
Transcript for Yates, William, Journals, 1848-1891, 4p

The teames Came in from the Valley to help the Poor Saints. About 200 hundred Waggons in all. I assisted in helping of the Emigration and

on the 11th of July We left The Last Emigration train of the Season. I drove an Ox Team all the way to the Valley and got along much Better than I expect. I had no difficult or accident all the Way although I was Very Sick with the summer Ague of near two Weeks. The Plains is not one of the most conveniant places in the World to be sick[,] Yet still the folks were very kind to me. I got a brother to drive team for me 2 or 3 days and Bro Erastus Snow who was traveling with us told me Beath [bathe] every day in the Platt[e] River which I did and after taking Some of His Pills I Soon got Better.

We were travelling in Joseph W. Young's company consisting of about 80 Waggons which was devided into two Camps. Ansal [Ansil] Harman having charge of our Camp, and Heber Kimbal[l], having charge of the other, Orson Pratt and Erastas Snow travelld in our company about 2 Weeks during Which time we received Some Splended Discourses from Orson Pratt in the Correl after We had Camped for the night. We encountered 2 or 3 Thunder Storms, but having good double Waggo cover on our waggon the rain didnot Penetrate. The only accidend in our Company was that of a Little Boy breaking His Arm just after we Started and he was all right again befor reaching the valley. 2 or 3 Wemon [Women] were confine on the Road and all did Well.

2 days before reching the Valley my Wife was taken Sick which lasted over a Week. We arrived in G.S.L. City on the 23rd of Sept 1861 having accomplished the journey accross the Plains of 1030 Miles in a little over ten Weeks.