Transcript of "William Checketts diaries, 1900-1902," Vol. 1, 1900 August-November
Title: William Checketts diaries, 1900-1902 Volume 1, 1900 August-November
Call Number: MS 4839
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[front cover]
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[1899 & 1900 calendars]
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No 2 #2
Saturday Agust 4th 1900
Cloudy Coald day in the
morning I went to the
Barber and got my hir Cut
Boght 3 Books Like this
one – and a Necktye Cost
24 cents had a Bath shaved
my self and Packed up
my valice redy to go to
Hereford on Monday
Brother Start [unreadable] and my self
went out in the after noon
visited two Invastagiters
then went to sister Satts
then down to my Cousen
George Ewens then Back
home miles walked 6
[Page 4 of 116]
Sunday. Agust 5th
Being fast day we went
to Sunday School with out
Breakfirst atended Sunday
school when school was
out Preastood Meeting took
[unreadable]. and Lasted till three
oclock then testomoney
meeting comensed and it
was a verry stormy cold
day and By the time
meeting was out I was
verrey Cold and hungry
Bro Start [unreadable] and I went to
Cousen George Ewins and
thay had a good fire and
a warm supper for us
and after we Pertook of it
we felt Lots Better. Sat up
till after 12 oclock had a
nice time miles 2
[Page 5 of 116]
monday Agust 6th 1900
got up 730. had a good Bead
at Cousen George Ewins
cosen fannie got us a
good Breakfirst they felt
Bad to see me go (I) shook
hands with them and Bid
them good By. we walked
to the Conference house I
got my grips ready and
shook hands with the
Elders, and Bid them good
By for a wile and I felt
Pretty Bad at Leaving them
and it was Little Like
Leaving home I had
Labord with them three
months and we had Become
atached to Each other Brother
Loyde took me to the
[Page 6 of 116]
station and helped me
to carrey My grips and
at the depot when we
shook hands I tell you
we squesed Each others
hands. the train Pulled
out of Birmingham 1130 am
I arived at 49 Park St
Hereford 2 PM Agast 6 (1900)
Elder Challis. (and) droubay. meet
me. at the station. and I
found a nice Ludgen Place
had dinner at 2 P.M. verrey
stormy all day stayed in
the house all afternoon.
miles 2
August 7th tuesday
Clowdy morning feel
A Little Lonsum again as
all ar strangers to me
[Page 7 of 116]
in the afternoon Brother
Chaless Druby and my
self took a walk down
town and we went in to
the Hereford Catheradel it
raind Pretenear all afternoon
Posted a Letter to My wife
miles 2
wensday August 8th
Cloudy dull morning
read the Bible some in the
after noon Bro Challis. Druby
and my self took a walk
in town and we went out
to the water works and
we went [crossed out] up in the
tower it is a verrey high
one. and it is a fine
Place to Look around the
Countrey at night we had
a Bible Class.
Miles walked 3.
[Page 8 of 116]
thursday August 9th
got up and found it still
Raining verrey stormy
all day we had a Religon
Class at 12 oclock. and
Layed around and read the
rest of the day Could not
go out all day
Friday August 10
Before I got out of Bead
this morning the
Poast man fetched me
a Letter from over the
sea from My Loved
ones and Elder Challis
Brought them Upstairs
to me and I read them
in Bead and I was
verrey thankful for
it Containd the good
[Page 9 of 116]
News of all Being well
I also received a Letter
from, Jane Jody & Nellie
in ogden we had Religon
Class at 12 oclock. in the
After noon I went out
tracking delivered 20
tracks But Could not
git Eney one to talk to
me. in the Evening
I sang a good Menney
hyms and sunday
school songs Sister
Daich, and Watkins
Likes me to sing. I do not
feel well to day I have
Pains in stumach (miles 1)
Saturday August 11th
Nice morning But I am
Not feeling well. head
[Page 10 of 116]
Ache and Pains in My
Body. Elders Challis and
Druaby and my self took
a walk to the river why
and we selected a spot
under a Large Oake tree
and sang a hym Prayed
and sung again. and Elder
Challis speak to us on the
first Prinsebls of the
gospel for about 30 minutes
we sang again and
dismised By Prayer and
we had a good time
walked 2 miles feel a
Little Better Now when
we got home we had
our Bible Class. in the
after noon I rote Part of
a Letter to my wife
miles 2
[Page 11 of 116]
Sunday August 12th
Nice Morning had Breakfirst
and Left the house at 10
oclock to go out to Ledberrey
took the train and road
out ther wich is 13 miles
then we walked out to
red Marley wich is about
7 miles from Ledberrey station
it was verrey hot walking
Brother Challis and I got our
toes skind some. we got
to Brother Rebrt. Hills for
dinner they (new) Brother Reading
and Brother McMurdy
after dinner we held a
meeting at Brother Hills
we was Blessed with the
sprit of the Lord and we
had a good time
[Page 12 of 116]
meeting Presided over by
me. my self Elders
Challis and Druby
Being the speakers.
we had tea then walked
about 4 miles to White Leaf
Oak. and held an
out doors meeting up on
the hill quite a number
of saints Being Present
and some strangers
after meeting we went over
the hill to a famley of
saints By the names of
Sheans. thay new Brother
Reading. then we walked
Back to Brother Hills
to sleep. and we felt some
what tired. waked 18 miles
[Page 13 of 116]
Monday August 13th
got up and found a verrey
nice morning awe walked
around the Countrey and
visited some of the saints
saw sister Danes and they
new Brother Reading well
she gave us a glass of
Lemonade we walked
around all day and did
Not get Eney dinner got to
Ledberrey station about
5 P M. took the tran
for Herford got home 6 PM
tired and hungrey
had tea and Layed around
resting Up till 12 PM
then went to Bead
Miles 12 or 13.
[Page 14 of 116]
Tuesday August 14
verrey warm in the
morning rote a Letter
to my wife in the
After noon I went out
tracking delivrd 30 tracks
and had some Conversations
in the Evening we went
out in to the Countrey
about 2 miles to see if
we Could hold a street
meeting But when we
got out ther we found it
was in the City Limits
and we Could not hold
it so we took a stroull
down the river and
watched the People Boat
rid then Come Back home
miles walked 4
[Page 15 of 116]
Monday August 15th
warm day read the Papers
And Books. at night we
had an interesting Bible
Thursday August 16th
took the train out
to Ross a. distence of 12
miles to see what the
Prospects was for tracking
and holding street
meetings we done some tracking
and had some good Conversations
But we did not hold a
street Meeting. arived
at 49 some thing after
10 PM. tired and hungrey
miles walked 10.
[Page 16 of 116]
Friday August 17th
Nice morning, received
some Jornels from home
also receaved the deseret
news. so I read them
during the morning
and this Being the
Birth day of my
sweet Little daughter
Lola I thought of hir
menny, times and
well do I remember
the day she was Born
4 years ago to day.
and this Being the
Circus day in Logan
I Could not get my dear
wife and Children
off my mind and I
Pray god to Bless them
[Page 17 of 116]
and Perserve them from
all harm. in the
after noon I went out
tracking had some
good talks. also had
three or four refuse to
take a track. Miles 2
Saturday August 18th
nice day Bible Class
in the morning
read the Bible in the
after noon. at night
Elder Druby and my
self went for a walke
around town and herd
the salvation harmery (Miles 2)
Sunday August 19th
in the Morning I rote
Part of a Letter to my
wife at 630 we went
[Page 18 of 116]
To Brother Drembry s
to hold Cotage Meeting
the Sprite of the Lord
was Pored out upon us
and we had a good
meeting. after meeting
we went to Mr Batoms
to spend the Evening
we song hyms and
sundy school songs
and had a good time (Miles 2)
Monday August 20th
nice morning got a
good Letter from my
wife and it done me
good to hear from my
Loved ones and to hear
thay was all well.
I am going to Leave
Hereford to day about
[Page 19 of 116]
11 am. For Pinvin and
Pershure to have a few
days visit with my
folks. arived at Pinvin
315. PM. found the folks
well. went to Uncle
Barnes. first then went
and seen aunt Ema
Hains and had tea with
hir she was Pleased to
see me and she Could tell
me how old I was and
when my Birth day was
and all my Brothers and
sisters ages. went Back
to aunt Barnes to sleep
Pinvin August 21 (Miles 2)
Nice morning rote a Letter
to my wife and helped Uncel
Barns Load wheat and haull
[Page 20 of 116]
Barley. so if I am
far away from home
I had a tast of harvesting
in the Evening I went to
see Jimanos mother how
was sick But I found
hir feeling Bettr. got Back
to uncles Barnes By dark
had some supper and
went to Bead walked
4 miles
Pinvin August 22nd
go up feeling a Little
stiff from the work
of yesterday. went and
un Loaded a nother Load of
Barley and then I felt
Better. then I went to
Pershore to see Uncle
Wm Checketts when
[Page 21 of 116]
I arived ther I found
he was not home he
had got a job for a few
days Keeping gate at
the habby Church
so I had dinner with
aunt and Cousen
Heber Checketts then I
went to see Uncle Wm
wher he was working
talked a good deal upon
the Prinsibles of the
gospel. and I Bore my
testomney to him I
arived Back to Uncle
Barses [Barnes] for tea. Cousen
George Ewins Came and
we spent the Evening
talking and thay had me
sing a few songs
for them Miles 4
[Page 22 of 116]
Pinvin August 23
got up had two fresh
Layed Eggs for Breakfirst
and had a Little Chat
after Breakfirst Cousin
fannie Come to aunt
Barnes in the morning
But did not stay Long
in the after noon
Uncle Barnes took me
to the flowr show
and races it was a
grand display of flowers
and the gratest races I
Ever saw and the horse
Jumping was fine and
we had a verrey good
time I should of said
the show and rases
was at Pershore.
[Page 23 of 116]
it rained a good deal
of the day But Uncle
Barnes took us in
the reserved seats
under. Cover. so we
had it fine. it rained
verrey hard wile we
was going home in Uncles
trap when we got to
Uncles Barnes aund
had supper ready for
us. had a Little Chatt
after supper and then went
to Bead.
Pinvin August 24
got up and had Breakfirst
felling Pretty well.
verrey stormy all
day in the morning
ther was a man
[Page 24 of 116]
came in the shead
for shelter he was
traveling through
thi Countrey on a
Bicicle and we got
in a Conversation on
religon and he was
mutch intrested in
my remarks. and
he was well acuainted
with the Bible and
ther was 4 or 5 other
men gathered around
us and we had a fine
time for a [scribbled out word] hour or
so. and he Belived my
testomoney and I
gave him some
reading mater and
he gave me his
[Page 25 of 116]
address and invited
me to come and see
him if I was Ever
around wher he Lived
in the after noon
I went to aunt Emma
haines and Cousen
george haines and wife
was ther and also harvy
and I taked to them
up on the gospel. Miles 1
Pinvin August 25th
verrey dull morning
walked to Pershore
spent the day with
Uncle Wm Checketts
and talked a grate deal
about the gospel and I
Bore my testomney to
[Page 26 of 116]
it rained verrey hard
most all day at night
I walked Back to
Uncle Barnes. to sleep
miles walked 5
Pinvin Sunday 26th Aug
dull Cloudy Morning
got up and went out
in to the road and
saw a poor woman
Laying down in the
Weit grass with no Bead
Clothes she had Been sleeping
ther all night after Break
-first I went to the station
and took the train for
gladberrey walked from
ther to Uncle George
Ewens – then Cousen geo
Ewens Cousin fannie
[Page 27 of 116]
and a nether gentlemen
and my self took a walke
around a mans Estate
all fenced in with a 8 foot
fence and the rabbets ar
as thick as they can Be
and Lots of deer and we
Enjoyed the walk went
Back to dinner. after dinner
thay took us round the
Countrey in the Cart to
Mimes fathers and mothers
we had tea ther and had
a nice Chatt then I walked
Back to Uncle Barnes had
supper taked a wile then
went to Bead walked 5 miles
Pinvin Monday august 27th
nice morning started to
mend a Ladder for uncle
[Page 28 of 116]
Cald to Breakfirst after
Breakfirst finished mending
the Ladder Cousen george
Ewens. and fannie Came
after me to go to talors
to dinner after dinner
thay took me to Pipelton
and Braughlen and showed
me wher mother use to
Liv we walked from
this to Uncel Barnes
and we had a nice
walke and I sang hyms
and Preached the gospel
to Cousen george miles
walked 9
Tuesday august 28th
got up and had Breakfirst
at aunt Barnes. then
walked to Pershore and
[Page 29 of 116]
spent the day with Uncle
Wm Checketts. in the
Evening Cousen Heber
Checketts and myself
took a walk out in the
Countrey. went to Bead at
Uncels Wm Checketts
miles walked 4 (Posted a Letter home)
Pershore wensday Aug 29th
got up at seven oclock had
Breakfirst at Uncle Wm Che
hyred a Bycle roade to
Uncle Barnes. then out
to the Logde te Talors. from
this to hill ferze then
Back to Uncles Barnes
then to worvester stayed
with Elders Wyatt and
Druby a few hours had
dinner in the after noon
[Page 30 of 116]
went down in to town
in worster meet Cousen
george Ewins and fannie
then roade along with
them on our Bycels Back
to Pinvin had tea at
aunt Barnes them I road
the Bycle Back to Pershore
then went to Uncle
Wm Checketts to Put up
for the night I hav road
some thing over 30 miles
Pershore August 30th
got up and found a
verrey dull morning
Uncle Wm Checketts and
my self went through
the Pershore Abbey
Church and it is a
verrey old fashion
[Page 31 of 116]
Building it as Been
Built menny hundards
of years ago But it is
Built verrey strong
I also went up in to
the Bellfrey and out
on top of the tower
spent moust of the day
with Uncle Wm Checketts
and thay was verrey
Kind to me. I hav
had the headache to day
in the afternoon I
Preached the gospel to
Uncle Wm Checketts and
his wife and Bore my
testomoney to them
and Bid them good By
for a wile I walked
to Pinvin to Uncel Barnes
[Page 32 of 116]
and found a letter ther
from my Dear wife
with the glorious news
of them all Being well
and it made me happy
and verrey thankfull
Cousen george Ewins and
fannie was at aunt
Barnes for tea and shok
hands with them and
Bid them good By for
the Present. Miles 2
Pinvin friday 31 august
went to see aunt Emma
got ready to Leave
for Hereford at 12 noon
Left Pershore station at
12/20 and the ride was a
verrey Plesant one Espicily
throug Malvery. to [smudged out] see
[Page 33 of 116]
the houses on the hill
side and the Prety hills
I arived at Hereford at
about 2[smudged out] PM. and found
Elder Chall and Sistirs
Parctos and Watkings
well. went to Bead (Miles 3)
But did not sleep mutch (received a Letter from wife)
Herford Saturday September
[illegible] 1900
got up not feeling verrey
well did not rest good
through the night went
down to the Post ofice
Before Breakfirst and
Posted some Letters
after dinner went to
the Publick Baths and
had a Path [Bath]. Layed around
Prety mutch all day with
[Page 34 of 116]
the headache and not
feeling well. Miles 2
Sunday September 2st[nd] 1900
got up feeling Bettr
this morning. and it
is Prety nice wether to day
as it is fast day and
no meeting nor sunday school
till 630 PM. I did not
get up verrey Earley.
we had dinner at 4 PM
and got ready to go to
Meeting ther was not
menney ther as ther is
But verrey few saints
hear But we had a good
Meeting and the sprit of
testomoney. and we Enjoy
-ed our selves after metting
we went to visit a
[Page 35 of 116]
friend and we stayed
till 11 PM. singing hyms
Monday September 3st[rd]) Miles 2
Nice morning I stayed
in the house and wrote
a Letter to my wife and
wrote a Little Letter to Each
of my Children and Arthir
in the after noon I
went out tracking and
I had a good time and
and had a good memory
good Conversations at night
sang some songs and
hyms and went to Bead
walked 1 mile
Tuesday Sept 4th
Nice morning But rather
Cool. in the morning read
some and in the afternoon
[Page 36 of 116]
went out tracking
and had some good taks
in the Evening finished
writing a Letter to my
wife and Posted it Miles 2
wensday Sep 5th. 1900
in the morning the
dereset News came and
we read it over with
intrest But was sorray
to see that the small
Pox had got such a start
in Cache Valey also
contaned the death of
Jacob Tlhurer [Theurer] Junir.
in the after noon I
went tracking. I forgot to
say that Sister watkins
was sick and I helped
wash dishis “and Picked
[Page 37 of 116]
Beans for dinner and
cleaned them. we administerd
to hir and she is getting
Better. Miles 2
Thursday Sep 6th
this morning at 7:30 I had
a Letter from my dear wife
and it was Brought Up
stairs to me Before I was
out of Bead so I read the
Contents and was verrey
happy to Learn thay was
all well. But verrey sorrey
indeed to Lern of the small
pox Being around ther and
I went to my Secret Chamber
and asked god to Perserve
them from it and to
Prevent the spread of the
same. it is a nice
[Page 38 of 116]
morning and sister watkins
is improving in the
after noon read the Papers
Friday 7th Sep
in the morning I
received a Letter from
Pres Frisby saying that
Sister J Munn at
Malvurn [Great Malvern] was sick
and she wished Us to go
and administer to hir so
we took the train at
hereford at 1230 Noon
and road to grate
Maulvern and walked
through the City of
Mulvirn to Mautvern Link
found sister Munn
Pretty sick we administerd
to hir and Left hir
[Page 39 of 116]
Feeling some Better and
Brother Challis and my
self walked from ther
to worster went to
Elders Wyatt and Drubys
Lodging oh I forgot to
say we was Picked up
on the road to worster
By a main a trapp
and road about 4 miles
after having tea with the
Elders we took a walk
around the town for
a mile and Enjoyed
our Beads went Back
to Elder Wyoatts Logdens
and Spent a hour or two
I slept with Brother
Wyiatt. Miles 8
[Page 40 of 116]
worsts saturday sep 8th
Elder Wyatt Druby Challis
and my self started to
walk to Maulvern and
it was a verrey nice
day But warm walking
I should of siad Before
Leaving Worsts Elder Challis
and my self. went and
saw My Cosen Mgrett
Haynes found hir to
Be a verrey nice Lady she
gave us a Lunch. we
arived at Maulvern in
the Evening rather tirid
found Sister Munn some
Better. Elder Wyatt and
my self. slept at his
house Brother Challis and
Druby went and hired
Beads. miles [scribbled out ] 12
[Page 41of 116]
Maulvern sunday Sep 9th
had Breakfirst with sister
Munn then Elders Wyatt
Druby Challis and my
self started to walk to
read Marley and we
walked along the Maulvern
hills for severill miles and
it was a grand sight
we got on the rong
road and went severill
miles out of the road
we arivid at Brother
James Schenes. at 2 PM
tired and hungrey Brother
Wyatt and me stayed ther
for dinner the walked
3 miles fether to Brother
Ubert Hills to hold
meeting found a nice
Little Congregation ther
[Page 42 of 116]
we had a good meeting
after tea walked Back
to evite Leaf Oak to
hold an out doors
meeting had a verry
good meeting returned
to Brother Ubert hills
had supper and went
to Bead walked alltogether
23 miles and we was all
verry tired
Monday Sep 10th
got up feeling some what
rested had Breakfirst
Brother wyatt and myself
started to go to Sister
Newmans to get Elders
Challis and Druby
then we all walked
two or three miles together
[Page 43 of 116]
then we Parted with
Elders Wyatt and Druby
thay going to worster and
Brother Challis and myself
going to Putley to see my
Cousen Meleg and Jimmers
Brother Harrey Taylor & we
arived ther at 6 PM verrey
tired and hungrery after
a walk of 17 or 18 miles
they gave us some thing
to Eate for wich we
was verrey thankfull.
we found Jimmers Bro
Harrey to Be a Jolley
fellow. after we had
Been ther about two
hours my Cousen heber
Haynes a Poilice Man
from London Came on
[Page 44 of 116]
a visit and we was
glat to hav the Privilege
of seeing Each other miles 18
Tuesday sep 11th
got up and had Breakfirst
then Hrrey taylor took
Elder Challis Cousen heber
and my self. all around
the froot Plantation and
it was a verrey Large
Place and tuns and tuns
of nice froot he also
took us to a farmer
By the name ….
hwo had some of the
Best Sider and Perrery
I Ever [crossed out word] tasted we
got Back to Harrey Taylors
to dinner in the afternoon
I wrote a Letter to my wife
and Posted it
[Page 45 of 116]
in the Evening Harrey
Taylor took Elder Challis
Cousen Heber and my
self for a walk and we
got started to talk on
the gospel. and thay wher
verrey mutch Entrested
and I talked to them
a Long time thay asked
me to sing a song then
we Eate supper and
went to Bead miles 4
wensday sep 12th
got up found a nice
morning had Breakfirst
and Bid them good By
and we walked to ashperton
sation wich is about 3
miles took the train for
Hereford when we got
[Page 46 of 116]
ther we went to the
market and saw the
Catell and Sheep – then
went to 49 Park St and
found a Letter ther from
my wife it had Been
ther Ever sence sunday
and I was verrey
thankfull to hear
thay was all well
in the afternoon took a
walk down town
in the Evening had
religon Class or Bible
Class. walked 4 or 5
hereford sep 13
did not feel well
after our Long walk
so we rested most
[Page 47 of 116]
of the day in the aftern
-oon went for a walk in
town Lots of People in town (2 miles)
sep 14th
in the morning elder
Challis and my self
went up the river and
gatherd some hurbs and
roots to make some Beer
in the after noon we
washed them and clened
the Bottils to Put it in
sent some stars to my
wife with a Breast Pin
in them at night we
went down in to the
City and herd the Band
Play. miles 2
[Page 48 of 116]
Saturday Sep 15th
got up had Breakfirst
and got ready to go out
in to the Countrey
to see an old Sister
By the name of
Elizabeth Pulling we
walked 9 miles and
found hir in a hop
field Picking hops
and we taked to her
a few menuets then
we went Back in to
the road sat down
in the Shade and ate
some Bread and Cheese
we had with us we
went on our way for
a few miles asked for
a drink at a farm
[Page 49 of 116]
house thay gave us some
milk we went on our
way rejoicing arived at
49 verrey tired on
ariving ther found a
Letter from my wife
with the good news of
all Being well wich I
was verrey thankful to
hear miles walked 18
Sunday Sep 16th
stayed in the house all day
as we had no meetings to
go to till 6 30 PM and we was
tired from our walke the day
Be fore held meeting at Brother
Pembreges. at 630 my self Being
the Princible speaker Elder
Challis made a few Closing remarks
returned to 49 miles 2
[Page 50 of 116]
monday sep 17th
in the morning rote a Letter
in the after noon went out
tracking had a good time and
a good menney gospel Conversations
at one house thay asked me
to Pray with them. spent
the Evening reading miles 1
Tuesday 18th sep.
do not feel well to day
I had a Pain at my
heart and in my side
finished writing a Letter
to my wife. and Posted it
also wrote a Letter to Br Lyman
went to the Libery and read
the News
wensday sep 19
went to the Hereford Market
I distribited 2 tracks on
[Page 51 of 116]
ariving at 49 I had a tereable
Bad Nerves headache Sister
wakings Put a Brandy Choth
on my forehead I Layed down
for a hour or two felt a Little
Better went tracking in the
afternoon dilivrd 20 tracks
had 8 Conversations. had Bible
Class at night 2 miles
Thursday Sep 20th
fine day receaved Letter form
Brother Reading with 200 Bill
in do not feel verrey well But
an taking medecen and think
I will Be all rite soon
in the afternoon we went
and saw a foot Ball game
Called at the Lerbery and
read the war news.
feel a Liittle Better to night (2miles)
[Page 52 of 116]
Friday. Sep 21
feel Better to day.
read some in the morning
in the after noon went
out tracking deliverd 20
tracks and had some
good gospel Conversations
we got the deseret news
to day and read the sam
with Entrest. 2 miles
Saturday sep 22
had my hiar Cut this
morning. after dinner went
to the Public Baths and had
a Bath. in the Evening went
down town miles 2
(160 miles written sideways in the margin)
Sunday sep 23
took the train at 1030 a.m.
for Ledbury arived ther 11 am
walked to Bromsbery Eath
[Page 53 of 116]
had dinner with Brother
an sister gittens went to
sister alsups had a meeting
ther at 3 PM. then walked
to Brother Shins as Sister
Shin was sick and
wanted us to adminester
to hir so we went and
adminesterd to hir and
she felt Better rite away
then we walked out
on to the hill and held
an out doors meeting
at 630 PM. after wich
we walked to Sister
Newmans to sleep
Miles walked 15
monday Sep 24
had breakfirst at Sister
Newmans Cut wood
[Page 54 of 116]
for hir till 130 noon
had dinner walked from
ther to Sister davis
then went to Mr harts
his wife wants to get
Baptized but he will not
Let her we had a Long
gospel talk with him
walked from ther to
Ledbury Station took
the train at 715 PM
for Hereford arived at
49 Park st 830 PM
found a Letter from
my wife with the
good news of all Being
well. miles walked 10
Tuesday Sep 25th
Nice day rote a Letter
to my wife in the
[Page 55 of 116]
afternoon went and
gatherd herbs. to make Beer
in the Evening went to
the Libry and read the
dayley Papers. in the Evening
we had two Lady sisters
from the Countrey we
sang songs and Enjoyed
our selves for a Little wile
Miles 2
wensday Sep 26
Nice morning and all
feel well in the afternoon
we started to go out in
to the countrey But it
Looked so stormy we
did not go so I dileverd
10 tracks in town in
traps that was going
out in to the Countrey
Miles 2
[Page 56 of 116]
Thursday Sep 27th
verrey dull dark Morning
in the after noon I went
out tracking deliverd 40
Tracks had a good menney
gospel Conversations and
some verrey warm
Arguments. But thankful
to say I was not Left
to my self the Lord
Blessed me and I was
able to refute all ther
argiments at night we
held a Bible Class.
miles walked 2
Friday Sep 28th
sent Birthday Cards to
Leslie and arlean and
a note to my wife
went tracking in the
[Page 57 of 116]
afternoon and I got in
to a grate Meess a wonan
aposed me and would not
alow me to speak she
sead She did not want
her daughters taken to
Utah I told hir we did
not want her nor hir
daughtrs we had Plenty
of good girls and women
over ther. She told me
to Leave her door I told
hir all rite and Bid her
good afternoon and thanked
hir She made such a
noise that quite a nomber
of women came out and
[crossed out word] shouted at me
and feard me But I Kept
rite on tracking and took
[Page 58 of 116]
no notice of them.
But it makes a Person
feel rather queer Just the
same. receaved a Letter
from Elder Wyatt to night
informing me of his
release and asking me
to come and see him
miles walked 2
Saturday Sep 29th
receaved the dereset
news and read them
wrote a Letter to John
Wyatt at Wocester
went a watch a
foot Ball game for
a wile in the
afternoon in the
Evening receaved
a Letter from
[Page 59 of 116]
my Loved ones
with the good News
of all Being well
also the Logan Jurnals
Sunday Sep 30th
rainy dull day all
day. we held Cotage Meeting
at Brother Pembrege Prayer
Wm Checketts sacremend administer
By Elder Challis first Speaker
my self. spoke for 25 minuts
upon the God head and
Charity. Elder Challis spoke
28 minuts on genrel Prinsebels
of the gospel dismest By
Brother Pembrege. miles 2
Monday October 1
in the morning rote
Letters in the after noon
went tracking and found
[Page 60 of 116]
some People that was
verrey Bitter. to ards the
Saints and I could not
do mutch with them
went to Brother Pembreges
after we got through
tracking spent the Evening
sang songs Played the
Piona. got Back to 49
at 10/30 verrey hungrey
as we had not tea so we
had a Boal of supe and
went to Bead miles 2
Tuesday Oct 2th
verrey stormey done
some writing in the
morning in the afternoon
went tracking had a good
time Posted a Letter to my
wife miles 2
[Page 61 of 116]
wensday Oct 3t
nice morning Left 49 Park
street at 10 a m. for a trip
round the Countrey
walked 7 or 8 miles then
got a rid about 2 miles
had a gospel Conversation
with him and gave him
some tracks Called at
tow houses Left tracks and
had some talk with them
arived at H Taylors at
5 PM. had tea went for
a walk in the orchard
in the Evening. Sang
Songs and hyms and
taught them the gospel
and had a good time
walked 13 miles
[Page 62 of 116]
Putley Oct 4 Left
Hary Taylors 10 am
soon after Leaving
Started to rain we
got wet three times
one time it was Pooring
down with rain and
Elder Challis and My
self took shelter Under
a Large oak tree and
I sead to Brother Challis
Let us sing so we took
out our Books and Song
rock of my refuge is
the and ther was a Large
Brick house Close By
and the Lady herd Us
singing so the opned
the door so thay Could
hear us and we sang
[Page 63 of 116]
some more hyms then
I went to the door and
asked her if she would
give us shelter and she
seamed glad to have the Privilege
to do so and we went in
and got warm and dry
and started on the way
got a mile or two on the
road and oh my for hour
the rain did Poor down
and we got By some trees
and held our Uprelas up
the Best we could till
the worst of it was over
then we went on to a
nother house and asked
for the Privilege of drying
our selvs again wich
was granted But we was
[Page 64 of 116]
rather hungrey and ther
was some food on the
table we Looked at it
and got satifide and
went on our way rejoicing
walked 3 or 4 miles further
stoped at John Pullings
thay gave us some
Bread and Butter and
a Cup of Cider and we
got dryed again and
walked on to stanferd
Bishop to Sister Elizabath
Hills had tea with them
she was the onley saint
in the famley we had
a Cottage Meeting ther
that night. and we
Preached the gospel to
them and had a good
[Page 65 of 116]
meeting the old jentleman
and his son as Been talking
about getting Baptized for
some time so after the
meeting was over thay
told me if I would Come
Back soon thay would
Like to Be Baptized so I
Set tuesday october the 9
and told them I would
Come Back after I had Been
to Birmingham and do it
forgot to say. got two short
rides. walked 12 miles
Stanferd Bishop Oct 5th
Left Hill I walked 8 miles
raind verrey hard and the
wind Blowed took the train
to wocester distence 5 miles
arived wocester had dinner
[Page 66 of 116]
Elder Wyatt and my self
took the train to Birmingham
arived at 230 about 5 PM
verrey glad to Meet the
Elders and thay was
also glad to see me. had
sochal Chats till Bead time
went to Bead with my
old Bead feller Elder startup
Miles walked 10
230. Albert Rd oct 6
seteld acounts at confrence
house. turnd over the
tythen and star money
for the Hereford district
went Up town [the rest of the page is crossed out]
[Page 67 of 116]
with Elders startup
and Sprey. then about
noon went to Cousen
george Ewins thay was
glad to see me had dinner
with them Meet a second
Cousen ther a daughter
of harry Ewins in the
Evening Cousin george
and my sef went and
seen Will Taylor when
we get Back to cousen
geo Ewins Elder startup
Came and we spent a
Pleasant Evening singing
songs and hyms and
Playing the pino. and
talking. miles 2 .
[Page 68 of 116]
Birmingham sunday October (7)
went to sunday school in
the morning. after school
we had Preastood meeting
had a good time we all
reported our districts
then fast meeting Convend
at 3 PM. and the sprit of
testomoney was Enjoyed
after fast meeting Elder
startup and my self went
to tea then walked Back
to meeting at 630 PM
had a good time after
night meeting Elder
startup went Back with
Me to Cousins and
steept with Me ther
we had a nice time
Miles walked 6
[Page 69 of 116]
[Blank page]
[Page 70 of 116]
october 8th Monday
had Breakfirst at
Cousin Geo Ewins
went to Conference house
had a good Bath went
up town got some
dinner after dinner
I took Brother Loyed
to my Cousin
geo Haynes. saw
his wife had good
talk with hir
went Back to 230 for
tea then went to
Cousin George Ewins
spent the Evening
had a good time taking
on the Prinsabls of the
gospel. and he felt will
Miles 5
[Page 71 of 116]
[word crossed out] (Tuesday) oct [erased] 9th
Left Cousins Geo Ewins
830 am. took the train
for wocester had a good
time at Geo Ewins and
thay made me welcome
arived wocester 11 am
wrote Lettrs to my wife
Elder Challis and my
self Left wocester arived
stanford Bishop had tea
a Sister Hills ariving
ther found Mr Hill sick
But he wanted to Be
Baptized Just the same
after we had Been ther
a wile he felt Better thay
drest them selvs for
Baptism we Engaged
in Prayer and we
[Page 72 of 116]
Preadhed to them for a
short time. and dold
them of the responsibilits
thay was taking upon
them selvs and the
sprit of the Lord was
ther. and I Baptized
John Hill
John M Hill
George Joseph Hill
after Changing our
Cloths we had a
Cotage Meeting sang
Come Let us a New
our Jurney Persue
Prayer. Elder Challis
singing Come Come ye
saints then John Hill
was Confirmed By Me
and Elder Challis
[Page 73 of 116]
Confirmed J [covered by paper] Hill
and George [covered by paper]
then we [covered by paper] the
sacrment. Af [paper covering up] der
Challis spoke [paper covering up]
for 15 or 20 m [paper covering up]
duites of sain [paper covering up] ke
about 25 m [paper covering up]
verrey good [paper covering up] ed
after meeting [covered by paper] ist
we talked till one oclock
in the morning and thay
did not care to go to Bead
then ther was a girl in
the famley that did not
get Baptized and I talked
to hir fer a Long time and
the sprit rested on me and
the girl was Brought to
tears and she may
[Page 74 of 116]
[paper covering up] them for a
[paper covering up]and dold
[paper covering up] responsibilits
[paper covering up] taking upon
[paper covering up] and the
[paper covering up] Lord was
[paper covering up] I Baptized
[paper covering up]
[paper covering up] Hill
[paper covering up] seph Hill
after changing our
Cloths we had a
Cotage Meeting sang
Com Let us a New
our Jurney Persue
Prayer. Elder Challis
singing Come Come Ye
saints then John Hill
was Confermed By Me
and Elder Challis
[Page 75 of 116]
Confermed John Moroni Hill
and George Joseph Hill
then we adminesterd the
sacrment. after wich Elder
Challis spoke verrey good
for 15 or 20 minuits on the
duites of saints I also spoke
about 25 minuits and a
verrey good sprit Pervaled
after meeting was dimist
we talked till one oclock
in the morning and thay
did not care to go to Bead
then ther was a girl in
the famley that did not
get Baptized and I talked
to hir for a Long time and
the sprit rested on me and
the girl was Braught to
tears and she may
[Page 76 of 116]
repent yet miles 6
wensday Oct 10
Left Stanford Bishop 7 am
walked 10 miles then
got a ride in a trap
with a gentleman
in to Hereford 5 or 6
miles and it was a
nice ride and quite a
treat to us it is so
seldom we get a ride
when we do we aprictiate
it on ariving at 49
Park st. I found a
Letter ther from my
Loved ones with the
good news. of all Being
well. also a Letter from
Henry with 25 cents
receaved a good Letter
[Page 77 of 116]
from my Brother Heber
with 100 Bill in
miles walked 11
Thursday Oct 11
in the morning done
some reading rote a
Letter to Wm Reading
in the afternoon went
3 1/2 miles out in the
Countrey to hav a
Tlak with a man But
on ariving at is home we
found he was not home
so we had to return
without seeing him
Bible Class at Night
miles Walked 7
Friday Oct 12th
in the morning rot
to the President also to
[Page 78 of 116]
my future Companion
P.G. Druby, in the
after noon we waked
out to Mr.
again and found him
at home. had some verry
good gospel Conversations
with him and he semes
to Be imprest with our
doctren But would Like
to see it Become more
Popler. But I told him
the true worke of Christ
never had Been Popler yet
he invited ust to leave
again miles 7
Saturday Oct 13
Cold windy day rote
Letters and read the
Bible in the after noon
[Page 79 of 116]
I started to go out But it
rained so hard I had to
Come Back miles 0
Sunday Oct 14
Cold day. in the after noon
we went out to see sister
Brown But she was not
home so we went to Mr
Badhams. had tea sang
songs or rather hyms taked
on the gospel. went to meeting
at Bro Pembreges. Not menney
ther But we had good out
Poring of the sprit of god
Elder Challis spoke 20 or 25
minuets on apostecy and other
things. I spoke for forty
minuits on the restoration
of the gospel and and the
devine mission of the
Profit Joseph Smith
[Page 80 of 116]
after meeting we returned
to Mr Badhams sang
hyms and taked on the
gospel. miles 2
Monday Oct 15th
do not feel well this morning
had a Could Panes and
aches. in my Body receaved
a Comferting Letter from
my good wife all well
at home. we walked
a mile and a half down
the river to find a Place
to do some Baptizing in
the after noon took my
Shoes to Be mended at night
I Baptized gladys Pembridge
Brother Challis Confermed
hir miles 4
[Page 81 of 116]
[Paper on top with the words
Baptism Gladys Pembridge]
[paper covering first half of
next ten lines]
[paper covering up] 16th
[paper covering up] ber and henery
[paper covering up] fe receaved
[paper covering up] and Babies
[paper covering up] after noon
[paper covering up] acking and
[paper covering up] time with a
[paper covering up] about the
[paper covering up] a Long talk
with her and hir husband
Come home and thay invited
me in to tea and thay
invited me to Come again
name mr and mrs
Frank Brookes. thay semed
to Be nice People. miles 2
wensday oct 17th
went to the Cattle and
Horse shoe in the Morning
saw Lots of fine horses
[Page 82 of 116]
[paper covering up last half of first ten lines]
after meeting [paper covering up]
to mr Badha [paper covering up]
hyms and [paper covering up]
gospel. miles [paper covering up]
Monday oct [paper covering up]
do not feel w [paper covering up]
hav a Could [paper covering up]
aches. in An[paper covering up]
a Comferting [paper covering up]
my good wi [paper covering up]
at home. we walked
a mile and a half down
the river to find a Place
to do some Baptizing in
the after noon took my
shoes to Be mended at night
I Baptized Gladys Pembridge
Brother Challis Confermed
hir miles 4
[Page 83 of 116]
Tuesday oct 16th
wrote to Heber and henery
and my wife receaved
my wifes and Babies
Photos in the after noon
went out tracking and
had a good time with a
Lady talking about the
gospel. had a Long talk
with hir and hir husband
Come home and thay invited
me in to tea and thay
invited me to leave again
name mr amd mrs
Frank Brookes. thay semed
to Be nice People. miles 2
wensday oct 17th
went to the Cattle and
Horse shoe in the morning
saw Lots of fine horses
[Page 84 of 116]
and Cattle and sheep
and all kinds of People
verrey rich and verrey
Poor and Oh my for the
wickedness and drinking
men and women drunk
and fighting and such
swearing. we diliverd
50 tracks. in the after
noon went Bak to the
grocers again also
went and seene Sister
Brown. in the Evening
went and seen mr and
mrs. Badham do not
feel well to day Bad
Cold and Pain at my
heart. miles 5
Thursday oct 18
feel a Little Better
[Page 85 of 116]
this mornig had a Boal
of Onion supe Befor
going to Bead last Night
went to the station at 133 PM
to meet sister Little and hir
two daughters Vivian and
Kitty of Salt Lake City
thay Came with Us for dinner
after wich we went with
them through the Hereford
Cathredal and thay were
Pleased with the sights
also took them down town
in the Evening had Bible
Class. miles 4
Friday 19 October
in the morning took
sister Little and daughters
to the station also went up
town. Sister Little returned
[Page 86 of 116]
in the after noon and
wanted me to take hir
round the town and that
Keept me Buisuy the
remainder of the day
Elder griffin of Nuten
Cache Co Come to visit
Hereford as he is going
home. he sleept with
me. Elder Challis slept
on the sofa and he
fell out of Bead about
6 oclock in the morning
miles 4
Saturday oct 20th
got up with a verrey
Bad Head ache took
Sister Little to the
station she is on hir
way to Liver Pool to
[Page 87 of 116]
sale for home. I went home
in the after noon went
and seen a man and woman
gave them two Books.
went to Pembridges Consrated
same oile Bid them good By
Packed up my grip redy
to go to Worcester. had [unreadable]
went to see Mr and Mrs
Badham and Bid them
good By Mrs Badham shead
tears to see us Leave. Sister
Walkins Crided two or
three times to day to see
me Leave. head ache a Little
Better to Knight. Miles 5
Sunday oct. 21th
Left. 49 Park Street
at. 10 am walked to the
station took the train
[Page 88 of 116]
10-30. arived Ledberrey
11am walked to
Bronisbran heath had
dinner with Bro and
Sister gittens held meeting
at Bro Hills then had
tea at Bro gittens then
walked to read marley
held meeting at 6 30
had a good time went
to Bead at Bro Ubert
Hills. Miles 9
Monday oct
Breakfirst at Ubert Hills
walked out to sister
Newmens. then Back
to White Leaf Oake
went to Bro. James Sheen
had dinner sang some
hyms walked from
[Page 89 of 116]
ther to Ledberrey.
too K the train for
worcester arived ther
7 PM. Miles 12
Tuesday Oct 23 Worcester
wrote a Letter to my wife
and one to Walter Hawks
dull Cloudy day in the
after noon Bro Challis and
my self started out to get
a Place to Lodge and
we went to a good menney
Places Befor we Could
get Eney Place then we
found a nice Looking
Place and made arange-
-ments to go ther wensday
night. went Back and
stad at 34 with Brother
druby. Miles 3
[Page 90 of 116]
wensday Oct 24
took a walk in the
morning around town
in the after noon
we went to take Up
our Lodging But
Low and Be hold
thay had found out
that we wher Mormons
and thay would not
Let us in so we
walked around till
about 10 PM. trying
to find Logdings But
made a Compleat faular
went Back to 34
to sleep. Miles 4
Thursday Oct 25
Stormey Morning
feel a Little Blue
[Page 91 of 116]
not having a Lodgin
Place. went out Looking
for a Lodgin Place
at Last we found a
Place. But we did not
tell them, we was
Mormons. so we went
ther on thursday oct 25
at night. found a verrey
nice Place. and a fine
Bead and roome
Name of the Place
is (No) 7 Landsdown Ville
Ladies name Mrs Rayr
she has a son and
two daughters. Miles 3
Friday oct 26
went and saw some
races and went to
see Brother Heffard
Miles 4
[Page 92 of 116]
Saturday oct 27
in the Morning
Brother druby Cut my
hair and I Cut his
in the after noon
Bro Challis and I
took the train for
suckley station
then walked from
ther to Stanford Bishop
to Jon Hills. thay
was glad to see us
and had us set up
till about onoclock
and I sang over
thirty hyms and
sunday school songs
Miles 5
sunday october 28
stayed at Bro Hill s
[Page 93 of 116]
all day had a meeting
at night althoug ther
was not Menney ther
we had a good time
I spoke for 35 minuits
on the resturation of
the gospel Brother Challis
some Length of time on
aposticy. went to Bead
Earley 11PM Miles 0
Monday oct 29
Left stanford Bishop
830 a m. walked to
Worcester 13 miles
had dinner at hotell
Cost 12. Cents. when I
got to 34 Lowell Street
found a Letter from my
Loved ones and was
thankful thay was
[Page 94 of 116]
well But was verry
sorry to hear of
Giorge Pickett and
Mealey Checketts Being
sick. But Pray Earnestley
for ther recovrey.
Miles walked 14
Tuesday. Oct 30 th
Cold and stormey
day. wrote a Letter
to my Wife and Posted
it. in the afternoon
took a walk. to the
Librey. at night went
Up town and steped
in. to an Octen sale
saw some watches sold
verrey Cheep. Miles 1
Wensday oct 31th
Nice Morning went
[Page 95 of 116]
to 34 Lowell St
and seen Brother Druby
in the afternoon took a
walk at Night went
a Lecture on furnoligy
Miles 2
Thursday Cloudy day in
morning done some reading
in the afternoon Called
on Brother Druby walked
out to Brother Herfferds
in the Evening went
to the Lecture. again
Miles 4
Friday Nov 2.
Cloudy. Morning.
in the afternoon.
went down town had
a good gospel Conversation
with a Shoe dealer
[Page 96 of 116]
and had a good time
with him. also had
a gospel talk with
Mrs Rayer. in the
Evening went to the
Lecture again.
Miles. 3
Saturday Nov 3
foggy Morning
went to 34 Lowell
and ther was a
Parces from my wife
with 3 Pair of Nice
wolling stockings
nitted By my dear
wife and a Bottle
of Chooke Cherry wine
a nice new tie and
a dollar and a half
in silver and
[Page 97 of 116]
it made me feel verrey
queer. for my hert was
over flowing with
Love. and sorrow
Love for my dear ones
and sorry to think I
was so far far away
from the ones I Love
so well. but thankfull
to Know although I am
absent I am not forgotten
and I hope and Pray
that the Lord. will
Bless Me with helth
and strenth so that I
Can Live to do a Kind
act for Ever stich my
good wife Put in my
stockings in return for
hir.. at night we
[Page 98 of 116]
went to a Lecture Miles 3
Sunday Nov. 4
got up Earley and got
ready to go. to
Bromsbrow [Bromesberrow] .heath.
rainey Morning
took the train at
8-40 a m. arived
at Malvern Wells a
Little after 9. started
to walke to read Marley
a weet Mudy Morning
arived at Ubert Hills
tired and hungrey
had dinner then
had meeting at his
house at 3 PM Beaing
a weet day ther was
not menney ther. after
meeting had tea
[Page 99 of 116]
then Walked to
Bromsbery [Bromesberrow] healh held
Meeting at Walter gettings
at 630 PM. had a good
house full and had a
good Meeting after meeting
sang some hyms had
tea and went to Bead
Miles 14
Monday Nov 5
had Breakfirst at
Walter gettings
then walked to Read Marley to see
sister Newman. Cut
wood for hir for a
Cople of hours had
dinner and Left ther
at 2 PM for Malvern
wells. arived ther
[page 100 of 116]
ten minuits to 6
and a train Come
at three Minuits Past
6, We Boarded it
and arived at worcester
about 7 oclock. verrey
tired. Miles 16
Tuesday. Nov 6
rainey day wrote
a good Long Letter
to my wife in
the afternoon
went to the Librey
read the News
also had a Conversation
with a drugest
at night went to a
Lecture. Miles 3
Wenday Nov 7
wile Eating my
[Page 101 of 116]
Breakfirst Brother
Druby Brought me
a Letter from my
wife and I was verrey
thankful to Lern
that my famley
was well But sorry
to hear of Mealecy
Being so sick and
verrey sorry thay
was qurintined also
sorrey Baxter and father
and mother was qurint
But Earnestley Pray that
thay will soon Be all
well again after
Breakfirst we went
to the Librey and read
the News about Election
in america
[Page102 of 116]
in the afternoon
I wrote out the
genogeley of the saints
and done some more
writing in the Evening
went to a Lecture Miles 2
Thursday Nov 8th
went up town and
read more about
Election. in the
after noon Bro Challis
and myself Paid our
Bill at no 7 Lansdown
villa Brother Challis
went to Birmingham
and I took up my
Lodings with Bro
Druby. at 34 Lowell
Street. at Night went
to the Lecture
Miles 2
[Page 103 of 116]
Friday Nov 9th
in the Morning receaved
thi deseret News and the
Logan Jurnels. so with
Entrist read them
in the afternoon
we took a Long walk
and went in the Worcester
Cathrdral. at Night went
to the Lecture Miles 4
Saturday Nov 10th
Nice morning we
got ready to go out in
the Countrey to stanford-
-Bishop Left worcester
1130 am went through
town Bought a ham
sanwish Each and
Put in our Pockett
and start out to walke
[Page 104 of 116]
about 14 miles we
had a verrey Pleasant
walke as it was a
Beautifull morning
onley a Little Cold and
that made it all the
Better for walking
we walked a Little
more then half of the
distence then sat down
By the road side and
Eate our Lunch then
Proceaded on our Jurney
ariving at Brother
John Hill s between
4 and 5 oclock a Little
tired But feeling first
rate. the People was
glad to see us. and
we sat up singing
[Page 105 of 116]
till 12 oclock at night
Miles 14
Sunday nov 11
after having Breakfirst
at Bro. Hill s Brother
Druby and my self took
a walk the remander
of the day we sat in
the old Chimney Corner
Keeping our selves warm
at night we held
meeting at Bro Hill s
myself. speeking half
an hour Bro Druby
15 minuits. after meeting
I sang hyms for thems
till 12 oclock PM.
miles 2
[Page 106 of 116]
Monday Nov 12th
verrey raney mornig
Looked rather Blue
to start out in the
rain and walk 14
miles But we started
out (at) 1030 am. with
our Coats on and
umbrellas up. we
walked about 4 or 5
miles and the rain
stopt it was mudy
under foot. arived
34 Lowell. st 230.
found a Lovly Letter
from my wife
and I was verrey thanfu
to hear thay was all
well. also Pleased to hear
Maley was getting
[Page 107 of 116]
Better. felt too tired to go
out to night Miles 14
Tuesday Nov 13
not feeling well to day
hav a Cold and Pain
in my Left side and
Sholder. in the Morning
reciaved a Letter from
sister Daich and Elder
Challis. I also rote to
my wife. in the after-
noon I went to see a
man at a Larg Shoe
store had a Long talk
with him on the
gospel. Lent him another
Book he envited me
to Come again. at
Night we went to the
Lecture miles 2
[Page 108 of 116]
wensday Nov 14
feel a Little Better this
morning. in the after noon
I went out tracking for
the first time in
Worcester and I had a
verrey good time I
went to 25 houses
had 16 talks was
envited in one house
and envited to Come
again at Severil Places
in the Evening I went
to see the gentelmen
at the shoe store
and he asked me
to Come Back at
8 PM. I went Back
and he took Me
in to his famley
[Page 109 of 116]
interdused Me and
Made Me welcome
he as a Lovley furnished
house we talked upon
gospel till [illegible] 11 oclock
and he and is wife ar
verrey mutch interested
and I had a splended
time had supper with
them and thay gave
me a harty invation
to Come and spend
the Evening with them
Eney time I Could
spair (the) time. I hav a
Bad Cold on my Longs
and Pains in my Left
side also in my Back
Brother Druby rubed
me with oil and turpentine
miles 3
[Page 110 of 116]
Tthursday Nov 15
feel a Little Better
But not well yet
in the Morning done
some reading after
dinner went tracking
and had a good time
in the Evening got the
Deseret News and read
them at Night [word crossed through]
went to a Lecture
Miles 2
Friday Nov 16
feel a Little Better
this mornig don the
morning don some
reading and writing
in the afternoon
went out tracking
[Page 111 of 116]
deliverd 60 tracks.
at night went
went to see Cousin
Magret Hayns hat tea
with hir after wich
I went to the
Lecture. [47 is written to the right side vertically]
Miles 2
Miles 400
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[Page 114 of 116]
Record of Children Blessed
[The rest of the page is blank]
[Page 115 of 116]
[This page is the inside back cover of the journal and is entitled:
The Handy Ready Reckoner.
It is a spreadsheet like chart of 26 rows down and numbers across.]
[Page 116 of 116]
[This is the back cover of the Journal and has no information]