Transcript of "William Checketts diaries, 1900-1902, Vol. 2, 1900 November-1901 February
Title: William Checketts diaries, 1900-1902 Volume 2, 1900 November-1901 February
Call Number: MS 4839
[Page 1 of 116]
[Front cover of Journal]
Book 3
[At the Bottom is a sticker with the call numbers:]
crossed out
[Page 2 of 116]
[Inside cover has Calendars for 1899 and 1900]
[Page 3 of 116]
[(400 452) written sideways at the top left]
no 3 #3 1900
Worcester November 17
Saturday morning I did not
feel well I Cut Brothers
Druby s Hair and he
Cut mine. after dinner
we started to walk to
Malvern. when we
got a mile or two on
the road I felt so sick
I Come vere near turning
Back But I Keept on going
and I felt some Better
arived at Malvern and
went to sister Munn s
She could not Lodge us.
But she gave us two
shilings to Pay for our
Beads. and we sleept at
Holley Lodge) Mrs. Wilkins
Miles 9
[Page 4 of 116]
Malvern Sunday Morning
Nov 18
we got up Earley
and started to walk
to Bromsbery Heath without
Breakfirst walked five
or six miles set down
By the road side and
Eate some Bread and
Butter sister Munn
gave us. then walked
on to Bromsbery Heath
got ther tired hungrey
and dry went to
Walter gittings and
sister gittings made
us a Cup of Coco then
we rested about an
hour then dinner
was ready we had
[Page 5 of 116]
roast Beefe and Potatos
and turnops and rice
Puding and you Bet we
Eate a Big dinner
after which we held
meeting at sister
alsups at three oclock
and we had a house
full to meiting Prayer
my selfe sacrement
ad. By Elder Drubay
som oile Blessed good
singing I was first
speaker ocpied 30 minuits
Bro Druby next spoke
15 minutes and a good
sprit Peraviled after Meeting
had tea at siser gittings
then walked to
Hubert Hill s at read Marley
[Page 6 of 116]
held meeting ther at
630 PM. we had a
nice Little Congration
some strangers ther
I spoke for 40 minuets
and the Lord Blessed
me and a good sprit
Pervaled Elder Druby
spoke verrey good for
about 20 miniuts and
we had a good time
Miles 15
Monday Nov 19
Left hubert Nill s
to walk to Puttley
got to Harry taylers
in the after noon
saw aunt Hayns and
found out we Could
not stay ther all Night
[Page 7 of 116]
so she gave us some
Bread and Chees and
Pickeld Enions and we
walked on to ashperten
took the train for
Hereford. arived Hereford
about six PM. found a Letter (from my wife wich done me good)
Miles 16
Hereford Tuesday Nov 20
rote a Letter to my
wife in the afternoon
went down town
at night went to
Brother Pembreges but him
nor is wife was not
home Miles 3
wensday Nov 21
in the morning
we went to the
Cattle Market at Night
[Page 8 of 116]
went to see a man
But he was not home
so we went Back again
and had a gospel talk
with him Miles 2
Thursday Nov 22
rote a Letter to
Heber and asked him
to Lend me five Dollars
a month. also sent a
Letter to President
Frisby. in the after
noon we went to see
Sister Brown I also
went to see Frank
Brooks and wife on
Fryir Street But on
ariving ther I found
thay had moved to
Wales so we went
[Page 9 of 116]
to the Public Librey
for a while at night
we had Bible Class
Friday Nov 23th Hereford
Nice Morning and I
feel well. took a
walke down town in
the morning. and in the
after noon we went
out to dinder [Dinder] about four
miles in the Countrey
to see Mr Wm Morris
had a good gospel talk
with him and he asked
us to Come again as we
was tired we did not
go out to Night Miles 9
[Page 10 of 116]
saturday Nov 24
spent most of the
day reading in the
after noon Mr
Addy Come to see
me a nice man
that I got started to
invastaget the gosple
Just Before I Left Hereford
and he as read severil
Books and he is dilighted
with the gospel. and
I had a fine time with
him went down town
at Night. Miles 2
Sunday Nov 25 Hereford
got up Late as we
had no Place to go
had finney haddy for
Breakfirst after Break-
[Page 11 of 116]
-first sang a good
meney sunday school
songs then don some
writing and reading.
went to Meeting at
Brother Pembreges. had a
good meeting after
meeting we went to
Mr. Badhams and
spent a verrey Enjoyebal
Evening singing hyms
and talking had
supper and got Back
to our Lodgens 12 PM
Miles 2
Monday Nov 26
had Breakfirst at
49 Park Street Nice
Morning started out
on foot to go to
[Page 12 of 116]
stanford Bishop
distance .about 16 miles
Left Hereford 11 am
nice day But mudy
under foot. arived
stanford Bishop 5 PM
had tea .at Brother
John Hills. held a
Cotage Meeting ther after
(meeting) Sang hyms and talked
till 12 PM. Miles 15
Tuesday Nov 27
Stanford Bishop fine
morning started to
walk to Worcester
815 a m. arived ther
1 P M. all well found
a Letter from my
wife. and I was
verrey thankfull
[Page 13 of 116]
to hear thay was all
well. finished writing
a Letter to my wife
read the Papers
went to the Librey
at Night Miles 12 [(938) written sideways/right side]
Nov 28 wensday
rainy morning
went up town in
the after noon read
the Papers. at Night
went to see Mr Kemeren
and wife at the Large
Shoe Shop he invited
me up stairs to see his
wife we spent a very
Enjoyable Evening
talking on the Princebels
of the gospel thay ar
verrey mutch delighted
[Page 14 of 116]
with the Gospel thay
gave me supper and
asked me to Pray
with them Miles 2
Thursday Nov 29
receaved a good Letter
from my Dear wife
informing me of sending
me 2000 Dollars to
Birmingham I ansurd
her Letter. in the
afternoon Elder Druabery
and my self went to see
sister. Ball. found hir
verrey old and feable
also went to see
Brother Efferd. at Night
went to see Bro. Boden
But did not find him
home. Miles 3
[Page 15 of 116]
Friday Nov 30
in the morning Cleaned
up my Cloths and got
things redy for going
to Confirence in the
after noon went and
had a Bath. in the
Evening the news Come
and we read the same
with enterist. after wich
we went to Bead Miles 0
Saturday December 1tt (1900)
took the train at 10 am
for Birmingham arived
at 230 Albert Road
11 3 a m. found quite a
nomber of the Elders
ther had dinner ther
had a good time for a
few hours talking
[Page 16 of 116]
to the Elders in
the Evening my
self and Elder Lloyod
went to Sister Satts
verrey rainey all the
way had tea at
Sister Satts then I
went to Cousin
george Ewins had
some good talke on
the gospel with them
went to Bead ther
12 oclock. [words crossed through]
[words crossed through] Miles 5
Dec 2 had Breakfirst
at Cousins then went
to Conference Lots of
Elders the had a good
Meeting at 1030 a m.
herd the reports got
[Page 17 of 116]
our apointments herd
some good talk good
sprite Pervailed. went to 230
did not Eate dinner Back to
Meeting at 230 PM. had
good Meeting in the afternoon
went to Conference house
for tea good Meeting again
at 630. had a Nothir
fine Meeting after wich
I walked to Cousins
had supper talked till
12 oclock Miles [crossed out] 8
Monday Dec 3
had Breakfirst at
Cousins walked to Ockley
Chappel to Preastood Meeting
had all the Elders Photos
taken But no good had
a fine Preistood Meeting
[Page 18 of 116]
Lasted over four hours.
went to Conference
had dinner and tea
to gether had a verrey
fine Consert at Night
after wich I walked
to Cousins had supper
talked till 12 oclock
Miles 8
tuesday Dec 4
had Breakfirst at
Cousin george Ewins
walked to Conference
house. then we all
went to Handsworth
Park and had our
Photos taken. had dinner
at Conference house
in the after noon
went to Brother and
[Page 19 of 116]
Sister Dains had tea
with them sang some
hyms. then Elder
Startup and myself
walked to Couisen
george Ewins sang
some hyms Bro startup
sleep with Me. Miles 7
wensday Dec 5.
Break first Cousin Ewins
walked to Conference
house. then to Brother
Daines Back to Conference
house Left for
worcester 235 PM.
on ariving at worcester
found a good Letter from
home. do not feel well
to day. Miles 5
[Page 20 of 116]
34 Lowell st
Thursday Dec 6-1900
do not feel well to
day verrey stormey
all day Could not
go out tracking so
don some reading
and writing in the
Evening went to the
Librey also Posted som
Xmas Cards to my
famley Miles 1
Friday Dec. 7th
feel Better to day
receaved a Letter from
Lucy Dance and
ansured it also wrote
to Heber. in the afternoon
went tracking had
a good time. in the
Evening , My self and
[Page 21 of 116]
Elder Drubay went
and spent the Evening
with Mr and Mrs Keveren
and we had a verrey
good time talking
on the Princebals of
the gospel and thay ar
verrey nice People and
har verrey mutch
entrested in the gospel
we also sang some hyms
had supper with them
and stayed ther till 12 at
Night Miles 3
Saturday Dec 8th
in the (morning) read the Bible
in the afternoon went
tracking at Night
went up town
Miles 2
[Page 22 of 116]
Sunday Dec 9th 1900
took the train at
Worcester 930 a m
road to Malvern wells
9 Miles walked from
ther to White Leaf Oke
had dinner at Bro Shews
Walked from ther to
Bromsbry heat held
Meeting (at) gerry Hills
at 3 PM had a
splendid time some
strangers to Meeting
I was first speaker
ocipied half an hour
on the restreteon of the
gospel and the froots
of the gospel. Elder
Druby spoke 10 minuits
and Bore testomeney
[Page 23 or 116]
to the gospel and
what had Been sead
had tea at Walter gettings
held Meeting ther 630 PM
I was first speaker
spoke for half an hour
and five minuits on the
first Princebels of the
gospel. and the divinety
of the mission of
Joseph Smith I also
ordained Walter gettings
an Elder. we also adminester(d)
to sister Lucy Dance
had a splendid Meeting
after Meeting Lucy Dance
Brother and Sister gettings
and my self and Companion
sang hyms till a Late
hour. Miles 10
[Page 24 of 116]
Monday Dec 10th 1900
had Breakfirst at
Sister gittings Lucy Dance
Came ther and we sang
some hyms then Elder
Drubay and my self
Walked to White Leaf
Oake went to sister
Shins had a good
dinner we Blest two
Babys adminesterd to
Sister alice hart for
the restoration of hir
hearing. sang some
hyms had a Pleasant
time Left at 330 PM
walked to Malvern wells
took the train for
worcester on ariving
at 34 Lowell St found
[Page 25 of 116]
an instreng Letter from
My wife. Miles 10.
tuesday Dec 11th 1900
wrote a Letter to my
wife and Children
also read the Papers
at Night went to
see some People and Let
them have som Books
Miles 2
wensday Dec 12th
Mr Keveran Lent
me his Biccle and
I started and rode
to Pinvin got to
Uncle Barnes for dinner
after wich I rode
to Pershore to see
Uncle Wm Checketts
found him quite
[Page 26 of 116]
sick had tea with
him and roade Back
to Uncle Barnes in
the dark. and it
was verrey dark
sat up quite Late
talking to aunt Miria
and Cousin Ema Ewens
sleep at Uncle Barnes
Miles roade on the
Bike 13
Pinvin thursday Dec 13
had Breakfirst at
aunt barnes then
road to taylers and
saw Mrs taylor
then rode from ther
to hill Larze to
Uncle Ewins had
some Bread and
[Page 27 of 116]
( Z P V)
Cheese with him
road Back to Uncle
Barnes. had dinner
then started back
to Worcester arived
34 Lowell St ak
at 340 PM. Miles
road about 20
at Night we went to
See Mr and Mrs Keveren
and we spent a Plesant
Evening singing hyms
talking about the
gospel. and other things
thay gave us supper
also gave us half of
a Cake to take to
our Lodgens.
Miles Walked 2
[Page 28 of 116]
Friday. Dec 14th
Nice Morning But I
hav got the headache
in the Morning done
some reading.
in the after noon
went out tracking
at Night went up
town Miles 2
Satuarday Dec 15
rainey Morning
But turned out
fine about 11 a m
and I went and
got my Photo taken
after wich Bro Drubay
(and my self) started to Walke to
Stanford Bishop
verey durty Under
[Page 29 of 116]
foot But fine our over head
on the road we Eate
a Little Piece of seede
Cake that we had in
our Pocketts arived
Brother Hills 430 P.M.
had tea 6 PM. sang
hyms for an hour or
two then Bro Druby
Baptized Elizabeth Hill
he also confermed
hir. after wich
we sang some more
hyms had some
supper and went to
Bead. Miles 14
[some kind of scribble to the side]
Sunday Dec 16
Nice morning Like
Spring after having
[Page 30 of 116]
Breakfirst we
walked to Bishop froem
to see John Pulling
and wife on ariving
ther found Mrs Pulling
sick John was also
Bad with Neuralagy
walked Back to
Br Hill s got ther
at three oclock in
the after noon just
in time for diner
held a Cotage Meeting
at Hills at Night
and sat up verrey
Late singing
Miles 8
[Page 31 or 116]
Monday Dec 17
got up Earley Left Hills
at 8 am walked to
Leigh took the train
to henwick 4 miles
walked from ther to
34 Lowell St Expecting
to find a Letter ther
from my wife But
was disipointed as
it had not arived
in the afternoon we
went to the Cattle
Market. receaved a
Letter from Brs Frisby
also a Letter from
sister Munn. at Malvern
asking us to go and
administer to. hir
at Night we receaved
[Page 32 of 116]
the Eara and read
the same. went to
Bead Earley
Miles 10
Tuesday Dec 18th 19
in the Morning
wrote a Letter to
my wife in the
after we went out
But it rained so
hard we had to
Come Back at Night
it was still raining
But we had an
apointment so we
went to visit a
man and his famley
and we had a good
gospel talk with them
Miles 2
[Page 33 of 116]
Dec 1900
wensday 19th
got up Earley had
Breakfirst and started
to walke to Malvern
to adminester to sister
Munn we arived
ther 1230. noon had
some thing to Eate
adminesterd to sister
Munn. then went
to see Bro and Sister
Woodyatt. also had
a gospel talk with
Mr. Roberts started
to walke Back 330
PM. arived at Lodgin
630 P M. and was
delighted to find a
good Letter from my
wife. also found
[Page 34 of 116]
Enclosed 500. also
receaved good Letters
from Heber and
Henry. heber sent
Me 525. henry 10 C.
feel a Little tired
wrote a Letter to
President frisby.
Miles 17
Thursday Dec 20 - 1900
in the Morning got
a Letter from John Reading
with 200 dollars in it
verrey rainey day
done some writing
in the after noon
we went out it rained
so hard we had to
Come Back. at Night
we went to see
[Page 35 of 116]
Mr and Mrs Keveren
and thay treated us
fine had some talks
on the Princabels of
the gospel gave us
supper and asked ut
to Come again
Miles 2 (1061 written sideways)
Friday Dec 21 –1900
Nice Morning in the
Morning we read the
news and Bro Druabay
Cut my her. in the
afternoon I went tracking
and had a good time
at Night took a walke
round town Baught
a Pocket Knife for 4 Pence
Miles 2
[Page 36 of 116]
Worcester England
34 Lowell street
Saturday 22th 1900
in the Moring went
and got a Bath, wrote
some Letters one to
Henry one to Heber
one (to) President Frisby and
one to my wife.
receaved one from
President frisby
also receaved the Photo
group of all the
Elders. also receaved
my Photos and mailed
3 of them to my
wife. went down
town at Night and
it was verrey verry
Miles 3.
[Page 37 of 116]
Sunday Dec 23 – 1900
took the train at
worcester 1015 a m
road to Malvern wells
Left Malvern wells at
ten minuits to 11
walked to white Leaf
Oake. Called at
Brother Sheens at fifteen
Miniuts to one.
then walked to
Bromsby Heath ariving
at. about 2 PM had
dinner at gerry Hills
helt meeting at
Walter gittings at
3 PM. had some
straingers ther My
self Being first
speaker elder Drubay
[Page 38 of 116]
speaking next we
had a good Meeting
and a good spirit
Pervailed. had tea
at Bro gttings
also held a good
Meeting ther at
630 PM. My self
speaking first Elder
Druby next
after Meeting sang
hyms. and talked
till 12 at Night
we slept at sister
gittings Miles 12
Monday Dec 24
had Breakfirst
at sister gittings Lucy
Dance Came and
[Page 39 of 116]
I had to sing them
ther favorit song
rock of my refuge
after wich we
walked to read Marley
to see sister Newman
I forgot to say that
we went to gerry
Hills and adminesterd
to him first. then
we walked from
Read Marley to Whight
Leaf. (oak) went to see
Sister and Brother
george sheen. then went
[wordcrossed out] to Bro James Sheen
s. had tea ther and
sleep ther. we also Called
on Sister Davis in
the after noon she
[Page 40 of 116]
was verrey sick
and wished us to
adminestr to hir wich
we don also to a
Little girl we went
to Bead at Sheens
Miles 10
Tuesday 25. 1900
Xmas day we got
up 9 oclock ahd Break-
first at Sheens. Xmas
dinner at Sheens.
after wich Edath Sheen
and hir Beu went
to Church to get
Married Brother Druby
and My self sat around
the house in the
afternoon. it is a verry
mild day we had
[Page 41 of 116]
turkey Rost Beefe and
Plum Pudding for
dinner. had tea at
Bro sheens. at Night
we went to the house
wher the young Couple
and others wher Merrey
Making But it was
not the Kind of
Company for me so
I went Back to sheen(s)
and ther we sang
hyms and songs till
after one in the Night
when I went to bead
I Could not sleep for
fleas. I got Up between
3 and 4 Catching fleas
Miles 0
[Page 42 of 116]
Dec 26 – 1900
had Breakfirst sheens
after wich we sang
Lots of hyms and songs
had dinner and started
to walk to Worcester
walked to Malvern
wels then took the
train arived at 34 in
time for tea after tea
we took a walk in
town Miles 10
thursday Dec 27 – 1900
receaved a good Letter
from my wif. also
three dollars in it
als some Jurnals from
g m. Pickett. in the
Morning done som
writing sent in
[Page 43 of 116]
our monthly report
at Night went to
Mr Keverens spent a
Pleasant Evening also
sent a Letter to Lymer B.
Young in regard to my
seventys recemend
Miles 2.
Friday Dec 28th – 1900
verrey stormey moring
read the Deseret News
in the after noon
went and seen
Mrs Small wood
she gave us some
Mins Pie in the
Evening we went to
see Mrs Rayer and
she gave us Mins
Pie Miles 8
[Page 44 of 116]
Saturday Dec 29 – 1900
in the Morning -
I rote a Letter
to Bishop Thurer
in the after noon
Stayed in the house
as it was very stormy
all day. at Night we
went up town and
Baught some fish
I had a talk with
Mr Keveren we went
to an Octon sale Miles 1
Sunday Dec 30 – 1900
verrey wet Morning
had hadock for Breakfi(rst)
it stormed so hard
all day we Could
Not go out rot a Letter
to H.B. Campbel.
[Page 45 of 116]
read the Bible in
the after noon.
at Night we went
to Mr Keveren s
for tea after tea we
sand hyms Mr Keveren
and Elder Drubay Played
the organ I also red
meny Pasages out of the
Bible and Explained
them to them and
taught them meny
Princables of the gospel
after wich we sang
some more hyms and
(had) a time of rejoicing
[crossed out word] had super at 11 PM
and went home in
the worst rain storm
I hav seen Miles 1
[Page 46 of 116]
34 Lowell St Worcester
Monday Dec 31st 1900
stayed in and read
all day in the Evening
went Up town Posted
a Letter to H.B. Campbell
got a Cake and a Jar
of Plum Perserves.
from Mr Keveren
Sat Up till after 12
at Night and seen the
old year go out. very
quite all day and at
Night Miles 2.
forgot to say I receaved
the Logan Jurnals
and read them
[Page 47 of 116]
34 Lowell st Jan 1st 1901
Newyears day wrote a Letter
to My. wif and Posted
it. also Posted one to
the Bishop. it is a very
quite day in the afternoon
we went down to the river
to see the flud as the heavy
rains had Made the river
very high. we also
went out and seen Brother
Hereford. Miles 3
wensday Jan 2st 1901
heavy forst this
Moring don some
reading in the Morning
in the afternoon
went tracking
at Night went to a
theatre. Miles 2
[Page 48 of 116]
Thursday Jan 3st
forsty Morning receaved
a good Letter from my
wife all well at home
she also sent me 200
dollars in the Letter
also receaved a Letter
from Edath. with
a dollar Bill in it
in the after noon
went tracking
at Night went to see
Mr and Mrs Keveren
spent a Nice Evening
singing Playing the
Organ and talking
Upon the Prinsables
of the gospel had supper
with then at 11 PM.
he gave Me a Bottle of
Mushurm Katchup Miles 2
[Page 49 of 116]
Friday Jan 4th
done some reading and
writing in the Moring
in the after noon
went tracking had
good time. at Night
receaved the deseret News
and read it also read
a few Chapturs out of
the Bible
Miles 2
saturday Jan 5th
Nice Clear Morning
Sister Hubert Hill
Came and had dinner
with us and talked
a hower or two receaved
a Letter from Elder
H.B. Campell went
Up town and
[Page 50 of 116]
Baught some haddock
for. sunday Breakfirst
went Up town after tea
Posted a Letter to Edyth
and sent her My Photo
Miles 2
Sunday Jan 6th
took the the tran
from worcester to
Malvern walked from
Malvern to whit Leaf Oak
very Cold frosty Moring
and the wind Blew
hard But it was good
walking had dinner
at Brother Sheen s.
then walked to
Bromsbery heath had
a very good Meeting
at 3 PM. a nice Little
[Page 51 of 116]
Congration good singing
and a good sprit Pravaled
My self speeking [word crossed out]
on general Prinsables
for 45 Minuits Elder
Druby Bor testomeney
to what had Been sead
and an Enjoyable time
was had we had tea
at Bro gittings then
held a Nother Meeting
ther at 630. also had
a good time Elder Druby
Being the first speaker
ocuping 20 minuits
on the gospel. hafter
wich I followed
taking the hym
Know this that Every
sole is free. to Chuse
[Page 52 of 116]
his Life and what
he ll Be.
for a text.
Speaking for 20 minuits
had a good Meeting
after Meeting we
sang hyms and
talked till 11 PM
Miles 11
Monday Jan 7
had Breakfirst at
Brother gittings. snowing
hard we walked to
Sister davises adminesterd
to hir walked to
geo Sheen s Called and
seen them then went
to James Sheen s
had dinner sang some hyms
thay also wanted Me
[Page 53 of 116]
to sing some songs
and I sang a few
snowed Pretenear all day
walked from ther to
Malvern took the train
from ther to worcester
arived 34 Lowell st. 630 PM
Miles 14
Tuesday Jan 8th
snowing Like the
dickins I hav got quite
a Cold. finished writing
a Letter to My wife
and Posted it.
got ready to go to
Hill Furze took
the train at wor-
-cester 3 PM arived
Uncle Ewins. 4 PM
had tea after
[Page 54 of 116]
wich we had a Long
talk on the Princebels
of the gospel. and I
Bore a strong testomony
to them went to
Bead at Uncle Ewins
Miles 3
Hill furze Jan 9th 1901
My Cold is No Better
still snowing and
Blowing very Cold
all day. Cut some
Chaff in the Moring
in the after noon
took a short walk
at Night sang some
hyms. and talked
till 11 PM had a good
gospell talk with a
[Page 55 of 116]
Hill furze Jan 10th
still hav a Cold
the wether Mutch
Milder to day snow
all gon walked
to Uncle Barns in the
Morning had dinner ther
also saw aunt Ema
ther. in the afternoon
walked Back to
Uncle Ewins. in time
for tea. at Night
sang some hyms
Miles 9
Hill furze Jan 11th
Cold some Better this
Morning. Receaved a
Lovely Letter from
my wife and all was
well. also receaved
[Page 56 of 116]
a Presant of 250 from
the releaf societey
and 50 from my wife
also receaved a
Letter from Heber.
and a Nice Little
Letter from
Eddie Checketts
and he sent Me 10 cents.
Stormey to day
towards Noon it
turned out fine and
Wm Willels took Me
for a walk up on
the hill and round
the farm at Night
we walked to Gladbery
station to Meet Cousin
George Ewins we
sat up till after 12
at Night singing and
[Page 57 of 116]
talking and had a good
time Miles 4
Hill furze.
Saturday Jan 12th
very foggie Morning
Cousin Geo Ewins and
My self. walked to
Pin vin. and the fogg
was hard on my Lungs
found Uncle Barnes
suffering from a Bad
Cold. stayed in the
house all day.
had Pigs Chittlens
for supper. Aunt
Maria and aunt
Ema was Busy
salting the Pig and
rendring Lard
Miles 5.
[Page 58 of 116]
Sunday Jan 13th
took train from
Pinvin to Worcester
Called at 34 for
Elder Drubay. then
we walked up the
river to Holt heath
to see Hubert Hill
had dinner with them
sang some hymns
at Night. and sleep
ther and the flees had
a feast on us.
Miles 8,
Monday Jan 14
Left Ubert Hills
about 11 a m. walked
to Worcester. read the
star had dinner in
the after noon done
[Page 59 of 116]
some writing in
the Evening went to
the Libery
Miles. 8
Tuesday Jan 15th
wrote a Letter to the
News to my wife and
to Luzy dance. also sent
a Paper to my wife . with
some thing in for gurnell
receaved a Card from
aunt Ema hayns request(ing)
me to Come and spend
a few days with hir
went and had a Bath
Posted some Letters and
got ready to Leave on
the 450. train PM
arived at Aunt Emma s
at Pinvin had tea and
[Page 60 of 116]
talked to aunt Emma
about the gospel and
sang some hyms and
songs for hir went and
herd a Baptist Preach
had some more talk and
singing with aunt
slept at aunt Emmas
under a thatched roof
Miles 2.
wensday Jan 16
had Breakfirst at aunt
Emma s. talked to hir
awile then walked
to Uncle s Wm Checketts
at Pershore had some
talkes with him
and his wife had
dinner with him
walked Back to
[Page 61 of 116]
Pinvin meet Cousin
Emma walked with
hir to aunt Marria’s
then Back to aunt
Emma s. had a good
gosple talke with a
Butcher had tea at
aunt Emma s sang
hyms and talked to
hir again sleep at
aunt Emma s.
Miles 5
Thursday Jan 17th
had Breakfirst at
aunt Emma s. Called
and seen Mrs Taylor
went down to aunt
Barnes. Back to dinner
after having dinner
started to walk to
[Page 62 of 116]
Worcester Left Pinvin
2 PM. arived worcester
430 PM. rained most
all of the way.
had tea then went
to Mr Keverens had a
Nice time had super
ther. Miles .12.
Friday Jan 18th
went tracking in the
day and at Night
went and seen
Mr Rushton had a
good talk on the
gospel I also done
some writing. wether
Miles .2.
[Page 63 of 116]
Saturday Jan 19th
very stormey Morning
after breakfirst I
went to the station
and meet aunt Ema
haynes. she gave Me
a Pigs pudding and a
Batch Cake. receavid
a good Letter from My
wife. also receaved
the dereset News and
done some reading
went to the Libery in
the after noon. Miles
___________________ 3___
Sunday Jan 20th
took the train
at 1020 am. for
Malvern walked from
Malvern to Bromsbery (heath)
[Page 64 of 116]
had some dinner
at sister Gittings
adminesterd to
Lucy Dance
held Meeting at
gerry Hills at 3 PM
had a house full
my self Being first
speaker Elder druby
next. had a good
time at 630 PM
we held a Meeting
at Walter gittings
also had a good house
full Elder Drubey
Being first speaker
My self Next had
a good time and
a day of rejoicing
had tea and supper
at gittings Miles 10
also slept at gittings
[Page 65 of 116]
Monday January 21th
had breakfirst at sister
gitings sang some and
walked to J Sheens
had dinner ther then
walked to grate Malvern
had tea at Bro Woodyett
then took the train at
Malvern Link arived
34 9. PM. Just after
geting in receaved a good
Letter. from my wife
also receaved a Letter
from Sister Daich
also receaved the
Logan Jurnals and
read them
Miles 13
[Page 66 of 116]
Tuesday Jan 22. st 1901
wrote a Letter to
my wife and one
to Brother Startup
also sent Photoes to
My wife and Kid
gloves. went to the
station twice to meet
Bessie Sheen. But she
did not Come. at Night
we went to an hoprer
and the Play Just got
started good and
word Come. the
the queen had died
and they stopet the
Play so we Lost
our Money.
Miles 3
[Page 67 of 116]
wensday Jan 23 – 1901
done some writing and reading
in the afternoon went
Tracking. also went to
the librey also took the
Deseret News to Mt Keveren
to read Miles 2
Thursday. Jan 24 –1901
wrote a letter to Pres Lyman
for enstructions for saints
Booking to Utah also wrote
a Letter to Jacob Gessell
I have not felt well
for a few days and
I feel worse to day
dull rainey day.
wrote a letter to Jacob
Gessell, at Night went to
Mr Keverens. and had a
good visit. Miles 2
[Page 68 of 116]
Friday Jan 25 – 1901
do not feel well.
Took. a walk in the
Morning to Checketts
Lane to see Mrs Jaynes
Had a good gospel talk
with hir got Back
in time for diner
Receaved a Letter from
Bessie Sheen. went
Tracting in the
After Noon. at Night
Receaved a Letter from
Pres Lyman and some
Books. went to Mr
Keverens, and took
Him a. Book. Mrs
Jaynes gave me some
appels and Celery
Miles 5
[Page 69 of 116]
Saturday Jan 26th
do not feel well. got ready
to go out to Stanford bishop
went Up town and baught
some Boiled ham to take
with us also took some
Bread. to hav a Lunch on
the road walked about
seven miles rained Most
of the way Eate our Bread
and ham then Proceaded
on our Jurney. ariving
at John Hill s about
5 PM. wind Blowing
very hard and the
house was so drafty
we had to sit with our
over Coats on. sang a
few hyms talked a
Little Miles 13
[Page 70 of 116]
Stanford Bishop
Sunday Jan 27th
verry ruff windy
day started out to
visit some People
But it stormed and
the wind Blew so
hard we Come back
did not feel well found
it hard to Keep warm
in the house had
some Puding Boiled in
the pot with fat bacon
and Potos. held Cotage
Meeting at Night
after Meeting done
some singing and
Miles. 0
[Page 71 of 116]
stanford bishop
Monday Jan 28th
verry ruff stormey
Morning dont feel well
started to walke to worcester
snowed and Blowed on
the way got to Worcester
one oclock on ariving ther
found a verry good letter
from my wife all my
famley well. But sorrey
to hear of the death of
Brigam scott. also rece-
aved a Letter from
Elder Start up. also the
desiret News and stars
read the Letters and
Papers and went Up to
the Librey.
Miles [crossed out numbers] 14
[Page 72 of 116]
Tuesday Jan 29 -
wrote a Letter to
My. wife don some
reading. do not feel
well. very Ruff stormey
day at Night. we went
and visited Walter
Rushton had some
good gospel talk with
him and wife.
Miles 2
wensday Jan 30
Cold day done some
reading and writing
wrote to Sister Daich
at Hereford. went and
visited Wm farmer
also went to the
Librey wrote a Letter
[Page 73 of 116]
to george & annie Pickett
I am still feeling
ill. Miles 1
Thursday Jan 31 – 1901
Cold Morning feel a little
Better to day Elder Droubay
Cut My hair in the Moring
and in the after noon
I went tracking and had
A good time this being
Gurnell s birthday I thought
of her and home Meny
a time through the day
at Night we went
to Mr Keverens and
spent a good evening
talking and singing
receaved a letter from heber
with 550 in it receaved
the Logan papers from george
[Page 74 of 116]
Pickett. and read them
Before going to Bead
Miles 2.
Febuary 1th 1901
Clear Cold Morning
feel a little better
to day. in the Moring
sent in our reports
after which I took a
walk and had a good
talk with a Carpenter
on the gospel. wrote a
Letter to Heber and
sent My Photo also
wrot a Card to Cousin
Geo Ewin s. in the
Evening took a walk
around town on
ariving Back to 34
found a Card from
[Page 75 of 116]
Bro Lloyd asking Me
to Meet him and wife.
we went to Meet them
But thay Come Earleyer
and thay had Been to
our Lodgins wile we
was away so Bro Lloyd
Come to the station
after Us. and when
we got Back Sister LLoyd
was in our house and
we spent an Enjoyble
[crossed out word) Evening. thay
had supper with us
Miles 4
Satuarday feb 2
Brother and Sister
Loyd had breakfirst
with us then we took
a walk around town
[Page 76 of 116]
and I took Bro and
Sister. Lloyd to see
Mr and [crossed out word]. Mrs
Keveren and thay
Envited us all Back
to tea and we had a
fine time aftr seeing
Bro and Sister Lloyd
off. we went Back
and spent an Enjoable
Evening with Keverens
Miles .3.
sunday feb 3
got Up earley took
the train at Worcester
8 a m. arived 230
Albert Rd 10 a m.
went to. sunday school
11 am. stayed in the
Meeting house. till
[Page 77 of 116]
after 4 PM prestood Meeting
at one oclock fast Meeting
at 3 PM. had good Meetings
after Meeting I took the
trainn and went to
Cousins. geo Ewin s
very hungrey as I had
fasted all day. had tea
ther then went Back
to Night Meeting as geo
Ewin s famley. had
sctart feavor I Could
not stay with them.
we had a very good
Night Meeting. a good sised
Congration speakers wer
Elders. Crump,
J.C. Lunt. My self
and Elder. Jinkins
went to the Confrence
[Page 78 of 116]
house. after Meeting
then Elder dains and
start Up. and My self
went to winsen green [Winson Green]
to see Prs. Frisby.
My Back aches very
Bad als got the head
ache Miles 10
Monday feb 4th
got Up feeling quite
Miserible. did not
sleep ardley Eney through
the Night. after Breakfirst
I went and got some
sweet Nites. and took
some Payed My star
Bill and for some
Books. also had a bath
My Back and head
[Page 79 of 116]
Pained. me so Mutch
and I felt so ill I
got the Elders in the
Conference house. to
Adminester. to Me.
after wich I had dinner
then Brother startup
Helpt Me to the station
with My trunk and
I started to worcester
arived 5 PM. found
Brother Druabay had
Just arived from the
district. I feel a Little
Better to day. in the
Evening read the Logan
Journals. Miles 1
snowing all day
[Page 80 of 116]
Tuesday feb 5th 1901
feel a Little better
to day. wrote a Letter
to My wife and posted
it. Read. the News
went Up town and
went to the Librey
Miles 1
Wensday. feb 6
feel Better. to day
in the Morning
Brother Droubay and
I traded trunks
and I put My things
in Mine. after dinner
I went. and took
some books to Mr Hullet
we also. went and
spent a Pleasant after-
-noon with Sargent
[Page 81 of 116]
Bishop. had tea with
then and told them
about Utah. and our
religon. stad home and
read at Night
Miles .3.
Thursday feb 7th
in the Moring done
some writing and
reading. in the after
noon went to see a
Lady and take her a
nother book. and get
one from her. also
went to Mr Bishops
and took them a book
and found the resedence
of Mr griffin at Night
went to Mr Keverens
spent a plesant Evening
Miles 4
[Page 82 of 116]
Friday feb 8 – 1901
receaved the deseret
News in the Morning
and read them also
wrote a Letter to My
father and mother
and Put one in for
My wife. in the
after noon went to
visit the Cheefe police
Enspector Grossner, and
he made us very
welcome boath him
and his wife and
we spent a very
Enjoyable after Noon
and thay envited Us
to have tea with them
and thay was very
glad to Meet Us. I
[Page 83 of 116]
also Lent them a
Book, at Night we
went to see Mr Griffin
But (he was not home) his wife invited
Us to Come again
Saturday Night.
At Night I wrote a Letter
to W.J. Startup.
Miles 3
Saturday feb 9th
done some reading in
the Morning. do not
feel well I hav got a
Little Cold. and head
ache. in the afternon
went to the Bank and
got some Money. at Night
we went to see george
Griffin had a pleasant
visit with them
Miles 4
[Page 84 of 116]
Sunday Morning
feb 10th
Left worcester to
walk up to holt.
to see Bro hubart Hill
Arived at Bro Hill s
1 P.M. Just in time
for dinner. after dinner
we talked till 4 P.M
then we went with
Brother Hill. to feed
his horses. also went
down to the river sewer
at Holt fleet. had tea
6 P.M. held Cotage
Meeting at Night My
Self being first speaker
Elder Droubay next
sat up till 12 P.M.
singing and talking
Miles 10
[Page 85 of 116]
Monday feb 11th
Left Hill s 1030 am.
arived worster 1 PM.
I Baught some boild ham
for dinner but on arivng
at 34 Lowell st. I found
a Letter ther from My
wife with the sad news
of My. dear Mother being
verry sick. so I did not
hav eney dinner as I
went fasting and praying
for the Lord to bless
My Mother and spare her
Life till I return if
it be his Mind and
will. I felt very soreyfull
and shead tears to hear
that My good Mother was
sick. receaved a Letter fron
[Page 86 of 116]
sister Daich at Hereford
also the Jurnals from
geo Pickett went Up
to the post office and
the Librey done some
writing at Night
Miles 9
Tuesday feb 12th
Nice Clear Moring
I hav the headache
wrote a Letter to My
wife in the Morning
in the afternoon
went to the Librey
and read the papers
also went. to the
Bath House to see if
thay had a Larg bath
Miles 1
[Page 87 of 116]
wensday feb 13th
Clear and forstay
went and seen
Brother Heferd found
Him sufring with a
Cold went to the Librey
And read the papers.
at Night I read the bible
Miles 3
Thursday feb 14th
Cold and frosty in the
Morning I Cut Bro Druabys
Hair and he Cut My
Beard. in the afternoon
we went to find Mrs
Escot. on frier street
But Could Not find {illegible] hir
After tea we went to
spend the Evening
with Mr and Mrs Keveren
[Page 88 of 116]
we had a nice time
with them singing
hyms & songs playing
the orgen & talking
Had Supper ther and
Come back to 34 at 1115 PM
Miles 3
Friday. feb.
Receaved. a Letter from
My wife telling Me
That My Mother was
some better for wich
I was very thankfull
Also glad to hear My
wife and Children was
well. also receaved
A Letter from bro Startup
telling Me bro frisby
was sick and that he
did not sale on the 14
[Page 89 of 116]
in the afternoon we
went for a walk Up By
Cherry horcherd and
Come back by Mr
Bishops saw him
And he spoke to Us
And invited Us in to
his house. and we had
tea with them and
had a pleasant visit
Miles 5
Satuarday feb. 16
I got Mr Keverens
Bike and bro Droubay
hired one and we
rode to Pinvin went
and seen Uncle and
Aunt Barns had
something to Eate ther
then we road to
[Page 90 of 116]
Uncle Ewins at
Hill furze had dinner
with them then
road to Pershore and
seen Uncle Wm Checketts
road back to Uncle
Barnes at pinvin
spent two or three
hours with them
had tea then road
in to worcester.
Making about 30
Miles Ride
walked Miles 1
Sunday feb 17th
took the train
1020 am and road
to Malvern wells
walked from ther
to White Leaf oak
[Page 91 of 116]
Had dinner at
Brother sheen s then
walked to Bromsbery
Heath. held Meeting
at Bro Hill. at 3 P.M
my selfe being first
speaker ociping 30 miniuts
brother drubay speaking
for ten minuits. at 630 -
P.M. bro Drubay being
first speaker ocuping
10 Minuits My self
folowling speaking for
half a nour. on first
Prinsibls and restration
after Meeting sang some
hyms. had supper at
sister Gettings. also
slept ther.
Miles 12
[Page 92 of 116]
Monday feb 18th
had breakfirst at
sister gettings went
to sister alsups and
Adminesterd to her
then walked to
White Leaf oak had
dinner at Bro Sheens
sang some hyms and
songs. walked from
ther to Malvern Link
Called and seen Sister
Munn. then went
to bro. Woodatts had
tea with them took
the train at the Link
at 614 PM. arived
Worceshr. 630 P.M.
Miles 14
[Page 93 of 116]
Tuesday feb 19th
do not feel well to day
got a Cold. wrote a Letter
to My wife and posted
it got the News and
read it took My
Coat back and had
it made smaller wrote
a Letter to Pres Dayns
went to Keverens
to tea. got my Coat
Back to Night and it
fits all right.
Miles 3
wensday. feb 20th
wrote to. Pers Daynes
went to Sargent
Bishops to get a book
and thay asked Me
to stay and hav tea
[Page 94 of 116]
with them and
thay was very
mutch intrested in
the prinsables of the
Gospel so I stoped and
had an Enjoyble
time with them
thay Each one got a
Bible and when I
reverd to Eney Pasege
thay would turn
to it and see if it
was. in ther bible
and thay found them
all right and we had
a good time.
Miles. 2
[Page 95 of 116]
Thursday feb 21st
Had a poor Nights
rest My heart botherd
me so. I had to get
out of bead and walk
the floor. receaved
a Letter from W.J.
Startup as I did not
feel well I did not feel Like
walking Part way to hereford
as we had entended But
Elder Droubay took the
train at 1240 am.
and I am waiting till
tomorrow mornig for
a Letter from home
went tracting this after
noon. I was all alone
for tea and to get it My
self. and it is rather
[Page 96 of 116]
Lonsum, waited till
8 PM. but no Letter
Came. went to
Mr Kereverns to spend
the Evening. saw a
Lady ther and I
taught her the prinsabls
of the gospel.
Miles 4
Friday feb 22th
no Letter yet took
the train at 1040
a m for Hereford
on ariving at Hereford
Bro Droubay Meet Me
at the station and
Enformed Me that he
Could not find a place
for us to stay we
went to Pembreges
[Page 97 of 116]
for a wile then walked
around town went
Back to Pembreges for
tea at Night went to
49 Park St spent a few
hours talking to the
sisters went to the
temprence hotell to sleep
on wide March st.
Miles .6
Saturday feb 23
had Breakfirst at a
Coffee tavern. went
to 49 Park St.
Roped up the trunks
and boxes for the sisters
had some dinner with
them. took the train
Withenton 4 ½ Miles
then walked to
[Page 98 of 116]
stanford bishop
ariving ther very tired
held a Meeting ther
at Night.
Miles. 18.
Sunday feb 24.
had breakfirst
at Hill s then walked
to Worcester found
two Letters from
My wife and one
from br Olsen.
very glad to hear
from my wife and
to hear thay was
well. also glad to
hear that My Mother
was some better.
after having dinner
and reading some
[Page 99 of 116]
we Cleaned up and
walked around town
then went to Keverens
had tea and spent the
Miles .16.
Monday feb 25th
Bad head ache to day
and do not feel well
in the Morning read
the Papers. in the
afternoon done some writing
at Night went to a Lecture
Miles 2
Tuesday. feb
wrote to My wife
in the Morning
I feel a Little better to day
raining to day. we spent
the afternoon in trying
[Page 100 of 116]
To find a hall to hold
Meetings in at Night
we went to Mr Rushton
also went to Look for
a hall. and it rained
very hard and we
had to go back
Miles 4
Wensday feb 27th
in the Morning Mended
My shirt and slippers
in the afternoon
went tracting had a
good time deliverd
a good Meny tracts
Aand had a good Meny
Gospel Conversations
At Night I went
to see about hiring
a hall to hold
[Page 101 of 116]
Meetings in but did
Not get it. also went
to the Librey. and read
the papers. and was
sorry to read of a
Mine disaster in
Demonsville. 49 Lives
reported Lost
Miles 3
[Page 102 of 116]
Thursday feb 28-1901
feeling Better to
day but My heart
Bothers Me some. I
Can not Lay on My
Left side. it is a
Nice Morning the
Sun is shining
in the after noon I
went out tracting had
one young woman
well drest Laugh at Me
But I talked to hir Just
the same I went to a
gate wher a very toney
Dresed Lady and two
Young girls was standing
and when I gave the
Lady a tract and
Comensed talking to
[Page 103 of 116]
hir she Collerd up in
the face and asked Me
if I thought she was
not old Enough to Know
with out bing taught, the
sprit of the Lord rested down
Up on Me and Put words in
My Mouth to say. I sayes
yes you are old enough if
you hav been taught by
the insprisation of god
and if you have been
taught by the true
servents of god But I sead
don’t you kNow that No Man
Knoith the thing of god onley
By the sprit of god and
she became some what
entrested and wanted to
read the tracts. to day
[Page 104 of 116]
I receaved the verry
sad news of My dear
Mothers death. also the
death of Alice Reading
receaved a Letter from
my wife one from
Heber and father and
one from Eydath
one from salt Lake
one from Kaysvill
sent in our report
went to Keverens
at Night. feel very
sad on acount of Loosing
My Mother.
Miles 3
[Page 105 of 116]
James Sheen
Born. at Borrow. worceshershire
april 1-1838.
Bapte at White Leaf oak
Worstereshire. and Confermed
By De Willon. B Card
aug 21 –1891
Preastood None.
Elizabeth Mary Bishop Sheen
Born oct 14-1841 at
Part Way. Hereford shire
Bapti. at White Leaf oak
worcestershire June 8-1890
By C C Rich Confremed By
Henry Wood
Milteldai Sheen Born at
White Leaf oake Worcestershire
10-June 1870. Bapti at
White Leaf Oake Worcestershire
and confermed de Willen Card
aug 21-1891
[Page 106 of 116]
Alis Sheen Born at
White Leaf oake. Borrow
Worcestershire. Dec 31 – 1872
Bapti and Confremed By
C C Rich at same Place
Nov 2 – 1890
Elizabath Mary Sheen
Born at same Place as above
on May 13 – 1874.
Bapti By De Willon Card
Confirmed By Jedediah Wardle
aug 21-1891. same Place
Edath Agusta Sheen
Born same Place. Nov 27-1875
Bapt same Place and Confirmed
By Wm Reading. Oct 21-1891
Miriam Jane Sheen Born
same Place. sep 3-1878
Bat same Place. By C. C Rich
and Coenfirmd By
[Page 107 of 116]
Jedidiah Wardle Nov 2-1890
Emma Rose Hannah Sheen
Born same Place. Jan 22-1880
Bapti same Place by Wm Reading
Confermed By S W Robertson
oct 21-1891
Ellen Sline Sheen Born
sam same Place. Marc 11-1883
Bapti- saam By Wm Reading
Confermed Wm Reading
sep 11-1892
Amy Eliza Sheen
Born same Place Mar 4-1884
Bap same Place By Wm Reading
Confermed Ben argyle
sep 11-1892
[Page 108 of 116]
Ester Danes Wadley
at Berrow worcestershier
Eng april 3-1865
Bapt at White Leaf Oake
Berrow worcestershire
May 7-1900 and Confermed
By James Howard
[Page 109 of 116]
[Blank Page]
[Page 110 of 116]
Allen Ubert Hill
Born Dec 13-1886. at
Read Marley. Worcestershire
Bapti June 14-1897 at
Birmh. woreckshire By
James C Poulten Confermed
same day By same man,
Ellen. Mary Maria Hill
Born feb 16-1889 at
Bromesbrrow. Glaustershire
Bapt June 14-1897
Birmingham Wreckshire
By. James C Poulten.
Confermed. By Wm S Romney
same date.
Checketts Providence Utah
U S A Cache Co Utah
Hilda Keveren Worc[illegible]
[Page 111 of 116]
Ann. Parry Davis
Born. read Marley
April 19 1843
Baptized when about Eight
years old.
Ubert John Hill Born
Elders field.
April 30 1860
Baptized at Berrow worcester-
-shier. Aug 21-1891 By
Elder W. B. Card.
Comfermed same date. G. Wardle
Preastood Elder ordained on
December 14-1898 By
Joseph Williams
Mary Louise Sheen Hill Born
Berrow worcestershire. April 11(1862)
Bap. same day W.B. Card Conferd
By W B. Card
[Page 112 of 116]
Walter Gettins
Born 33 December 21
Gremere Hill
Bron Bromsbory [Bromsberrow]
Glaustershire [Gloucestershire]
about 50 0r 60 years ago
[Page 113 of 116]
Mrs Elizabath Pulling
age about 84 or 85
Baptized about 35 years ago
By a Mr Willimas
at Stokelacy Now Living
at New town near Scheckeall
Sister Charlatte. Swift
Bor Bromsberrow
Gloucstershire England
april 27-1828
Bapt Worcester Worcestershire
England May 3-1894
By Thomas L Page
Confermed same day By
W. S. Barnes
[Page 114 of 116]
Wm Woodyatt
Born December 18-1826
Baptized Jun 1895
Born at France
Mary Homes. Woodyatt
Born 1 January 1833
Baptized June 1895
Born North Malvern
Aliss Lawrence Newman
Bor Berrow (Parish) Worcestershier
March 24-1845
Baptized By. James Mcgaw
Confermed By same Man
about 25 years ago
[Page 115 of 116]
[Table on inside cover of last page called: The Handy Ready Reckoner.]\
[Written at the top] Providence Utah USA Cache
[Written along the left side vertically starting at the bottom:]
Worcester England Birmingham
[Written along the bottom:] Worcester England
[Page 116 of 116]
[back cover is blank]