
Transcript for Zebulon Jacobs reminiscences and diaries, 1861-1877

In the spring of forty eight (48) the 21st of May the people again turned their faces toward’s the west (I may as well mention that in the spring of 47 a company went out to explore the great basin in the rocky mountains they returned and gave a favorable report and immediately preperations were mad[e] for starting in the spring following). we got as far as the Elk Horn river and then stoped till all the teams were ready to start on the 8th of June they were set in motion, then came all the dangers and hardships of traveling through a barren wilderness (that is some portions of the way) when the lurking savage is always ready to pounce upon his prey, we traveled along the Platte River which is a level plain, the eye can look to the right and left and at a great distance see small bluffs till we get up to Fort Laramie, which is half the journey[.] it is five hundred and some odd miles from the Mis[s]ouri River[.] there the face of the country is changed[.] in the place of the level country are high hills and mountains which were refreshing to our weary eyes after so long a stre[t]ch of level country. we kept on till we came to the Rockey [Rocky] Mountains and then we began to feel safe our way was through deep revenes [ravines] over hills hollows and mountains, also large streams, and unbroken road, but we were going to a haven of saf[e]ty[.] we heeded not any thing that came in our way our march was onward, at last we were told that we were close to the long looked for Valley[.] we were winding our way down a narrow defile scarce wide enough to admit a waggon, on turning an abrupt angle in the canon [canyon] our eyes were gladdened by the sight of our homes to be, then we came down a bench a short distance and there away in the distance like an egg in a nest, we saw a few huts (some of the Pioneers stoped and built a fort made of adobes or sun dried bricks) which some of our people had errected for their protection enclosed by a wall of adobies[.] when the eyes of the people saw this then were the thankful hearts turned to the throne of God of hosts with gratitude for his protecting care which he had had ofter them in bringing them to this land of peace, In The the fall of 47 the battallion came came from the war in Mexico (it being over) by Callifornia to this place, and joined the pioneers, and helped them to build the homes, here they were disbandaned. When we arrived there the face of the land looked like a famine, it was dry and parched.