Transcript for Young, John R., Letter, in Journal History of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 29 Oct. 1862
Andrew Jensen—Church Historian
Dear Brother,
In your Historical Record Vol. 9. Page 64—also in the Genealogical magazine Vol. 8—no.1—Page 5—you say—
Capt. Wm. H. Dame came in on Oct 29, 1862 being the last train for the season. It is an error, John R. Young's train was the last train in 1862.
In that year I went down to Florence in John R. Murdock's train. Just as Wm. H. Dame's train was pulling out, President Young telegraphed to Joseph W. Young the Emigration Agent, to have J. R. Young stay and buy wagons and teams and clean out the Church warehouse. To do that I bought 22 wagons, and Capt. Hooper added three making a train of 25 wagons. I left Florence Aug. 17, reached S. L. City the same day that Capt. Dame did,