Transcript for Wilson, Lucy Benson. "Autobiography," in Historical Resource Materials for Cache Valley, Utah-Idaho, 1955-1956, Utah State Historical Society; Cache Valley Chapter, reel 22, item 1
We started to Utah the 28 & crost the Misoury [Missouri] river the 29 of June—we came with father Benson! he had 2 lite wagons, 2 yoke of oxen[,] 2 yoke of cows. we had 1 cow & a few duds (there was 12 of us in them 2 wagons)
we have had good health in camp till this morning (July the 12) The cohlery [cholera] came & took Bro Bracken & Sister mathews [Mathis] from our midse
we traveled on our journey till the 23 when Brother Mathews [Mathis] died. their was 2 more deaths before we reached Laramie. at that place our company was divided in to 2 Com. so as to travel faster. our Com. No. 1 proceded on our journey.
at the Pasifick [Pacific] Springs we met my Brother James Benson with provision for us, which was thankfuly received[.] we traveled up hill & down hill & over Mountains & threw valleys & all manner of creekes & turns & snow & rain & cold. Still we felt to rejoice to know we would soon reach the valleys of the Mountains
we arieved in Salt Lake City September the 29 in good spirits.