Transcript for Young, Brigham, Jr., Journal Nov. 1866-Dec. 1867, vol. 8, box 2, fd. 1
Monday Aug 12th Bright and early Camp was broken up, and we were soon in marching order. L.G. Rice Capt. N.H. Felt Chaplain similar officers were also appointed for the Danes.
Tuesday 13th All is peace in our Camp. At noon one Danish brother was run over and his leg broken, he is doing well. The Limb having been properly set.
Wednesday Aug 14th [18]67 Usual routine of getting up early and Camping at noon[,] resuming our journey at 3 p.m.[,] and Camping again at 6 or 7 p.m.
Thursday 15th Through Car[e]less shooting one of the Danishing brethren shot above the eye, the ball penetrating to the brain, so that some of it ran out. We administered to him but dare move the ball as the brains would immediately follow. He unsible and I felt to say in the name of the Lord he should recover. Some sickness in Camp, but the people feel well.
Friday 16th 67. The Indians attempted to take our stock[.] they did not fire, and so are resured ours, and they went away. We were Camped at Big springs where J. Streeper lost his mules several weeks since[.] Arrived near Julesburg and Camped.
Saturday 17th Telegraphed Father, "all well." visited the town of Julesburg and succeeded in getting provisions for the remainder of the people. Our wounded men are doing well, Better health in camp.
Sunday 18 Aug/67 Remained here encamped near Julesburg. Weather very pleasant.
Monday 19th Towards night moved out and made our Camp above Julesburg. The soldiers were inclined to stope us and enquire into our organization, but we soon Convinced them that we were Capable of protecting ourselves. We have [-] commenced our journey up Pole Creek.
Tuesday 20th made about 6 or 7 miles having given out provisions. About 10 p.m. The man who was shot died against my faith. and that of several others.
Wednesday 21st /67 Buried the Danish brother who died <from a gunshot wound.> I made a few remarks expressive of my feelings in relation to the accident. My faith has been that he would live, but I feel to acknowledge the hand of the Lord in all things. Continued our journey up Pole Creek. We hear that Br[i]gham W. Kimball is dead.
Thursday 22 Continued our Journey, and crossed Pole Creek and the R.R. track about 3 a.m. above Julesburg. Stopped at 7 p.m. about Seven Miles from Water.
Friday 23rd Left our Camp ground at 2 a.m. and reached mud springs at 8 a.m. The cattle walking nearly as fast as the horses; we have traveled 27 miles without water and have suffered but little for that necessary article. Here the soldiers who were stationed to protect travelers tried to sell us Government mules with U.S. on and not vented, and when we would not buy them they wished us to say nothing about it to the officers.
Saturday Aug. 24th 67 our Camp was near Court house Rock, or Butte. It rained tirrifically and and entirely quinced a pra[i]rie fire which threatened to destroy our[.] I was introduced to several of the officers. Called at Mr. Bullocks house.
Saturday 31st/67 Continued our journey. Camped on the river, Passed through Considerable sand.
Sunday Sept. 1th/67 Camped on Horse shoe. Here we turned off out of camp one Dutchman who bought grain of the soldiers, then they got drunk and one when threatened fired four shots into our Camp the balls striking three wagons and barely missing John W. & myself at whom he fired. We did not return the fire thou Sorely tempted to kill the rascal. One of the balls Came within three inches of going through two of our sisters Haight & Tellery. The soldier was arrested, but nothing done about it.
Monday Sept. 2nd/67 Continued our journey without accident. Camped on one of the small streams which cross the road. Water scarce.
Tuesday 3rd To day one of the brethrens oxen died, the first we have lost out of the train. Water scarce again. Have met several freight trains Jour[n]ey to & from Fort Phil. Kearney teamsters report the Indians bad near that Fort. Saw fresh Indian sign where we camped.
TuesdayWednesday Sept. 4th/67 We made about twenty miles yesterday. & moved <to day> 2[.] stopped for noon, water scarce. Met a man who says there are plenty of Indians in the neighborhood. but in small bands. Telegraph station at Platt[e] Bridge where I shall telegraph for Flour to be sent to Green river. We learn that there are no troops at Sweet Water, Camped near Box Elder on a small, stream. Indians sign is plenty on the road and in the hollows. Killed several chickens plenty of deer sign.
Wednesday Thursday Sept. 5th/67 Rolled out to Box Elder, where we saw James McDonalds grave buried May 17, 1864. More Indian tracks, nooned on Platt river where the road first approaches Platt river, all well in camp no more cattle have died.
Reached Platt Bridge where we obtained 2000 lbs. flour and 700 of bacon for the Company, which obviated the necessity of telegraphing home for supplies. Rolled out and at Independence Rock 10 of the mules & horse teams left the ox train. When on the Rocky Ridges we encountered a very heavy Storm which nearly used up man & beast. This occured about the 15 inst. Took Coach at Millersville[.] Mms. G. & John W. accompanied me. Arrived at Salt Lake on the 23rd inst. in safety. Our teams arrived on the evening of the 26 & 27. in good order. Considering the trip past made. We were glad to greet our friends and were every where received with the greatest kindness. Father settled first draft <of $1500> J.W.G. & B.G.J. Some two weeks since.