Church History Biographical Database
Transcript for McNaughton, James, Journal, 1851-1858
Sabbath June 12th 1853. Meetings were held on the ground at ½ past 10 A. M. Addressed by Bro: Haight in the afternoon by Elders Haight & McNaughtan[.] In the Evening a Testimony Meeting was held where many of the Saints bore Testimoney. These were good times, on both Sabbaths. The Lord truly blessed us.
Monday June 13th 1853. A Months Provisions were served out. Flour, Bacon, Sugar, Soap & Salaratus. each waggon a Wash Tub, Bucket, Bpan, Baking Kettle, a whip, & a Hatchet between 2 Wagons.
Wednesday June 15th 1853. In the Mor: got everything packed up, our oxen yoked Hitched on & Moved off at ½ past 9. o’clock A.M. Camped in the afternoon after travelling 9 Miles, Elder Harmon leading the Company.
Thursday Mor: June 16th 1853. A Meeting of all the Men in the Camp was called by Bro: Harmon, & Organized into Tens. Captains names are as follows[:] 1st James McNaughtan, 2nd William David [Davis,] 3rd Wm Stewart, 4 Robert Orr, 5th Corneliens [Cornelius] Bagnall, 6th James Cowdy, 7 Wm Gouff[,] 8th Richard Attwood.
Thursday June 16th 1853. Continued. By the time the Companies were organized a Constable from Keokuk came to the Camp & found one yoke of Oxen with ours, not belonging to us, but which had been drove along by Mistake. For this President Harmon was arrested under a charge Lassing & taken before Squire Stoke, Keokuk. President Harmon called for an adjournment until 2 P.M. & he had to deposit 160 dollars for security for his appearance
Friday 17th June 1853. President Harmon, employed Mr. Cloget Attorney to attend his case, got witness & came to trial, was discharged, “Not guilty[”] was the verdict—during the time of Bro: Harmons absence from the Camp I was left in charge of the Camp.
Saturday June 18th 1853[.] we started & traveled to Sugar Creek. Camped there, & Branded our cattle—distance 12 Miles.
Friday 24 June 1853. Elder Haight after seeing the last of the Saints leave Keokuk for this season came right on & made up to us[.] He arrived early in the Mor: a Meeting was held at which time Bro: Haight nominated that Elder Appelton Harmon be our president & lead this Company right through to the Valley[.] received with uplifted hands. Haight Then Moved that I be appointed Captain of Fifty. received & that Wm Aird, be appointed Captain of Ten, in The place of McNaughtan. President Haight addressed the Brethren on their duties & responsibilities & that if Men would not do their duty & fulfill that committed to their trust—that we should “cut the damned rascal’s throat than be Humbuged with them” & showed “That they were not called to allow unrighteousness to be practised & infringe upon the patience & good works of the faithfull”
Saturday 9th July 1853. President Harmon left us & went on to Kanesville leaving me in Charing [charge] of the company. We got along very well considering the absence of our President[.] We arrived at Kanesville or close by where we found Joseph Young’s Company. We halted near to his Camp a few hours, when our Captain came to us, & we moved on to the Ferry where are Jacob Gates’ Company where we halted. The Danish Company had just got over[.] I saw Bro: John Forsgreen
Thursday July 14th 1853. Having got our provisions to serve untill we got to the Valley & finding that Bro Gates’s Company had not all got over The Ferry By the counsel of Bros; Haight, & Harmon we removed to another Ferry passing through The Town of Kanesville—distance to the Ferrey 17 Miles. The roads being bad Many of the Waggons stuck in the Mud—Bro: Bagnall’s & some others stuck all Night! So we Camped 5 Miles from the Ferry.
Friday Mor[ning]: July 15th 1853. By order of our Captain we put on 4 Yoke of oxen to a Waggon leaving Me with the remainder of the Waggons untill the return of the Oxen. Many got ferried accross the Missouria [Missouri] River on Friday evening, begining with My Waggon No. 1
Saturday Mor: July 16th 1853. Captain Harmon returned to Kanesville on business, leaving me to Mannage the remainder of the Waggons & cattle in being ferried over, which was all done by 3. o’clock P.M. at 5. P.M. I gave orders for all the Cattle to be taken down & to see that every Man’s Cattle was present, then moved off 1 Mile & ½ to a better Camping ground & better feed for the Cattle—This place is near to Winter Quarters, where Many of the Saints were interred. Here we spent Sunday July 17th which was a day of rest to all.
Monday Mor: July 18th 1853. Our Captain Appleton M. Harmon returned & at 10. o’clock we moved on 8 Miles to this ground, where we went to work & cut down some trees[,] built a round tire[,] set fire in order to Make Charcoal[.] Next Mor: it was good Charcoal—
Tuesday July 19th[.] This day our Black Smiths & our Captains not the least buisy!—for the good of the Company. Rains heavey this afternoon whilst it suits the Camp while resting, hinders our Craftsmen from mending, & our Industrious & well disposed women from Washing. Its all right, because we dont seek to alter it
October 16th 1853. Our Train & also Cap: Brown’s got into Great Salt Lake City—It being Sunday the Meeting was conveened in the Tabernacle notwithstanding we were Met by Many of the Natives & old acquaintances.