On June 6
, we left the states for the valley of Great Salt Lake in company of Daniel Miller and J.W. Cooley & Co. Traveled with them four or five weeks and made such poor progress that G[eorge].C. Wilson—B[radley]. B[arlow]. Wilson, two of my brothers and myself, went ahead, and traveled about double the distance a day that we had been in the habit of traveling and passed on for several weeks with out any thing strange occuring. We killed some game along the way and enjoying ourselves first rate being all well and making good progress on our journey. We saw no indians on the road for several weeks. At length we began to come across some of the red men of the west who appeared very civil until we met a band of them who were moving. They passed us civily all but G.E. Wilson’s pony. He had gone back for an antilope that some of the boys had killed. When they went to pass him and his wife in the pony wagon, some of them cut some of their capers and scared the ponies. They spun and slipped the neck yoak [yoke] ring right off of the tongue and both got on one side of the tongue and jerked my brother right off the fore end of the wagon and run over him with the waggon. His wife caught hold of one of the lines and held on to it until they ran around on a small circle when some of the boys ran and caught them as they came around. After all there was not much injury sustained. It hurt my brother some.
So we passed on for some days with out any more molestation. Later we came up to a large camp of them. They came out and formed a line across the road and called us to stand and required some provisions. After giving some little sugar and coffee they consented to let us pass but they followed us and shook their fists and whooped and tried to scare our teams but didn’t succeed.
They followed us to where we camped, some hundred and fifty of them. We had to get supper for about fifty of them to get rid of them. While we were getting supper ready they stole all of our spare [text missing]. From that time on we passed on quite well until we accomplished our journey. We reached the City of the Great Salt Lake Aug. 29th 1852 [1853] and found it a general time of health and prosperity with the exception of a little Indian fuss.