
Transcript for "Patty B. Sessions diaries and account book, 1846-1866; 1880," vol. 3

Title: Patty B. Sessions diaries and account book, 1846-1866; 1880 Volume 3, 1851 January-1853 January

Call Number: MS 1462


fd 2
v. 3


Patty Sessions

[FH=Several short notes have been crossed through]


Jan =1 1851 new year
Wed 1 Martha Ann and I
went down to Br Drawns had a
good visit spent the day much
more pleasant than I did a
year ago Thurs 2 sewed Friday 3 sewed
again Sat 4 sewed again Charles and Bunty
came down Bunty staid all night
cut me some wood Sund 5 David came
down I went home with him he
brought me down some pork M__
6 I went in the evening with Luci
=na to see sister Collins Tues 7 Buc
=land brought me home Wed 8
Mc lennel cut wood half day
for me he moved in to my
house last Satd 4 is to pay four
dollars per month rent to me
for it Bickman Briant Charles
Hamman staid here last night
Thursd 9 Mclellen cut more wood char
=ged one dollar 25 cents for it we have
had quite a snow (Frid 10) the sleighs were
Frid 10
running in every direction last
night and again to day Martha
has gone to night to writing
__hool I am here alone Sat 11


Br Taylor and wife here to get
medicine for their babes sore head
I paid eleven ($11-20) and 20 cts
to [blank] Eldrige it being the
amount of my tax on the school
house ($11-20) Martha Ann presant
it has stormed The most of the
day rained and thawed it [word crossed out] leaked
round my stove pipe bad Sund 12

David came down staid all night
John Barnard here in the evening
Mond 13 I let David have cloth
for a pair of fine shirts he went
home I visited at Br Gibses with
siters Buel Jackman Bouke Fout,
sister Buel came home with me
Tuesd 14 I had a party sisters
Jackman Bouke Gibs Zina Caroline
& Buel & Clark all here we had
a good time Wed 15 sister Buel went
home I put in a quilt for Mary
Thursd 16 quilted all day it is cold

Frid 17 got the quilt out Martha
has been sick all the time since
Mond has sit up but litle she
is beter to day the weather is more
moderate Saturday 18 Conference of the
seventies PG Lucinia & Mary came down
I did not go Sunday 19 I went Brigham
preached told a temple must be


I was taken sick at the forenoon
meeting they brought me home
in great distress Mond 20 I got [eisein]
the children went home in the
night I grew worse it was thoug
ht I could not live they sent
for the children but by the faith
of the saints and the power of
the priesthood I have recovered
it is now Feb 2 Sunday I have
not been out doors yet but can
set up and work some Lucinia
staid with me 9 days and I do
thank the Lord for good children
and that I live among the saints
and that the saints are my
friends I wrote a letter to
Sylvia yestarday David is here
came down yestarday many of
the sisters has been to see me
since I was sick Sisters Smoot
Whitney Buel Zina Young she was
here when I was at the worst siter
Pulzipher Clark & Francis Kimbal
&c &c Monday 3d Martha Ann is taken
sick and I have to work and take care
of her David has gone home often doing
all the chores he could Tuesd 4 my
birthday she is better sisters Drawn
Lorette Zina & Persis Richards were
here on a visit Lorette got the


supper Zina & Persis staid all
night we had a good visit we pray
=ed & blesed and was blesed spoke
in toungues &c wed 5 Zina and Perisis
went home Francis and sister
gibs was here Thursd 6 sister Abot
was here PG and Br Stoker came
and got dinner Friday 7 Bunty came
staid all night I have been peice
=ing up a quilt finish it today 8 of Feb

Sund 9 David came down took Martha
and me in the buggy to see Nao[letter smudged out]mi he
took Sarah Lawrence home with him
Mon 10 snowed a litle last night clean
This morning Martha has gone to
school Tues 11 Brs C Foster & Roundy
here Wed 12 it snowed hard all
day Thurs 13 Br Leonard & wife here
on a visit Fr 14 Martha & I went
to Br Leonards Br Kimbal and wife
there wer had a good sleigh ride
and a good visit Sat 15 David &
Mary & Susan Duncan here to
Dinner I rode in the sleigh with
Them to Dr Hatch case herd there
of the death of Dr Vaughn he
was shot last Sunday by Ham
linton David & M & S has gone home
Peck here wishes to have me
board him a while Sun 16 I do


go to meeting sister Nobles buried her
funeral serman preached Mon 17 I wan
=ed Tuesd 18 ironed [word scratched through] came down to mill
brought me a meal chest [word scratched through] Wed 19
it snowed last night PG has returned from
mill left flour here to sell has gone home
Mernervy Empy & Jane R & linzy here
Many has gone to day to see about
the Indians steeling catle & horses
Thursd 20 more gone today Naomi
came here with PG yestarday & has
gone home to day Frid 21 a party
to the Bath house to night Martha A
was a going but her Partner has gone
to hunt the Indians [date scratched through] PG & Mary
Susan _ came down [word scratched through] I went with them
to see Hariet Sat 23 very cold and snowy

sunday 23 more moderate they go home
Peck goes away Paid me six Dolars for
his board Mond 24 Tues 25 I worked on
a hearth rug Wed 26 put Lois wife of
BT Mitchel to bed with a daughter born
3 2/7 PM the boys came back from
hunting the Indians Thursd 27 finished
my hearth rug bought me a bed
sted gave ten Dollars Frid 28 set
it up put up my curtains the
rest of the boys came in Sat Mon
th _ more gone out Sund 2 do not
go to meeting Mond 3 David has
come down been to the store I
sent by him got me 9 2/7 yards of
linen gave $1: 25 per yard


Tuesd 4 he went home I cut my
linen up wed 5 Martha went to
a picnic party to Packs Thursd 6
I went to the Counsel house to see
& hear them give their endowments

Fri 7 I went down to see sister
drown Hariet came here staid
all night sat 28 PG & Mary came
down and went home she got
her teeth fixed Sund I went to
see Naomi she is sick Hariet
went home to night Peck came
here Mond 10 he and I went down
to the fort got some vegatables
Carlos came down last Frid is
here yet Br Smoot moves away
to day Br Andrews went last
Frid we have washed to day
Tuesd 11 Peck went home & Carlos with
him Wed 12 David came down Thurs
13 he and I went and took out the
Potatoes Charles foster helped

Rodney (& wife) started away Frid 14 Drown
went David went home [word marked out]
got some letters from Sylvia
David and the gibs girls Davids
datet Nov = Sat 15 I doubled yarn
for Eliza Fox Sund 16 I went to
meeting Mond 17 PG came down
I went to see Naomi Tues 18


paid Major for ___ing my Partra
sisters Smith and Knights the__
on a visit sister Knights staid
all night Wed 19 she is here
Thurs 20 she is here yet yestarday
we visited at Br Risers I have been
and put Lucinda wife of Levi Jack
man to bed with a daughter born
10 - 2/1 AM Friday 21 finished Doubling
Elizas yarn caried it home she paid
me one dollar and half for it Satd
22 I went to the medical meeting
I have staid alone night and day
the most of the time this week

Sund 23 I am alone yet I expect
Martha home to day she does not
come Mond 24 the mail has come
in Br Major is here painting
my Portrait Tues 25 I go over to Br
Pulziphers come home sister Higbee
here on a visit Wed 26 Martha
Ann has not got home yet Br
Pulzipher came in this morning
to see if I had any wood it
snowed and rained last night
a bad storm


but very pleasant this morning
Thursd 27 Martha Ann came home
David with her PG came last night
we sold the potatoes and beets
David brought me some boards
to put up my fence they then
went home (Frid 28) I got a Bro to put
up the pole fence inside Peck
was here (& BS) Sat 29 he went home
Sund 30 David came down brought
the school teacher[word crossed out] I did
not go to meeting The wind blew
hard (RS) Mon 31 snowed last night
PG here staid all night Horace
put up the rest of the inside
fence Tues April 1 finished Major
came here painting my [illegible]

Martha and I went over to Br
Roundys Wed 2 I have pick up
the vines and burnt them off of
my lot then Martha and I went
see Zina had a good visit I then
went and put sister [blank] Barnum
to bed with a daughter Born 11 PM
Thurs 3 Charles Foster staid here last
night Martha Ann is sick had
some rose bushes set out the wind
blows hard Friday 4 PG & David came
down to plow and fence my lot Satd 5
they go home the fence not done all of [illegible]
it Sund 6 it rains and snows a bad time
for conference I do not know as I shall


go to day. 9 oclock clears off but it
was so damp and cold the conference
was ajourned untill Mond PG Lucinia
& Mary came down Barna ward here
Mond 7 we all went to conference it
was a good time the church 21
years old years old yestarday much buiness
done Brigham was so unwell he
did not go onto the stand Heber
presided conference ajourned
untill Sept Graham & wife
staid here all night Tuesd 8
I worked in in the garden (put in ionions & beets) Wash=
Jones came here staid all
night helped some in the
garden Wed 9 he went away
I worked very hard [sowed ionions] Thurds 10
PG and a man came down brou
=ght Naomi here we went
to the fort got Peach trees
and roots & vines set them
out Frid 11 got some more
set them out they went
home I have sowed my
peas letice redishes


sold Lemons widow 10 Dollars
worth of Peach trees Satd 12
watered the peach trees and
planted my potatoes Sund
13 PG Lu-- David came down I
went to meeting with them
they all went home BS here Mond 14
worked in the darden Tues 15 I visited
Barna Ward he was very sick I let
Esq Wells have 4 doz Peach tres
I then visited sisters Buel she
anointed me and sister Jackman
and blesed us both Wed 16 sewed
posy seeds Br Major came finish
ed my Portrait McBride took
my sensus Thursd 17 I have been
to look at a feather bed at Br
Jerimis Frid [letters cross out] David & Charles
came down brought lumber to finish
my fence Sat 19 finished it David
went home Br Ward came here
sick yestarday is here yet Charles
stays I go to a medical meeting the
wind blew hard got me a dress
patern of sister Smith Sund 20
it has rained the most of the
night rains untill near noon
[partly obscured –ers] of Br Ward goes away


Mond 21 Charles finished the fence
went hone after seting 12 [word crossed out above line]
locus trees I gave [2 letters crossed out] $1:50 for them
I then commenced making soap
Tuesday 22 I went down to my
old place sold 28 peach trees
to Br Major ($700) and four to sister
Smith $100 both due then
finished making soap filed
my trough full Wed 23 cut me
a dress thurs 24 worked on it planted
corn cucumbers &c Frid 25 satd 26
finished my dress Sund 24 went to
meeting PG Mary David here
Mond 28 caled to Mary Robison
cut me a dress Tues 29 put
Mary Robison to bed with a girl
born 1- 2/7 PM Wed 30 cut Martha
a dress Brs Roundy & Jackman with
their wives here on a visit
Thursd May 1 worked on my
dress Frid 2 watered my garden
sat 3 went washed and anointed
Gr Coltrins babe then went
paid my tithing then to
a medical meeting
I have a sore


sund 4 do not go to meeting
[inserted between line: go [illegible] sister Brunson Illegible]
David Lucinia down Mond 5
wash (bought a looking glass) Tues 6 PG and Lucinia
down the wind blew very hard
a part of sister Buterfields house
blew down Wed 7 put Caroline Mitchel
to bed with a son born 6 2/7AM
as they were bringing me home one
of the horses [fell] down died in a
minute I came home a foot then
went and see sister Brunson again
staid and nursed her all the after
noon Thursd 8 visited Her again

[Frid 9 rained all day and night
and night again the house leak
ed I have to go bed to bed to keep
warm as I have no wood cut
and I can not cut it I am so
unwell Sat 10 fair weather I cut
my wood and then set out
cabage plants Sund 11 do not
go to meeting Mond 12 PG came
down I went home with him
Tues 13 came home again with
David Wed 14 [rest of line crossed out]
[several words crossed out] 15 visited
[final line crossed through]


I visited at Br Roundys Thurs
15 visited at Zinas with sisters
Branch and Atwood Frid 16 went to
sisters Jackmans found Precinda
and Lora _ there Precinda came here
staid all night Sat 17 we all
went to medical meeting [illegible]
caried us Sund 18 put Samuel More
wife to bed with a son born 10 1/7

A.M Mond 19 I was taken very
violent sick for 3 hours I was
not thought to live doubts remain
=ned for 24 hours Mond 25 unil
to day I have not had my clothes
on the children have been
down to see me often I am
geting well I hope but I feel
bad still 2 oclock PM I was
taken worse again had a very
sick night Tuesd 26 still worse
send for a doctor and for the
children Wed 27 a litle easier
but did not get so as to set
up untill Tuesd June 3d. I
set up a litle Sat 7 I feel
much better have walked
out Hariet is here this is
the first I have wrote
since the 25 of May


and only a litle then when I
was taken sick on the 19 of May
I was sewing as well as ever as
far as any thing that I knew
when I took the last stich
I tried to take another stich but
could not I was instantly siesed
with trembling cold and pain and
vomiting very soon followed &
cramping. but by the faith
and prayers and good nursing
and medical asistance by the hands
of the saints and the power of
the priesthood I have so far
recovered as to walk out I
thank the Lord for a place
among the saints Sund 8 PG &
Mary & David down to meeting
Mond 9 I still feel better Tuesd 10 I walk
down to Br Jackmans Wed 11 have my
potatoes plowed I visted at sisters Bauks
Thursd 12 have my potatoes hoed Frid
13 I work in the garden a litle Sat 14
Charles Lucinia & Carlos came down
we went to medical meeting Carlos
watered my garden Sund 15 David
came down I do not go to meeting


but rode up to the [word crossed out]
hot spring with Br Brunson
and wife Mond 16 Tuesd 16 Tuesd 17 I visited
Sister Cook she is sick Wed 18 Thurs
19 sister Violate Sarah L Mary Elen
here on a visit Br Kimbal & Wm
here to Dinner & Supper Frid 20
I have watered my garden all
over except the oats this week
Satd 21 got Davids watch fixed
then was caled to sister Eldridge
She is sick with Erisifoless & baby
is sick Sun 22 I have visited them
again PG & David down Frid last
to get the wagon & carriage fixed
Mon 23 put sister Riser to bed with
a son born 9 2/7 AM Dimic and
wife here stay all night Tuesd 24
we all went on a visit to Br
Jackmans Wed 25 made me a cap
Thurs 26 work in the garden
Frid 27 David gone to mill the
boys come home from the indian
fuss Satd 28 David gone home I
got the medical meeting give four dollars
[Letters smudged out] to the tithing ofice for the


Sund 29 finished a letter to
Sylvia (Br Darry here) Mond sent it (first) worked in
the garden Tuesd (uly 1) Martha fixed her
white dress Wed 2 visited at Br 

Foxes Thursd 3 put sister Cannon
to bed with a son born 3 2/7
AM Martha went up to
her Fathers Frid 4 I went
to a picnic party at Br
Cannons in the grove Satd 5
Saw them came home [FH words marked through]
The Salt lake Sund 6 did not
go to meeting David came down
with Martha he staid all
night Mond 7 I worked in
the garden Tues 8 I went to
a sisters medical meeting
Wed 9 finished Davids pants
Thursd 10 went to a prayer
meeting Frid 11 had a quilting
Sat 12 took sister Clary
through a course of medicine
I am not well have a
bowel complaint sister Cob
here Sund 13 {took a child through} do not go to
meeting (al medicine) Mond sister Fany H
here I was caled to Caroline


Mitchel Tuesd 15 took her
through a course of medicine
Wed 16 she is better Thursd 17
put on a quilt went and
took sister Clary through a
cours of medicine then went
and put sister Hautz to
bed with a son born 11 PM
Frid 18 got my quilt out
Sat 19 Sund 20 went to meeting Mond
21 Martha went to a Party to the
bath house Tues 22 Wed 23 went
to the concert Thurs 24 went to
the aniversirary of our coming
into the valley had a great
and good time Frid 25 watered
my garden Sat 26 Br P visited me
Sund 27 went to meeting [word smudged out]
got a letter from my Br Jon=
wrote one to him PG & I
Mod 28 took sister Clary thru
-ugh a course of steeming Tuesd
29 washed Wed 30 went to
the store got Martha & I a
new dress cut them out
Thursd 31 worked on them
Frid August 1 went and
took sister Houts through
a course of medicine Sat 2
went to sister Branches
then to the medical


meeting Br P here Sund 3
went to meeting PGL & David
down David staid all night
with Ph Mond 4 put sister
Kite to bed with a daughter
born 11 3/1 AM Tuesd clean_
garden seeds Wed 6 finish
ed my dress Thursd 7 sewed carpet
rags very warm Fri 8 put sophro
=na wife of Jessee Martin to
bed with a daughter born
4 3/7 AM then took sister
Riser through a course of
medicine Dr Bernhisell here
to see me Satd 9 gave sister
Nortons child Emetic & Caroline
Mitchel one Sund 10 went to
meeting then visited sister
Martin gave her Emetic
Mond 11 visited the sick Tuesd
12 washed my bed commenced
a fine shirt for Br Parry wed
13 visited the sick Thursd 14 visited
the sick again found Caroline[illegible]
worse Frid 15 found her dying
she died 11 AM the rest beter
finished the shirt washed it
out he came here brought a
water mellon the first ripe
one I have had


Jackman here Saturday 16
had co & Lawrence L Gibs
PG has been to Tooelee to
get lumber got none Sund
17 watered my garden it
soon began to rain and I
did not go to meeting Mon
18 I went up to PG with
David Tuesd 19 had a picnic
party there Wed 20 came
home with PG Thurs 21
put sister Lewis to bed
with a daughter born 6 PM
Frid 22 Martha and I went
to Dimics Sat 23 put sister
Branch to bed with a son
born 11 AM Sund 24 went
to meeting Mond 25 Tuesd 26
Wed 27 Thurs 28 Frid 29
got stone halled for my
well Satd 30 bought 5 lb
coffee 25 sugar 1 tea 1
pitcher a pair candle
sticks Sund 31 went to
meeting Mond Sept 1


put sister Butterfield
to bed with a daughter born
8 PM Tuesd 2 visited at
sister Butterfield with
sister Snider Br & sister
Cluff staid here all nig
ht Wed 3 I went to the medical
meeting Thursd 4 got my well dug
Frid 5 Satd 6 made a flannel
shirt for Br Parry Sund 7 went
to confrence Mond 8 again Tuesd 9
again Wed 10 again it ajorned
till the 6 of Oct PG has stoned
my well almost out Thursd 11
Frid 12 C Foster hauled me
some stone Sat 13 he finished
my well Sund 14 I went to
meeting Mon 15 sewed on shirt
for Lucinia Tues 16 took sister
Blair through a course of medi
cine Wed 17 cut up my corn &
shocked it went to medical
meeting was chose [word crossed out] first
counselor to sister Angel Thursd
18 sewed on shirts Frid 19 Satd 20
put sister grant to bed with
a daughter born 10 2/7 AM


Sund 21 went to meeting
Mond 22 took sister Grant
through a course of medicine
Tuesd 23 took sister Fulmer
through a course of medicine
Wed 24 went to a female meeting
Thursd 25 put sister Foresight
to bed with a daughter born
9 AM Frid 26 commenced my
hen house Sat 27 Sund 28
took sister Norton through a
course of medicine then went
and took sister Higbee through
a course of medicine Mond 29
visited the sick Tuesd 30 took
sister Simson through a course
of medicine Wed Oct 1 went to a
medical meeting Thursd 2 sister
Foresyth worse have a hard
time to save her life she took
cold Fryd 3 took sister Boyd
through a course of medicine
Satd 4 caled to sister Fulmer
Sund 5 put her to bed with
a son born 5 AM then
went to meeting Lucinia &
Francis Walton staid here


all night Mond 6 Confrence
we all went Tuesd 7 trainng
rained Wed 8 rained they dismiss
ed training David lost his horse
staid here all night with Jo
Henry Thursd 9 he went home came
back again hunting for his horse
the California boys came in
brought news Moses Lenards
being shot by the indians I put
Br Pettys daughter to bed with
a daughter born 10- 2/7 PM
Frid 10 I picked up 32 bushels
of potatoes Simson dug them
out Sat 11 I went to Br Len
ards they feel bad about their
son they brought me home
visited Br Foresyths boy he is
very sick Sund 12 visited him
again then went to meeting
was introduced to Br Tomson
then came home Br Pratts wives
came here to supper Belinda
& Mary I then went and gave
Foresiyths boy emetic Mond 13
caled to Pettys Tuesd 14 went
to george Bairds Wed 15 went to
the medical meeting cut Dr
Clinton off Thursd 16 been


Baids again Frid 17 there
again Satd 18 put her to
bed with a daughter born 5
AM dug potatoes 11 bushels
Sunday 19 went to meeting
Mr Tomson Stephen Hale and
wife here to supper Mond 20
dug potatoes Br Thomson hel
ped me Tuesd 21 he worked for
me again dug potatoes and
beets and buried them wed
22 had a female meeting I was
caled to Br Stowels put her
to bed with a daughter born
7 PM Thursd 23 Julia Boyd
sick staid there and to Br
Wms all day took Br Wms
through a course of medicine
Frid 24 there again staid all
day with Julia had the Drs
there Sat 25 there again
all day Sund 26 she died
I went to meeting sisters
Smoot & Bernhisel staid
here last night Mary


came here last Tuesday
is here yet will stay here
longer Mond 27 I went to
Julia Boids funeral Tuesd 28
wrote a letter to Sylvia
and one to Sister Pratt
Wed 29 put them in the office
then went to the medical
meeting trial of sister Cob
David and Hary staid here
last night PG brought me
two load of wood Thursd
30 I am spinning Davids
rolls Frid 31 and Satd Nov 1 spining
Sund 2 I went to meeting Mond
(PG & Lucinia here)
3 spun again in the forenoon
in the after noon cut Davids bucskin
pants he is here Tuesd sewed on them
cut 2 shirts for Wm Bears Martha
sewed on one Wed 5 went to the
female meeting had a good time
sister Angel sung a song in
toungues I interpreted have
wrote it off Thursd 6 worked
on the pants finished Wms
shirt frid 7 Mary sick I sent
for PG & Lucinia they came
I cut Charles pants there


put Mary to bed with
a son born 11 2/7 PM Sat
8 PG & Lucinia went home
I finished both pair of
pants Br Leonard & wife here
Sund 9 all comfortable I went
to meeting (PG Luciniea) came home found her
not so well Mond 10 she is better
(Tuesd 11) remains so Wed 12 I went to the counsel
of health cut sister Cob off from
the counsel come found Mary
worse Br Pary and I administered
to her Thursd 19 she is better Frid
14 I spun Satd 15 spun sund 16
I went to meeting PG & Lucinia &
Carlos down in the night she was
taken worse mon 17 remains worse
Tues 18 no beter Wed 19 worse I gave her
Emetic Thursd 20 she is bettr the Dr came
said her fever was gone Frid 21
she is better Satd 22 gave her another
Emetic brought the flegm off of her
stomac I then went and put Eliza
Shurtlief to bed with a daughter
born 10 1/7 PM Sund 23 Mary
is still better David is down
Br P saw Brigham last Mond


Mond 24 spun, finished Tusd 25 sent it
up to be couloured Wed 26 went to the
counsel of health PG and Lucinia
down Ruth Carter staid here all
night Thurs 27 commenced Charles
Harts mittens Frid 28 nitting Sat 29
Finished them PG & David down
Wash Jones here Sund 30 got a letter
from Syvia wrote one to her
PG & David staid all night gone home
Marys breast has broke she is
better Jones has burried up my
potatoes Mond Dec 1 he made
a bridge across the [word ditch crossed out] ditch
he then went up north Tuesd
2 I have to cut wood for two
fires wed 3 niting Davids fring
=ed mittens Thursd 4 finished
them Mary is worse taken
lame Frid 5 [blank] up with
her good part of the night
covered up my pink roots
Satd 7 she is no better I
have been to a female meeting
it snowed very hard when
I came home Br P had his
indowment to day I have cut
all my wood since Monday


Sund 7 David and Lucinia down
Mond 8 Mary is better Tuesd
9 I have to cut my wood it
is very hard Wed 10 I went
to the counsel of health Br
Brigham us a lecture in the
counsel house Thursd 11 I am
niting David another pair of
fringed mittins Frid 12 feel almost
worn out cuting wood Satd 13
they Dedicate the school house
up north Sund 14 I was mar=
ried to John Parry and I feel
to thank the Lord that I have
some one to cut my wood for
me Mar 15 PG is down here Tuesd
15 mended clothes Wed 16 nit on
Davids mittens Thursd 18 I feel
first rate Frid 19 finished David
Mittens Satd 20 went to the
counsel of health Dr Meeks
there (it was) caled a female meeting
Sund 21 snowed so we did not
go to meeting Br Clarks moved
away gave Mary Enetic
she sits up but litle


Mond 22 went to the 2d Lectture
of Orson Pratts on astronomy Tuesd 23
Wed 24 David down here Martha
went home with him and Phebe
to a party Thursd 25 Christmas
she came home Mr Parry (and I went) to a
party to the Cabinet shop
picnic for those that work
=ed on the public works
we had a good time it las
ted two days we were there
both days it was the best
party I ever was to Sat 27
Sund 28 David here staid
all night Mon 29 he was
very sick but went home
after he got better Tues 30
wrote a letter to Sylvia
and another to Br Jon=
Wed 31 cooked for thanks
giving prayed and thank
=ed the Lord for the pres
=ervation of our lives


Jan 1 1852 Thursday
got up this morning
washed us attended to
our prayers feasted
on the best we had
which was fresh pork
vegatables mine pye and
custard sweet cake &c
for supper we had a variety
of good things Friday 2 Satd 3 Sund
4 we went to meeting PG came
for Mary he came to meeting
brought us home took dinner
carried Mary home David
was here went home in the
evening we went to meeting
Wm Smoot here staid all
night Mond 5 Martha Ann
went up to her fathers
I cut out some quilt linens
for her Tues 6 I cleaned took
up the carpet in the kitchen
put it down again Wed 7
scoured some Thursd 8 made
soap Frid 9 finished Sat 10
stewed squash mended &c
David & Jo Henry here stay all


night Mr Pary took sick very
sick all night Sun 11 he is no
better David & Joe went home
David came down (with the ox) again staid all
night Mond 12 went and see Brig
ham took Mr Parrys ox home to keep
Mr Parry is sick yet Tuesd 13
he is a little better Wed 14 he
is so he goes out Thursd 15 I
wash Frid 16 go up in town
to setle up my tithing did
not quite bought some cloth
30 yards 2-3/1 ginam Sat went
to councel of health David Wm=
& Martha came down Sund 18 they
went home I went to meeting
afternoon & evening Mond 19 washed
in the evening went to the
Lectures Tues 20 snowed last
night Wed 21[letters scribbled out, __itten Smoot there}
wm=David home PG & David stay
all night PG gave me 89 lb flour
Thusd 22 I have made two bed
ticks Frid 23 put the feathers in
to them ironed Satd 34 [word crossed out]
[word we crossed out] went to female meeting Sund
25 we went to meeting Mon 26
I washed then went up to
PGs Tues gave Martha Emetic


wed 28 she is better Thursd 29
Martha Ann Married to
William Smoot. Joseph
Henry & Susan Duncan
married the same time
a good weding Frid 30 we all
went to Williams Mothers had
a great infare Sat 31 came
home got a letter from
Mother written by ES Bartlett
I wrote one to Sylvy Sund
Feb 1 we went to meeting
Mond 2 went to the Lecture
Tuesd 3 I went put sister
Murry to bed with a son
born 1 3/7 PM Wed 4 Davis
staid here last night PG am
Lucinia came down I went down
to Taylors to get some tallow
it is my birth day 57 years
old to day Feb 4 1852


Thursd 5 Friday 6 Sat 7
went to the Female meeting
Sund 8 went to meeting David
down here Mond 9 I washed
Tuesd 10 cut out my dress Mr
Perry bought marino one
wed 11 went to the counsel of
health Thursd 12 Wm= & Mar
tha & Harriet Ses = here staid
all night Frid 13 PG & Lucinia
came down all went home
Sat Sisters Pearce & Bring
herst (16) here on a visit Sund
15 went to meeting caled
out went and put sister
Wade to bed with a son
born 10 (m before) 4 PM Mond 16
put sister Pettit to bed
with a son born 10 minutes
before 7 AM Tues 17 David
PG down staid all night
Wed 18 been to see sist Wade
Thursd 19 Mr Perry (paved) round
the Door Frid 20 we went
up to PGs with Wm= & Nath
en & Martha Ann Sat 21


Martha Baptised [word marked through] a
meeting to PGs her Father
gave her a fathers blessing
we had a good meeting Sund
22 we came home Harriet
was married David staid here
Mond 23 he went home Tuesd 24
PG came down staid here all
night I got a letter from
Sylvia Wed 25 I have
setled up my tithing in
full & got receipts then
went to the councel of health
at Br Thomases we have
got 14 quarts of beet molasses
for Mr Parrys beets & carrots
Thursd 26 made soap Frid 27
[Line scribbled through]
[first word marked out] comenced a letter
to mother direct it to ES Bart
lett Satd 28 Mr Parry gone to the
counsel Sund 29 did not go to meeting
Mond March 1 put Caleb Parrys wife
to bed with a son born 16 m fore
10 PM Tuesd 2 carried my beets to
get them made into molasses


wed 3. washed went to see
calebs wife found her comfort
able Thursd 4 baked pies Frid 5
ironed Mr Parry set out some
choak cherrys trees Sat 6
he went to the High counsel it
did not set Wm & Martha came
here staid all night Sund 7
they went home We went
to the counsel house in the fore
noon I went to the school house
in the afternoon Mond 8 David
staid here last night went
home today PG came down &
went home we went to the
fort got some peach trees
I cut my alupracka dress
bought 3 lbs butter of Tomas
wife Tuesd 9 fine weather D
Fulmer (set the trees out) paid 4 dolllars.
for me yestarday at the
tithing office Wed 10 I went to the
counsel of health Heber gave
us a lecture Dr Spargue spoke
in toungues I interpreted it was
great Thursd 11 it snowed
last night I gathered snow
washed and have snow water
to wash with again Frid 12
Mr Parry fixed the hen


coop Satd 13 he went to the
high counsel I got John Edwen
to cut some wood Sund 14 we
went to meeting had a good
preach from Heber John
Edwards & wife here in the evening
Mond 15 I went to see old sister
Pack caled to see many more
it is very cold and snows
this afternoon Tuesd 16 warm
again Wed 17 Thursd 18 sister Edwards
sewed for me on my black dress
Frid I washed ironed Satd 19 I
went to the female meeting it
was good Sund 20 went to meeting
in the forenoon then PG and
Mary came from Smoots they
(Smoots) came with them Martha
was sick brought on a bed
she had 3 spasms after she got
here I gave her lobelia till
she vomited she had no more
of them but got better Mond
22 she went through the ordi
nances in the counsel house
for her indowment


then went home David staid
here last night I went to
the counsel house with her
Martha Ann saw her go thr
ough Tuesd 23 I have cleaned
parsnips for molasses Mr
Parry has now been in the
high counsel 3 days [word marked though] Wed 24
I went to the female meeting 53
gave in thier names to join the
counsel we had a good meeting
spoke much on the subject of
taking care of our health to avoid
tight laceing cold or wet feet to
take care of our infants and how
to train up our children that
they may be prepared to be saints
and fill the measure of thier
creation in ritcheausness Thursd 25
I am boiling away my parsnip
juice for molasses Frid 26 sister
Higbee here spoke in toungues
said she should have a child
finished my black dress


Satd 27 of March (1852) I was
sealed to Mr John Parry
I was married to him the
14th of Dec 1851
Satd 27 I have been in (to see) the
indowments again to day Sund
28 did not go to meeting went
to see sister Jackman (wrote to Sylvia) Mond 29
worked in the garden Tuesday 30
sewed Wed 31 washed & finished my
letter to Sylvia Thursd April 1
went to Ed Wades got a pound of butter
had a load of wood paid in seeds
and potatoes had 4 lb butter
of sister Tomas went to Br Ameses
daughter she had a child Frid 2
put Mary Shurtlief to bed with
a daughter born 20 mi before
9 AM Satd 3 went to the female
meeting got a letter from Syliva
She has lost Bryan Sund 4 David
Wm Smoot and Martha came
here gone to PGs Mond 5 I have
cooked for conference Tuesd 6
it commenced it lasted Sund 11
we have had the best confrence
I even went to the new


tabernacle was dedicated and the
Lord poured out his spirit
on the people they spoke with
toungues and praised the Lord
and prophesied Mr Parry and
I have been all the time he
has gone now this evening
to a meeting I am here alone
I am happy and feel thank
full for what I enjoy it is
said there was 2-500 people
at this confrence Mond 12 I work
in the garden Tuesd 13 Wed 14 I
went to the counsel of health
Thurd 15 David came down Frid
16 he went to Smoots Sat 17 we
met at the school house to
devise a fashion for female
clothing for health and beau
=ty went to Isaac Hills
wife Sund 18 se got to
bed this morning 5 AM
a daughter we went to
meeting Brigham & Heber


preached yesterday I had
my likeness taken with a
(Heber told us to go to the explo)

deguaratipe by Cannon Mond
(ring route with him)
19 I have worked in the
garden some every day set
onions & sowed other seeds
Tuesd 20 still work there Wed
21 went to sister Smiths to
see about the fashion sister
Smoot Wm= & Martha staid
here last night Thursd 22
David here staid all night
Frid 23 he has gone to Smoots
the ground covered with
snow cleared off warm
Satd 24 I went to sister Smiths
to help form a fashion for the
females that will be more con
=ducive to health than the long tight
waisted dress filed with whale
bone & hickery that they wore now
Sund 25 we went to meeting went
to see M Atwoods child it was
burnt bad by its clothes taking
fire Mond 26 Cate here & PG &
David (he) staid all night Tuesd 27
PG & Lucinia here wed 28 I went


to the councel of health 1:73 have
joined the two last meetings
Thursd 29 rains & snows I wash
Frid 30 still storms Sat May 1
storms snow & rain Sund 2 I
do not go to meeting Mond 3 Tuesd
4 work on his lot I drop corn
Wed 5 we work on my lot plant
potatoes Thursd 6 I bake and go to
fast meeting (and planted) Frid 7 David came down (and bought some batting)

Satd 8 he went to smoots I went &
put Harriet Kimball to bed with
a daughter born 4 P.M. (babe dead) Sund 9 went &
see her then went to meeting in the
fore noon got counsel of Willard Rich
ards & went back gave her an emetic
came home David Wm & Marthann
here Mond 10 they [word marked out] go to PGs
I buy some gimp of Needom
sell him some garden seeds
cut Davids pants Tuesd 11 wash PG
& Lucinia Wm= & Martha here to dinner
I go with PG up to see Harriet (Kimball) up to the
bath house wed 12 go to the counsel of
health set in counsel with sisters
Angel & Susannah R before & after
meeting Thurs 13 go and see Harriet
again found her still on the gain
it rained Frid 14 a rainy day Satd 15
still rains


I fix me some dresses Sund go to
meeting in the forenoon in the after
noon go to Br Tomases wash and anoint
his wife Mond 17 sow beet seed
Tues 18 go and see Br Mason he
has a bad burn had a fit fell
in the fire sister Higbee came home
with me made me a sack Wed
19 went to sister Armstrongs
to get a bonnet made Thursd 20
visit Br Mason again his leg
looks better took away large
peices of dead flesh Friday 21
finished my skirt and sack
Satd 22 went to see about my
bonnet then visited sister
Dunkins gave her counsel &
told her I thought she appor
=ated upon Harriet Kimbal
to soon & gave black pepper to her
hurt I then went to see susannah
found her sick on bed told her to quit
going among the sick or she would
never get well I then went to the
female counsel had a good meeting
Sund 23 went to meeting Brigham
has got back from the exploring expedi
tion he preached visited Br Mason
again he is geting better Mond 24


David staid here last night
PG has come down to hunt for [word light and smudged]
Davids colt I have cut me a
sack, last Friday Mr Parry and
myself visited at old sister
Taylors with Br Rich wife and
Chase & wife sister ER Snow &c&c had
a good visit [word marked through] Tuesd 25 I worked in
the garden Wed 26 I went to
the counsel of health had a good
meeting Thursd 27 I washed sister
mason helped me we took (up) the carpet
cleaned put it down again Frid
28 visited Br Mason he gets better
Satd 29 sister Carter sewed for
me I have got me a new hat
wore it to the counse last
wed Sund 30 wrote a letter to
Sulvia went to meeting
got a letter from her
Mond finished my letter
send it David Lucinia Carlos
down to meeting yestarday
Tuesd May 1 Wed 2 Thursd 3 I have
worked in the garden today is fastt
we go to meeting Frid 4 work in the
garden Satd 5 go to the female
meeting had {one of} the best meetings
I ever had sister granger spoke


toungues beautiful Sund 6 we went
to meeting Mond 7 put sister
Walton to bed with a son
born 25 minutes past eight
AM Tuesd 8 Sister Mason helped
me wash Br Spragne & wife
here on a visit sister BernhiSel
here yesterday on a visit wed 9 I
went to the counsel of health
Thursd 10 worked in the garden.
Frid 11 (gave sister Moss emetic) the same Sat 12 put
sister Lund to bed with a son
born ten minutes after nine
came home worked in the garden
PG Lucinia David Carlos here
to dinner Br Leonard & wife
here on a visit Sund 13 we went
to meeting Mond gave Br Brunson
emetic tuesd 15 cooked to carry
to the picnic on Ensign peak
to morrow Wed 16 went on to the
Peak three or four hundred had
a good time President John Young
Preside J Cummungs Judge E Snow
Judge Phelps gave lectures it
truly was an intrestering day
thursd 17 worked in the garden
Frid 18 the same Sat 19 went to


a female meeting Sund 20 went
to meeting Mond worked in the
garden Tuesd 22 [words crossed out] (went to the) (church farm) Wed
23 went to the counsel of health
Thursd 24 & Frid 25 worked in the
garden Satd 26 did the same
Sund 27 went to meeting Mon 28
commenced a letter to Sylvia
Tues 29 washed sister Mason help
ed me. Wed 30 finished my letter
put it in the ofice mail not
__me in then went to the coun
sel house to see about the
24 of July 48 Fathers & 48
Mothers are requested to
walk in prosesion on that
day with their litle boys
and girls. boys follow the aged
fathers the girls follow the
aged mothers Thursd July 1 Ann
Mason is weeding my garden
Frid 2 water the garden a little
I go up to PGs July is sick with
the hooping cough I rode a horse
back Satd 3 I gave her emetic
came home she is better Harriet
Dunn here Sund 4 go to meeting
Mond 5 the forth celibrated


I sold beets carrots beans lettice
for the dinner Mr Parry went I
staid at home tucked & sewed
Tuesd 6 I went up to PGs
Julia worse pained wed 7
she is better Thurs 8 I came
home David came after me
that night again I rode up
bareback she laid in a fit
5 hours I gave her lobelia
injections she came out of
the fit Frid 9 she is better
Sat 10 I came home Sund
11 went to meeting David
down Mond 12 I was over to
see sister Elvira Burges she
is sick Tuesd 13 caled to sis
ter Tomson she had a bad
breast Wed 14 went to the counsel
of health Thursd 15 met for
the 24th. to organise Frid 16 sister
Higbee her sewed for me Satd
17 she is here again Sund 18
went to meeting Wim= & Martha
gone up to PGs Mond 19 worked
in the garden Tuesd 20 in the


wed 21 went to the counsel
Thursd 22 Frid 23 cooked for
the 24th Satd 24 met at the
taberncle at 7 AM celibrated
the day it was grand and
sublime Sund 25 went to
meeting mond 26 worked in
the garden Tuesd 29 went to
the church Farm to see
a sick child Cate came
home with me sick for
me to take care of she was
[word marked through] better Thursd 29 gave her
medicine Frid 30 gave her emetic
got a letter from Sylvia I
wrote one to her Satd 31
closed my letter went to
the female meeting it
rained I got my feet wet
coming home Sund 31 Cate went
home a great deal better
August 1 David came after
me to go and see a Mrs Winn


I staid all night Mond 2
gave her Emetic come home
Tuesd 3 went down to see
Cate again she is worse
staid all day left her
better Wed 4 went to see
her again then went to
the counsel of health Thurs
day 5 I washed Frid 6 ironed
baked worked in the garden
Mr Parry went to Brig=
=hams Mill yestarday again
to day Satd 7 Sund 8 went to
meeting Brigham preached on
the spirits going to prison Mond 9
[word or letter crossed out] I went to the counsel house
did not stay Wm. & Martha
here Tuesd 10 Dr Sprague Br
Nebecar & wife here performed
a painful opporation Wed 11 Mr
Parry got up the oatts stacked them
Thursd 12 he work for Walker
Frid 13 I picked my onions


Sat 14 went to the female meeting
Sund 15 went to meeting Mond 16
had Co Dr Pearson here told me
about Sylvia his wife had a babe
two weeks old Tuesd 17 went to
the counsel of health Wed 18
visited Sister Duncan she was
sick took her through a
course of medicine Thurs 19
I visited her again she was
better PG & Winn here Winn
paid me three Dollars Frid 20
Scalded my pickels paid
Ann Tomas all for the wood
sister Carter making my bonnet
Sat 21 went to see sister Duncan
she is not so well I then
went and put sister Mcentire
to bed with a son born 9 & 10
minutes PM Sund 22 took sister
Duncan through a course of
medicine Br Taylor has got
home & Benson Snow & Richard
Mr Parry had a friend come
from Wales Mond 23 Tues 24
worked on my bonet Wed 25 bought
medicine and other things of Dr Pearson
they left for the gold mines I
went to Father Gibs to see


Duncan Susannah there with me
Thursd [ mark on page] 26 Mr More & wife came
here to board I went to Br Hun
=ters gave his son Emetic washed
Frid 27 ironed Sister Foass & 3
of her daughers here E - PH - Ro
Satd 28 special confrence PG
caled to go to England to preach
Sund 29 Orson Pratt preached
on the plurality of wives
the first that has been
made public Mond 30 William &
Martha staid here last night
& David he got a letter from
Syvia PG and sister Duncan here
to dinner he went in where they
were giving endowments Br Smoot
has got home Wm= & his mother has
gone back with him to meet the
company Martha is here Tuesd
31 she & I are going to the counsel of
health we went Covington
delivered a lecture we went to
the store Martha got her a
new dress wed Sept 1 she cut
it out thursd 2 got it almost done
PG and his woman down Mar
=tha went home with them


Frid 3d. Br Smoot wife and Wm=
came back with the company
here to supper Wm staid
all night Satd 4 they went
home (we) went to see the camp
carried some mellons Sund 5
went to meeting Mond 6 PG and
all his folks down went in to the
counsel house Wm= came carried
Mr Parry and me up to PGs
staid all night Tuesd 7 had
a blessing meeting PG blessed
all his family he blessed

me I blessed him he and
I blessed David. Mary spoke
in toungues I interpreted
it rained but we had
a good time it cleared off
in the afternoon and we
came home wm= and Martha
went home [word scratched through] and wife
left here yesterday Wed 8
I washed siter Knight here
Thursd I ironed schlded my
bed stead Friday 10 PG and
Mary here (we went Fosses) staid (here) all night
sister Pratt got in came here
Sat 11 PG and Mary went home


Sund 12 we all went to meeting
Mond 13 PG and family came down
we all had our likenesses taken
PG went home got Emarett came
back Wm= & Martha came got
their likenesses taken then we
all went in to the counsel
house saw Emarett sealed
to PG they all went home
Wm and Marth stay all night
David staid here last nigh
Tuesd 14 Wm & Martha went home
I rode up to the tabernacle
with them went to the coun-
sel of health Wed 15 PG and
all his family came down
he and Emarett had their
likenesses taken came here to
dinner then I rode out with
them through town PG left
to go to Eurrope and we came
back they went home it rain
d wind blew hard Thursd 16 sister
Pratt moved in to a house
Frid 17 I have cut my sage
[blank] gathered seeds I feel to
pray for PG by night and
day and all those that are
with him


I often think wether shall
we all meet again but all
is well whether in this or
the next world if we do the
will of our master keep his
commands and obey counsel
Satd 18 Butterfield brought a quar
=ter of bear meat here last
night I have sold and took care
of it got a part of the cellar
dug to day Sund 19 went to
meeting Mond sick I took
emetic sold one bushel 2/7
onions for three dollars
Tuesd 21 not well sister Bruns
here wed 22 I am better Thurds
23 coloured David here Frid 24
sister Brunson sewed for me Sat 25
went to the female meeting
Sund 26 went to meeting David
Lucinia down Mr Parry went
to meet Joseph Parry he came
home with him Mond 27 I
went with sister Angel Susan
ah and sister Bradock to wash

Anoint sister Flickenloopher
and fox then I went and see
sister Hyde sister Parry got


came here Tuesd 28 & Joseph
both here went to the counsel
of health Wed 29 Thursd 30 Frid Oct
1 sister Parry altered my dreses
I wrote a letter to PG yestar
day sister Huff here with two
children came day before
yestarday Sat 2 I keep
them all yet another
child came to day Sund 3
they go away to day I go to
meeting Mond 4 sister Hutch
=ins came here to stay a while
Tuesd 5 I bake and prepare
for confrence Weds 6 confrence
commenced lasted til Sund
eve 10 Mond 11 I have been to
all the conference had a good
meeting I wash Tuesd 12 iron
and go to the counsel of health
Br Benson spoke to us Wed 13
went with sisters Mumford &c
Angel to carry some


things to sister Abbot that
had donated by the counsel
of health for her releif
found her helpless but
neat and clan possessing
a good spirit Thursd 14 Frid
15 Sat 16 met with the female
Joseph Parry & wife moved
away from here Sund 17 went
to meeting David down staid
all night Mond 18 Mr Parry
worked on the cellar Tuesd
19 he is very sick Wed 20 I have
been up the most of the night
Thursd 21 very sick yet gave
him emetic Frid 22 he is better
we have a man here diging
potatoes Sat (23 Wm= Martha) he has dug 50 bush
=els (staid all night) Sund 24 go to meeting Br Parley
[two words crossed out] preached Mond 25 washed
tuesd 26 went to the counsel of
health sister Angel gone to
Utah some things given for the
good of the poor some money 260
wed 27 Susannah and I visited the


Thursd 28 got two Letters from
Sylvia Friday 29 wrote a letter
to PG and one to Sylvia Satd
30 went to the female meeting
received many things for the
poor I gave them all to sister
Angel she is Treasureer I and
Susannah counseler Sund 31
went to meeting David here
sister Hutchins went home
with Wm= her son the two [illegible]
came here just got in two [ilegible]
Marger husband and Roberts
Mond Nov= 1 the men went back
to the waggons the woman staid
here Tuesd 2 they have gone
to Calebs come back to night
I am molding candles Mr Parry
has sold his ox had [illegible] of it.
Wed 3 they go to Ann Parrys Thurs
4 I was caled to see F__rsiths boy
very sick last night been again
to day then went to Br Taylors
he gave me an O_en an Liv
ingstean store $5 he owes me
$5 more Frid 5 I went took
up the order got me a new
dress rode with Br Leonard


left my [smudge] went back
Sat 6 the waggons came in
Marys both gone to Calebs
to the waggons Mr Parry
had some things & seeds
sent him I took care of
them then worked diging
carrots &c very hard all
day visited the sick boy
last night again to night
all alone the heavens gave
me light over bad places
where the road was good
it was very dark as my
candle went out when I
first started home Sund 7
rains hard I stay at home
sister Hutchins came back
Mond 8 I wash Tuesd 9 rains
[words marked through] two men diging
beats sister Hutchins
moves away I do not go to
the counsel of health Wed
10 the ground covered with
snow sewed fixed my clothes
Thursd 11 very cold beet not
all dug froze very hard
last night


Frid 12 mended my carpet
Satd 13 went to the female
meeting voted in one in each
ward except 1st. and 5th. to look after
the poor after the meeting was
dismised those presant that
had been voted in tarried we
gave them some in structions
how to proceed blessed then
and came home Sunday 14
do not go to meeting visited
sister Forsith and children
gave one emetic last night
made canker medicine to
day for them Mr Parry gone
to meeting Mond 15 mended Mr
Parrys coat Tuesd baked visited
sister Forsith she is sick Wed 17
snowed David & Br Lasley
came down to bury Lasleys
daughter Thursd 18 Phebe here
making my dress Frid 19
we work on the same rains
[line struck through]
& snows I went to Joseph
Parrys to put his wife
to bed sister there put
her to bed child


Sat 27 put Mrs Akans
to bed with a [blank space] born
5 10 minutes AM

[there is a long blank space on this page before writing resumes near the bottom]

Mr Parry heard a very remar
kable noise last night do not
know what it was Dec 18 1852
Dec 19 I Dreamed of seeing
PG & A Barot swiming last
night 20 Dreamed last night
of PG wishing me to sow some
rootabago seed for him I sowed
it saw wheat coming up


in a few minutes after I
got there Sat 20 Phebe went
home Sund 21 I went to For
sith staid all day took care
of them left them better
Mr Parry went to mee
ting David here Mond 22
he went to Tooelee after
lumber Tuesd 23 snows & blows
very hard Mr Parry had
to work very hard to keep
the cow calf & mare from
perishing Wed 24 more
moderate I went to For
sith they are very sick
five of them Thursd 25 I
went again found them some
better David has come back
from Tooelee Mr Parry
has paid him $45 cash
for a mare he is to get
her shod & in the spring
if we choose he will take
her back and give us
$50 for her Frid 23 [illegible] Dr P
Richards came after me to go and


Thursd 25 I went again found
them some better forsith came
home with me I told him I
thought his babe would die
wished him to have a doctor
least I should be blamed
the road was so bad snow
and mud that I could not
go again unless he came after
me with a horse he said he
would Friday 26 very
mudy Satd 27 no better rains
Sund 28 rains Mond 29 Forsith
sent for me I went the babe
was dead she was worse &
genette very sick I left them
more comfortable Tuesd 30
I went again they thought
they were better Wed Dec 1
I went again found then about
the same I wished them


to send for some Dr that
belonged to the counsel
she said no she did not
want any body else to
know what a fix they
were in four sick then
all lying on one bed I
told her they were badly
situated but I did not know
how it could be helped then
Thursd 2 I went again found
them some better but the
weather being very unfavoura
=ble I was afraid they would
take cold again and get
wors again I wished them
to have somebody else
and liberate me told them
the next day I would go
and see Dr Richards or
Sprague Friday 3d as


I was preparing to
go Dr P Richards
came after me to g 
go with him and see
a woman he had been
[illegible] we caled as we
went along and sister
Forsith and girl found
them bette he thought
they would get well
if they took no cold
said I had give them
all he could think
of then

[The rest of this page is blank.]


a woman he has been tending
upon I got him to go and see
Forsiths wife and children
before I went to see the woman
we found them better setting
up we then went and see
the woman found her very
low I told him I thought she
was dying and told her husband
the same she died that night
her name was Clemons I then
went and saw Susanah was
gone all day Satd 24 Lorenzo
Snow sent for me to go and see
one of his wives Harriet a miss-
carriage as I came home went
and see Forsiths folks found
them better gone all day I was
sent for yestarday & to day to
to go up north ten miles to
see a sick woman Martha
& Wm has gone up to PGs
Sund 2[number scratched through with 5 written below it] I went to meeting Mond
[number crossed out with 6 written above it] I went to Forsiths again still
better sent for again to go up North
I went found the woman sister


Walton very sick staid with her
all night took her through a
course of medicine left her
better came home on Tuesd 30
went to Forsiths again still
better Wed Dec 8 Wm= and Martha
came here got dinner went home
I rode in a carriage with Ann Barr(at)
to Forsiths found them much better
but it was a very stormy snowy
day the floor very wet I told
them I was afraid they would
take cold for I was very cold
could not keep my feet warm
I soon began to feel sick and wished
for the carriage to bring me home
but it did not come I got so
bad that Br Forsith got an ox
waggon brought me home I was
very sick I was administered to
took cayanne & labelia got easier
Thursd 9 I am better very weak &
sore all over Ann came soon after
I got home is here still Frid 10
very weak Satd 11 Sund 12 some
better Br Forsith came here to
know what to do for his wife
she is worse says Genette is much


better I sent her some compasited
& lobelia told him to get sister Judd
to to make an injection and put that
in and give it his wife as he said
she had nothing passed her since
Thursd and her cough was worse
and she had a good deas of fever
I told him she had taken cold &
to give her the tincture of lobelia
for her cough and to pay strict
atention to her for if she had
taken cold I was affraid he
would loose her for she was con
sumptive any how David & Carlos
came here staid all night Mond
13 they went home I got into the
kitchen Tuesd 14 Ann washed for
herself and some for me Mr Parry
went to Forsiths said she weak
very bad Wed 15 he went again
they told him she was worse
Thursd 16 he went again she was
dead Ann left here I do my
work alone have got quite
well Frid 17 thaws little it
has been very cold for a
long time


Satd 10 still thawing the
wind blows hard and has
for some time Sund 19 I do not
go to meeting the south wind
has blown for some days
hard turned and blew
from the north and snowed
fast Tuesd 21 I go to see
susannah sister Angel was
there snowed again Satd
25 christmas day it has
snowed the most of the
past week very cold to
day David down yestarday
and Lovlin wished me to
go up there next Mond he is
going to get Married Sund 26 

I do not go to meeting, David
down Mond he staid all
night carried me home
with him we met Jack
R__ding & Naomi from
California Tuesd 28 I baked
pies Wed baked more
David came down.


Thursd 30 he was Married
brought his wife home
with him had a spleded
party or infair Frid 31
rained I do not get home
Sat Jan 1-1853 I came

[The remainder of this page is blan]}


[blank page


[blank page]


garden again Wed 21 went 

to the counsel of health
Thurs 22 Frid 23 prepared
for the 24 Satd 24 7 AM
went to the Tabernacle to

[There seems to be quite a gap in the dates-and possibly some missing pages.]
[This page appears to record the July 24th celebration of the pioneer entry into the valley]
[The rest of this page is blank]


Thursd 8 he worked for Cain [appears to be three talley marks with the numbers 5 9 10 above the marks respectively]
March 20 he worked on the
public days [two talley marks with numbers 20 24 and 25 written above]

sister Moss 2 lb butter
four quarts skim milk
2 quarts new milk
1 quart new milk
2 lb butter
[written between lines: July 4]
1 lb butter Nov

Jan:1 1853

{FH:Page inverted}
Isaac Litlehales wife
Siste Higins