Transcript for Wixom, Justin Chauncey, Diary, in Wixom Family, Papers, [ca. 1863-1945], fd. 4, vol. 4
Satareday 7th [July] took the Cars & traveled by rail up to St Joseph[.] there we took the Steam Boat & traveled up the S missouri river a distance of 200 miles
Wednesday the 18th landed at Wyoming [Wyoming, Nebraska] tarried there 5 days one of which I visited Newbrasca [Nebraska] City[.] done some trading & returned the Same day[.] I will also Say that during the 5 days I T Emigrant train
Took my passage in my Brothers wagon or at least the one he drove[.] 8 others besides myself Namely John & Mary Price[,] Ann Jackson[,] Hariett Painter[,] Alice Townsend[,] Henery Lailand [Leyland] & Henery Russell[.] also Caroline Heane who appostatised & stoped on the road a little this side of For[t] Curney [Kearny]
I traveled in Capt Thmpsons tran till we came 200 & 50 miles this s west of Wyoming I then f during which time I acted as Chaplin[,] doctor & in every other capacity I could for the benafit of the Saints in general[.] I then hired out to drive ox team for Joseph Slagle from there to Salt Lake City for 25 Dollars per month
Wm green was our Captain[.] Came the Pole creek & Chery Key [Cherokee] route[.] had a a good but lenghty trip[.] the first and only Indians we saw was a few of the Rappiehoes [Araphoes] which we saw at rock creek[.] Saw them again at the Pacific Springs[,] Bridgers Pass: Distances from Wyoming to Curney [Ft. Kearny] 200 miles[,] from thence Cottenwood Cottenwood [Cottonwood] 50 from there to Jules Burg [Julesburg] 100 from there up Pole Creek to the east edge of the Black hills 160. a crost the Black hills 12 to John Beauford [Buford] Fort or Big Laramie 12 miles[.] to Little Laramie 17[,] to Hallack [Halleck] 51 to North Platt[e] 30 to muddy[,] 50 to Green river South route 90 route 85 middle rd 97 Bridger 60 to Salt Lake City 10 120[.] well sufice it to say I arrived in Salt lake City oct the 10th 1866[,] Ann Jacksons Birthday then 20 years old[.] She came in on the 29 10th of Sp Sept /66