
Transcript of "William Checketts diaries, 1900-1902," Vol. 3, 1901 March-June.

Title: William Checketts diaries, 1900-1902 Volume 3, 1901 March-June

Call Number: MS 4839

[Page 1 of 116]

Book 4




[crossed out] 

v.   3 

[Page 2] 

[Inside cover is: Calendar For 1899]

[Calendar For 1900]

[Page 3 of 116]


Journal No 4  1901

34 Lowel st [crossed out word]


March 1th 

Raining all day. 

in . the Morning 

I wrote to My wife 

in the after noon 

we went out Looking 

for a Hall to hold 

Meeting in at Night 

I went to the 

Public Baths and 

had a good Bath 

feeling prety well 

to day onley very 

sad about My Mother 

     Miles.   4 


[Page 4 of 116]

March 2th Saturday 

in the Morning 

I darned My stockings 

Mended My Under cloths 

and wrote a Letter 

to Uncle Barnes. 

also one to Cousin 

Geo [smudged out letter] Ewins

in the after noon 

I went to the station 

to see my Companion 

off as he went to 

Birmingham to 

atend preastood 

Meeting tomorrow 

then I went to the 

Librey and read the 

Papers then Called 

to see Magret Haynes 

But she was not in 


[Page 5 of 116] 

then I went back 

to Logins and I sit 

down to tea by My 

self and it was very 

Lonsum. to be alone 

after tea I went and 

seen Cousan Magret 

Hayns. spent an hour 

or two with hir had 

supper ther and had 

a good time. 

Miles  4 

Sunday. March. [crossed out number] 3 

had breakfirst took 

the train to Malvern 

wells. walked from 

ther to Bronsbery heath 

felt a Little Lonsum 

walking alone at 

first and thaught 


[Page 6 of 116]

About. Mother. But soon 

a good sprite Come over 

Me. and I injoyd the 

walked and felt to 

thank the Lord that 

I was in the disCharge 

of my duty as a 

servent of God. and 

I was inSpired to 

sing the sprit of 

God Like a fire is 

burning and I sang 

it as I walked along 

the silent road and 

felt good. arived 

at Bromsbery Heath in 

time to hold Meeting 

at 3 PM. had a good 

Meeting had tea at 

Gerry Hills. had a 


[Page 7 of 116] 

nother splended Meeting 

at 630 P.M. Bro Challis 

Meet Me. ther and I Called 

on him to speak he 

spoke. for 30 Minuets 

then we sang another 

hym. after wich I 

spoak.  for half an hour 

Upon the reserection & 

Proincy alredy fullfiled 

and we had a good 

Meeting and a good sprit 

Prevailed had supper at 

Bro Gettings sang hyms 

and talked till 12 oclock 

Miles  12 

Monday March 4 th 

had Breakfirst at 

Bro Gettings sang some 

hyms. talked to 


[Page 8 of 116]

Lucy Dance. 

walked to white 

Leaf Oake. had dinner 

at Jas. sheens. sang 

some hyms. then 

walked to Malvern 

[smudged out] Link had tea 

with Woodyats 

took the train for 

worcester arived 

34 Lowell st.  740 PM 

receaved a good Letter 

from My dear wife 

glad to hear My wife 

and Children. was 

well sorrey- to hear  

Bro Reading was sick 

also receaved a Letter 

from Cousin george 

Ewin went to the 

Librey and read the 

[Page 9 of 116] 

Papers.  Miles  15 


[word crossed out] Tuesday March 5th 

do not feel very well 

this morning my heart 

Bothered Me through the 

Night receaved a good 

Letter from heber 

also 500. also receaved 

a Letter from Prs 

Daynes. wrot a Letter 

to my wife receaved 

the Jurnals and read 

them. also the deseret 

News. Bro Droubay 

Come back from 

Birm this afternoon 

went Up town read 

the Papers Called and had 

A talk with Mr Keveren 

Miles  2 


[Page 10 of 116]

wensday March 6th 

in the Morning 

done some reading

went to the station 

and seen bro Challis 

off.  in the after Noon 

we went out Looking 

for a Hall to hold 

Meetings in But did 

Not find one in the 

Afternoon Elder Kelley 

Come so we spent the 

Evening talking 

Miles 3 

Thursday March 7th 

in the Morning I 

receaved two Letters one 

okley Idaho. and one 

from Pleasant grove 

Utah we also showed 


[Page 11 of 116] 

Elder Kelley of Brigham 

City around the town 

in the after Noon we 

went to the station to 

see him off. went to 

the shoe Makers and 

go My shoe Mended 

at Night I went to 

Keverens had a good 

time talking Up on the 

Princabls of the gospel 

and singing 

Miles  4 

Friday March 8th 

wrote to Heber and 

read the deseret News 

in the Morning in 

the after Noon went 

to the Librey and read 

the Papers. it being to 


[Page 12 of 116]

stormey to go tracting 

also went to visit 

Mr Bishop had some 

good gospel talks with 

him and wife 

Miles  3.  

Satuarday March 9th 

went to see 

Mr. Keveren. before 

Breakfirst took a 

walk with him 

got his wheel went 

Back to Breakfirst 

then started for 

Pinvin on the wheel 

Called at the store 

for Mr Keveren 

wile standing ther 

aunt Barns and 

Cousin Come Up to


[Page 13 of 116]

Me. Mr Keveren 

and My self started 

on the road on our 

wheels. he road three 

miles with Me then 

turned Back I road 

on to Pinvin had 

dinner with Uncle 

Barns. then went 

to Pershore and 

spent an hour or 

tow with Uncle 

Wm Checketts. then 

went Back to aunt 

Barns had tea with 

them road Back to 

worcester had a fine 

ride & roads was good  

went Up town at Night 

Bro Droubay as got a bad Cold 

Miles walked .2. 

[Page 14 of 116]

Sunday. March 10th 

had breakfirst and 

started to walk to 

Holt by My self as 

Br Drubay. is sick 

it was a Nice Morning 

and good walking 

when I got about 6 

Miles on the road 

Mr Keveren over took 

Me on his wheel. he 

walked with Me a 

Little wile then went 

Back I arived at 

Hubert Hills in time 

for Dinner at Night 

I held a Cotage Meeting 

with them had a good 

time after Meeting we 

sang some hyms 

   Miles 7 


[Page 15 of 116]

Monday. March 11th 

had breakfirst at 

Hubert Hill s started 

to walk to worcester 

after getting a Mile and 

a half on the road 

a gentlemen in a fine 

rig drove Up to Me 

and asked Me if I 

was walking to worcester 

I told him yess. and he 

asked Me if I would 

ride I told him yess 

and I had a fine ride 

and a good talk with him 

on ariving at 34 Lowell st 

I found a splended Letter 

from My good wife to find 

thay was all well  I 

[Page 16 of 116]

also receaved a 

Nice Letter from My 

father and from the 

Bishop. went Up to 

the Librey at Night 

also to Mr Keverens 

Miles  4 

Tuesday March 12 

wrote a Letter to My 

wife also Put a pice 

in for father.  Nice 

Morning the sun is 

shining in the afternoon 

I went out tracting 

one woman that had 

invited Me to Come 

and see her had seen 

some one that had turned 

her against the Mormons 

so She would not hav

[Page 17 of 116]

Eney thing to say to Me 

so I thanked her and 

wiched her good By 

at Night went. to the 

Librey and read the News 

Miles  2 

Wensday March 13 

Nice Morning took a 

walk before Breakfirst 

in the afternoon I 

was Just ready to go 

out tracting and Elder 

Forsyth. Come from 

Wolvur hampton [Wolverhampton] to 

visit Us so we talked 

to him then took him 

around town then 

at Night went to the 


Miles 3 

[Page 18 of 116] 

Thursday March 14th 

in the Morning we 

took a walk around 

town with Elder forsyth 

and showed him the 

town also went to 

the Catheradel after 

dinner he went home 

and I went out tracting 

I had onley went to 

a few houses 

when I was invited 

in. and I had two 

or three hours 

Conversation on the gospel 

with Mr Harding and 

his wife and thay 

invited Me to stay to tea 

and I had a good time and 

the sprit of the Lord 

[Page 19 of 116] 

was with Me and 

thay invited Me to Come 

again. at Night we 

went to see Mr Griffin 

Miles   4 

Friday March 15th 

read the Bible in the 

Mornig. in the afternoon

went tracting found 

a Lady that had some 

relations in salt lake 

aslo took a book to 

Mr Hardings. in 

the Evening went to 

the Librey and read 

the Papers. at Night 

stayed in and read 


Miles  3


[Page 20 of 116]

Satuarday  March 16 

in the Morning 

Bro Droubay Cut My 

hair and Beard and 

I Cut his hair 

in the afternoon 

we went to the 

Librey. also went to 

see bro. Hefferd. 

at Night I got a 

Letter from My wife 

after reading it 

we went Up town 

and Baught some 

fish for sunday 


Miles  4

[Page 21 of 116] 

Sunday March 17 

took train 1018 am 

road to Malvern wells 

walked to white Leaf 

oak had dinner at 

J. Sheens. Lovely Clear 

day walked on to 

Bromsbery heth held 

Meeting at G. Hills at 

3 PM. [words crossed out] 

Bro Drubay persiding 

I was Called to speak 

ociping 30 Minuets on 

salvation for the dead 

Bro Druby speak ociping 

15 Minuets at Night 

we held Meeting at 

W. Gettings My self 

Persiding Bro Drubay 

was called to speak he 

ocipied 15 Minuets 


[Page 22 of 116]

after wich we sang 

a hymn then I 

spoake for 30 minuets 

on the restoration

and the divinity of 

the Profit Joseph Smith 

had good Meetings 

and all enjoyed them 

selves after Meeting

we sang hymns and 

talked till a Late 

hour.   Miles 12 

Monday March 18-1901 

had breakfirst at 

W Gettings sand some 

songs and hyms Lucy 

dance being ther 

we walked from 

ther to white Leaf oak 

Mrs Kendrick sent for 


[Page 23 of 116]

Us to adminester to her 

she had a two weeks old 

Baby it was Born a 

Cripple she asked Us 

to adminester to its 

Legs and feet. that thay 

(thay) made be made strong she 

gave Us some Milk and 

bread and butter we then 

went to J Sheens had 

some Boiled eggs and 

Bread and butter sang 

some hyms then walked 

to Malvern Link Called 

on sister Munn had 

tea with her then took 

the train for worcester 

arivid 34 Lowell st 

7 PM. read the deseret 

News.    Miles  14


[Page 24 of 116] 

tuesday March 19th 1901 

very Cold windy day 

in the Morning 

wrote a Letter to My 

wife in the afternoon 

went to Mr Keverens 

had tea with them 

and had a Nice talk 

with them at Night 

stayed in and read 

Miles   2. 

Wensday March 20th 

Cold windy day 

in the after noon 

I went to Mr Keverens 

got a Book then went 

to Mr Harding s at 

Wood bine  Cotage and 

got a book and Lent them 

the V. of warning 

Miles   2 

[Page 25 of 116] 

Thursday March 21-1901 

the March wind is blowing 

do not feel well this 

Moring had Bad pains 

in My stomac in the 

Night.  in the afternoon 

went tracting at Night 

had a Nice visit with 

Mr. Keveren.  Miles  3 

Friday  March 22-

receaved the deseret 

News and ocipied the 

Morning in reading 

them Cold and windy 

to day. in the afternoon 

I went tracting also 

went to see about 

renting a hall. at Night 

I went and had a good 

Bath.    Miles .3.

[Page 26 of 116]

Saturday March 23 

in the Morning got 

ready to take a 

trip out in the 

Countrey to stanford 

Bishop. receaved a Letter 

from Prs. Daynes 

Left 34 Lewell st 

12 Noon. walked 7 

Miles then set down 

By the road side and 

Eate our Lunch walked 

on to Hill s ariving 

ther  5 PM. had tea 

630 PM. sat Up till 

one oclock in the Moring 

talking and singing 

Miles 14 

[Page 27 of 116] 

Sunday March 24 

got Up whent out in 

the field a Little 

ways [smudged out] before breakfirst 

it Being a very Nice 

Morning. after breakfirst 

we walked to acton green [Acton Green] 

talked to and old Lady 

she invited Us to Come 

Back. after dinner we 

went back and had a 

fine talke with her 

and her gran son his 

Name. Jas Cross. we 

held Meeting at Hill s 

at 7 PM Mr Cross Come 

and Braught his young 

Lady with him Bro droubay 

Presided at the Meeting I 

was Called to speak 

[Page 28 of 116] 

speaking for 40 Minuets 

on the gospel of Jesus 

Christ and resteration 

of the gospel to Joseph 

Smith we had a 

good time went to 

Bead at one in the 

Night a very Nice 

day   Miles  7 

Monday March 25 

got Up 8 a.m found 

it snowing and 

Blowing ofley bad 

we waited till 1030 

am. to see if it 

would stop but it 

Kept on so we 

started to walke to 

worcester and we 

fased the wind and 

[Page 29 of 116] 

snow for an hour 

then it quit snowing 

till Just as we got in 

to worcester then 

it Come again ariving 

at 34. I found a Letter 

[smudged out] from My dear wife 

and was thankfull 

to hear thay was all 

well. receaved the News 

and read it also receaved 

a Letter about a Meeting 

house. went to the 

Librey at Night and 

read the Papers. 

feel a Little tired 

to Night 

Miles  14 

[Page 30 of 116] 

Tuesday March 26

in the Morning I 

wrote a Letter to My 

wife in the afternoon 

we went to Look at a 

Hall on New st But it 

did not suit Us. then 

we walked around 

A good deal we found 

A Little Hall on 

Easey Roow we are to 

hav a deiced ansure 

fridy Morning at Night 

I went Up to Mr Keverens 

A Little wile spending 

the rest of the Evening 

reading. and talking 

Miles  4 

[Page 31 of 116]

Wensday March 27 

do not feel well to day 

Pain in My head and 

stomac stayed in all 

day waiting [crossed out letter] for 

Jans Cross to Come 

and he did not Come 

at Evening I went Up 

town and to Librey 

receaved a Letter from

Geo Davis  Miles 1


Thursday March 28 

Nice Morning But wind is 

Blowing in the Morning 

read the Bible. Just before 

Dinner I receaved a Lovely 

Letter from my good wife 

glad to hear all was 

well. also receaved 

[Page 32 of 116] 

2500 from my wife 

She asked Me about 

[crossed out] Laing sher [Lancashire] in the Spring 

went tracting in the 

Afternoon also went 

to see about hall 

at Night went to 

Keverens  Miles  4 

Friday March 29 

got Up Earley to go 

and see about a Hall 

that was Promist Us 

But did not get it so we 

went to see a Nother one 

had a Long gospel talk 

with Mr. Kank City 

Enginear I also went to 

see about some Halls.

in the after noon receaved 

My wifes & babys Photos 

Miles  5


[Page 33 of 116] 

[Obituary of Eliza Sherwood Wm Checketts’ mother]

Checketts.-At Providence, Cache 

county, Utah, Eliza Sherwood 

Checketts, born February 17, 1829, at 

Broughton, Holy Cross perhsore, 

Worcestershire, England; emigrated 

from Birmingham in 1870; died at 

Providence, Cache county, Utah, Feb. 

11th, 1901.  She was the mother of 

twelve children, and sixty grand-

children. She leaves a loving husband 

and eight children to mourn her loss. 

She lived and died a faithful Latter-

day Saint. 

Millenial Star, please copy. 

[Page 34 of 116]

[Backside of clipping of page 33]

[A Millenial Star advertisement piece]

[Page 35 of 116]

Saturday March 30 

rainey Morning rote a 

Letter to Cousin Geo Ewin 

in the after noon we 

went out Looking for a 

Hall bro Drubay herd 

of one and Come for Me 

we went and Looked at 

it and took it at Night 

we went to Look fer 

Benches to furnish it 

with receaved a Letter 

from my wife. 

Miles  4 

Sunday March 31 

got Up Earley and took 

the train for B[illegible]-

R raind very hard had 

a talk with some People 

on the train

[Page 36 of 116]

Arived 230 At 10 am 

glad to see the 

Elders and talk to 

them after Chating 

a wile I went 

to Cousin Ge Ewins 

had dinner went 

to Meeting Prayer 

My self speakers 

Elder Startup  and 

taler. went to 

230 for tea Back 

to Meeting at 630 PM  

first speaker M.A.

next Elder Jinkins 

a Nice Congragtion 

and a good time 

was had after Meeting 

went to Geo Ewins 

   Miles   12

[Page 37 or 116]

April 1st 1901 

got Up had Breakfirst 

at Cousin Geo Ewin s 

walked to 230 had a 

Good Bath Practist som 

singing had dinner at 

Conference house-went 

to see a Lady with 

M J. Startup went 

Back to Conference 

house then Left for 

Worcester took train 

at 430 PM arived at 

34 at 630 PM had tea 

then went Up town to 

see about buying some 

seats for hall then went 

to see Mr and Mrs Harding 

had a hot-time on 

Plogamy and other 

[Page 38 of 116]

Princebls of the gospel 

talked to them 

till ten oclock and 

Boar a strong testomony 

to them after geting 

Back to Logins I 

made out My Monthly 

report and sent it

in it was 12 at 

Night Before I 

got My days work 


Miles  6 

April 2 tuesday 

do not feel well to day 

Bad head ache Pain in 

Back went to see a 

doctor he sed I had got 

Endigestion Bad. Liver and 

Kidneys. and advised 

[Page 39 of 116] 

Me to Leave this damp 

Climet he gave Me 

some Medecen. I wrote 

a Letter to My wife 

went to the Post office 

got Money order Cashed 

for 2500 Dollars. went to 

see Mrs. Rayer about 

going to Lodge with her 

she was glad to get us 

Back again. so we entend 

to go ther on Monday 

april 8th had tea at  

Keverens at Night 

went to Look after 

seats for hall.  also 

went to Librey read 


Miles   3


[Page 40 of 116]

Wensday April 3th 1901 

did not feel well all 

Night and from 4 

in the Morning till. 8 

I was in affell Pain 

and very sick. after 

Eating a small peice 

of tost and a Little bit 

of much. I went out and 

Posted a Photo of Keverens 

shoe shop to My wife 

also went round town 

trying to get Benches 

for our Hall. Could not 

get Eney Baught some 

Chairs. had the Chairs

Put in the hall walked 

about all day making 

arangements for furnishing 

the Hall and getting 


[Page 41 of 116]

the gass Put in at Night 

wrote a Letter to Pres Daynes 

Miles   6 

Thursday April 4th 

feel some Better this Morning 

had Breakfirst. then went 

to Hall Cleaned the Chairs 

and rubed them over with 

Linseed oil. in the afternoon 

got some. Bills Printed to 

Advertise our. Meetings 

Receaved a Letter & 500 

from Heber. went and 

visited Bishops had 

tea there. went Up town 

at. Night. Mr Hilton of 

North Hampton Come to 

visit Bro Drouby and see 

Worcester    Miles  4 

[Page 42 of 116] 

Friday April 5th 1901 

to day is good friday 

a holaday in England 

in the Morning we 

went to the Hall and 

had a Bench Painted and 

Cleaned some Chairs 

then took a walke

down to the river 

and seen the steam 

Boats. in the afternoon 

Bro Droubay & Hilton 

went Up the river 

on the steam Boat and 

I went and got Keverens

BicyCle and road Up to

holt on surprise to them 

I got ther Long before them 

it was a Lovely day 

had tea at Hills Left.

[Page 43 of 116]  

Holt 635 PM got to worcester 

7 PM riding 6 ½ Miles in 

25 Minuits. at Night I 

went to Keverens. sang 

some hyms and talked 

road on Bicyle 14 Miles 

walked   2 

Saturday  April 6th 

got Up Earley and 

road around and on 

(bike) told some of our friends 

we was going to hold 

Meeting in the Hall to 

Morrow Night I also 

done a good deal of work 

at the hall Cleaning 

Up. Baught a glass 

Pitcher and a glass for 

water and a table 

Cloth for the table 

[Page 44 of 116]

got some bills printed 

to announce our Meetings 

in the evening I 

went to see Mr [word crossed out] (Phillpots) 

Mrs Kendricks Brother 

thay was glad to see 

Me had tea with 

them and they asked 

Me to Come again 

at Night went Up town 

Miles   2 

Sunday april 7 

Nice Clear Morning 

Being fast day I did 

Not hav Breakfirst 

Brother Drubay, Brac-ten

and Hilton eate Breakfirst 

then thay went to 

the Cathreadel I stayed 

in and done some

[Page 45 of 116]

reading. in the afternoon 

I went to Keverens and 

had tea at Night we 

held our first Meeting 

in the Hall. My self 

Prisiding good singing 

Mr Kereveren Played the 

organ Prayer bro Droubay 

hopning adress. W. C. 

[smudged out] after wich we sang a 

hym then Bro bweten 

of North Hampton spoke 

also Elder Droubay 

Dsmisd (dismissed) W.C. and we 

had a Nice Meeting 

took a walke after 


Miles  2

[Page 46 of 116]

Monday April 8 1901

Just one year ago 

to day sence I kissed 

My Loving wife and 

dear Children good 

By and Meny is the 

time I thaught of 

them to day to day 

Being an holladay 

and having visiters 

we all went to 

Malvern Bro Bruetern 

and My self went 

on Bycicles and we 

had a strong wind

to face all the way 

Bro Droubay & Hilton 

went on the train 

we meet them at 

Malvern Link we

[Page 47 of 116] 

took our wheels to 

Bro Woodats and Left 

them ther had some 

Nice Cake and Lemonade 

then started Up the Hills 

and ther was Hundards 

of people on the Hills as

ther was Excursain

trains runing the wind 

Blew very Hard But we 

had a good time we had 

for Lunch Bread Boild ham 

Cheese and orenges we 

went on the top of the 

higest hill it is 1396 

feet above sea Leval 

we got Back to our 

Bycicles and Left for 

Worcester 5 PM Making 

a run of 7 Miles in 

30 Miniuts 


[Page 48 of 116]

had tea and went 

out at Night But it 

rained so hard we 

Come Back and read the 

Deseret News.

  Miles road on wheel 15 

    Miles walked   7 

Tuesday April. 9

in the Morning 

Wrote to my wife 

wrote to Heber 

also wrote to

Geo Davis at 42 

Islington Liverpool 

in the afternoon 

went to Mr Keverens 

at Night went to 

the theatre 

Miles  2


[Page 49 of 116] 

Wensday april 10th 

after breakfirst took a 

ride on the wheel down 

to Mrs Rayers at. 7 Lansdown(vills) 

went back and Packed 

Up My trunk then took 

the Bycicle to Keverens 

went to dinner at our 

New Lodgins 

No 7 Lansdown vills 

had a Nice dinner

after wich we went 

and got our trunks 

Moved them went and Paid 

Mrs Jones then went to 

Post Office and Changed our 

adress. after tea went to 

the Hall & to the Libery 

Miles   3

[Page 50 of 116] 

Thursday April 11

(7) Lansdown vills. 

we are geting Nicely 

setteled in our New 

Lodgins when we got 

down stairs found 

Breakfirst ready and our

shoes Blacked. rainey 

Morning. Keept on 

raining all day so we 

Could Not go tracting I wrot 

a Letter to Prs Daynes one 

to Prs Lymon, in the 

afternoon went to two 

houses to invite the 

People to Come to our 

Meetings and get a book 

at Night opned the Hall 

for Meeting No. one come 

But Mr Kevern so we 

spent the Evening at Keverns 

Miles   2

[Page 51 of 116] 

7  Lansdown Vills

     April 12 – 1901

receaved the News and 

read the same in the 


wrote Lettrs to Prs Lymon 

Card to Prs Daynes 

Letteto Sister Gettings 

Sister Dance: & Sister 

Hill. wint to see Mr 

Farmer. and invited him 

to our Meetings also 

went to see Mr & Mrs 

Bishop had a Nice time 

with them I had tea 

with them. and had 

some good gospel talks 

at Night went to see 

Mr & Mrs Rushten 

Miles   4

[Page 52 of 116]

Satuarday. April 13 

got Up Earley to get 

ready to go and meet 

Pres Daynes. after 

Breakfirst went and 

Meet him at the 

station then My

self and him took 

the train to grate 

Malvern. then walked 

to White Leaf oake 

had dinner at Sheens 

then Called to see 

some saints and 

Mrs Kendrick. got 

to Bramsbery Heath 

at Night had tea with 

Brother & Sister Gettings 

slept ther that Night 

Brother Daynes took 

[Page 53 of 116]

My Photo and I had 

My harmes full of 

Daffey down dillies 

Miles 14 

Sunday April 14 

had Breakfirst at

Bro Gettings held 

Meeting ther at one 

oclock. had a good 

time as soon as 

Meeting was over My 

self and Prs Daynes 

started to walke to 

Malvern and we had 

a Lively walk to 

Catch the train at 

5 PM. got to Malvern 

10 Minuets before the 

the train Left. got to 

worcester 530 went. to 

[Page 54 of 116]

Lodgings Cleaned Up 

went to Keverens for 

tea got a splended 

Letter. from My wife 

had Meeting. at the 

Hall. Brother Droubay 

spoke the first 

Pres Daynes took Up 

the rest of the time 

had a good Meeting 

after Meeting we 

went to Keverens 

and had a good time

rained very hard

Miles   14  

Monday April 15 

Bro Daynes Droubay 

and My self went 

through the Royle 

Poselean [Porcelain]Works. 

[Page 55 of 116]


Bro Daynes & My self 

went through the 

Dence Gove factrey 

also through the 

Catheredal. Bro Dayens 

took some Kodas Photos 

of the Katheredal and 

other Places. 

Miles  4

Tuesday .April 16 

wrote a Letter to My wife 

went to Mr Keverens 

also went to the doctors 

and got some medecen 

[smudged out letter] at Night went to 

an hoprer. the Bell of

New York. receaved Letter (from br Lewis)

Miles  2


[Page 56 of 116]

Wensday  April 17 – 01 

Nice Clear Morning 

Expected bro Lewis all 

Day but he did not 

Come in the afternoon 

I went tracting deliveder 

40 had a good time 

one woman. took a 

tract then when 

I turned to go She 

threw it at Me 

at Night went to Librey 

Miles  2 

Thursday april 18 – 01 

Nice day. in the Moring 

done some reading 

Elder Lewis Came 

at one oclock in the 

afternoon we went down 

to the race track 


[Page 57 of 116] 

and seen two races 

went to the Hall 

and the Librey receaved 

a Letter from Heber 

at Night we hald a 

Meeting in the Hall 

at the Close a Man 

showed Me a Jarman 

tract and I had a  

Long talk. with him 

went to Keversens for 

an hour  Miles  3 

Friday April 19 – 01

Verry Nice day in 

the Mornng I receaved 

two Bundels of Jornels

from Geo M Pickett 

and read them in the 

after noon went tracting 

at Night we held 


[Page 58 of 116]

our first street Meeting 

of the season sang 

high on the Mountain 

top Prayer Elder Lewis 

singing first speaker 

My selfe. Elder Droubay 

following wile he was 

Preaching ther was a 

fight we stoped for a 

  Little wile then 

went on with our 


Miles  3 

Satuard april. 20 – 01 

Very Nice day Like 

summer. in the 

afternoon bro Lewis 

and My self went to 

the Gardens wher 

bro Kendrick Ust to 


[Page 59 of 116]

work and the head 

Gardener Showed Us all 

round the gardens and 

hot Houses and it was 

a Lovely sight to see the 

flowers and Lovely garden 

at Night we took a 

walk Up town. 

Miles   4

Sunday April 21 – 01 

Nice Morning Just Like 

summer. being Sunday 

we did not Eate breakfirst 

my self Mr Kevern 

and Children took 

a walk down through 

the race Cars. and down 

the river it was a 

Pleasant walk. we was 

Envited to Keverens to 


[Page 60 of 116] 

tea then we all went 

to Meeting at the Hall 

Had a very good Meeting 

Bro Droubay & my self 

Being the speakers.

some that was to Meeting 

walked 7 Miles after 

Meeting we went to 

Keverens Blessed three 

of his Children spent 

a Nice evening had 

supper and went home 

Miles   4 

Monday April 22 - 01 

Nice Morning Payed 

our bills and done some 

straiting Up. in the Morning 

took My shoe to be Mended 

in the afternoon 

went tracting had a 


[Page 61 of 116]

good time. in the 

evening went to Mr 

Hardings had two hours 

talke with him at 

Night receaved a Letter 

from Prs Daynes.

Miles   4 

Tuesday April 23 

in the Morning receaved 

a Letter from My wife 

and ansured it in the 

afternoon went tracting 

at Night we held a 

street Meeting My self 

Per. Elder Lewis and My 

self doing the speaking 

also receaved Jurnels 

Miles .3. 


[Page 62 of 116]

wensday April 24 

Nice day in the 

Moring read the 

Papers & wrote a Letter 

to H. B. Campbell.

in the afternoon

went tracting and 

had a good time 

got invited in had 

a Long talk with a Man 

he asked Me to Come 

again. at Night we 

Held a Meeting on the 

street. Called and 

got My shoes from 

Mr Keverens  Miles  2 

Thursday April 25 

Nice day in the 

afternoon went tracting 

at Night held Meeting 


[Page 63 of 116]

in the Hall. do Not 

feel well got a Cold on 

My Lungs.  Miles  3 

Friday April 26 - 01 

Nice Morning My Cold 

feels some better to day 

I rubd My self with 

goose oile Last Night 

on Coming down 

stairs I found an extra 

Letter from My wife 

was pleased to hear all 

was well in the after-

Noon I went tracting 

at Night it was to Cold to

hold st Meeting so I went to 

J H Walton s had a good 

Long talk on the gospel receaved 

Deseret News.  Miles 2 


[Page 64 of 116] 

Satuarday april. 27th 

went and got some 

Medecen for My Lungs 

went to Mr Keverens 

went and took a book 

to Mr. Rushtons in the 

after Noon went to 

see Mr. Phillpotts he 

treated me fine and 

invited. Me to dinner 

Sunday. at Night I 

receaved some Photos 

from My wife & 

Jurnels from annie 

Miles   4 

Sunday April 28 – 1901 

went to Mr Phillpots 

to dinner had a fine 

Dinner some splended 

roast beef. stayed the 


[Page 65 of 116]

after noon with them sang 

some hyms. went to Keverens

to tea then went to Meeting 

in the Hall. at 7 PM My 

self Perisiding and done all 

the Preaching had a good time 

after Meeting went to 

Keverens spent the 

Evening and I Blessed 

there Baby Phillas Grase 

  Miles    3

Monday April 29 – 1901 

got Up Earley to write to 

My wife and get ready 

to go out in the Countrey 

went Up town and Paied 

the Hall rent also Paid 

Mrs Rayer for Board & Lodgins

[smudged out word] Posted a Letter to My wife 

had dinner took train 


[Page 66 of 116] 

at 225 PM. arived Malvern 

Link 3 PM. walked 

to wite Leaf oak Blisterd 

my heel on the way 

meet Bro Droubay ther 

had some thing to Eat 

at J Sheen s then we 

walked to Bronsbery Heath 

visited gettings then went 

to Geremere Hill s had a Long 

talk with Sister Hill and 

Gurty on Baptisam went 

Back to Gettings to 

sleep    Miles 14 

Tuesday April 30-01 

had Breakfirst at Gettings 

walked to Mr Hearts had 

a talke with Mrs Heart 

then went to Sister Davises 

then went out on the 


[Page 67 of 116]

Road to find Mr Hart 

talked with him. along time 

on the gospel and tried to 

get him to give Consent 

to his wife being Baptised 

But he would Not then 

we went to go Sheen s But 

thay was Not home then 

we went to J Sheen s 

had dinner then walked 

to Malvern Link went to 

see Sister Munn. had some 

Bread and butter then went 

to Woodarts had some pie 

and Lemonade then went 

to the station took the 

train for Worcester arived 

ther rather tired receaved 

a Letter from John Hill 

Miles 17 


[Page 68 of 116]

Wensday May 1 – 1901 

Beautfull Clear Morning 

wrote a Letter to Prs Lymon 

also one to Prs Dayns 

and sent in our reports

in the afternoon. fixed 

Up our Hall acount 

at Night Held an 

out door Meeting 

down by the river 

side Miles   2 

Thursday May 2 – 1901 

in the morning receaved 

a Letter from Heber 

with 500. in also ansured 

it and sent My Photo in 

it to Henry. in the 

after Noon went to see 

J H Walton had a Long 

gospel talk with him 


[Page 69 of 116]

went to visit Mr Bishop 

had a good talk with his 

wife Lond her the Book 

of Mormon. had tea with her 

at Night went and opened Up 

the Hall for Meeting but 

No one but Mr Keveren 

Come. so we Practest Singing 

Mr Keveren Came to our 

Lodgings with Us for a 

   walk.    Miles    4 

[Crossed out letter] Friday May 3th 

Nice Morning receaved 

a Letter from Presedent 

Lymon in regard to 

John Hill s famley 

Emigrating. also receaved 

the News and read them 

one year to day since I 

Landed at Liver pool 


[Page 70 of 116]

got ready to walke 

out to Stanford Bishop 

Left at 2 PM arived 

Stanford Bishop 7 PM

very tired as it 

was warm walking 

and I Blisterd My toes 

held a Cotage Meeting 

at John Hill s.

Miles  14 


Saturday May 4 – 1901 

Nice Morning Left 

Stanford Bishop and 

walked to Worcester 

arived 2 PM. had 

dinner and felt tired 

went to the Public 

Baths and had a good

Bath. after Bathing seamed 

(W / 1712 / train 962) 

[Page 71 of 116] 

to Catch Cold did Not go 

out eney More that Night 

Miles    14 

Sunday May 5 – 1901 

Being the first sunday in 

the Month we fasted till 

4 PM in the Morning we 

took a walk down to 

the river it was a Lovely 

day at 530 PM I went to 

Keverens and Picked out 

the hyms for Meeting 

at Meeting Bro Lewis Preashed 

holey gost. I preached on 

salvation for the dead at 

the Close of Meeting three 

Men took Up an argement 

with Us on the subjects 

Mentioned But we took to the 

Law & testamoney and thay Could 

[smudged out letter] Not get around it 


[Page 72 of 116] 

after Meeting we went 

to Keverens and spent 

the Evening and had 

supper ther. 

Miles  2 

Monday May 6th 1901 

in the Morning receaved 

a Lovely Letter from My 

Good wife glad to hear all 

was well. I hav a head 

ache and a sore Eye to day 

in the afternoon went 

tracting had a Lady slam 

the door in My face 

at Night went out on the 

street to hold Meeting 

But found it too Cold 

At Night 930 went to the 

Meet Elder Day. 

Miles  3 


[Page 73 of 116] 

Tuesday May  7 

wrote a Letter to My wife 

receaved a Letter from 

Prs Daynes. in the after-

Noon Mended My Pants. 

at Night went out to 

hold street Meeting But 

found it too Cold 

Miles  7  

Wensday May 8th 1901 

very Cold and stormey 

had to stay in all day 

Receaved the deseret News 

and read it at Night 

went Up town.  Miles  7 

Thursday May. 9 – 1901 

stormey day in the 

afternoon. went tracting 

also went to Keverns to 

see about Baptizing them 


[Page 74 of 116] 

after tea went to 

Kevernes. had Prayer 

then Elder Lewis 

My self and Mr and 

Mrs Keveren went 

to the Public swimming 

(Baths) and dressed for Baptizing 

it was a Splended 

Place for the Purpos 

I Baptized Sister Kevern 

first then Brother Keveren

next. then we went to 

Keverens House and 

I Confermed them 

Boath. and we stayed 

ther till 11 PM and thay 

felt well over what thay 

Had done and I felt to thank 

God that I had the Pleasure and 

Blessing to Lead two honested 

(down right side is written vertically] wrote to Prs. Lymon

[Page 75 of 116] 

Hearted soles in to the 

Warters of Baptisem that I 

hav been the means of 

Converting through the  

Blessings of god. and I Pray 

god to Bless them that thay 

may Pruve true and faithfull 

and rejoice in the Church 

of Jesus Christ and Be happy 

with the People of god.

(Receaved Letter from Prs. Lymon)  Miles   3 

Friday May 10 – 1901 

dull Morning wrote a 

Letter to Prs Dayns for 

some Bptismal Certificate 

in the afternoon went 

out tracting had a good time 

at Night went Up town to 

the Librey. also went and 

seen Mr Walton Lent him 

the Voice of warning.  Baught a 

tooth Bruch.    Miles   2

[Page 76 of 116] 

Satuardt May 11th 1901

receaved a Letter from

Prs. Lymon. in regard 

to John Hills famley

Emegrating. Bro Droubay

Cut my Beard in the 

after we went and 

Cleaned Up th Hall and

took a walk around

town at Night we

held a good streed meeting

Elder Lewis speaking first

Drouby and My self

following in turn

My self Perisiding

Prayer My self

dismised Bro Lewis

on ariving at No 7

found a Nice Letter

from my wife all well 

Miles 3


[Page 77 of 116]

Sunday May 12 

Nice Morning Brother Droubay 

went out to Bromsbery Heath 

in the Morning I wrote to My 

wife receaved a Letter from 

Prs Daynes. in the afternoon 

took a walk Up on Goss Hill 

then went to Mr Phillpots had

tea then I went to Keverens 

to select some hyms for 

Meeting then went to Meeting 

at the Hall. My self Peresiding 

Elder Lewis first speaker My self 

Next.  had some good talkes

after Meeting with some Men 

then went to Keverens and held 

a sacerement Meeting  spent the 

Evening ther also had supper 

it was after 12 when we got 

to Bead   Miles   4 


[Page 78 of 116]

Monday   May 13 – 1901 

got Up Earley finished writing 

a Letter to My wife got ready 

to go out in the district to 

Bromsbery Heath. Paid Up for board 

had Earley dinner took the 

train for Malvern 12.57 

arived Malvern Wells 130 PM 

walked from ther to 

White Leaf oak. Meet Brother 

Droubay. at Sheens we 

went from ther to Kendrecks 

then from ther to Davises

then to see Mrs Heart she 

wants to Be Baptised But 

her husband will Not Consent 

went Back to Davises had 

tea  I felt very tired then 

we went to Bromsbery 

Heath seen Mrs Hill and 


[Page 79 of 116] 

daughter and Mrs Hill was 

Not ready to get Baptised we 

then felt very tired as I 

had been walking from 1.30 

in the after Noon it is Now 

9 oclock at Night and Lots 

more walking to do we then 

started to walk Back to Davisis 

in the dark on ariving ther 

we Could Not go in to the house 

as Sister Davis and daughter wanted 

to Be Baptised and she had 

some Lodgers and she did Not 

want them to Know so we 

had to go and Lay down in 

the field and it was very 

Late and Cold we Lay ther 

till we got very Cold and 

Between 10 and 11 oclock thay

Come and we took them 


[Page 80 of 116] 

down to the water and 

Bro Droubay Baptised sister 

ann Davis. Sister    davis 

and  tomas Davis and thay 

went to the House in 

ther weet Cloths and 

Bro Droubay and My self 

had to Lay in the field  

again and we got Very 

Cold as the wind Blew 

so Cold and the Lodgers 

sat Up so Late thay Could 

no fetch Us in to the 

House and about twelve 

oclock in the Night we 

got them out in the 

road Under the Edge and 

Confermed them. it Being 

so Late and we would 

of had to walk quite  


[Page 81 of 116] 

a no of Miles to get a Bead. 

we decided to stay out 

all Night so we started 

along the road for Worcester 

Very tired and Cold severil 

times  we Lay down By the 

Road side  to rest but we 

would soon get so Cold we

would hav to start on again 

we had quite an Experence 

going along the road some thing 

followed Us for severel Miles 

it would Keep Just in side 

the Edge we Could not see it 

But Could hear it all the time 

it made a sorte of a quacking 

Noize I walked Up to the 

Edge severil times when we 

Come to gaat and Looked in 

to the field to see if I 

could see it But when I 

[Page 82 of 116] 

would go to ardes it. it would 

go ferther out in the field 

Making the same quacking 

Noise and as soon as we 

would start it would 

follow us again 

we arived at Malvern Link 

Between 3 and 4 in the Morning 

and found out ther was No 

earley trains we got in to a 

Car for a hour or two But 

it was so Cold we Could  

Not rest we then started 

to grate Malvern Very tired 

and Cold to see if we 

Could get some thing warm 

to Eate and drink But No 

Blases open so as tired as 

we was we walked on 

to Malvern Link 

[Page 83 of 116] 

ariving ther we Lay down 

on the Benches for an hour or 

two as ther was no traines 

Bro Droubay went Up town 

got an ham sagush and 

a Pice of Pork Pie we Eate 

that got on the train at 

830 am arived at our 

Lodgins 9 am tired and sleepy 

after quite a Nights Experence 

But do Not Complain But 

rejoice in (being) worthy of the 

Privilege of Preaching the true

gospel of jesus Christ 

and thank full of the Privilege 

of Evationing a few in 

to the true fold


Miles  37


[Page 84 of 116] 

Tuesday May 14 – 1901

on ariving at no 7 [crossed out word] we 

had Breakfirst and them 

went to Bead at 930 am 

got Up to dinner at 1 30 PM 

feeling very stiff and sore 

after dinner Brother Droubay 

went Back to Bead But I 

sit Up.  But feel tired 

at Night we held a fine 

Meeting on the street bro Lewis 

Presidency first speaker W. C. 

Bro Lewis & Drouby following 

in turn had a good Meeting 

and the People was very quite 

Called at the Libery on 

the way to Lodgins went

to Beed 10 PM.

Miles   2 

[Page 85 of 116]

Wensday May 15th 1901 

Nice Morning receaved a Letter 

from sister Wadley wrote a 

Letter to Prs Daynes and 

sent for som Baptismel cirtificts 

in the after Noon went 

tracting. at Night held street 

Meeting Bro Droubay Prisiding 

My self Bing the speaker 

But it was so noisey 

I had to shout at the top

of My voice. Bro Droubay 

mad a few Closing remarks 

Miles  3 

Thursday May 16 

Brother Droubay & Lewis

went out to stanford Bishop 

in the Morning took a 

walk out in the Countrey 

done some reading out ther 

[Page 86 of 116]

in the afternoon went 

out to visit Bro Hefferd 

Come Back to (the) Brig at 

3 PM Meet Bro & sister 

Keveren ther and took 

a walke out in the 

countrey with them 

wile out in the Medews 

he took a Picture of Us 

with his Kodax. in the 

Evening we returned 

to ther house I had tea 

with them stayed and 

spent the Evening with 

them done some singing

and Playing and talking 

had supper with then 

got home and went to 

Bead   12 Mid Night 

Miles  8 

[Page 87 of 116]

Friday May 17 – 1901 

in the Morning read the 

Deseret News also receaved 

a Letter form Pres Daynes 

with some Baptisem cerfictets 

in it Bro Droubay & Lewis 

got Back. in the after Noon 

I went to see a Gentelaman 

took him the voice of warning

Held a splended Meeting on the 

street My self Presiding Prayer 

W C. first speaker W. C. 

Next bro Lewis and droubay 

had a Large Crowd dismised 

By Bro Droubay. and we 

went home feeling well 

Miles   2 

Satuardy May 18 

in the Moring wrote to 

Prs Lymon in the afternoon

[Page 88 of 116]

went Up town. also 

went to see My Cousin

Fred Ewins at Night 

we held a street Meeting 

Bro Droubay and My self 

doing the talking Prayer 

My self Dismised By 

Bro Lewis 

Miles   5

Sunday May 19 

did not get Up very earley 

we fasted for Breakfirst 

in the Morning we took 

a walk out in the 

Medowes after dinner 

had the Head ache. 

at Night went to Keverens 

and selected some hyms 

held Meeting in the Hall Droubay 

Pri Myself first speaker Bro Droubay 

[Page 89 of 116]

Next. after Meeting had a 

Long talk with some Men 

went to Bro Keverns spent 

the evening    Miles   3

Monday May 20 – 1901 

receaved a good Letter from 

My wife and was happy 

to Lern all was well in 

the Morning wrote Part of 

a Letter to My wife 

in the after Noon went 

to try to find Mr Heart 

at Night we held a street 

Meeting My self Presiding Prayer 

W C. first speaker W C Next 

speaker Bro. L. Dismised Bro 


Miles   2 


[Page 90 of 116]

Tuesday  May 21 – 1901 

finished writing to My 

wife in the Mornig 

in the after Noon went 

Tracting had a good time 

in the Evening had a 

good street Meeting Elder. D. 

Preciding  W C first speaker 

P.Y D. Next at Close I had

a Long Conversation with 

a Mr C H. Cassleton on the 

gospel. Posted Letter to wife 

Miles   3 

Wensday  May 22 

Nice  Morning done some 

reading. got some (tracts) ready 

in the after Noon went 

tracting at Night held 

street Meeting 

Miles  2  


[Page 91 of 116]

Thursday May 23 

in the Morning got a 

Letter from  John Hill 

went Up town got the Name 

of boat thay are going to 

sail on wrot back to him 

in the after Noon Myself 

Bro D. Bro. L. and Keverns 

went out in the feilds for 

a walk bro K. took our 

Photos we run a foot

raice. receaved some tracts 

from 42. at Night. we 

went to Bro Keverens 

for a wile and wile 

ther we adminestered the 

sacrement.  and bid good 

By to sister Keveren and 

Children as she is going 

on a three Months Visit 

Miles   5 

[Page 92 of 116] 

Friday  May 24 1901 

Nice Morning receaved 

the Deseret News and 

read them in the 

Morning  and in the 

after Noon went tracting 

at Night held street 

Meeting My self Persiding 

W C talked for 36 Minuits 

Bro. D Made a few Closing 

Remarks.  Miles  2  

Satuarday  May 25 

in the Morning I 

Cut Bro. D. hair in 

the after Noon went 

to the Bath house 

and had a good Bath 

at Night had a good 

street Meeting Elder 

Liwis Presiding he 

[Page 93 of 116]

Being first speaker 

followed By My self 

at the Close of Meeting 

a Man got Up to refute 

Baptisim. we had a good 

Meeting.   Miles   2 

Sunday May 26 

had fish for breakfirst 

took the train fer 

Malvern wells then 

walked to Sheen s 

at White L. oake had

dinner then went to 

Bromsbery Heath held 

Meeting as G Hill s at 

3 PM had a good Meeting 

I was the onley Elder 

so had to do all the 

Praying and Preaching 

at Night I held a 

[written vertically down right side] Receaved a Letter from wife


[Page 94 of 116] 

Meeting at W Gettings 

at 630. PM. Prayer Myself 

Called W Gettings to speak 

he Bore his testomoney 

then I talked for 45 

Minuits after Meeting 

sister Hill & daughter 

was going to be baptized 

But Sister hill Backed 

out. had supper at 

Brother W Gettings 

at 12 at Night. 

Miles   13 

Monday  May 27 – 1901

I got Up earley to

go to Worcester to see 

the Sports as it was 

witsen tide But I 

Cald to see sister Hill 

and Gurty and thay 


[Page 95 of 116]

Expresed ther wilingness 

to Be Baptized at Night 

so I told them I would 

stay I walked from ther 

to Sister Davises then 

from ther to geo Sheens 

from ther to Mrs Kendrick 

then from ther to J Sheems 

then to Sister hearts 

then Back to J Sheens ther 

I found Bro Droubay 

he had Come from 

Worcester to be presant at 

the Baptising we went to 

Mrs Kendricks Blesed some 

oile then walked to the 

Heath had tea at G Hills 

went to W Gettings worked 

in the garden a wile 

wated ther till 10 at 


[Page 96 of 116] 

Night then started out 

to go to the Blace to do 

the Baptizing walked 3 

Miles ther I Baptized 

Sister Seleina Hill 

and Gretude Dora Hill 

when we got Back 

Brother Droubay 

Confermed Gurty and I 

Confermed Selaina 

Hill we Had supper at 

Bro Gettings 1230 at 

Night and I went to 

Bead tired  But thank-

-full I had done My 


Miles 14

[Page 97 of 116]

Tuesday May 28 

walked from Bromsbery 

Heath to Malvern wells 

took the train from 

ther to Worcester. hafter 

having dinner I spent the 

after Noon in writing 

to my wife also wrote 

to Prs Daynes. at 

Night went to see 

Bro Keveren. 

Miles   14     

Wensday May 29 

went to see Bro Hefferd 

also went to see the 

gass Man to see about 

Paying the gass Bill for 

the Hall.  felt tired to day 

receaved a Letter from

Prs Lymon

[Page 98 of 116]

at Night held good 

street Meeting My self 

Presiding Prayer Bro. D. 

My self first speaker 

Bro Lewis Next dismest 

W.C.     Miles   4 

Thursday May 30 – 1901.

Receaved a Letter from 

Heber with 500 from 

him and 100 from 

Charley and a Nice 

Letter it was that he 

wrote and it done Me 

good. I also receaved 

a Letter from Pres 

Daynes, in the afternoon 

we went and saw some

roses and sports it 

raind a good deal in 

the day and at Night 

[Page 99 of 116] 

so we Could not hold a 

street Meeting at Night 

reseaved the deseret News 

I Paid the rent for our 

Hall. george Breutin 

Come.  from N hampton 

Miles  3 


May 31 – 1901 

My Birth day in 

the Moring I wrote 

a Letter to Heber Put a 

Little Photo in the Letter 

of Me and Sister Kevern 

and a Nother of Me and 

My Companions and Bro 

Keveren. at Night held 

a street Meeting also sent 

in our Monthly Report 

Miles  2

[Page 100 of 116] 

Saturday  June 1 – 1901 

in the Morning My 

self and Bro Lewis went 

out in the fields for 

a walk. in the after 

Noon I went to see 

Mr Rushton also Mr Wm

Farmer. a Banker and 

had some talks with 

them at Night it was 

to Cold to hold a 

street Meeting 

Miles  3


Sunday  June 2

went to see Mr Heart

But he was Not home 

But his wife treated Us 

well then we went 

to Brother Keverns and 

[Page 101 of 116]

we all went for a walk 

Up the river then Bro Keveren 

went with Us to dinner 

after dinner My self Br D.

Bro. L. and K. went out 

in the field them Come 

Back to 7 for tea then 

went to Meeting at the 

Hall. Miles  5


Monday June 3 

in the Morning wrote 

to Presedent Daynes and 

went to see the Man 

about giving Up the Hall 

Payed him Up and quit 

the Hall also went and 

tryed to sell the furneture 

But did not sell it 

Miles  5 

[Page 102 of 116]

Tuesday June 4th 1901

feel very mutch disipointed 

Not getting a Letter from 

in the Morning wrote 

a Letter to My wife 

in the after Noon 

had a fine talk with 

three Men also. went 

to see a woman about 

Bying the Hall furniture 

at Night held street 

Meeting_____ Miles  3

Wensday June 5 

Brother Droubay and 

My self got Up at three 

in the Morning took 

the train at 4 am. for 

London arived ther 

8 am. took the. Buss 

[Page 103 of 116] 

[illegible] Up town Past. Hyde 

Park. and saw the 

Albert Hall. the Largest 

Music Hall in London 

also saw the albert Memoriel 

and through the hyde 

Park gates. then I Past 

By Buckingham Park 

then got some Breakfirst 

after Breakfirst saw the 

Buckingham Palace went 

through St James Park 

Pasing [word crossed out] By the 

Kings home and St James 

Palace. then walked on to 

west Minester abby. went 

through it and it was 

grand. then saw the 

Houses of Parlement 

then went [illegible] west Minester 



[Page 104 of 116]

then trafalgur squair 

and Charing Cross. from 

ther we took a Buss to 

St Pauls. Cathredal 

then walked to the Bank 

the Buisest Corner in the 

world. from ther we 

took the Buss to the 

Con House No 97. farleigh 

Road saw some Elders 

washed and Brushed Ut 

a Little then went a 

Cross the road to see 

Bro Jenkins had a rest 

and had dinner with 

him then took the Buss 

to the Bank. then went

to west Minester abby 

and went through 

Part of it and it was


[Page 105 of 116]

grand. then we went 

through Cannon st. seen 

the London fire Monument 

then went across London 

Bridge then down the 

other side of the river 

to the tower Bridge went 

Up the one tower and down

the other side then saw 

the London. tower. from 

ther we went Back to 

Bridge took the Buss to 

Chairing Cross. then we 

went to the National art 

galerey went through it

and enjoyed it very Mutch 

one thing the took My 

eye was the [smudged out letter] origan 

of the Milk way. 

then went and got a 


[Page 106 of 116]

ham sanwish then 

went to the hippodrome 

stain in the que for 

about one hour when 

we got in we found 

a Nice Building Besides 

the stage ther is a 

Circus ring wher thay 

had Byccle riding and 

hors riding and all 

to gether it was a 

splendid entertainment 

got out 1130 PM walked 

to Piccaidilly the home

fancy girls from 

ther we took the 

Buss to Paddington 

station our train Pulled 

out 1235 Night we 

sleep some of the time 


[Page 107 of 116]

arived 7 Lansdown Villas 

5 in the Morning and 

went to bead road a good 

Many Miles on Buss and 

walked about 10 Miles

Thursday. June 6th

got Up at 9 to see if 

ther was a Letter from 

My wife But was disepointed 

as ther was Little went 

Back to Bead till one 

But did Not sleep Mutch 

on account of wondering 

Why I do Not get a Letter 

from home in the 

after Noon Brother Keveren 

Come and wanted Us to 

take a walk with him 

he took the Photo of 


[Page 108 of 116]

our Lodging house als 

took some seans wile we 

was out at Night Bro 

Droubay and My self went 

on the street to hold 

Meeting But ther was 

Not Many People out as it 

was rather Cool on the 

way home I Cald at 

Bro Keverns and [smudged out letters] he

walked home with Me 

to see if I had a Letter 

from home yet  but No 

Letter. in the Evening My 

Cousin Magret Haynes 

Come to see Me. 

Miles   4  

Friday June 7 

receaved the News


[Page 109 of 116]

and read them in the 

Moring. went tracting in 

the after Noon. at Night 

held street Meeting My 

self Prisiding W C first 

speaker Bro. D. next 

Miles  3 

Satuarday June 8

in the after Noon 

went and Visited 

Mr Phillpots and we 

had a Nice visit also 

had tea with them

at 6 PM I got My wifes 

Letter wich as been 

Lost for a week. and 

was grately Pleased to 

get it and to hear all 

was well. went and 


[Page110 of 116]

held a splendid street 

Meeting had a Large 

Croud My self Prisiding 

Br. L. first sp. W.C. 

Next  Bro D. Next 

and a good time we 

had ariving at 

Lodgings found a 

Lovely Letter from 

home thankfull all 

was well  But 

sorrey to hear about 

the wind doing so 

Mutch damage wile 

Preaching (a) fellow sead 

shut Up but I talked 

Louder and fastr 

then Ever. 

Miles 4 

[Page 111 of 116] 

Sunday June 9 – 1901 

Brother Keveren and My 

self took the train at 838 am 

to Malvern. W. walked from 

ther to Bromsbery Heath 

he took some Photos on the 

road we arived at W Gettings 

1230 had dinner ther then

Elder D. & L. arived at 3 PM 

and we held a Nice Cotage 

Meeting My self Periseding 

My self being first speaker 

Bro. L. Next then Bro. D. and 

we had a good Meeting 

at the Close of the Meeting 

Bro. K. took the Photo of the 

saints after having tea 

we started to White Leaf 

oake to hold open air 

Meeting on the Common

[Page 112 of 116] 

Brothers Droubay & Keveren 

started for worcester My 

self and Bro Lewis 

held Meeting on the hill 

and we had a Large 

Meeting My self Priseding 

Prayer Elder Lewis My self 

Being the speaker I spoke 

half an hour and the 

sprit of the Lord was 

with Us Bro Lewis 

Being Next speaker 

all enjoyed the Meeting 

then we walked back 

to W Gettings had 

supper and went to bead 

Miles  17 

Monday June 10th 1901 

had Breakfirst at Gettings 

[Page 113 of 116]

waked to Mrs Kendricks 

then to J Sheens had some 

thing to eat then walked to 

Malvern Link went to see 

Brother and Sister Woodartt 

had some thing to eate then 

took the train to Worcester 

got home for tea at Night 

went out on the street and 

held street Meeting Bro. D. 

Persiding he being first speaker 

My self being Next and 

Last speaker. after Meeting 

I went to see Bro Keveren 

receaved a Letter from 

Prs Daynes 

Miles  16


Miles 1927  


[Page 114 of 116]

Wm Checketts 

34 Lowell st 

Worcester England

[Page 115 of 116]

[Inside page of back cover}

[The Handy Ready Reckoner Table]

Providence – Cach Co [written in middle of page] 

Logan City Utah  USA [is written vertically down the right side]

[Page 116 of 116]

[Back Cover with no writing on it]