Church History Biographical Database
Transcript for "Lucinda Haws Holdaway, reminiscences," 1.
We remained there [Mt. Pisgah] until the spring of 1848, then started for Winter Quarters so that we might be ready to go west with the first company.
In May, we crossed the Missouri River in Lorenzo Snow's company on our way to the Rocky Mts. All went as well as could be expected. Of course, we had many difficulties to encounter—we had to wash our clothes in cold water and make fires of "buffalo chips" as there was no wood to be found. Very often the great herds of buffalo would come down from the mountains to drink at the rivers, sometimes within a quarter of a mile of us; they didn't seem much afraid. In the evening, we would all assemble in the center of the corrals which were formed by a circle of wagons, and sing and pray. Everyone seemed thankful and a good time was had by all.
On Sept. 23, 1848, we arrived in Salt Lake Valley.