell here. We stoped until Wednesday on the acount of rain.

It rained Sunday and Monday and some Tuesday morning here. We washed. Kiled 5 bufalo and [Lucian] Noble[,] Stevens and Cole had the majority of it, or what belonged in their tens, not doing as company had previously agreed to do, to devide equally in the camp, because they had done something tords kiling and bringing in more than some others who had to stay and take care of cattle and camp.

Wednesday 21. Traviled 15 miles to Labonta this day. Markham came up with us.

Thursday 22. When we gethered our cattle 3 of Br. [Amos] Stoddards cattle missing. We stoped, hunted untill eleven, then started the teams of and left 5 waggons and 6 extra hands to hunt them. We traviled 5 miles to little Labonta. Stayd untill next morning.

Started Friday 23. Just as we were leaving the 5 waggons came in sight, having found there cattle. We traviled 14 m. to Laprele. Sister [Cynthia Stewart] McClel[l]an was confined last night. Here we found Br. Gardner Snows 50 in camp.

Sat. 24th. Traviled 8 miles this day. Br. Fox had a cow die by eating choke cherries. Br. Parken had to leave one that got a leg broke. Br. McCleland came up with the waggons that had stoped back.

Sunday 25. We thought to travil 6 miles to get to better feed, but come to get our cattle, some was missing. Br. Stoddards ten went on. the rest stayed. Had a meeting in the evening. Br. Markhams company came up. Met with us.

Monday 26. Traviled 6 miles to where Br. Stoddards ten was stoped. Kiled a bufaloe.

Tuesday 27. Traviled 13 miles.

Wednesday 28. Traviled 12 miles this day. 5 of our teams got scared and runaway. Kiled one cow for Br. Noble and one colt. Broke 3 or 4 waggons. Hirt Br. Noble some and one of his daughters and Abigail.

Thursday, 29. Repaired our waggons.

Friday, 30. Traviled 17 miles.

Sat 31st. Traviled 13 miles. Camped on a small crek to the Northwest of rode. Found good feed.

Sunday, Sept. 1st. Lay by. Had a meeting. Br. Banks preached. I followed with remarks to incourage the Saints to do right.

Monday, 2nd Sept. Traviled 13 miles. Camped just beyond Gardner Snows division.

Tues. 3rd. Traviled 12¼ miles to Independence Rock. Camped on one side of Sweetwater. Gardner Snow on the other. John Leavitt and myself both sick.

Wednesday 4th. Traviled about 10 miles.

Thirsday 5. Traviled 10.

Friday 6th. Traviled 8.

Sat. 7th. Morning I herded. When I came in with cattle, sat down to my breakfast. Br. McClelan came to me. Said that Tory [Thore] Thirston [Thurston] wanted a yoke of cows that day to help him because one of his cattle was to lame to work. I told him to go to Bro. Noble and Stevens. They both had good fat loos cows driving. They both refused to let them go. Afterwards Stevens concented to put one in. Noble did not, but drove out of correll first of anyone, not wating for my teams, that belonged ahead, when Catlin, Stevens, Cook, [-] Webb and [John] Sim[m]ons followed leaving us to make up our teams as we could. Drove on some to miles ahead of our camping place. At night Webb came back. Said they were going on next morning. Mr. [William] Walker said Noble had tryed to have him go on and drive teams for him. We, feeling that they wished to go to get rid of helping the camp to teames or provisions, I wrote the following letter to them:


Sept. 7, 1850
In camp on Sweetwater, 6 miles below 4th


Capt. L. Noble


I am informed that you and the company with you are calculating to go on in the morning and leave the company that could not come up with you last night because of their lame and worn down cattle. You refused us this morning the poor pittance of the use of a loos cow to help an unfortinate Brother. One day, now, if you intend to leave because you are afrade you will have to help the company, you may go with your cattle and your provisions and the abundance you have and prosper so long as Israels God will let you, but be it known unto you that cursings instead of blessings shall follow and I say it in the name of Israels God. Now if you do not intend to go for the reasons I have said, but wish to go ahead to travil faster then we do or can, just send us three yoke of cattle in the morning from that company, which you can do and be better off for teams than we are, then you can go with the blessing and prayres of the poor upon your heads and the blessing of the Lord and I shall think myself mistaken in the cause for which you were about to leave. If you and company or any part of it wish to travil longer with us, stay where you are or return to us as you please. We shall leave here Monday morning-----. If you fall in again with us, we wish you to keep and observe the rules and regulations of the camp, and every man keep and observe his place in starting out of carrell and traveling threw the day and ceas complaining whining, and growling, for we have had enough of it. If the 3 yoke of cattle are sent to us, I pledge my word to have them returned to you in the valley, provedential acidents excepted.


Wm. Snow


Capt. of So. Company: Read this to the company and let every man act as he pleases.

The above was sent by Br. Banks. When he returned, Br. Noble came with him. Denied having any intention of going, but went back and early the next morning they all started on and we have not seen them since.

Monday, 9th. Traviled 12 to Ice Springs.

Tuesday 10. Traviled 10 miles to 5th crossing of Sweetwater this evening. Markham and company and 2 divisions of Woodruffs company came up and camped close by and also Cornel Reeses train.

Wednesday 11. Traviled 14 miles to Pine Springs on new rode.

Thirsday 12. Tr. 14 miles to Willow Creek.

Friday 13. Traviled 12 miles to Sweetwater. 3 miles from the pass this evening after dark, Markham came in and camped.

Sat. 14. Tr. 17 miles. Took new road at Pacifick [Pacific] Creek Crossing. Camped on So. Creek 10 miles below.

Sunday. Laid by. Had meeting.

Monday. Tr. 12 miles. Came up with Markham. He had traviled Sunday.

Tuesday. Tr. 13 miles. Camped on big Sandy on new rode. Here [James] Robins and [Levi] Roberts stoped for -----.

Wednesday. Tr. 16 miles. Camped on big Sandy.

Thirsday 19. Tr. 15 miles. Camped on Green River where the road leaves the river.

Friday 20th. Tr. 16½ miles to Bla[c]ks Fork. Here Markham and one division of Woodrufs company was camped.

We started out Sat. 21st before either of the companies. Traviled 17 miles to Blacks Fork. Br. Cole and McClel[l]an stoped back. Some of the boys had gon out to hunt.

Sunday morning 22nd. One devision of Br. Woodrufs company under Capt. Moffit pased. Had an ox that Father Bigalow had left about 5 miles out of camp. The mans name was Sheets that was driving the ox. Father Bigalow told him that it was his ox and wanted him, but Sheets wanted 5 dollars for driving him 5 miles to where we was in camp to stay over Sunday. Bigalo, not having the money and not satisfied with such an extortion. The man drove the ox on and would not let him have him. The same man had the day before drove a cow of Brother [Cyrus] Sanfords to our camp at noon that the little girl had left a half mile behind and wanted 50 cts. for that, but he barked up the rong saplin that time and he may think so in the case of the ox.

This evening Br. Cole and McClalan came up, having got an elk. Markham pased us just after.

Monday. Traviled behind Markham within 3 miles of Bridger, it being 15 miles.

Tuesday. Traviled about 13 miles. Overtook Markham. We concluded to travil together on the acount of the information we got from the Valley of the Indian difficulty.

Wednesday. Tra 7 miles foor noon. Afternoon had Markham go ahead to find a camp ground and we followed on. Came up to him at half past 9 on the evening, having traviled about 15 miles this afternoon, passing one or two very good camp places.

Thursday, Started half pased 11. Traviled 6 miles and half to Small Creek. The boys had a dance evening.

Friday 27th. [End of journal entries]

[Scanned images of diary and text transcription also available on "Trails of Hope: Overland Diaries and Letters, 1846-1869" web site,]