
Transcript for Winget, Catherine Hulet, Autobiographical sketch, 260, in Histories and biographies written by members of Camp Sunflower, Daughters of Utah Pioneers of Center Utah County, Provo, Utah, vol. 1

In '46 [1847] we started for a camp called Piaga [Pisgah], where some of the Saints were staying that had been driven out. When we got there, there was a company just about ready to start for the valleys and they wanted my husband to go with them. They partly fitted him out to go. We started with a yoke of oxen and a yoke of cows. While on the road one of the oxen died, and we suffered much from hunger but finally reached the valleys on October 1st, 1847.

[Variant versions also found in Chronicles of Courage, 8 vols. [1990-97], 1:233 and Our Pioneer Heritage, 20 vols. [1958-77], 13:491]