
Transcript for "Patty Bartlett Sessions, Diaries and account book, 1846-1866; 1880," vol. 2

Title: Patty B. Sessions diaries and account book, 1846-1866; 1880 Volume 2, 1849 January-1850 December

Call Number: MS 1462


{FH Folder Label} Ms d 1462 fd 2
Patty Bartlett Sessions,
2 items


{FH Sticker Label}
fd 2
v. 2


Patty Sessions 1849

{FH This page seems to be notes related to payments made on various items}
{The scribbled notes are very difficult to read and have no real context}


Jan 1- 1849 Monday
I have staid at home
made Artificials had no
co enjoyed myself well
it has thawed rained a
little Mr Sessions gone to
a prayer meeting this evening
Martha Ann to her Fathers
I alone Tuesday 2 Martha
came home rained some
Wednesday 3 we went {u?}
to PGs with Br Pierce
and wife had a good
ride and visit Thursday 4
Mr Sessions and PG went to
the bank ofice Mr Sessions
had some talk with with
Brigham about going back
Friday 5 I feel bad I went
to Dr Richardson with sister
Bringhens on a visit the men
came and spent the even
{FH corner of the page missing} yestarday Saturday
{FH corner of the page missing} still feel bad in my
{FH corner of the page missing} no better
{FH corner of the page missing} Sunday


Br Lott came here talked
with Mr Sessions Monday
& I still feel bad Tuesday
9 I was caled to sister Buel
her child was born but than
ght to die untill I got there
[smudge on page] Br Kimball and Elen
came here to see us
wednesday 10 Thursday 11
11 I was caled to Willard
Snows Susan was sick I
staid all day and all
night she was a criple
and was deformed so that
her child could not be
born with out instruments
The Dr came (Friday morning and) delivered
her with instruments the
child alive but she died
in a few minutes the case
of the kind I never witnes
ed (before) although I have prac
tised midwifery for 37
years and put thousands
to bed I never saw a
woman die


that situation before
Saturday 13 we have a cow
sent down from the farm yes
tarday I have had Co [unreadable]
day Sunday 14 went to Susan
funereal heard good preaching
Monday 15 Mr Sessions gone
to the farm to stay all the week
Tuesday 16 [smudge] tha washed
Wednesday 17 Thursday 18 cut a
dress for Martha Ann Friday
19 [illegible] sister Richardson
here on a visit yestar
day Saturday 20 I made
2 wreaths for weding
Sunday 21 Monday 22 Tuesday
23 made artificials Wednesday
24 I went to sister Holmes
Thusday 25 it thaws a good
deal Friday 26 still thaws
Saturday 27 put Minervia
White to bed with a son
born 2 AM
[words crossed out]


I then visited Sister Precinda
with many more in the
evening John Pack and wife
here on a visit Sunday 28
I went to meeting to Br Mc
brides.  Monday 29 we washed

Visited Ruth and Mary Elen
Tuesday 30 Wednesday 31 Worked
on Martha Ann Bonnet Thursday Feb-
1st made artificial for sisters Shirt
lief Charlotte Cob & Edeth Pearce
here on a visit Martha has got a new
pair of shews Friday 2 making
cap triming Saturday 3 PG and
Mary & Carlos came down
I went to sister Clarison Hoit
she miscaried Sunday 4
my birth day 54 years old
Monday 5 made a wreathe for
wedeing Tuesday 6 made artificials
wednesday 7 made more Thursday
8 [word scribbled out] put Lois to bed
with a daughter wife of Benjamin
T Mitchel born 11 PM
Friday 9 worked on pantaloons
Saturday 10 visited some
Sunday 11 I am lame with
irisiplus in my foot Monday
12 made artificials Tuesday 13
done the same had a


Wednesday 14 I am still
lame Thursday 15 worked
on artificials Friday 16 done
the same Saturday 17 finish
ed my fringe for a bed
dress Sunday 18 went a mee
ting at Zinas Monday 19
washed sent ten bushels
of wheat to mill the bolt
goes Tuesday 20 put Adline
to bed with a son born
2-3 AM she is wife of
Lorenzo Snow Wednesday 21 ma
de a wreathe Thursday 22 made
and worked a peticoat Fri
day 23 very warm the snow
goes fast it is very mudy
and has been for some days
Saturday 24 warm Sunday
25 some cut of from the
church for loose conduct
Monday 26 we washed Tues
day 27 sewed Wednesday 28
nit fringe I was with the
Drs wife she had a son


Thursday March1 I visited
Zina and Sara and Laid
hands on Saria Martha
has gone to the farm to
day Friday 2. I am doing
many things Saturday 3
made some bitters and
carried to Sania Sunday 4
put Eliza wife of H Her
imon to bed with a son
born 10 PM Monday 5
I visited a sick babe William
Snows Tuesday 6 warm and
mudy (Martha came home) Wednesday 7 Br Kim
bals women here on a visit
Ruth and Mary Elen Thursday
Friday 9 still mudy Sat
urday 10 Sunday 11 PG and
Mary came down staid all night
Monday 12 Elected the officers
Tuesday 13 I have had Co all
this week Wednesday 14 Co
again Br Heber and Mary Ann
and Sarah Ann here on a
visit Thursday too Br Camilsen
in to board


few days Agreed to take J
Redings wife to board Fir
day 16 Co again Saturday very
mudy it has stormed some
almost every day for some
time snow and rain Sunday
18 we went to meeting Mond
day 19 rained and snowed again
Tuesday 20 snow again Wednes
day 21Jackson Redings wife
came here to live Thursday
22 he came here to board
untill he goes away the [mu?]
mud dries up fast I went to
visit sisters Ruth and Mary
Elen Kimbal [illegible]day 23 I
worked on artificials Saturday
23 Sunday 25 went to meeting
Monday 25 (Dr Bernhisel moved away) commenced mak
ing soap worked at it
Tuesday 27 Wednesday 28 and
Thursday 29 finished sister
Higbee here on a visit Fri
day 30 made artificials and
visited sister Laura Pitkins


Saturday 31 [words crossed out]
Sunday March 1 I went to
meeting Monday 2 washed
Tuesday 3 commenced a letter
to Sylvia Wednesday 4 brade
straw Thursday (5) caled to sister
Briant sent for to come home
put Naama wife of Jackson
to bed with a son born 6 PM
Frday 6 conference commence
I did not go Saturday 7 I
sewed a straw hat Sundy
8 went to meeting conference
ajourned till Oct 6 the
weather has been wet and
very cold [gold dust] weighed $65-35
to send to the states for goods
Monday 9 [Ridin left] finished my letter to
Sylvia washed Tuesday 10 had Co
sisters Mary & Frances Kimball
put Caroline wife of Benjamin
T Mitchel to bed with a daughter
born 7 [illegible] PM Wednes 11 put my
letter in the mail Thursday 12 I
baked bread for Br Cumton to
carry with him as he caries the
mail back Friday 13 made out
a bill of goods to send back
for (goods) send one hundred & eight
dollars gold dust.


Satturday 14 Br Cunton starts
with the mail Sunday 15 did not
go to meeting put sister Lemon
to bed with a son born 6 PM
Monday 16 washed Tuesday 17 work
ed at artificials Wednesday 18
worked in the garden sewed
ionions Thursday 19 sewed Beats
Friday 20 visited Mc Mullins
babe it is sick Saturday 21
Sunday 22 went to meeting
Monday 23 washed Tuesday
24 visited the sick wednesday
25 made a hat Thursday 26

put sister Baker to bed
Friday 27 Mc Mullens babe
died I have visited the
sick Saturday 28 PG and
Mary came down Organised
the Legion Sunday 29 do
not go to meeting take care
of Marys babe Monday
30 make artificials Tuesday May
[smudged] washed Wednesday 2d.
Martha Ann commenced going
to school Thursday (3) sewed
more garden seeds it rained
yestarday and last night
wet the ground well and
we feel thankful for it


Friday 4 sewed Peas Saturday
5 planted the first corn
here PG planted last week
on the farm Sunday 6 I went to
meeting Monday 7 washed
Tuesday 8 ER Snow was here
and visit Wednesday 9 Sisters
Kimbals, Whitney (& Snow) & Cushan
were here on a visit Thurs
day 10 Christeen here cut me
a dress Friday 11 Mc Mullen
wife & sistar Dodge here on
a visit Saturday 12 sisters
Clerks here Naoma gone to
see her mother Sunday 13 I
put Alzada wife of Reuben
Alred to bed with a daughter
born 6 PM Monday 14 was
has Tuesday 15 I went up to
Br Kimbals & Whitney & Young
Wednesday 16 sewed on my dress
Thursday 17 visited (with) Naoma
sisters ER Snow & Holmes at Br
[large ink spot] Walices House [smudge]

Hebers wives live there I
also got some tins made for
Alzada babe it is a criple
I think it can be cured if is
reel footed Friday 18 I have
been droping corn this morning


Saturday 19 PG & Mary came
down here Mary & I went to
Br Peirces on a visit Sunday 26
Mr Sessions & I went up to PG
it rained Monday 21 we came
home Tuesday 22 Mr Sessions
went to mill it rained & haile
very cold Wednesday 23 the house
leaked bad it still rains &
snows the snow covers the
ground all white Martha
pushed it off of the roof
of the house with a rake
corn up six inches peas in
bloom all under snow 12
o clock the sun came out
and cleared off but not
very warm Thursday 24 rained
& snowed very cold the ground
frose this morning Friday 25
more moderate the cold has
killed but litle Saturday 26
quite warm we have sewed
some may peas to day the widow
smith here on a visit we let
her have some flour Sunday
27 we went to meeting Monday
28 washed Tuesday 29 ironed
Wednesday 30 braided straw


Thursday 31 visited Sister Buel
Friday June 1 [letters crossed out] split straw
Saturday 2 it raining we got
water on the garden Sun
day 3 went to meeting a foot
Monday 4 washed Tuesday 5 ironed
Wednesday 6 sewed a hat Thurday 7
fixed my dress Friday 8 fixed another
Saturday 9 PG and Lucinia & Carloss
down here we went to sister
Smoots a little while Sunday 10
went to meeting Monday 11 we
washed there is many here
every day after bread stuff
and we keep leting it go
they say they have none and
ours still holds out Tuesday 12
set out beet and cabage plants
old Br Baldin died last night
I have had Co all day sisters
Wm Young Mc mulen & Spalding
Wednesday 13 Thursday 14 sisters
Pearce and Bringhurst here and a
visit the Boys came down to plow
among the corn Friday 15 PG
birthday he is [blank space] years old
today he is here with Mary
and child he is having a trial
before the counsel ajourned
untill to morrow 3 oclock
Saturday 16 the counsel set again


ajourned again util 3 oclock tomorrow
Sunday 17 Mr Sessions and Martha
has gone up to PGs with Mary
I stay alone my spirits cast
down I feel bad yet my trust
is in god he is my all and
on his holy name I call for
his spirit to direct me through
my life and for wisdom in
all things O Lord give (me) thy spir
it that it may be a light to my
path give me knoledge that
I may know thy will and how
to do it give me wisdom that I
judge between truth and eror
for I desire to do good and not
evil make the path of duty
plain before me and give me
grace to walk therein and do
give me patience to endure all
that I may be caled to pass
through Marthann and Mr
Sessions has come home again
Monday 18 we washed, some
emigrants came in we hear
from winter quarters tuesday
19 some more came in wednes
day 20 Thursday 21 I have
6 almost every day Friday
22 I make artificial flow
ers Saturday 23. PGs trial


cloesed to day he came off
better than when he be
gan Sunday 24 I went to
meeting heard much
good many emigrants
there the past week I
have been called on to
lay hands on the sick
they have been healed
Mary Ann Nobles was
one she had a visit from
Sarah Nobles who has
been Dead over two years
conversed with her over
one hour Monday 25 I have
washed Martha Ann is not
well I picked my garden
strawberys carried some
to sister Abbot she is
very sick with consumt_ [smudge on page – probably consumtion]
Tuesday 26 very warm in
Wednesday 27 visited at sis
ter Holmes with sisters
ER Snow and Love and
many others it being 5 years
this day since the Prophets
were martyed Thursday
28 it being 27 years to day
since we were maried


Friday 29 I was sent for to
Br Lewises his child very sick
died soon after I got ther sick
only about 8 hours I then
went to see sister Abot with
Precinda and Zina Saturday
30 the Emigrants are still
coming in Sunday July 1
(we have green peas) did not go to meeting Monday
2 we are washing Naoma
washes with us for the first
time we had all our green
peas stole last Friday night
we followed the tracks to
Wm= Buntins waggon and
picked up peas near his
waggon where he slept in
the morning he was gone to
trade with the emigrants
we think the peas was
carried there and sold
Tuesday 3 we have
received a letter from the
Mother stating she and all
the rest are well (dated Jan 30) and one
from Sylvia stating Windsor
death all the rest well
[date of Jan 30 written on the side of the page]


Wednesday 4 a man right
from there the 13 of April
here to day gave me some
coffee and told me many
things about Windsor
and all the rest Thursday
5 bought a ten gallon keg
Friday 6 very warm and
dry Saturday 7 Sunday 8 went
to meeting Monday 9 washed
Tuesday 10 Judge Warner came
here sick Wednesday 11 bought
a dress pattern and some hand
kercheifs shaul Thursday 12 Cook
ed for some emigrants gave me
3 dollars Friday 13 [word smudged] more
Caled to Hariet L Taylor Satur
day 14 put her to bed with
a daughter born 6 A M
Sunday (15) wrote one letter to
Mother & one to Sylvia
sent it by the United S mail
went to meeting set under
the bowery or shade Monday 16
watered the garden Tuesday 17
put sister Holmes to bed with
a daughter born 6 AM


Wednesday 18 Judge Warner
left to go on to the mines
Thursday 19 finished Marthas
dress cut mine Friday 20 Mr
Sessions bought a waggon yes=
tarday and a can a set of harness
and many other things Saturday
21 put Ann Halley to bed
with a daughter born 8 - [illegible]
AM a great many emigrants
came in today Sunday 22 I
did not go to meeting Monday
23 cooked for the feast Tuesday
24 this day 2 years ago the Pioneers
arived in this valley and we
celibrate this day instead of the
4th this day will be (long) remembered
by thousands who were pres
ant at the dinner good order
was preserved & every thing
went off well this is the
begining of a new era with[illegible]
Richard Wilton staid here
last night gave $ [smudged] 25
(Word crossed out with Wednesday 25 inserted above) I have been up
to see Loiza and many others


went to Frosts to the store got
some apron cloth [words crossed out]
got letters by Egan from Sylvia
& Windsor writen before he died
got them at the feast Thurs
day 26 Friday 27 attended the
corn all day got very tired
Saturday 28 Sunday 29 went
to meeting forenoon Monday
30 washed Tuesday 31 Wheelen
and John Williams with 

came by here lame by a fall
from a mule wendsday
August 1 poultised his leg
all day Wedday 2 he is
beter Mr Sessions went
to the farm [word crossed out] a
Tuesday [word crossed out] 3 still
beter Beny & Rice came here
Friday 3 Blackwell brought
his cousin here I have quite
a family to wait on Satur
day 4 I work hard Sunday
do not go to meeting Mr
Sessions came home a num
ber to supper Monday 6
Tuesday 7 they all go away
bound for the gold mine


they gave me as good as 30
dollars for waiting on them
Mr Sessions gone to the farm
Wednesday 8 I went up to
Hebers & Brighams to see
Loiza (B) and Eliza Snow Thursday
[smudge] had company of Emig
rants from Iowa City one
name Camie the other
name [word crossed out and Downon written above] Friday 10
they staid all night
gave me 2 dollars and
informed me concerning
my children there Saturday
11 had many here from
Iowa brought me letters
from David & Carlos Sunday
12 went to meeting hear
a trial on Pomroy Mond [smudge]
13 got another letter water
the garden Tuesday 14 go
to the store to get some
thing got some coffee then
went and washed and an
nointed Sister Gates & laid
hands on her caled last


night to sister clarrisa
Hait she had a miscarrige
Wednesday 15 Thursday (16) go
thre again could get nothing
I wanted cut me a dress
Friday 17 caught Tom gates
& Sam Lance steeling mellons
then went and put Marian
Baldin to bed with a son born
9 PM (she was comfortable) Saturday (18) she has
had fits near 30 Sunday
19 she is beter put John
Murdocks wife to bed with
a son born 11 2/7 PM
Monday 20 washed Tuesday
(21) went to s0me waggans
bought some shoes &c
sisters Gates here on a vist
went to a tent bought
some linen clothes of a
ducth Lady wednesday 23
went again Thursday 23 work
ed on my dress Friday (24) dito
Saturday 25 finished it
Sunday went to meeting


then caled to Mary Ann
Nobles there near all night
Monday washed gave 10 lb
flour to go back and meet
the the co Tuesday 28 a pub
lic sale of some boys that
had been steeling [word crossed out]
[word crossed out] put Metilda Hunt to
bed with a daughter born 11-2/1
PM wednesday 29 not well Thurs
day 30 I am sick all day Mr
Sessions sewed ionions Friday
31 put Mary Ann Nobles to
bed with a daughter born 6 1/2
AM I am beter Saturday
Sept 1 visited sister washburn
with sisters Ashba & Twist
had a good supper plum
mb cake &c &c I went to
the store bought 1 lb

candy two lb peaches Mr
Sessions bought 12 lb Aples
Sunday 2 I do not go to meeting
Naomi has gone to eat mellons


I went up to PGs to see
a man there sick Monday
3 he is very sick Carlos has
hurt his head it is cut very
bad by a fall one week ago
I dresed it Tuesday 4 had
a Doctor to the emigrant
he said he had the tyfus
fever I then came home
Wednesday 5 went to
the office to get [illegible word]
money changed Thursday
6 went again did not get
it done Friday 7 visited
at sister Baldwins with Naomi
that night an emigrant
came here drunk Br Andrus
took him away Saturday
Mr Sessions came home
Sunday 9 do not go to meeting
Mr Sessions went back again
Monday 10 washed rained
and hailed house leaked
Tuesday 11 PG sent down for
a [illegible word] the man is dying
Wednesday 12 PG & Daniel
brought the man down
to bury him Thursday
13 I must go and see sister
Holmes babe


it is sick Friday 14 Saturd
day 15 Francis here on a
visit put Martha Mcmullin
to bed with a daughter born
1 PM Sunday 16 I went
to meeting Monday 17 sum
moned as a witness on a trial
before Bishop Smoot Tuesday
18 I am doctering sister Lance
Wednesday 19 Dr Mc Comic
was here bid me good bye
he is going to the gold mines
Thursday 20 bought a chest
paid 250 cent Elen K
here Friday 21 Mr Sessions
came home (word scratched through) I
visited sister Ad Pratt he
is going to the Islands Satur
day 22 PG (smudge on page) Mary came down
here Sunday 23 went to
meeting Brigham preached
like Joseph plain and to the
point Mary Elen went home
with PG we got a bill of
goods that we sent for by
cunton Monday 14 we washed
sister Bernhisell (letter crossed out) here
on a visit staid all night


Tuesday 25 Martha Ann went
home with her I was caled
to sister Messer last night
staid till midnight many
emigrants start to day
to go the south route
Wednedsay 26 we went to the
Br Andrews on a visit Thursday
27 the mail from California
arived writen come I went to
Halls put his wife to bed
with a daughter born
Friday 28 12 3/9 AM
Saturday 29 went to the store
got cups plates tea pot &c
Sunday 30 went to meeting
in the fore noon to Br Riches
after Monday 1 I went to the
store again I have traded
30 dollars Naomi got 64
dollars from Jackson Tuesd
day 2 she let us have 26
dollars of it her Mother is
here they have wrote a let
ter to Jackson I wrote
some in it Wednesday 3 she
went home Thursday 4 I went
to the store Martha Ann is sick
Friday 5 I have cooked for the
confrence all day Saturday 6


I am sick cannot go to confrence
I worked to hard yestarday
Mr Sessions went Sunday 7
I went to meeting many of
the Elders are to be sent to
the nations Monday 8 Martha
is gone to her fathers Tuesday
9 she came Wednesday 10 I went
up to PGs came home Friday
12 Saturday 13 cooked for PG to go
to the East Sarah & Eliza Gibs
was here wrote a letter to
Sylvia & another to my Mother
& Br Jons do not go to meeting
today Sunday 14 Monday 15 PG
has started to day for the
states I sent $1 - 25 by him
to get things he caried 5
or 6 hundred dollars may
the Lord prosper and bless
him and all that he has gone
after with a safe arival
to this place and we all live
and be prospered & blessed
to meet them and enjoy their
society a long time Tuesday
16 we went to Br Taylors to
a splended party of about
three hundred we had a


splended feast PP Pratt
prophesied that when Br
Taylor returned from
France we should meet
again 4 times as large a Co
wednesday 17 dug our pot
taes Thursday 18 Mr Sessions
& Cal husked corn &c Friday
19 [word crossed out] I visited at Jedidiah
Grants Saturday 20 I mende
d Sunday 21 put Jane Taylor
to bed with a daughter born
4 AM then went to Cotten
wood Monday 22 put Maha
=la Hollyday to bed with
a daughter born 7 - 3/7 AM
Tuesday 23 sister Buel
& Genettee Mr Sessions
came home brought 4
cheeses home Wednesday 24
Charlotte Snow here on a visit
the California boys came in
Thursday 25 Mr Sessions is
going to the farm Friday 26
Saturday 27 went up to see about
our goods that Br Rock wood


brought to us from cumton
did not get them I was throwed
from a horse coming home hurt
but little Sunday 28 put Ed
ward Wades wife to bed with
a son born 10 AM I then
went to Rock woods got the
goods Monday 29 visited at
Harriet Taylors with (Naomi got a letter)
her sisters & Naomi Tuesday
visited at Br Bringhersts with
sister Pearce wednesday 31
Naomi let Mr sessions have
one hundred Dollars her
letter said 200 but Heber
took the dust to change and
that was all he could let her
have then Nov 1 Thursday
(I gave him some rice & bits money)
Br Tylor broke his leg I was
at Father Pedigrews Friday
2 put Betsey Ann to bed
with a daughter born 1 PM
Saturday 3 I have been with
Naomi to the store got nuts and screws
to hang my cupboard doors Br Benson
has been here Sunday 4 it rains
I was caled to Br Taylors got wet
Monday 5 had co sisters.  Tuesday
6 put Wm Browns wife to bed
with a daughter born 3 2/? PM
7 Naomi paid 74 dollars making in all 200


wednesday 7 had Co sisters Mary
Elen Kimbal Gates & Clothier caled
to Elizabeth Taylor & left my Co
put her to bed with a son born
10 PM Thursday 8 visited her
and others sister Laiza she is
very low Friday 9 I washed
baked sweet cake got very tired
Saturday 10 my back is very
lame Mr Sessions is to work on
the farm & I have had to cut
wood all this week for the stove
I hope he will get home soon
he gets home to night Sunday
11 put Ben jr Jonson wife
Melissa to bed with a daughter
born 7 AM I went to meeting
Monday 12 caled to Elias Gardner
{wife} Tuesday 13 baked Wednesday 14 caled
to sister Bringherst Thursday 15 it
rains Mr Sessions is at home
and Carlos is with him Friday 16
they go back Saturday 17 saw
Simeon Carter put his wife Lydia
out door & pushed her down into
the mud Sunday 18 put Betsey
wife of Elias Gardner to bed
with a son born 1 PM
(heard from PG) then came home went to
see Mrs Messors twins both
dead heard from PG to day


Monday 19 put Sophronia
wife of Jesse B Martin to
bed with a son born 8 21 PM
paid 50 cent cash 37 tallow
Tuesday 20 Syrus Canfield Maried
over again Wednesday 21 put Moriah
Balintine to bed with a daughter
born 9 21 PM Thursday 22
Br Corbit here making shoz
the white cow came yesterday
Friday 23 Br Corbit here again
Saturday 24 the ward cut a
ditch to cary of the water Sister
Egans here on a visit & sister
Corbit I was caled to sister
Goodell Sunday 25 snows (Mr Sessons asked Brigham [illegible])
I came home went right
back again Monday 26 put
her to bed with a daughter
born 2 AM Tuesday 27 nit
on Mr Sessions mitens Simeon
Carter Maried Last night
Wendney 28 it rained hard
last night houses leaked
bad I gave the Bishop $200
for Maryett gates yestarday
Thursday 29 I have been to see the
sick a sister Lee and others Friday 30
Mr Sessions and Lucinia came


down Saturday Dec 1 I feel bad
Mr Sessions has told me his plans
and contracts that he has made
with Hariet also what Brigham said
about it I go with Lucinia see Laiza
and to the store Mr Sessions rather
cold towards me Sunday 2 they go
back again Martha goes with them
Mr Sessions denies me a small favour
I feel very bad Monday 3 I slept
but litle last night I got up
and read to pass away time snows
all day I have to take care of the
cow and fire my feet is wet all
day I have been to see Abigail Abot
as special buisiness she denied Tuesday
4 I have to clean the snow off of the
house wet my leach make soap my
feet wet all the time Mr Sessions
comes down brings Adline B and
Martha I feel very bad Wednesday
5 [line struck] Thursday
6 he went back caried Adline left
me crying I feel very bad see that
I must live alone I commence
famifly prayer Friday 7 feel
some beter Martha slept with
me cryed much told me her
dreams it has snowed all day
I have fixed the cow pen and hen
coopr Saturday 8 nit Andrew a pair
of mitens helped Naomi quilt she
prayed with us to night caled to
Mary Shirtlief put her to bed
Sunday 9 2 oclock AM with a son
in the afternoon caled to Hariet
Snow put her to bed with


born a few minutes before 12 at night
Monday 10 as I came home I caled and
see Laizas breast Clarisa had a babe
this morning Tuesday 11 very cold has
been for some time Naomi went to
see her sister her babe frose his
cheeks Mr Sessions came down and
brought half an ox Wednesday 12
he went home again Thursday
13 I was caled to Elizabeth Taylar
she had a broken breast thawed
some Friday 14 I have got the
beaf took care of we have washed
it is geting cold again I have felt
bad for some time but as I canot
help it and beleiving all will be
right in the end I feel better
Saturday 15 Mr Sessions came home
Sunday 16 (I finished my dress) he goes back again
Monday 17 I go with sister Car
ter and with several others
at Dr Sprgues she there by us
was examined and found ina
cent of Tuesday 18 cut carpet rag
Wednesday 19 put Rachel wife
of Miles Miller to bed with a
son born 4 AM [illegible] here from
sand pitch Snowed Thursday
20 wind blows hard
Friday 21 thaws Mr Sessions (came down) here
Sisters Mary hate & Mary Mury Nate
& Charles Hyde (home) we blesed and was
blesed I feel very bad with a
numbness in my hip and side do not 


sleep much Saturday 22 I feel
worse mend Mr Sessions clothes
for him to go back my had
is very numb I can hardly hold
my pen to write or needles to
sew Sunday 23 he goes back I feel
some better Monday 24 cut me a
dress Tuesday 25 Christmas Naomi
and Martha go to see Naomis
Mother I stay a lone Cambell
came here wished me to do an
erand to Martha for him I feel
very lonesome my health is poor
the numbness is not much better I
make sweet cake have mince pie
I am so lonesome I can eat but litle
wednesday 26 put James Lewis's
wife to bed with a daughter
born 4 AM then put Mary
Ann wife of John Taylor to bed
with a son born 10 PM
Thursday 27 work on my dress
Friday 28 Mr Sessions came
down with a load of wood Colonel
here is going back Saturday 29
Mr Sessions goes back I feel bad
he said things to me that makes
me feel bad Sunday 30 I slept
but litle I wish to do right
but I fear I shall fail throu
gh sorrow Oh Lord give me
thy spirit to guide me safe
in the right way Monday
31 Mr Sessions came home
I was glad he is kind


Tuesday January 1 1850
I feel well in body he is
kind Martha Ann goes to
a party with Jackson Clothyear
Wednesday 2 I go and see
Brigham he told me what to do
Lucy Smith here Thursday 3
she staid all night Shirt
lief brought the beaf for
Baker I salt it I see sister
wheeler Friday 4 I talk with
Adline B she told me some things
Saturday 5 put Diantha Gardner
to bed with a daughter born 12
PM I expect Mr Sessions he
said he would come Sunday 6 he
did not come I have slept but
litle for the last week snowed
yesterday & to day not very cold
he came to day very kind to
me Monday 7 he goes back
Tuesday 8 I bye a mare of
Barna Ward gave 75 Dollars
for her Mr sessions brings
me a load of hay wednesday
9 he goes back Naomi goes to
her sisters Thursday 10 I am
here all alone Friday 11 put
Margarett wife of Alfred Randle
to bed with a son


born 2 21. PM the
Sessions came do to go to
Mill brought Mary &
Harriet down Saturday 12
he goes to mill Sunday 13
Hariet sealed to Mr Sessions
Monday 14 he takes (her) to the
farm with him leaves me
here alone I feel as well
as I can Rosilla Cowin
was sealed to him Oct the 3
four year last Oct = left him (1846)
three years ago last Dec - 23
went back to Nauvoo. we
have not seen here since
Tuesday 15 it snows and is
cold I am all alone feel
very lone some sister
Smith and sister Snyder
came here just at night
spend the evening it is
cleared of warm Wednes
day 16 sister Smith staid all
night Naomi came home
I went and put Sarah wife of
Lorenzo Snow to bed with
a daughter born 4 2/ PM snows
Thursday 17 it snowed last
night it is bad far me to
get out


sister Messier sent her
boys over to clear the snow
off of the house I am very glad
Friday 18 snows all day I
have to cut my wood
yestarday and to day Sat
urday 19 Mr sessions came
ddown snows all day brou
ght me a load of wood I
have been sick all day
Sunday 20 I am some better
snow 14 inches deep he goes
back Monday 21 very cold
wind blows hard snows Tuesd
day 22 more warm snows some
gnaws cold Wednesday 23 south
wind wind blows snow and
cold Thursday 24 still blows
snow flies drifts cold the worst
storm I have ever seen in the
west Friday 25 the cow is
drifted all in the hay all
under snow 3 feet deep I
have shoveled snow 2 hour
hours before I could feed
the cow and mare, then
I shoveled out the wood
I am tired out it has thaw
ed to day Saturday 26 put


Oens wife to bed with a son
born 1 [illegible] PM Sunday Mr Sessi
ons came down with hay and
beaf 1/[illegible] of an ox Monday (28) went
back Robert went to work for
him Tuesday 29 quite pleasant
Wednesday 30 pleasant
Thursday 31 good weather Mr
Sessions came brought a load o
wood and Hariet to her Fathers
to live Friday Feb 1 he went back
Sisters Taylor Smoot & Peirce here on a
visit sister Carter came Martha went
to speling school Saturday 2 wash
get very tired Hariet and sister
Snyder came here Sunday 3
Mr Sessions came down brought
Hariet here again Monday
4 my birth day our horses both
took from us to go to Utah
with out leave he and I go
and visit sister Pearce Tues
day 5 he goes back a foot
wednesday 6 had co sisters
Abot & Gardner Thursday 7
we have fine weather Friday
8 colder Saturday 9 put Sarah
Louce to bed with a son
born 2 1/7 PM Mr Sessions
came down foot Sunday 10
yesterday and to day we hear
from Utah Joseph Higbee kiled
Monday 11 Mr Sessions wishes to have
Hariet come here to live I consent
Tuesday 12 he goes home she come
when he comes down again


she has been here to day I
went up to see our lot with him
wednesday 13 Mary Ann Ruth
& Nancy here on a visit Thurs
day 14 put Reuben Millers wife
to bed with a daughter born
1 PM Russell Mary & Jenet
here on a visit Jenet staid
all night Friday 15 Baldwin girls here on a
visit Saturday 16 Mr Sessions
came home Sunday 14 Nate &
wife here all day Monday 18
Hariet moved here I went
back with Mr Sessions
Tuesday 19 Wednesday 20 Thur
sday 21 kiled the hog weig
[illegible]hed 4 - 25 lbs Friday 22 we
came home I was sick all
night Saturday 23 Sunday
24 he goes back caryes Rebecka
Hawk with him Monday 25 pleas-
ant [illegible] Bernhisels wife here Tuesday
[word scratched through] snowed the horse came
home from Utah looks very bad
[word crossed out] (my mare) is left could not get him
home she has lost her colt and
thare her back very bad some
thinks she will die Thursday 27
I send the horse North by Br
Kilburn Friday [smudge] Naomi gone
to her Mothers to get Nate to
move here to her house
March 1


Saturday March 2 put
Sophia Taylor to bed with
a son born 2 1/1 AM Mr
Sessions came down Sunday 3
Naomi moved away from
here into her own house Mon 2
Mr ses-- went back I rode with
him to see Sophia warm and
mudy Hariet gone to Ja = Woolseys
Tuesday 5 I went to see Wells
about my mare she is left at
cotten wood she lost her colt while
in the war at Utah and had her
back tore very bad Wells said
she should be brought to me
as soon as she can be got here
with out riding her and Capt
Grant is to colect the damage
for me of Rolin for abusing the
mare Wednesday 6 sisters Hatch
& Mullin here on a visit [letters crossed out]
Hariet gone to [two words crossed out] help her aunt
to move into another house She has
been gone some where every day
since she came here Thursday [smudge]
Friday 8 we have washed
Saturday 9 Mr Sessions came down
horse back Sunday 10 he went
back again I then went put sister
Mitchel to be with a son born
11 3/1 PM Monday 11 I have not
been well for some time Charles
Hyde here Tuesday 12 Marth ann
went to a party with Wm Smoot
last night Wednesday 13 she and
Hariet went to g see Lucinda Walsey


Thursday 14 they wash it has snow
ed the house leakes I have been
to see a sick child and also sister
Mitchel Aunt Ann here Friday 15
snow 5 inches deep snowes some now
Saturday 16 [illegible words inserted] Mr Sessions came down
with hay Sunday 17 (Aunt Ann maried) he went home
Monday 18 put Elizabeth wife of
Beriel Cavinton to bed with a daughter
born 7 1/? AM Tuesday (19) Hariet
went to the Eeast part of
the City to look in a peep
stone for a stranger Wed
nesday 20 she came home
(sister Prat here visit)
Thursday 21 I visited Abigail
Abot Friday 22 Martha ann
has been sick but she is better
some hay and wood hea(r)d that
my mare died last Tuesday
night Sat 23 he went back again Sun-
24 rained last night Mond 25 rained
house leaked Tuesday 26 rains
we have took down the bacon that
was smoking Wednesday 27 put Caroline
wife of Wm Huntington to bed with
a daughter born 3 AM then went
to see Naomi Thursday 28 we have
washed to day sister Carter is
here Frid 29 I visited with sisters
Pratt & Holmes at sister Loves Mr
Sessions came down horse back
Carlos came down Sat 30 we took
out our potatoes sunday 31


they went back Monday April 1
in the evening caled to sister Bring
herst she got better I staid all
night Tuesday 2 put Pegga Ann
wife of Wm Sperry to bed with
a son born 12 1/7 PM Wednesday
I put Mary wife of Isaac Hatch
to bed with a son born 7 Am
Thursday 4 visited Alzada Alreds babe
Friday 5 saw it again made medicines
for it and others Mr Sessions and
Mary came down Saturday 6 we went
to confrence had a good meeting
Sunday 7 we went again he went
back to the farm I went put
sister Bringherst to bed with
a pair of twins son and daugh
ter she born 10 PM son 11 PM
Monday 8 rains Confrence ad=
=jorned Tusday 9 Mary went home
and Martha with her Wednesday 10
we washed Baret moved away
I worked burning straw and raken
it up in the garden Thursday 11
Friday 12 I have made Mr sessions a
hat this week to day I have been to
get sister Winter to make Martha
a bonnet Sat 13 went to cary my bonnet
to her Mr Sessions came down and
Martha I rode [word crossed out] with him in the
waggon part way we came back he
plowed a litle in the garden Sunday
14 do not go to meeting He went home
Hariet and Martha went to meet
ing when he went he went home Mond
ay 15 washed I worked on the


Tuesday 16 worked in the garden
the wind blew [crossed out word] our stove pipe
down rained Wed 17 snowed
last night I went and put
Mary Sealey to bed with a
son born 8 AM then wrote
a letter to Elisha my Br
and one to PG Thursday 18 put
sister Love to bed with a daughter
born 12 - 1/7 PM Friday 19 I have
been put my letter in the [smudge]
mail and to other places
then went and put Elen wife of
Lorenzo Snow to bed with a
daughter born 5 2/? PM Satur
day 20 Sunday 21 Mr Sessions came
down we went to meeting he went
home left Lucinia Monday 22 (22 Tuesd)
[Next line and half scribble through] she and I
visited at Dr Richardsons Tues
day 23 Mr Sessions came down John
with him plowed the garden We
dnesday 24 I put Eliza Ostran
=der to bed with a daughter born
5 AM Br Hanks and wife
started to day for the Islands
Russel and others Mr Sessions
went home I have set up
my leach Thursday 25 rained Fri
=day 26 rained till noon I then


sowed ionions and Beats Satday
27 Mr Sessions came down
Sunday 28 did not go to meeting
Monday 29 Mr Sessions went to
mill Tuesday 30 he went home
Wednes May 1 I have planted
potatoes making soap Thursday
2 made soap Friday 3 washed Satur
day 4 Mr Sessions & Mary came down
sunday 5 did not go to meeting
he had to hunt the cow found
her she had been gone 6 days
Monday 6 I have been to get
the lot fenced I got the poles
drawed thene paid 1:25 (cts) for it
cut James some clothes Tuesday 7
I went to see Loiza got some brown
linen to to make James some aprons
Wednesday 8 I have sowed the last
garden seeds I have sowed [letters crossed out] &
[smudged word] planted the most of the lot
I then went to Dr Richards to
a medical meeting Thursday 9
worked on Marthas dress Friday 10
finished it Saturday 11 Mr Sessions came
down Sunday 12 went to meeting then
went home sister Buels child drown
=ed yesterday Monday 13 he came
down again to see Brigham Tuesday 14
went home again I went and put
sister Cains to bed with a son born
5 2/1 AM Wednesday 15 Thursday 16 he
came down again (Dimic & wife here) Friday 17 went home
satd 18 he came down again Sunday 19
we do not go to meeting Martha &
Hariet went


noon he went home I staid alone with
her child Monday 20 I washed a big
wash Tuesday 21 made curtains wedns
22 I went to the medical meeting
Thursday 23 good groing weather
Fridayy 24 Mr Sessions came down
[first half of line marked through] Saturday 25 it is
training day Mr Sessions went home
Sunday 26 we all went to meeting
Hariets boy went for the first
time Monday 27 I washed some
emigrants came in a frost last
night kiled some things
[emigrants 24 written on side of page]
Tuesday 28 I have planted over
again more emigrants came in
Wednesday 29 cut my gingham dress
Thursday 30 Mr Sessions came down I
(sister Teaples her first time)

went put sister Willie to bed with
a daughter born 9 PM Friday 31
Mr Sessions went home Saturday June
1 finish my dress Sunday 2 [letters crossed out]
we all went to meeting Mr
Sessions came down staid allone
Monday 3 he went back again I
watered the garden Tuedsay 4 I
hoed the garden then helped
wash Harriets Aunt fany here
Wenday 5 she is here still I go to the
medical meeting Thursday 6 they all
go to the fast meeting I stay at home
take care of her boy Friday 7 Satday
S. Fany here still Mr Sessions came
down Sunday 9 he went to mill we
all went to meeting [letters crossed out] I got three
letters from Sylvia PG & David
she is not coming she has got
maried there fore she cannot come


Monday 10 I am much disapoin
ted but I try to think all
will be right in the end
Mr Sessions goes home I
go and see Naomi Tuesday 11
Eliza Fox here on a visit
she sais Sylvia has maried a
good man [letters crossed out] I have wattered
the lot here Wednes 12 got an
emigrant to hoe it I have
hoed the garden Thursday 13 I have
set out plants an hoed till 3 am
tired almost out Friday 14 I have
seen a man from Iowa city well
acquainted with Sylvia and David
also with Mr Cleark I went
to Pearces to see him Saturday
15 Mr Sessions & Mary came down
Sund 16 we all went to meeting
they went home Monday 17 I went
and contracted for ten thousand
dabys to build a house [letters crossed out] made
me a cap Tuesday 18 put down
my carpet we had a hard frost
last night kiled a good deal
wednasday 19 bought me a horse gave
37 dollars for it to B. Ward
Thursday 20 made two pair mocasans
one for Martha the other for James
Friday 21 made a truss for clineman
it is quite warm it has been very
cold on the low land almost all the
corn and vines kiled by the frost
Saturday 22 he came down fell
from his horse hurt him bad
Sunday 23 he went home felt bad
from his fall


I was caled to Philip Lewis
put his wife to bed with a
son born 9 - 3/7 PM Monday 24
wash and work in the garden
Tuesday 25 here alone Mr Sessions
came down went back again settled
for damage done in sister Clarks
garde David came Wednes 26
PG came I went up to his house
with him Thursday 27 came
home David and his Father
came home with me Friday 28
Mr Sessions went to mill
sold 50 lb flour 50 cents
per pound bought two dress
paterns one for Hariet $10 one
mine $ 11- 82 (cts) Saturday 29 I have 

Settled with some men to board
(put sister Turnbow to bed)

took PG [these lines are jumbled and difficult to determine the order]
with a son born 2 AM
meeting (with) Monday July 1 Mr Sessions
put up the fence on PGs lot sis
Wilson here Tuesday 2 hoed the
garden David and Martha came
down from PGs Wednesday 3
Mr Sessions & David has gone
to Mill I have sold 61 lb flour
21 lb meal for 25 - 84 Thursday
4 Mr Sessions went to the farm
Friday 5 washed fore noon then
took Julia Baldwin through a
course of medicine Saturday 6 visit
ed the sick Sunday 7 went to
meeting Mr Sessions came down


with a load of wood Monday 8 we
washed Sister Call here to have
me doctor her babe took it through
a course of medicine Tuesday 9 David
went home took a boy home with
him to herd Wednesday 10 put sister
Harrigan to bed with a daughter
born 5 AM Thursday 11 visited
her again Sisters Leman & Covington
(cut Hariet a dress)
here on a visit Friday 12 Merill
Bartlett here staid all night
Saturday 13 cut Marthann a dress
she and Hariet has gone to see Lucy
Jane on a visit I take care of her babe
Sunday PG & Lucinia & David came
down to meeting I did not go Martha
went Monday 15 cut here a new (white) dress
Tuesday 16 sister Carter helped to ma
ke Mr Sessions went to the
farm Wednesday 17 he came back
we finished Marthas white dress
Thursday 18 Mr Sessions went to the
farm again I visited sister Smoot
Friday 19 I visited sister Pearce he
has got home Saturday 20 Naomi
here wishes to come back here
to live again we have conclude
to let her come but Hariet
sais if she does she will go
away there will be so much
more work to do sunday 21
I have sent a line to Naomi
not to come


she did not get it Monday 22 she
came here (to live) I was caled to sister
Mitchel Tuesday 23 put her to
bed with a son born 3 2/7 PM
Wednesday 24 put Mary Egan to
bed with a son 2 2/7 PM went
to the Aniversiry all day Thurs
day 25 I have worked so hard I am
so tired I am almost sick Friday 26

Work hard Saturday 27 Sunday 28 I
wrote a letter to Br Jons [illegible] Monday
29 I washed a large wash (Mr Sessions went to the farm) Tuesday
30 [letters crossed out] Elijah Ward brought me
eighty dollars for my mare
that was last an died by hard
ussage in the war with the Utah
Indians last February Ward
leaves here to day to go back
and meet the morman emigratio
on I paid [illegible] 1:25 dollars last
week for babies and hauling [illegible]
them to the spot Wednesday 31 Mr
Sessions came home last night sick is
quite sick to day I have been and
put sister Woodbury to bed with
a daughter born 9 AM I then
went to the medical meeting saw
a Dr [letters crossed out] Vaun heard him and
Br Benson talk came home Mr
Sessions no better Thursday
August 1 he is no better but
grows worse I go and get med
icine for him give him a
metic Friday 2 worse Satur


day 3 worse I send for the
children think he will not
live at night he apears
better the children came
Dr Vaun came to see him
Sunday 4 he holds better the
PG and wife goes home David
stays Monday 5 the Dr came
again he apears full as fa
vourable to day we think it
is numb palsey that he has
as he has no use of his lower
limbs and is almost senceless
Tuesday 6 complains of aching in
his back (Dr came again) we think he is better
Wednesday 7 a bout the same
no use of his legs David is
here Thursday 8 [word crossed out] I think he
is worse more senceles Friday 9 I know
he is worse David goes for PG and Mary
they came down did not know PG
when he came nor Mary or David
know me just before and kissed
me we sent for Br Magen Lee
came to take his portrait Satday 10
he is still senceless no better PG & Mary
goes home he & Lucinia came down
at night he is worse snores very
hard we have him administered
to and turn him over he breathes
esier apears to sleep quiet the most
of the night Sunday 11 groes worse
has not spoke since Friday but
I think he knows what we say


ten o clock he died very easy lost
the use of his hands yestarday
morning we are quite shure it
was numb palsey came on gradu
aly Monday 12 we buried him
I [letter crossed out] now feel my loss but do not
mourn as one that has no hope for
I do feel that my loss is his gain
yet I cannot help weeping and
feeling bad PG and family went
home David staid with me Tuesday
13 Oh how lonesome I am David
goes up to the farm Wednesday 14
I put Jacob F C(S)ecrist wife to
bed with a son born 5 1/? AM
I then went to the medical meeting
to Hariets boy with me Br Brigham
was there Thursday 15 I went on a
visit with Sisters Smoot & Hunter
to Pres? Youngs to see his women
Frid 16 altered my dresses Sister Collins
was here and C Hide Sat. 17 I [two words marked through]
was to sister Secrist she had took
cold found her very sick Sund 18
it looks like heavy [smudge](r)ain but does
not I went to meeting then went home
with PG Mond 19 Tuesd 20 David and
I went to see sister Roads and her 3
babys Wednesd 21 I came home went
to the store Thursd 22 went again Fri
23 put Mrs Sweet to bed with a
daughter born [illegible] AM


then put sister Robinson to bed
with a son born 8 1/7 PM Satday
24 Sunday 25 did not go to meeting
Monday 26 David & PG came down
David went to mill Tuesd 27 PG
went home Wed 28 David came back
went home Naomi with him I
went to see Ralfs house then to
the medical meeting then to the
store Thursd 29 then to sister
Smoots in the fore noon in the
Afternoon I had Co sisters Smoots
Dimic wife and his sisters & Abig
=ail Abot Friday 30 did up caps Sat
day 31 Hariet gone to Cotten wood
I have had two men here to get
boarded Drs Vaugn &
here to see us I then went to
a quilting at sisters Smoots it rained
quite cool Sund Sept 1 the men re=
turned staid all night Mond 2
I worked on Marthas black dress
Tuesd 3 put sister Canida to bed
with a son born 11 2/? PM Wed 4
put Wm= Lanys wife to bed with
a daughter born 11 3/7 PM Thurs 5
Thurs 5 I went visiting at Father
Abots and went to the bath house
Frid 6 Confrence I went Satd 7
I went again Sunday 8 I went again
it ajourned Mond 9 sewing Davids
pants Tuesd 10 we washed wed 11
I went to the medical


meeting Thursd 12 sewed Frid 13
I visited sister drawn sister
Ensign there came here in
the afternoon Satd 14 wrote
a letter to Sylvia and one
to my Br Jon = David finishe
hauling the wheet Sunday 15
I went to meeting Mond 16 I went
to the store Tuesd 17 I washed Wed
18 We hear of the Indians fuss
the men gone to Brawns to see
to it David came down Thurs 19
he went to mill came hear
again Friday (20) he went home
we hear that the Indians
have fled I have doubled my
carpet yarn made sister Inaun
a cap Sat 21 Sund 22 did not go to
meeting Monday 23 (washed) Whitney [illegible]ice
Tuesd 24 [two words have been struck]Martha went
to the farm Wed 25 I was caled
to sist Mc Conols she had fits
put in a quilt Thursd 26 quilted
Frid 27 got my quilt out PG
and Martha came home PG
caught a grisley Bear [word scribbled through}
hear that Charlotte Snow
died last Tues [word scribbled through] Satur 28
I went up to PG Sund 29 they
caught another grisley Bear I
came home the California
boys came in Amisa & C


Mond 30 I went to the store
bought 20 lb coffee Tuesd Oct
1st David came got the carriage
yesterday Wed 2 Thurs 3 I put
on a quilt Frid 4 Hariet went up
north Satd 5 I got my quilt
out I went last night to see
Br Lenard he has his leg
broke in two places Sunday 6
I went to meeting PG caught anoth
er grisley Bear Mond 7 Hariet
has come back [letter crossed out] to her mothers
sent for her things by her
mother I did not let them go
untill she came herself I told
her she was going away from
home and she would be sorry
for it for she never had as
good a home before she said
she had had a good home here
she knew I asked her if I
had not used her well and
her child she said yes in
the presence of Naomi and
Martha Ann her Mother and
aunt was here I told her I
should not let her come
back again if she went away
nor I should not board
her away from here
[word struck through] I have been to get
me a ring made with David [word struck through]
Tues 8 Wed 9 Thurs(d) 10 finished Mar
thas dress Frida 11 sewed carpet rags
Satud 12 made a cusheon cover
Sund 13 PG sent me 50 lb sugar


I did not got to meeting PG caught
another Bear Mond 14 I washed
Tuesd 15 put Emily Sperry to
bed with a son born 1 2/7 PM
very cold Wed 16 put Claricy
Hoit to bed with a daughter born
4 AM then put Martha Straten
to bed with a daughter born 9 PM
Thurs 17 David down here dug my
ionions yestarday Martha went to
[word scribbled through] Naomi to her Mothers
Fri 18 I have been to the office
and saw Heber he talked with
me about my lot at ER Snows
Satd 19 I went to settle with
Hariet PG ofered to give her
$1:50;00 a year to be paid
quarterly PG and Lucinia staid
all night Sund 20 I did not go
to meeting went put sister
Clark to bed with a daughter
born 11 PM Monday 21 Harrison
Walton started for the
States Tuesd 22 I went to see
Lorenzo Snows child Wed 23
I bated wool by carding it
and tied my comforter PG &
his men came down brought
Harriet 12 bushel wheet and
a quarter of beaf and dut
my potatoes Thurs 24 they
finished diging and buried
them took a waggon bed
full for tithing to the


I have visited sister
Straten twice she is sick
Frid 25 made my comforter
Satd 26 I went to the Office
to get PGs land put on record
Sund 27 did not go to meeting
Mond 28 put sister Empy to
bed with a daughter born 6
AM I then went Br
Woodfruff bought me some
crocery ware bowls cups &c
Br Joseph Straten died
(David brought the white cow down)
Tues 29 (took the other hamer) quilted a peticoat
Wed 30 put sister Judd to
bed with a miss cariage dug
my beets Thursd 31 I twisted
carpet yarn it rains PG
came here hired Charles
Foster David and Briant
staid here night before last
Frid Nov 1 doubled and twisted more
put Aaron Fanns wife to bed with
a son born 7 1/7 PM [word crossed out] Mrss Clother
Hate Stewart here visiting rained
Satd 2 snow 8 inches deep Martha
cleanes it of the house ground
not froze the first snow we have
had this faul to lay on the ground
Sund 3 rains & snows all day


Mond 4 rains some snow Tuesd 5 fair
Wed 6 Briant and Carlos came
down brought me a load of
wood and caried me to the
medical meeting and took
my cow home to PGs to
winter Thursd 7 Charles Hyde
& Dr Morse here to Dinner fine
weather Frid 8 Satd 9 took Hite
into my house he is to pay 3 dollars
per month Sund 10 I went & laid
Br Shirtliefs child (Barney Ward) out 11
months old born Dec 9 - (1849) 2 AM
Mond 11 warm Martha & Naomi 
gone visiting sister Beach Tues 12
I went up to PGs Lucinia sick
Wed 13 she is beter the young mom
is better Thursd 14 (Naomi went away) both better
Friday 15 Mary sick I came home
Martha went up Satd 16 I am
all alone Naomi moved away
last Thursd the 14 Sund 17 put Emer
=ett Loisa wife of Alfred Randall
to bed with a son born 10
to bed with a son 10 2/7 AM
Mond 18 put sister Smith to
bed with a son born 12 2/7 PM
Tues 19 set up my leach run out
the lye Wednd 20 Briant staid here
last night the mail has come
in I have wrote a letter to
Sylvia then go to the medical
meeting PG gone to mill


Thursd 21 he came back I have
made 77 lb soft soap Frid
22 made mince pies Satd 23
picked up some of my things to
move into my house Sund 24
Martha came home got some
clothes went back again David
started for Utah yestarday
Monday 25 I went and see
Br Leanard and Sister Bring=
=herst Tues 26 caried my carpet
rags to the weaver then washed
Wed 27 I have been and cleaned
out my new house am very tired
Thursd 28 did ironed and did
up caps Friday 29 baked mince
pies Satd 30 visited at Br Andrews
he was sick came home Br Hill
spent the evening here Sund Dec
1 put sister Carter to bed with
a son born 7 2/7 AM I then
went and see Harriet James
got his lip cut I am alone this
evening no one in the house I now
think of days gone by when I had
a husband Oh Lord comfort
my heart and give me thy
spirit and to do right at all
times Monday 2 David and Charles
came down to move me into
my house Tuesday 3 I move into
my house Marthann came down
She David & Charles stay with
me Wed 4 Charles went home
rented my house 2 months?


David stays here he got [word scratched through]
my new carpet gave $3-50 (cts)
for weaving I feel very lone
some Oh if my husband was
with me as he was onece how
happy I could be but I must
now be as happy as I can. Thur
5 I regulate my things Friday 6
David got me some window curtains (words written above unreadable may be his boot?)
I put them up Sat 7 made
my carpet Sund 8 Briant & Charles
came down brought me a load of
wood David gone home & Charles
Briant stays Martha gone to the
fort I am here alone it has
been very cold ever since
I moved Mond 9 I have been
to the fort to see sister Taylor
child it has a scalt head I sh[illegible]

charge two dollars for visit and med
icine Briant has cut up my wood
Tues 10 he has gone home we clean
-ed the house Wed 11 fixed my toilet
Thurs 12 put sister Elizabeth Shirt
=leif to bed with daughter born 10 2/7
PM Frid 13 put Elizabeth Walker
to bed with a daughter born 9 2/7 [word scratched through]
AM PG & Mary came down here
Satday I went to see Sister Lawrece
on Buterfield Sund 15 pleasant weather
PG and Mary went home
& Briant and Charles Smoot
here Mond 16 I put sister [smudge]


Camkin to bed with a
daughter born 5 AM came home
went to sister Walker gave her
ametic Tuesd 17 cut me a dress Wed
18 put Harriet Sessions to bed with
a son born 5 AM it snowed [letter crossed out]
Thurs 19 we washed Friday (20) sewed
on my dress Satd 21 David here I put
down my carpet Sund 22 Mary
Ann Brown here Mond 23 fixed Mar
thas things for Christmas Tues 24 she
went to the bath house gone all night
Dimic & Zina here a while Wed 25
I made a chicken pie sisters Giles
& Fox here eat supper Thursd
26 Martha is going to the infare

of Abigail Abots weding she
is Married to day Friday 27 PG
and Lucinia came down we went to the
Exebition at the bowry Satd 28 PG
setled up his and his Fathers tithing
also for buiding my house
$7-70 Sund (29) they went home
Martha and I went down to
see Hariette Mond 30 I washed

Tuesd 31 Martha at school yest
and to day I baked mince pies
this is the last day of the year
and I feel to thank the Lord
that I am alive and well
and my children my husband
is gone and left me and I
feel that my loss is his gain
David (Sessions) and Moses Dailey here
to dinner



March 5 1850
sister Hatch told me many
things by cards that I should
lose mony [word scratched through] and hunt for
it long time but I would find
it a man would owe me money
and I would be troubled to get it
that I would go to a feast see a
man there I had not seen for
a long time and would be glad
to see him that Mr Sessions
would be sick but would get well
that I would go to a funerel of a
young man I should feel bad
that a dark complected man
and (dark) wife would come on here
no children that a light com-
plected woman would cause me
a good deal of trouble and feel
ings that I would have a long
talk with a light com-ted (free) man
she thought Brigham that a dark
com= woman would tell many
things about me false but after
a while she would come and
ask my forgiveness and be a good
friend that Mr sessions would
be presant at the arival of the
man and wife when they came on

that I would get a large sum of




Patty Sessions

{FH=This page is the inside back cover of Patty Sesions journal}
{FH=It seems to be a place where she jotted notes about purchases - but they are unclear}