
Transcript for Zebulon Jacobs reminiscences and diaries, 1861-1877, folder 1

I got ready and started from here the [22nd] of April 1861 went to the mouth of the (Parley) Kanyon and camped till about noon on the [23rd] when we mad a final start and went up the Kanyon about 6 miles and camped, when the company was organized[.] Pres. W. Young was captain, Parley P. Pratte jr was cocaptain, Ancel P. Harman was chosen captain of the Guard, Paul A. Schulter Cleark. The company consisted of 40 waggons and 405 oxen, our mess consisted of Samuel L. Sprague jr[,] Oscar B. Young[,] Erastus McIntire, Isaac Eades, and Zebulon Jacobs we all drove teams for President Brigham Young. In my wagon I had a couple of Ladies to take east they were going to Boston, one's name was Charlott Cobb and the other's name was Pea.

[24th] I drove up past Lambs Kanyon [Canyon] to summit the roads being very bad and in many places needing repairing as much onley 5 miles,

[25th] moved in the forenoon went over the summit making 6 miles roads very bad.

[26th] Monday started from camp at 10 am and drove through Parleys Park, over the eastern summit and crossed silver Creek, down 3 mile Kanyon and camped at its mouth at 6½ Pm made 10 miles roads better than yesterday,

[27th] Saturday left camp 9 am drove 7 miles through Weber Valley camped, 3 miles south of Coles Ville,

[28] Sunday some little snow started 10½ A.M. drove 6 miles down Weber crossed Chalk Creek and went into camp 2½ miles from the mouth of Echo Kanyon.

[29th] Monday started 8½ A.M. drove to Echo and 10 miles up the same roads good, one wagon run off of the bridge and upset in the creek lost a great many things.

[30th] Tuesday some of the cattle straid off so that we did not start 10 A.M. drove up Echo and to Cache Cave making 12 miles roads good.

May 1st Wednesday started 8 ½ and drove over the yellow Creek mountain to Bear River stoped a couple of hours at the needle points or needle rocks[.] arrived at Bear River 6 P.M. making 15 miles, in the afternoon a team overtook us for the purpose of taking away our sisters in consequence of the warlike news received from the east.

May 2nd Thursday, the girls got ready to return put their things into the wagon and then they jumped abord after a hardy good by and started fer town. (forgot to mention there were a couple more ladies. Miss Caroline Grant and Miss Minnie Ann Cooke). Miss Cobb and Grant went with the team and Mrs. Pea staid at bear river till a team came for her. Miss Cooke went on she was going to England. We left Camp 8½ A.M. and drove 12 miles to the Quaking Asp Ridge camped 4 P.M.

May 3rd Friday started at 8 A.M. roads dusty drove 6 miles to mudy creek station, left the old road to our right and drove 8 miles further to a spring and camped night cold with snow and rainstorm

May 4th Saturday cold and windy good road started 8½ a.m drove till 6 P.M. over the new road called Jas W's cutoff, we stuck the old road and the Muddy creek crossing close to which we camped traveled 18 miles.

May 5th Sunday cold and windy all day started 9½ A.M. crossed muddy dand drove 6 miles to Blacks Fork and camped.

May 6th Left camp 9 A.M. drove 11 miles to hams fork, stoped ½ hour at Bear River station and then drove 6 miles over a new cutoff to breaking the way. Camped in a hollow plenty of grass but no water, to day George Grant jr and Parley P. Pratt jr left us[.] they had a chance to go with mule team.

[7th] Tuesday left camp 7½ and went between 12 and 15 miles still on the new cutoff to Green River where we arrived 2½ P.M.

May 8th Wednesday started at 8 A.M. went 6 miles to big sandy a small stream where we staid all day.

May 9th Thursday started 8½ A. M. and drove 10 miles where we camped near Big Sandy plenty of grass

May 10th Friday snow storm in the night (we were camped in correll or simpons hollow when a member of train were burned by Lott smith belong to Government,) pretty cold started at 11 A.M. and drove 11 miles to big sandy station crossed big sandy pretty deep found a number of Indians camped went two miles and camped.

May 11th Saturday pretty and windey started at 9 A.M. and drove 6 miles to Little Sandy where we camped.

May 12 and 11 miles further to dry Sandy wher we camped.

May 12th Sunday left camp at 8 A.M. and made 13 miles to Pacific Springs watered the cattle and drove 3 miles further near the summit of the South Pass where we camped night very cold

May 13 Monday started at 7¾ soon struck the Sweet water watered the cattle and went down a little further and crossed the stream and camped near willow creek at 3¾ P.M. making 16 miles all day

May 14th Tuesday started at 8½ A.M. drove 3 miles to rock Creek and 7 miles further to a small stream where we nooned a couple of hours[.] in the after noon drove over Rockey Rridge to the station 18 miles all day ridge pretty rough.

May 15th Wednesday started at 8½ A.M. and drove to Louis Silvers where where we left 4478 lbs. flour and 2 very poor oxen in his charge drove 8 miles further and camped on a branch of the sweet water to shoe cattle making 10 miles.

May 16th Thursday 8 miles in the fore noon [illegible] made 8 miles in the afternoon and camped near a swet water crossing.

May 17th Friday started at 8½ A.M. drove 9 miles to the 3 crossings of the Sweet water station there and nooned[.] in the after-noon made 6 miles to Castle rocks and camped

May 18th Saturday stormy started at 11½ A.M. made 8 miles nooned 2 hours made 7 miles in the after noon windy in the evening and night.

May 19th Sunday left camp 8 A.M. made 7 miles to the devils gate dug out a Pirne and several sachs of salt they had been cashed 4 years. they were not damaged in the least. Drove 6 miles to Independence rock in the afternoon with thunder shower.

May 20th Monday started 8 A.M. and drove 16 miles to goos Creek. nooned half way where we found good feed.

21st Tuesday started at 7½ A.M. made 9 miles to willow springs where we nooned[.] in the afternoon drove 10 miles and made a dry camp.

May 22nd Wednesday started 7 am and drove 6 miles to a trotting station on the Platte river (this is where we first struck the Platte) where we watered the cattle drove 3 miles and nooned, in the afternoon drove 7 miles to the north bridge of the Platte where we left some flour, making in all 15 miles.

May 23rd Thursday started at 7 a.m. drove to the lower bridge roads very sandy and hilley and 4 miles further where we nooned met a great many horse teams fer California drove 6 miles in the afternoon making 15 miles all day.

May 24 Friday started at 7¼ drove along side the platte 12 miles to Deer creek where we left a large quantity of flour which we had to ferry over the river water pretty cool.

May 25th Saturday started at 10 am drove 10 miles over sandy & hilley road stoped in consequence of storm.

May 26th Sunday raining slightly in the morning; started 8 am and drove 2 miles and nooned in the afternoon made 11 miles drove till 8½ P.M. over a portion of the black hills camped near the Platte.

May 27th Monday started 7 am and drove 12 miles where we struck the Platte again made 5 in the afternoon.

May 28th Tuesday started at 7½ and drove 9 miles over a long hill to a small creek roads good

May 29th Wednesday started 8 am and drove 8 miles to Box Elder springs where we nooned till 3 P.M. drove 10 miles more over the Black Hills where we struck the Platte again and camped.

May 30th Thursday started at 7½ am and drove 14 miles over the Black Hills to the Platte where we nooned[.] roads very rough. made 4 miles more and camped for the night 4 miles from Laramie, storm in the distance,

May 31st Friday pretty hot started 7½ am passed Fort Laramie 6 miles and camped for noon. drove 7 miles in the afternoon camped by a large camp of Sioux Indians road very sandy no more woo[d] for 200 miles

June 1st Saturday left camp at 7½ am drove 7 miles along the Platte and nooned, 2 hours, drove 8 miles in the afternoon good feed, roads sandy.

June 2nd Sunday thunder storm in the afternoon drove 6 miles long the Platte nooned 3 hours. made 8 miles in the after noon and camped

June 3rd Monday started at 8 am we drove 6 miles to a slough which we nooned crossed and nooned in the afternoon drove 13 miles and crossed opposite Scotts Bluffs.

June 4th Tuesday Captain J.W. Young[,] Heber P. Kimball with his mule team with some of the brethren left us to go a head to Florence and arrange matters there. started 7 am and drove 8 miles and nooned, started again at 2 pm and made 9` miles[.] camped almost opposite Chimney rock

June 5 th Wednesday Started at 6½ drove 10 miles along the platte nooned about 3 hours and drove 9 miles further over very sandy road and camped 1 mile below Court House and Jail.

June 6 th Thursday started at 6 am drove 9 miles over sandy road and nooned by the Platte in the afternoon made 8 miles passed over a long sand hill just before going into camp

June 7th Friday started 6½ am drove 6 miles to crab creek and 3 miles further to the platte and nooned, drove 6 miles in the after noon roads very sandy.

June 8th Saturday started at 7 am and drove 10 miles to a small creek where we nooned, drove 7 miles further in the afternoon to castle Creek wher we intended to stay, but found so many Emigrants there that we had to go 4 miles further and camp 1 mile below ash hollow, met 205 emigrants (leans) for Callifornia to day

June 9th Sunday very hot weather left camp at 6½ am drove 9 miles and nooned 3 hours, we had to go over a long sandy bluff[.] in the afternoon crossed wolf creek and noon[.] crossed Duck pond Creek and camped on Turtle Creek making 9 miles.

June 10th Monday roads dusty and sandy, started at 5½ am and soon passed 3 small creeks and a slough and made 11 miles to Rattlesnake Creek and nooned made 9 miles more in the afternoon and crossed 3 more small creeks and a slough[.] camped near the Platte.

June 11th Tuesday started at 6 am and drove 8 miles over pretty sandy road and over a long sand hill and crossed 4 small creeks, nooned 3 hours by a small creek, had very sandy road's in the afternoon and had to another sand hill and 2 small creeks camped by a slough mad 15 miles

June 13th Thursday very warm started at 6 am and drove along the Platte 13 miles to Carryon Creek where we nooned til 3 pm[.] made 5 miles more to the Pawnee Springs heavy thunder storm in the evening.

June 12 Wednesday, June 12th very hot started at 6½ am drove 6 miles to north Bluff Fork over a land [illegible] and 4 miles to a small creek where we nooned till 3 pm, made 9 miles more in the after noon[.] took a new road along the river and camped by a slough.

June 14 Friday broke camp at 6 am and drove 7 miles over sandy road to skunk creek where we water the cattle and went 6 miles further where we struck the Platte where we found plenty of wood and nooned two hours, in the afternoon drove 7 miles along the Platte camped 7½ pm.

June 15th Saturday left camp at 7 am drove 8 miles and nooned road very dusty made 8 miles in the after noon, taking the old Pioneer trail to Buffalo creek camped near the Platte.

June 16th Sunday very warm started at 6½ am made 8 miles and nooned by the Platte[.] started again at 1 pm and drove 10 miles along the Platte when we left it and made 5 miles to a slough by which we camped[.] heavy hail storm in the afternoon made 22 miles

June 17th Monday very hot started at 6½ am and drove 7 miles to Buffalo Creek (then dry) where we met Captain David H. Canon with 60 waggons of saints and staid with them till 11 am[.] then drove 5 miles to Elmn Creek (also dry)[.] 6 miles more to the Platte a slough and 6 miles more to the Platte where we camped making 26 miles.

June 18th Tuesday very hot started at 7½ am and drove 8 miles and nooned tile 2 pm opposite Fort Kerney [Kearney] drove 10 miles more in the after noon to wood river and camped ½ mile below boydes in a bend of the river[.] met 26 waggons loaded with Telegraph wire

June 19th Wednesday started at 7½ am drove 7 miles to Wood River Centre where we nooned tile 3½ pm from deposited a quantity of flour and left 17 head of oxen, made 9 mi in the afternoon and camped below millers[.] thunder storm in the distance[.] mosquitoes very troublesome in the night.

June 20th Thursday started at 8 am and drove to wood river crossing and 3 miles to the Platte where we nooned 3½ hours made about 4 miles in the afternoon and camped near Bearnards[.] before all the wagons were in camp we were over taken by a very heavy thunder storm.

June 21st Friday clear and warm started at 7½ am and drove 9 miles and nooned 1 mile above there ma hers and made 11 miles in the after noon[.] camped 8 pm by the Platte lone tree, a large band of Indians (Sioux) came over the river about a mile a head of our train 3½ pm they were going to fight the Pawnees. quite a number of them came back to our train to beg and traid.

June 22nd started at 7½ am and drove 9 miles went to Bakers ranch where we camped. The rest of the journal down is test therefore cannot make it out but we kept moving gradually a long till we got to Florence but made our Camp at the head of a small stream called Hill Creek 2½ miles west or north west of Florence

July 1st started for Council Bluff City with an ox team after some bacon and provisions for the Church, called at Omaha going over then crossed the river, and arrived at the Bluff's, loaded up and looked and saw the Elephant as it is called, in visiting a new place, started back and crossed the river at sundown, and camped on the bank of the river. looked round about Omaha in the evening. got tired, but staid til I saw alittle of city life which was disgusting in the shape of street women, that night we had for three of us to sleep upon 3 blankets and 1 buffalo robe waked up in the night or in the morning rather feeling rather cold felt for blanket and blanket gone looked and saw Wm. Biler some 6 or 8 feet away on one side and Saml L. Sprague jr about the same distance on the other with a blanket each and I had possession of the robe.

[2nd] looked round and found the cattle hitched up and started for Florance and onloaded there, then started for camp, where we arrived pretty hungry filled, and staid round camp the rest of the day

[3rd] this morn my Isaac Eades and myself started cooking for rather a hungry mess, staid in camp all day.

[4th] is being the glorious day of which every true American is proud. we tried to be as jolly and happy as possible, in the fore noon we had an Indian War dance in costume, in the afternoon sham battle between Indians and Whites which was well done[.] towards evening we had a grand Circus which pleased the people very much. our Indian exercises frightened of[f] some of the new comers very much till they wer made acquainted with the program[.] I forgot to mention that in the afternoon, the Emmigration began to come up to camp,

[5th] went after a load of Saints down to Florence, sun very hot sweat well, and very tired at night

[6th] went down to Florence, after another load of people. looked round and saw the people who were stowed in every nook and corner, Then took my load back to camp hungry as ever.

[7th] went down after another load, got amongst tho the apples, peaches & sugar at night found my self back to camp, day very warm,

[8th] in Camp till about 2 pm. drove up the cattle, and we moved camp a short distance, then went down after another load.

[9th] staid round camp all day warm as usual.

[10th] hauled up another wagon and prepared for starting westward

[11th] going back got all things redy and moved ½ a mile westward got the waggons in shape for starting the next morning. that night we had the 1st death in camp, it was one of the sisters

[12th] moved about 9 miles and camped.

[13th] moved 10 miles crossed the Elk horne river and camped, & we lost 1 woman and 2 children by death,

[14th] Staid and burried the bodies, rained pretty freely,

[15th] got out in the morning to make a start and the Captain wanted me to traid my Ox team for 4 mules which I was not long in doing mounted the seat, took the lines and struck out, the roads were very soft on account of the recent rains. Camped that night 2 miles west of Freemont a small settlement where we first struck the Platt[e] River.

16th went 8 miles through very heavy roads,

17th this morning Oscar B. Young & Frank F. Fox began to cook went 15 miles 1 mile east of Shell Creek and Camped

18th made 16 miles and camped on the platte

19th went 9 miles and came to and crossed the Loup Fork Ferry[.] got over all right. I had the pleasure of getting ducked several times while helping the waggons over, was used to that, conciderable wet and a great deel more hungry with a small amount of tired camped a short distance from the stream so that Captain Wooley would have time to move his train out of our way and not be in each others way[.] Cap. Woolley had a train of Saints,

20th went 10½ miles Crossed prairie Creek went 1½ miles and camped

21st up and after wood but wood was not there[.] started went 5 miles in the fornoon in the after noon went 7 miles,

22nd started and went 14 miles and camped at 1 p.m.

23rd went 8 miles in the forenoon and drove 7 miles in the afternoon and camped, wood rather scarce had to watch the mules pretty close to keep them out of the corn being camped close to some fields.

24th it being the anniversary of the landing of the Pioneers in Great Salt Leake Valley out of daylight called out the National Guard fired a volley of musketry and any other kind of Guns that was handy. Then the Martial Band struck up Hail Collumbia[.] (the band was composed of tin pails pans Bakettle lids, bells and various other instruments of music, then another volley by the Guard, at sun rise firing of cannon (which was about 3 inches in length,) and concludes the morning performance with an Indian jig. in the fore noon went 8 miles[.] in the afternoon went 9 miles, at sun set firing off Cannon, in the evening had a grand Ball at (what our mess was call) the Batchelers Hall

25th out as usual after the mules hitched up and drove 7 miles, and nooned, went 8 miles in the afternoon and camped. Henry Parker also had a mule team[.] him an I used to have to take care of the mules

26th out after the mules and Cattle went 5½ miles to Wood river Center, Stoped long enough to load the provisions that we left on our way down, went 5 miles in the afternoon and camped in the evening had a camp ball,

27th out early and caught a string of fish out of the Wood River, went and saw a buffalo that had been shot a couple of days before, drove to Nebraska Center there took breath and a big drink of water long stretch without went 5 miles and nooned[.] one well to supply a train of 80 waggons hardly enough for a day hot as this, whew, here the tra[i]n divided into two parts. A.P. Harman took one string and Jos. W. Young took the other until H.P.Kimball should come up who was still behind, passed Fort Kearney and camped on a branch of the Platte making 11 miles in the after noon. that night Mr. Tanners Mule train came up and camped close by[.] ther saw sister Foot who was on her return trip to Salt Lake, she had been east on a visit.

28th started and went a short distance and camped for noon. the sun coming right down without the least exertion whatever it neither puffed or blowed, went on to Elm Creek and Camped making the miles during the day—in the evening a meeting was called and held in Cap Kimballs Train it being close to ours. Bros. Orson Pratt, Erastus Snow and Jos. W. Young gave the people good instructions and fatherly advice about crossing the plains and the course they should persew to preserve their health and lives.

29th drove over to buffalo Creek 7 miles had some trouble to find the cattl[.] in the afternoon went 12 miles and camped, during the day watter was scarce and some of the people got tuched with alkali or something else that made them pretty sick, they dug holes and got the water which is very unhealthy, the sun very warm, that evening Changed from the mess that I was in to that of the captains, our mess up to the time the train divided our mess concisted of Samuel L. Sprague, Oscar B. Young, Erastus McIntire, Isaac Eades, Zebulon Jacobs, John Titeambe[Titcomb], James savage and Frank F. Fox, S.L. Sprague went with H.P. Kimball's train

30th out as usual and got the mules, hitched up and drove 9 miles and camped for noon, in the afternoon drove 8 miles and camped, in the evening all hands had a family swim in the Platt.

31st out early helped shoe an ox looked and saw that the mosquitoes and horse flies were driving of[f] the horses and cattle; had to keep what is called the dog trot for about a mile before I caught them. caught a horse and jumped on and with conciderable deficulty got the[m] back to camp[.] this morning some of the boys are pretty sick. drove 9 miles in the for noon and camped. H. Parker holerd snake and I jumped but no snake there of which I am very scared[.] some of in fact most all the cattle crossed to an Island some distance and made an attact upon a corn field and done conciderable damage, drove 7 miles in the afternoon and camped.

August 1st out at 12½ am stood guard tile time to drive up the stock hitched up and drove 6 miles roads rather sandy. went 9½ mil in the afternoon and camped on Skunk Creek which is a marshy little stream.

2nd took my gun out to shoot snipes saw the hind part of a mule disappearing down the opposite side of a sand ridge[.] struck out after them had to follow them some distance, overtook and drove them back to camp. stowed in a quantity of food[.] started and went 8 miles to the Pawnee Springs and stoped the rest of the day[.] this is a beautiful spring of clear Cold water which tastes good to the weary travler after following the Platt so many miles, fried the mules feet[.] mended harness and played Laundress and cleaned by hidery linen[.] in the evening went to meeting but the mosquitoes were there first and stay there they would[.] they sung at the opening, sung during service and at the Closing, and finaly sung all night. tried to sleep but they pulled me out of bed

[3rd] up and waked the camp with the martial band, drove 5 miles to caron [Carrion] Creek and wated for the train, which is a very small stream coming out of the sand hills to the north of the road[.] drove 4 miles further and camped for noon. drove 9 miles in the after noon 1 mile west of mud creek, this is a small stream made by a lot of springs a portion of what is call the Pawnee springs[.] their we staid all night[.] we had a gay ball this evening[.] we had the large and renowned band of minstrels camposed of misquotes which kept us dancing all night. I think they flourish here pretty well

4th gathered up the stock and drove 12 miles to Bluff Fal[l]s staid the rest of the day went fishing. caught a few chubs[.] saw something sturing the water saw small head and long neck had notion to get scared but didn't wated a minute, saw it was a plump turtle, sly and gently droped my hook , what a nice supper our mess will have tonight and mister turtle politely walked off with my bate and hook as though he had a right to and I went back to camp much wiser than when I left[.] went to have a bathe[.] we found mosquetos there[.] they got the start, and staid there, and very soon got rid of us[.] then went to meeting[.] the meeting was well attended[.] they came in clouds[.] the people soon went in disgust to their tents but not to sleep no no, that was imposible

5th out pretty early to get over the sand hill before the heat of the day very heavy pulling went 5 miles and camped for noon[.] chips rather scarce moved on 1¾ miles to the foot of another sand hill and staid till 5 pm[.] then started anew went over[.] day very warm heat oppresive these sand hills are very bad to cross on account of the loose sand being so deep, it was dark when we camped[.] one of the Deviles blessings was bountifully showered upon us in the shape of misqutos for a change early I suppose[.] as for sleep that was impossible

6th got out of misery by going after chips, drove up the mules, went 6 miles through heavy sand and nooned on a small creeks that come out of the hills, started and got a short distance and henry Parker boke one of his hames[.] fired it and here the sand is very bad. started and went within a short distance of the cold spring making 5 miles in the after noon. I think the name of the stream we camped by is called turtle Creek. that night while eating supper the mules and horse took anotice they would go and accordingly they went, started in persute it was so dark that we had to wate for the lightning to tele which way we were going, saw something moving in the distance for an instant started in chase, got as far as I ded go wated for another flash, head then in a swamp but did not know the swamp was there[.] followed tile I found myself as the saying is hub deep in mud and water and came to the pias conclusion to go to camp and wate tile morning after many tumblings and getting's up I arrived safe at camp.

7th out by daylight found their tracks followed it about 9 miles when Jos. W. and William Ruter over took us they were horse back and we were afoot A.P. Harman and myself they took the trail and we truged back to camp and dined, hitched up and started the train went a short distance and saw the anamils coming[.] Jos. W. & W.R. had found them[.] changed teams and rolled on our way rejoicing[.] went 7 miles to a small slough and nooned[.] in the afternoon went 7 miles and camped on Rattle snake Creek and camped[.] rather large Bottle showed fight misquetoes for a change. heavy thunder storm in the night, this is a nice stream and emptes into the platt.

8th out and routed the camp rather sleepy, hitched up and went 6 or 7 miles and nooned[.] sleepy still in the afternoon went 7 miles to turtle Creek[.] had a nice shower, camped for the night.

9th slept well, was waked up by the camp hand, drove up the mules started and went 7 miles nooned[.] had headache[.] took nap[.] was all right. in the afternoon went 7 miles and camped. buffalo timber rather scarce and very damp rising to the recent shower. had cold beans for supper.

10th last night had a very heavy shower up rather early. no wood[,] no breakfast, one of the boy's and my self went over the river about ¾ of a mile and found plenty of Choke Cherries and currants, pitched in pretty lively filled ourselves, and there hats and pockets going back to camp got ducked several times but hung on to the fruit[.] found breakfast ready[.] eat harty then went after Some willows for dinner[.] they were about a mile distant[.] got a load and trudged back to camp[.] they got pretty heavy before got back[.] took a nap. heavy, thundering indication of a storm[.] eat dinner[.] drove up the mules went 2½ miles[.] camped opposite Ash hollow, upon [illegible] killer Harvey's battle ground with the Indians where he killed so many squaws, mosquitoes rather friendly, now 378 miles from Florence

11th out pretty early hitched up and drove 7 miles to a small stream and nooned. washed a few clothes, in the afternoon drove 10 miles[.] towards night it rained most gloriously had to camp rather early[.] chips scarce and moist had a few crumbs for supper and rain water that stood in pools in the road, the people fare or rather slim between wet and no wood.

12th out pretty early drove 3½ miles and came to the Platt making a 13½ miles drive without water. got breakfast then moved on 7 miles to crab creek[.] got dinner & supper. 4½ o'clock rolled[.] out went 7 miles[.] camped rather late in the evening

13th out pretty late[.] eat breakfast[.] started on went over Cobblestone hill and camped for noon making 5 miles, in the afternoon drove 7 miles[.] had a storm this afternoon.

[14th] out and help shoe an ox before starting[.] J.W. Young had to mend his carrage[.] in the fornoon drove 7 miles. in the afternoon drove 10 miles and camped on the banks of the Platte, in the evening had a family bathe.

15th this morning took breakfast at the hall got our long earned horses and drove 10 miles and nooned[.] when dinner was redy we all alone justice to the same cant say so much for our selves, in the afternoon drove 7 miles and camped opposite Chimney rock which is formed of Clay or something like cemented earth mixed with rock's and stones[.] it is has verous estimates as to its hights some 200-250 & others 300 and some still higher but the exact hight I believe is not known.

16th out early and started drove 8 miles nooned the road is somewhat sandy this morning[.] a mule took the rope that I was leading it with in a circle and landed me after various gymnastics freeks about 12 or 14 feet distant from the place that I had ought to have occupied[.] hurt my foot a little, in the afternoon drove 10 miles and camped opposite Scotts Bluffs[.] in wet weather it is very disagreeable traveling on account of the softness of the soil an a number of spring streams that cross the road. came very nigh stepping upon a rattle snake[.] conciderably scared[.] killed it and went to camp.

17th waked up and all hands that were in the tent began laughing at each others faces[.] come to find out we had all of our faces be smeared with tar and wagon grease, some of the boys from the other camp paid us a visit and left their impliments upon our faces[.] started and drove 9 miles and nooned upon a small creek[.] the sun is very warm and uncomfortable[.] helped shoe several oxen. Precieved several pretty severe raps from the oxen floundering. drove 9 miles in the afternoon and camped by the Platte

18th the usual rotene of business. hitched up and rolled 9 miles and nooned upon a small stream, in the afternoon went 8 miles wood plenty

19th was out early to fix the harness, drove 10 miles and nooned in the afternoon[.] went 7 miles[.] camped on a large sand bank. had a pretty heavy shower.

20th sky overcast[.] in a short time began to rain[.] staid till 3 or 4 oclock then went 6 miles and camped late in the evening.

21st rained during the night. raining slowly drove up the anamiles and rolled out met Jos. W. Young coming back from Deer Creek, about noon we passed Fort Laramie which is called half way to our mountain home, it is a small collections of building formed something like a square which is garrisoned by U.S. troops. to protect the Emmigration from the encroachments of the Indians, we went 5 miles and crossed the Platte and camped on the opposite bank. I was in the water most of the afternoon helping the teams cross, both wet and cold.

22nd out pretty early and started went 6 miles in the forenoon for the first time on our homeward journey in the black hills roads rather rough to what they have been coming up the Platte, at Laramie we begin to encounter the Black Hills, in the afternoon went 10 miles and drove into camp late in the evening. had to go about ¾ of a mile after water[.] had to take the mules and find the water in the dark[.] came nigh being frightened, going up the revene when all of a sudden a large bloce shot upward through the darkness about 15 feet from me, looked and it was a pilgrim stoped for the night, while the mules were drinking found choke cherries of which I ate hartily got back and took the mules up a large revene and staid till 11 or 12, when H. Parker came and took the guard and I went to camp eat my supper and went to bed [23rd] out pretty early after watered and Cherries got breakfast hitched up and rolled out some 30 head of cattle gone. Wm Biles and Joseph Weiler stoped back to find them, went 6 miles and camped for noon by a beautiful spring went 9 miles in the afternoon and camped by the platte late in the evening.

[24th] drove 6 miles in the forenoon went after cheeries at noon we camped close to a large grove of cottonwoods and other bush in which a few years before the Indians had way layed and killed quite a number of whites going west[.] in the afternoon went 6 miles and crossed the Platt the 2nd time[.] went 3 miles and camped by a beautiful grove. Parker and myself went on guard about 10[.] saw a man coming towards us hailed him the 2nd time[.] no stop so we stoped him, and found that he belonged to H. P. Kimball train which was a short distance a head, the boys had got him to catch rabbits yankee fashion by building a small fire, lying down by it with an open sack for the rabbits to run and then hit them on the head with a club now and then giving a low whistle, the boys going out round to drive them in. when all of a sudden the boys gave a yell the man thought that the Indians were upon him and off he started at full run[.] he had run about a mile when we stoped him[.] the fellow was scared out of his wits, the cause was that he knew every thing but yankee tricks, took him back to his train which was ¾ of a mile distant and then went to roost—

25th starter and drove 10 miles and nooned quite a distance from the Platte sun very warm, went 5 miles and crossed the Platt the 3rd time, both trains crossed the same afternoon and camped on the bank, meeting in the evening began to feel simptons of sore throte

26th waked up with the putrid sore throte, woke up the stock hitched on and saw the remains of the Brave Johnston army on their homeward march, the army that had annihilated the mormons (over the left) and brought them to nought[.] had to wate for them to pass rather rusty looking lot[.] we went 9 miles and nooned on a bluff. went 7 miles in the after part of the day and camped in the hills a long way from the Platte. 6 miles east of Deer Creek,

27th out and waked the camp. rather on the rainy order. went over to Deer Creek and loaded in the flour that was left going down[.] went 2½ mile further and stoped for noon. nooned 5 miles in the afternoon and camped

28th went 9 mile and nooned the country is very hilly, this morning some Cattle missing boys after them, went 7 miles in afternoon

29th went to the uppr Platte bridge and loaded up the flour that was stored there[.] went on a short distance making 11 mils and stoped fer noon[.] went to Seminols station[.] I staid behind to get some things from Hebrs train for ours. took some flour out of my wagon[.] staid about 2 hours after dark, then started on and over took the train about 4 miles from the Platt, to day we left the our faithful friend the Platte river when we over took the train[.] it had made a dry camp,

30th out after some mules that were missing Henry Parker and myself started. went a short time found them, when we got back to camp found that quite a number of the oxen were missing, we started and went 2 or 3 miles and met Joseph Weiler with the cattle[.] stoped a short time to wait for the train. while stopping a mule gave me a rap on the arm with his hind leg, made it pretty sore then moved on to Willows Springs Creek where we nooned making 9 miles. while nooning Jos. W. asked me to go on with him to overtake the emigration to settle up with them for their emmigration you can better imagine my feelings than I can describe them, we left the train behind went over to fish Creek 5 miles and took supper with H. P. Kimball, then moved on and camped with Capn Woolley about 12 P.M. till daylight went over to Independence rock 10 miles and took breakfast[.] the rock covers several acres of land and stands out in the plains away from the range of mountains[.] we here strike the sweet water for the first time also the Rockey mountains which look good to the eye and gladdens the heart after traveling so long beside the monotinous Platt. the water of a mountain stream is gladly drank by one who has passed the greater portion of his life among the mountains[.] here I went out after sage hens which I saw flying round but got nay shot. the sage was almost as high as I was, so they had the advantage of me. while out my throat brook and relieved me very much went on and passed the Devils Gate. which is a novelty to look at, it is a narrow deep cut through the rocks about between 4 and 5 feet in debth through which the Sweet Water flows over large boulders in the spring of the year when the stream is high the boiling water looks grand from the top of the chasm. we went on to Capn Porter's train and took dinner he has a mormon train) making 25 miles. then went on to and crossed the 3 crossings of the sweet water and camped making 25 miles in the after noon, the 3 crossings is a beautiful place, the the majestic mountains of rocks on either side makes it look grand[.] the Crossings are close to gather 2 of them are but a few rods and the other about 6 or 8 hundred yards off, after one is through about ¾ of a mile to the right of the road is a nice lake, of fresh water, we camped in the evening.

Sep. 1st out soon as it was daylight got the mules and drove 8 or 10 miles and got breakfast, went on 23 miles and took dinner[.] struck out till sundown and got supper with Louis Silver at the foot of the rockey Bridge. then crossed the ridge which is rightly named, then crossed (in the evening) the Strawberry, Rock and Willow Creeks, crossed the sweet water fer the last time and camped a short distance making 27 miles

Sept 2nd out soon as we could see started crossed the south Pass which is called the divide between the two Oceans took breakfast at C McCarties, then moved on rather rapidly crossed Pacific Creek dry Sandy went 3 or 4 miles, stoped for noon, making 22 miles, while nooning the Coach came up J. W. Y got in and JP was left alone. hitched up drove on crossed Big and Little sandy went on and got a little further and got supper just at sundown went on and crossed Simpsons on Carrell Hollow and camped for the night[.] it was rather dark when I stoped[.] I think it is twenty miles that I drove this afternoon, camped in the company of my teams and wagon;

3rd out soon as it was light went a short distance and overtook Bro Merkley talked a short time and then drove on 5 miles and came to Cap Eldredge train that was just getting ready to start. delivered up a mare that we found clost to Laramie, got breakfast. then went on Crossed Green River went down the old road, and out on the bench and stoped for noon the sun came right down uncomfortably hot making 20 miles started and went over to Hams Fork had a fearful headache as I asked Fayett Granger fa a little whiskey or camphor to rub my head, said had nun, I did not believe it for all that then struck on over to Blacks Fork making 25 miles, there found Cap Hane's train had a dance in the evening rather rough floor,

4th got up and found the mules missing, went up blacks fork about 3 miles and found them, brought some more horses that were with them. found they belonged to the train, got Richard Horne in with me he had got his side hurt, so that he could not drive his team. glad of his company started out went and came up to Bridger where we tok supper with Danl Seegmiller, here we found Capt Murdock & Duncan train's after supper drove about 8 miles and camp for the night making about 40 miles.

5th daylight saw us out drove over to soda Springs and got breakfast. dinner at Bear River, supper at Cache Cave, drove down Echo 3 or 4 miles making about 45 miles

[6th] out at the break of day found the mules drove down Echo to the mouth got breakfast found the anamiles as usual took dinner in East Kanyon then rolled on to Ephraim Hankes (had to cross the big mountain about three miles long, tok some time, took supper he gave us a square meal

[7th] out and rolled over to G.S.L.City at 8½ and took breakfast at home