
Transcript for Woodruff, James Jackson, Mary Ann Jackson Woodruff biographical sketch 1917 Apr., 1-2

The winter was passed in preparing for the long journey in the spring. On April 7, 1847, the pioneers, led by the Prophet Brigham Young, left Winter Quarters and their dear wives, children, sweethearts and homes in the care of a merciful Father, and started to locate a home in the Rocky Mountains, to establish a new Zion to the name of Israel's God.

After her husband started with President Brigham Young and the Pioneers, much anxiety was felt in the camp for their safety and many fervant prayers were offered to the Lord in their behalf.

on the 25th of May, 1847, her babe was born. Sister Woodruff felt to rejoice and thanked the Lord for the precious gift. She named him James Jackson Woodruff. She named him for a dear girlhood friend who had enlisted with the Mormon Battalion, James Ferguson.

Before starting with the pioneers, father [Wilford Woodruff] asked her if there was anything that he could give her to make her happy. She said yes, that she wanted to follow the pioneers. He said that she did not realize what she had asked for as it was as much as the life of herself and babe was worth to start on that journey at that time. Her reply was that she would take her baby and start and if she died she would be in the wake of the Camp of Israel on their way to build a city to the Name of the Lord in the midst of the Rocky Mountains. On the 16 June my heroic mother started with my dear Grandfather Apheck [Aphek] Woodruff, with 2 wagons, 2 horses and oxen and 1 cow. One wagon was loaded with flour milling machinery; the other was used by Grandfather, Mother and Babe and provisions, bedding, cooking utensils and clothing. Grandpa was 69 years old when he reached the Valley. We were in Captain A[braham]. O[wen]. Smoot's Company l00, Geo[rge]. B[enjamin]. Wallace 50 and Samuel Turnbows 10.

Dear Mother came near to a bad accident while traveling. She stood on the rounds of the wagon tongue and ballanced herself to spring backwards to the ground by holding to the front of the wagon box. Her skiert [skirt] caught on the tongue hammer and she was thrown in the front of the wheel and by working her body with her hands until the team was stopped, through the blessings of the Lord, she was saved from being crushed to death. Dear Grandfather said never again, when you want to get out of the wagon I will stop the team.

It was customary with mother occasionally to ride with Sister Mariah [Maria Lucy Dewey] Wooley, wife of Bishop John [Mills] Wooley, from noon until evening, as they camped close together. One day after riding she took her babe and started for her wagon. After passing one camp after another it got dark and the only light she had was the camp fire.

Emigrant to Salt Lake Valley Sept. 23, 1947
A[braham]. O[wen]. Smoot's Company of 139 souls
52 wagons, 16 horses, 1 mule, 185 oxen, 75 cows, 16 sheep, 4 swine and 57 chickens.
Apheck [Aphek] Woodruff aged 69 years
Mary [Ann] Jackson Woodruff 28 years
James Jackson Woodruff 1 month old
Fifth 10, first 50, fourth 100, Second Division
Two wagons 2 horses, 8 oxen and 1 cow