
Transcript for Adelade W. Ridges autobiographical sketch, 1893

Title: Adelade W. Ridges autobiographical sketch, 1893

Call Number: MS 668




by Adelade Whiteley Ridges

Original in the possession of Lillian Harris, 317 B Street, Salt Lake City,



Adelaid Whitely Ridges own Hand writing in 1893

A Short Sketch of My Life

I was born of goodly parents They were members
of one of Whitfields Chapels In Tottonham Tottenham Court Road
London I was brought up under religious principles
Attending meetings Sunday Schools And a strict observance
of the Sabbath day My fathers name was Anthony Whiteley
My mothers Ann Johnson Whiteley they had twelve
children I was the ninth child My name was Adelaide
I was born 17th. June 1830 36 Frederick Place Hampstead Rd
Parish of St Pancras Middlesex London I became acquainted
with Joseph Ridges And we were married March 19, 1849
by the Rev Alonzo Richardson New Road Chapel
Our first son was born Alfred Joseph 13th. July 1850
Parish of Paddington London My husband got acquain-
ted with a young man named Syphus He was going
with his family to Australia There was a great call
for mechanics there We descided to go I left my Mother
six brothers and two sisters My Mother felt very bad
me going so far away But we thought we would be back
some day We started Nov 1851 We had a long voyage
sailing vessel It stopped at the Cape of Good Hope
to take in water My husband had a sister Marry



a Capt Caithness they lived there He was in port with the vessel he was out.We went
ashore and stayed two days His sister was dead we went
and visited her grave He was very kind to us and sent
some nice things on board for us, Started again and arrived
in Sydney April 1852 all were very sick on the voyage came
nearly loosing our little boy Became reacquanted with Mr and Mrs
Syphus on the voyage I did not know they were members of the
Mormon Church We moved with them to Pennant Hills. On sunday
and evenings we used to read the books he had concerning their
faith especially the Book of Mormon We invited the Pres of the
Mission Elder Farnham to visit us He came and my husband bro
Syphus and the Pres conversed on the principles of the gospel
Which ended in us being baptized We were baptized the next
day at a place called Pennant Hills by Pres Augustus Farnham
on the 15th day of November 1853 and confirmed by him And our
little boy was blessed. Soon after we moved to Sydney rented a house
And the Pres had his office there On the 29 of Nov My second son
was born We named him Anthony Augustus He was blessed by
Elder Jones But the Lord did not let us have him long He died Dec 4
1854 We felt bad to leave his little body in that far off land His father
made a square box for the coffin And sealed it And we brought
it across the ocean to San Bardino The work of the Lord
prospered in Australia under the faithful Elders



On Oct 1854 Pres Farnham and Elder Wm Cook Went to New Zealand
And opened up the gospel in that land Pres Farnham stayed some
time And then left Elder Cook Where he performed a very succesful
Mission There were several companys of saints left for the vally
but we were counseled to stay with many others to help the mission
On the 15th. of April 1856 my son Joseph was born
We left Australia on the 25th. May 1856 on the schooner Jenny Lind
With the remaining Elders except Absolom Dowdell who was left
in charge of the mission We had a pleasant voyage And arrived
safe at San Pedro We then went to San Bernardino with Bro Mathews team
And he kindly took us to his home I had not been there long when
my baby took sick The journey was too much for him- he died Sep 15 1856
San Bernadino I had the casket sealed thinking to bring him with my other
baby to the Valley but I had not kept him long before I found the
coffin had not been sealed properly We bought a lot in the Cemetry
and buried them both there It was not quite as bad as leaving
them in that far off land Their father fenced the lot before we
came away With Pres Riches approval we went to Los Angelas
to enable us to get an outfit to go to the Valley in the spring
My husband worked at his trade and I worked in the
Pines Hotel for our board My husband bought four mules
and a wagon We went back to San Bernidino to prepare
for our journey in the spring In the spring we started
with Pres Lymans and Rich's Company We had a pleasant
journey My husband had a good deal of running after his



mules lost. They turned up at night and herded. I [illegible.…
] As he brought them up not having drove team before
we used to be about the last to start But we got along all right
And arrived in the Valley safe and sound June 11th. 1857
That night the mail came in and brought the news of
Apostle Pratts death, After putting the mules in a
pasture renting a house had supper We went for a walk
to see the City I have seen many Cities But I thought this was the
most beautiful one I had ever seen The sweet peaceful influence
I shal never forget Pres Youngs residences The Bee Hive and Lion
House were finished The wall was around them Also round the
Temple Block The beautiful wide streets With the water running
down them The Orchards and gardens With the little houses in
the centre Was something I did not expect to see For they had
only been here ten years Pres Farnham hearing we had arrived
came and took us to his home We stayed there some time
and then went to live in a small house on Brigham St
The saints celebrated the 24 of July 1857 in Cotton Wood Canyon
They had built a bowry and in the evening there was dancing
and singing We were there While there the mail came in And
brought the News of Johnstons Army coming Which caused
some excitement We all returned home in safety
Pres Young then comenced to defend the City against our
enemies The men were called to go to Echo Canyon to prepare



to stay the army from coming in My husband went and was
there When my first daughter Adelaide was born Nov 30 1857
They stayed there till the snow was too deep for the army
to travel The saints then prepared to leave their homes
Pres Young said he would burn the houses and cut down the
trees and leave the place desolate The saints moved South
except those who were left to guard But through the
influence of Col Kane and Gov Cummings The troops came
in under treaty They went to Camp Floyd and stayed there
till they were called away at the time of the Civil War
The saints returned to their homes Then we moved we had
to go as far as Spanish Fork we lived in a dugout in the
day time and slept in our wagons While there my
daughter Annie was born Dec 9th 1859 We afterwards moved
to Provo While there my husband worked at farming
Dec 6 1861 My son Alma was born We stayed there till
Pres Young called him to the City to build the Tabernacle Organ
We moved into the 19 Ward and have resided there ever
since On the 11th of Feb 1864 my son Ernest Edward was born



In May 1866 Bishop Raligh Organized a Relief Society in
the 19th Ward I must speak here of the good these societies do
to those That are engaged in them We used to meet in service
and Testimony Meeting and we were blessed Many Emigrants
were coming here in those days We were a great help to them
In poverty sickness and death In helping others we were
blessed Many of these faithful sisters have passed away but
their works will follow them I was teacher for a while and
afterwards chosen Sectary which office I filled many years
On the 4th May 1866 my daughter Elizabeth May was born.
On the 17th June 1914 I was eighty four years Old
I have had many trials and sorrows buried many
loved ones but the Lord has been good to me.
I have many loved ones left to care for me
I have good health a good home and the comforts
of life for whih I am very thankful I hope the Lord
will be with me to the end. AR

Sec over 20 years

I have written this because my children wanted me to.


This document would not be possible without the editorial contributions of the following people:

Klissa Jayne Rueschhoff, tco, Kathlene Ann Burrow, Rex Nowers Osborne and Emily Crumpton