
Transcript for Elijah Larkin diaries, 1854-1867, 470-506

31st July 1863[.] We Started again at day break, & arived at Florence at 8 A.M. w[h]ere we landed with our Luggage very thankfull were done with the Boat which was the worst Hell hole I ever was in. I bathed with my boys & others in the River but the Teams were soon down to the River to fetch us & off we Started for camp about four Miles above the City[.] Wm Read was Kindly recieved by Mrs Hall at the Florence Hotel, were he Staid untill we started on the plains. Hannah Webb I went to Bro. Pipers who Kept the principal Store in Florence as his Wife was sick were she also staid[.] On our way to Camp the Scene[r]y was mountainous & beautifull. the day was very Hot. we drank at a beautifull cold Spring on the way[.] Ruths [Coe] Knee was a little better, but she could not put her foot on the Ground. Provisions was served out as soon as we got to Camp, which were very acceptable as many could not get sufficient to eat comeing up the River[.] we soon fetched wood & the fires were going all round the camp, & we had a hearty meal of first Class, Bacon & Hot Cakes made with Soleratus [saleratus] that was served out with dried Apples. I got Bro. [Edward] Sloans & [William] Pinnocks familys next to mine & the cambridge Saints except M.A. Wagstaff who had Stoped at Florence with Sister Sykes & Saw they had Wood to burn & were as as comfortable as we could be under the circumstances which was Heaven itself, compared with the Railway & Steam Boat Traveling & after Singing & praying we retired to rest.

Saturday Augt 1st 1863. Provisions were Served in abundance to all the Camp. Ours was the Dixie Train. Danl. McArther [McArthur] Captain, the Boat with the remainder of our Luggage & Passengers & also the Cynoshure [Cynosure] Saints & Baggage arived at Omahaw [Omaha] Yesterday & landed her freight, & Passengers as she could not get any further up the River. we went & claimed our Luggage, which was all weighed before we removed it from the Ground. Bros. Sloan & Pinnock arived quite worn down with care & fatigue. they informed me after we left Bro[ther] Wm Day of Luton Beds [Bedfordshire] England Bathed in the River at St. Jo[seph] & was drowned on the 29th ult & that a Scotchish boy 9 Yrs of age fell down the Water Pipe Hatchway comeing up the River & was drowned & his Boddy [body] could not be found. I went & Saw Wm. & Hannah to day.

2nd A heavy thunder Storm passed over our camp last night. To day I made arangements with the Capn. to have Jno. [John] McCleaves Waggon to take us accross the pla[i]ns & got our baggage packed in[.] Bro. Sloan arived at camp to day[.] I went to Florence to the Church Store & purchased various articles for the Journey, & saw Wm. & Hannah[.] brought Hannah back to camp with me.

3rd Our Luggage was all weighed for the plains & we began to repack it. I made a mistake in my Son Jos[eph Smith Larkin] Age & so he crosed the plains as an adult. Wm. Read arived at Camp to day much better & Ruths Knee was also better. My wife & Hannah washed all our Clothes ready for the Journey.

4th We got all our baggage safely packed in our wagon which consisted of my familys Sisters Ruth Coe[,] Hannah Webb[,] Martha Larkins & Wm. & Chas. Reads[.] Our Teams went down to Florence & fetched provisions[.] Bro Gad from Capn. Whites Train came & wished me to leave the Dixie Train & go in his but I refused.

5th Our Capn. decided to take 50 persons & their baggage in our Train that were to leave for another. we were very busey all day getting everything fixed for the Journey. I obtained a Bake Kittle [kettle] for our use on the plains

Thursday Augt 6th 1863. Camp rolled out between 3 & 4 P.M. to little Pappillion, [Papillon] a distance of five miles & camped for the night. Bro Sloan was appointed chaplain & to go ahead of the Passengers so that none might be lost or stray especially when we were in the Indian Country by our beloved Capn. D. McArther

7th The Camp was awoke at daybreak & as soon as all was readdy was moveing & travelled to Elk Horn & carroled for the night[.] the day was hot[,] country verry Hilly which made it heavy work for the Oxen. Pra[i]rie chickens & other birds were verry plentifully & some of the Boys went Shooting[.] at the Sound of the Horn evening & morning the Saints assembled in the centre of the Carroll for prayers &.c.

8th Camp rolled out at 7 1/5 A.M. & travelled to the Platte River & stoped for the night. Wild Grapes & flowers were in abundance especially Sunflower. the Road was Sandy & Heavy[.] several myself included decided to walk the whole of the Journey health permitting[.] Jas Andrews our 2nd Captain Shot the first rattle Snake I had I had ever seen from his Horse through the Head[.] it was 4 yrs old[.] Bro. Sloan had the rattle

9th Sunday. Camp rolled out at 8¼ A.M. Nooned by the Platte were we saw the first Indian lodge, & Indians of the Pawnee tribe. the day was verry hot & traveling very heavy. camped by the Platt at, 6. P.M. Bro. Sloan Killed a four year old Rattle Snake[.] I had the rattle. To night we had a verry heavy Thunder Storm & the rain came down in torrents[.] Wm. Read better & walked. Ruths Knee also better.

10th This morning the Storm continued so that we could not Travel to day. my Son Geo. W. & Chas Read were detailed to guard the Cattle from 12. to 6. P.M. The rain continued the decend almost all day.

11th We Started on our Journey at 7⅓ A.M. The first death that of Bro. & Sister Kings Child aged three years took place to day at 3. P.M. the Child had been sick for some time. Traveling verry wet Muddy & heavy, across a flat Country. Thunder & Lightening at intervals all day. Camped for the night Nine Miles East of Columbia

12th Bro. Kings Child was burried before we left Camp this morning[.] we Travelled nine miles & croosed the South Fork of the Platte by the Ferry, at Noon, got over all safe, most all the Saints waded the shallow part of the Stream, (several Painted Indians were at the Ferry, & begged for food which was given to them.) we Travelled on about a mile & camped for the night

13th Started at 6.45 A.M. the Capn. repaired a Bridge near his brotherinlaws House. Ruth walke(d) a short distance to day for the first time since we left Florence. the Road was dry & level. Nooned at a bent of the Platte. This was our best days Journey, haveing travelled twenty Miles. camped by Platte

14th Started at 6 A.M. passed numerous Islands in the bed of the Platt to day which looked beautifull, & presented quite a romantic appearance[.] Nooned by the river, my wife bought a bottle of Painkiller at a Store we passed with a Gold dollar I gave her in england, for which she was allowed a dollar & ten cents in Greenbacks[.] my Son George W. was taken sick to day. the boys went fishing & a black catfish 80 lbs & a gold Cut [catfish] 50 lbs were brought into camp, near the River.

15th Started at 7. A.M. I went fishing with Wm. & Chas & we caught a large quantity of various Kinds. I also told my family to walk all they could as we were loaded verry heavy. The Islands in the River bed which was almost dry looked splendid. Bro. Robt. Locks Daughter Hannah Toplin aged 3 Yrs died in the Waggon between 10 & 11 A.M. & was burried this evening in Hall County, Nebrasker [Nebraska]

16th Started at 7 ¾ A.M. We left the Platte to day & passed Wood River Bridge, were we saw & gathered wild plums. Bros. Spate & Whitehorn left us & stoped at the Steam saw mills near the Bridge. Geo. W. & Ruth not so well, to day, I talked with Hannah abot going in free

17th Started at 7. P.M. Travelled alongside of Wood River. We Gathered some splendid wild plums to day in the wood. Spate & Whitehorn came to camp in a Mule Team & fetched their Luggage[.] The Capn. remonstrated with them but to no purpose. Camped at Wood River

18th Started at 7 A.M. Bro. Sloan Sick & I was appointed to fill his place & march ahead of the people. Camped at Wood River Centre[.] I wrote & posted a Letter to Sister King at the Valley. an saw Antelope This Afternoon, but they were verry wild. was Killed & brought into camp to day Ruth made some splendid Pies with the Wild Plums. bouth [both] herself & Geo. were better today. Over. passed a prarie dog citty to day. the Grass was almost burned up with the Sun. we Travelled two Hours after Sun Set & Camped by a Slough near the Platte for the night. A Child of Bro. Hen[r]y Fowler & another of Bro. Kings died at 7. A.M. & were Buried near the Camping place this evening.

Wednesday 19th Augt 1863. Started at 6½ A.M. Travelled 12 Miles & Nooned by the Platte. Just before we broke Carroled[.] Haughly Birch [Bliss] a Teamster shot a young Antelope. Just as we started again a verry heavy Thunder Storm broke upon[.] the Lightning was Terrific & the Rain came down in Torrents[.] Travelled four Miles & Camped for the night at Elm Crreek [Creek.]

20th Started at 6½ A.M. it was a fine pleasant & delightful morning. Bro. [William] Pinnock & Self took our Rifles. but game was verry scarce[.] I shot a Skunk the first one I ever saw & it was the first time I ever shot a Rifle in my life. we struck the Platte at 4 P.M. & Camped for the night.

21st Started at 6½ A.M. & went Shooting with Bro. Pinnock[.] Lydia, Daughter of Jno. Court of Birmingham aged 5 Yrs & 5 M died to day. Sister [Ellen M.] Athen [Athey] of Whitechapel branch was also delivered of a Daughter at 9. P.M.

22nd Started at, 8. A.M. about 100 of our Oxen haveing Strayed during the night. I took my rifle with Bro.[.] P.M. saw Antelope on the Bottom but could not get near them. we went over the Hills but could not find any Game. Ed. Jas. son of Ja[me]s. Bell of [blank space] died at 3½ A.M. & was burried with Bro. Courts Child beetween 60 & 70 Miles above Kearney. North side of the Platte. Ruth Knee much better & she walked 5 Miles[.] Wm. Reads face much swolen through cold. The Rugged & Paked Bluffs on the South side of the River Shelving down almost to the waters edge as the declineing Sun reflected his bright rays upon them in some places & at others were they were shaded casting a gloom upon them formed a Picture so noble Grand & Majetic, that any artist might do well to Study. Having Travelled about 10 Miles[.] noon we camped by the Platte were Fire Wood & Water were plentifull. Haughly Bliss Shot a Buffelow to day apart of which was brought to camp[.] Camped for the night 15 miles from Pawnee Springs

Sunday Augt 23rd1863 Started at at 7 A.M Camp rolled out at 7 A.M. Nooned at Skunk Springs, just as the Oxen were being yoked again[.] A Bufaloe was seen near the camp which was chased by Jas. Andrews without success. Campd at Sundown at Pawnee Springs. A freight Train from Denver passed us shortly after we had camped. A Cold N. W. during the day. the night was very cold & a heavy dew fell.

24th This morning at 6 Oclock with Wm. Read & my Rifle I left Camp & soon found the Rifle would not go off. I lent it to one of the cattle Guard. went back & Bro. Pennock said the Bro. I lent it to yesterday had loaded it without biting off the end of the cartridge[.] after a long time we got her off & then Started again into the Bluffs. as we were returning A splendid Buck Elk, got up about a yard from me. Wm. had the Rifle & fired but missed. we had much dificulty in crossing a Stream wading through the Tall Grass & yellow Flowers, but got to the Noon camp near the Platte all right. this afternoon I went out again with Bro. Sloan, but got nothing of any count, & camped by the Platte haveing Travelled about 21 miles during the day. The Bluffs on the left Side of us presented a noble appearance some places they were (illegible) up to the Road at others[,] miles away.

25th Camped rolled out a[t] 7 A.M. Travelled to the north Bluff fork of the Platte & crossed over. Then Crossed over two terrible Sand Hills one was more than two miles over. the Sand sinkind down several inches at every step. Camped at Crabb Creek, a few minutes after Sundown haveing Travelled about 17 or 18 miles during the day.

26th Started at 7¼ A.M Crossed very heavy sand Hills, & several Creeks over which I carried as many of the Sisters as wished to save the Oxen. Hills on the East. Bluffs on the West of the River with Peaks & Craggs all around us. made a most romantic & pleasant Picture. Passed Sam[ue]l. Hoyt with four Waggons of Freight this morning. a[t] Noon Bro. F Little, Wm. Clough & party our Emigrating agents at Florence passed us & stoped in camp a short time haveing made the distance in eight days. At 1. P.M. Cha[rle]s. Lenney [Linney] of the Southampton Conference died & was buried this evening near (the) Camp at two Springs. he had been ill a long time.

Thursday Augt 27th 1863 Camp started at 7 A.M. Crossed Rattle Snake Creek at 9½. nooned at 11, & left at 2. P.M. Travelled about 18 Miles & Camped by the Platte. travelling very hard, & sandy during the day. Saw & gathered ground Cherys [cherries] for the first time to day. one of Bro. Spragues Oxen, (an independent Waggon gave out but arived about two Houres after we camped) we passed the greaves [graves] of two Irish femals Killed by a Stampeede

28th Left Camp at 7 A.M. Crosed Wolf Creek. then a very high Sand hill. myself[,] Wife & Ruth went round it & saw a beautiful Cream colored Fox. just before we reached the train again Bro. Gale passed us in a great hurry with a quantity of fish in his hand[.] the[y] had been bitten by a Rattlesnake. Nooned by the Platte then travelld to Ash Hollow & camped for the night. shortly after Sun down we met the bretheren that had been left in charge of the Flour when the train came down with flags flying & tin Kettles playing instead of drums, in full marching order, & right glad to see us.

29th We loaded up the flour & Started at, 8. A.M. Crossed Ash Hollow Creek, & a dry slough which caused us to travel to the Platte, without nooning. the weather was excessively hot, & heavy Traveling. Camp at 6. P.M. I then assisted Bro. Dix to serve out the Bacon, & was appointed Capn. to start out ahead of the Train & see all was right

30th Camp Started at 7. A.M. nooned by the Platte from 11 A.M. to 2 P.M. then Travelled untill after Sundow(n) making about nineteen miles during the day. Heard Wolves all around us.

31st I sounded the Horn about 6 A.M. & Started on ahead of the Train according to appointment, & led the Camp untill noon. weather Hot. Road sandy & Hilly. went fishing this afternoon with Wm. Read & caught five Pike. Chimney Rock & Court House Rock in sight to day[.] crossed a dry Slough, w[h]ere Peppermint Grew abundantly. gathered some for Tea[.] Geese, Ducks, & Crane were plentifull on the Platte & verry tame. Antelope Footprints, were seen on the bed of the River[.] camped after sun set by the Platte having travelled about 20 miles during the day. Wolves commenced howling shortly afterwards, & continued all night, but none were seen.

Tuesday Sept 1st1863 Started at 7 A.M. Nooned by the Platte also for the night just before Sun down haveing travelled about 20 Miles. Passed Court House & Chimney Rocks, Also a band of Sioux Indians. lost one of our Mules but the Indians had not seen him, but the Guard found it again[.] came in sight of Scots bluffs to day[,] the west side of which in front & Chimney & Court House Rocks behind presented one of the most beautifull scenes I ever beheld, & requires to be seen, to be able to form any conception of.

2nd Started at 6¾ A.M. Traveling prety good untill evening when a strong head wind arose, & blew the Dust & Sand in our eys causing much pain. Camped at Sun down, by a Slough near the Platte. haveing made 20 miles during the day. as we passed Scotts Buffs the 2nd one presented a verry singular appearance to the Anotomical Schools Cambridge. the Bluffs this morning on the east side of the River were several miles from the road but the days travel brought them so close that we had to cross them in the Sand[.] My heels were verry sore through traveling & some of the people pushed ahead of me but I hailed them back according to my instructions[.] Chas. Reads which had been verry bad. were somewhat better to day. Wm. Read my Son George W. went fishing & caught eight which made a verry nice change for us. Ruth Travelled all day & most of the people more than usual. the mornings & evenings were now rather cold but the middle of the day verry hot. This evening after prayers, the Capn. made some verry appropriate remarks upon the conduct of some of the Teamsters, & Sisters also the nature of our position at the present time, &c

3rd Started at 6½ A.M. but some of the cattle being lost the camp did not rool out untill an hour later, Bro. Sloan went to the Bluff on the East side of us & brought 3 stones for me to look at, & called my attention to the apparent water mark near the top of the Hills, that confirmed our opinion we were upon the bed of a once mighty Ocean. as we were resting my Son Jos. S. called my attention to the largest snake we had seen on the Journey. Nooned at a bend of the Platte. Afterwards I was traveling with our Capn. when Bro. Chas. Wilson of Birmingham called us & showed us the largest Rattle Snake I ever saw. I Killed it & cut off the Rattle which proved the reptile to be ten years of age. we Camped at the Big bend of the Platte, 18 miles to day

Friday 4 Sept 63 Started at 6.55. AM Just afterwards we passed two Wigwam inhabbited by Traders, Squaws & ther half breed children. Nooned at a small Poplar or cottonwood grove about half mile from the Platte, & at night at a place verry simular, the weather was excessively hot & vegetation scarce & burned up exept the Prickly Pear, & a few Ferns[.] the Country was Barren & Sandy as far as the eye could see[.] the cattle were faint for want of food. to night we commenced to burn wood again after haveing burned nothing but dried dung for several days[.] Traveled 22 miles & camped by the river. Chas. Reads Foot much better & he walke(d) about 3 miles to day

5th Started at 7¾ A.M. A refreshing breeze blowing[.] the Ground still barren dry & hard, the Hills on the East side of us & the Bluffs on the West presented quite a romantic appearance. we passed an uninhabited Smiths Shop, & Cattle Pen, & Nooned oposit Fort Laramie. Forded the North Platte[,] A shallow but very rapped [rapid] Stream with a very Stoney bottem. Just after we crossed Ruth, Hannah[,] my Son Geo. W & self climbed the highest Bluff & had a Splendid view of Laramie & the country around presenting the most beautifull Picture we ever beheld. the Bluffs were covered with the most beautfull & varied colleurd [colored] Stones some of which I broke & preserved small portion of them[.] after we had crossed a half dozen Bluffs we came to a beautifull table land dotted all over with choice plants & flowers. the beautifull scenery on the East, the River North & the camp passing between—The trees on the sides of the Bluffs[.] up one we saw an Eagle perched. the Beautifull Mountainous Scenery, & the Varied tints of the Horizon as the Sun declined caused reflections to pass through my mind long to be remembered[.] just after Sun set we came down from the bluffs which were rather a dificult task as the sides were verry Steep & Craggy, as we were passing down in the deep ravines the Trees had been torn up by the roots & large stones & Rocks lay accross our path as though at some period of the past there had been a mighty convulsion of the Earth in the past. Arived at camp shortly after Sun Set about 3 miles above Laramaie [Laramie.] Ruth then baked 42 Biscuits[.] the Food for the cattle was still very scarce. some Soldiers & Citezens came to camp & requested to have a Dance but the Capn. wisely refused. at Noon, a Sioux Indian dined with us & I traded butcher Knives with him.

Sunday 6th Sept /63 Started at 7.50. A.M. crossed some verry high sand Hills. the Bluffs on either side were covered with ceders[,] Firs & Cypress Trees hundreds of ft. high. passed the corps[e] of an Indian in a Tree covered with a Bufaloe Robe & Red Blanket[.] on the highest craggy peak sat an Eagle as through centry over it. Nooned by a bend of the platte[.] food for our cattle still verry scarce. Bro. Geo. Braithwait[e] went to Laramie. then to Capn. Haights Train, camped just above were we crossed the River yesterday. all well. we struck a good road this afternoon by the Telegraph Poles but it was a continual assent for miles[.] when we reached the Top I turned round to look at the Scenery which baffles all description. we were between verry high Bluffs on the east, & Cliffs on the West. bedecked as far as the eve [eye] could reach, with Trees, Shrubs & Water courses & lo[o]ked lik many large Parks & Gardens & was truly sublime, with Pikes the Peak the Highest Mountain we had yet seen in full view[.] when the Sun was setting the Sky presented the most Noble Grand & glorious appearance we ever beheld. at one time it appeared as if there were Splendid Palaces[,] Castles & Land scenery, & just as the Sun Set behind the Mountains it presented the most Sombre Grand appearance any in camp ever beheld. Kept on travelling untill Midnight, in consequence of the Creeks being all dried up there haveing been no rain for 3 Months. the road was verry winding & in some places steep & Craggy. I went ahead of the Train assisted the Capn. to pick out the road as he had never traveled it before[.] Struck the Platts & Camped haveing travelled about 30 Miles.

Monday 7th Sepr 1863 Started at 8½ A.M. Travelled between the Bluffs most of the day but toward evening over heavy Sand Hills. Camped two hours after Sun down by the Platte. (All verry tired)

8th Started at 7.50. A.M. Traveling pretty good to day I with my Son Geo. W. Cut 20 Tent Poles for the use of the Church Tents which were occupied by the aged & Sisters[.] Forded the Platt were it was a verry Strong current, & Stoney bottom. Met an Indian with his two Squaws & Papposes in Cradles made with Poles attached to his Horses. they had about 20 dogs with them[.] Nooned by the Platte, then travelled through a valley then over verry Steep Hills which made it dangerous travelling. then passed through some of the most romantic scenery immadge consisting of verry solidified <high> Mud Hills, of the most singular appearance which increased in size as we passed between them untill they formed verry high Mountains, on either side of us[.] it was now evident we were traverseing the bed of a once mighty Ocean. the waters of which had left their mark from near the top of the Highest one on our left which were much higher than those on our right & from the top of those on our right to about half way down their sides showing the waters had receeded at diferent periods of time long in the distant past which to every observing eye showed the handiworks of the allmighty & supreme controler of the universe. further on the large masses of Stone that had fallen from the Tops & Sides of the Mountains formed a picture formed a picture never to be forgotten I think by all who saw it. passed through all safe, which semed at first almost impossible. just afterwards we crossed a verry Steep high sand hill which presented to our view a barren Sandy hilly country, over which we travelled untill after Sun set & camped for the night upon a level spot covered over with sage & prickly pear so we had to sleep in the wagon.

9th Started at 7.40, A.M. Travelled accross a sage plain, with Hills & bluffs a short distance off on each side of us. those on the north presented quite a dark appearance wilst those on the south which with propriaty be termed mountains, were covered with Stone of various coulours & sizes[,] a few dwarf trees growing on the Tops, <&> sides the earth all around presented a dark reddish colour as though a fire of intense heat had been burning there at some time wich the rains had washed over the bottom giveing it a reddish ting for a long way from the bottom of the mountains. we then had to go down & up some very deep & steep ravines caused by the waters flowing down the mountain sides, but which were quite dry now. Nooned by the Platte. I then served dried apples out to the camp, with Bro. [Edward Lennox] Sloan. the clouds at this time became dark & gloomy & large drops of rain began to fall. the wind also blew a perfect tornado rippind [ripping] up the wagon covers & driveing the Sand & small Stones in a perfect cloud & filling every crevice with the same but it came up rappidy & as soon passed over our camp toward the west darkening the Sky as it passed along[,] the heavy black clouds rolled along with awfull rapidity. all the afternoon a very strong west wind blew so that few of the Sisters could stand against it & almost all rode in their waggons[.] The road was Hilly[,] Stoney & Sandy[.] we passed through several beds of dry creeks & camped at Sun down at Box Elder creek for the night

10th Started at 6.55. A.M. Rather stormy this morning[.] country hilly Roads pretty good & setled from the effects of Yesterdays Storm, Nooned about two miles above Deer creek. Wm. Read shot two black Birds about the side [size] of the English Starling with habits simular[.] we left Bro. Mooneys Waggon to be repaired but it arived about an Hour after we camped for the Night which was by the Platte & tow [two] Hours after sun set. Three of our Oxen died to day of Murrain[.] I traveled in much pain to day through a return of an attak of Rupture cause by over exertion six years ago when a Policeman in England

11th Started at 7.10 A.M. Travelling good. The Train went along way round on our left. I with my wife & Ruth started in as straight a direction as we could which brought us up the sides of the bluffs & down some craggy rough deep ravines expecially one were we had to travel single file which was between forty & fifty Yds deep which brought us out on the bed of the Platt near some Indian lodges were lived a Man from Utah with a Squaw. Nooned on a sage plain about a mile from the river[.] the North bank presented the appearance of a fort with loop holes for the Guns for quite a considerable distance. About six miles from the Platt bridge were we arived at 5 P.M. the Capn. took in flour which he had left on his way down, & several of the bretheren traded flour for bufaloe Robes[.] the flour at four dollars per Hundred & the Robes from four to eight dollars each[.] A few Soldiers were quarted there. the[re] was one Store & a few Log Houses & Huts, inhabited by the Traders & Squaws & the half breed children a a few Indians, crossed over the Bridge & Camped about a mile above for the night by the River[.] the water was muddy caused by the late storms which was the first time we had seen it so all the miles we had trav<e>lld by its sides which amounted to hundreds[.] I was better too day & Geo. Ws Foot was also better. The bark & Howl of the Wolves was heared verry plain at intervals during the night

Saturday Sept 12th 1863 Camp rolled out about the usual time. A Strong head wind was blowing. Road rough. Soil Clay[.] when about five miles on our way we came to an elbow of the Road along which lay large boulders of sand Stone of several tons weight each, a(s) though a large mountain of Stone had been broke up & scattered all around. The train passed between two verry large bouldiers [boulders] one on each side of the road which were so close together that it took nice driving to pass between them but we got through all safe. Our road lay now for several miles between two ridges of mountains[.] on our right was a verry high Stone Craggy range, & Larimie [Laramie] Peak Chain on our left[,] the base of which came so close together at places that made it verry dangerous traveling. sometimes the Oxen & waggons as well as the people had to climb to the top of high hills then go down the steep & Craggy sides to the bottom then one side of the wagons would be much higer than the other so that they were in danger of falling over[,] & just before we Nooned we had to cross a verry high steep sand hill, & camped were we left the Platte at the end of the Larimie peak chain of mountains. the narrow & now muddy stream also separated us from the end of the Red Butte chain of Mountains, which had the appearance of being at some time of the past an enormous fire the ashes of which had formed red sand stone bedecked here & there with stunted trees from the top to the bottom. Broke camp at 3¾ P M & travelled untill midnight & camped by Willow Springs all safe[.] our road lay between two ridges of hills or Mountains at one place they were very high & Craggy. I went by the Capn. request with bro Sloan through the train & had all walk that could

Sunday Sept 13th 1863 Started at 8.50 A.M. good traveling[.] shortly after starting we struck Grease Wood Creek & watered the Cattle as we had a dry camp last night. The stream was beautifull cold & clear & yet not more than a yard or two from it was several pools of Alcoli [alkali] Water so poisinous the Capn. told me if a man drank it it would Kill him in an hour & an Ox in 3 or four Hours. Nooned for the first time by the Sweet Water River [Sweetwater] . We Struck the base of the Rockey [Rocky] Mountains to day[.] the Plains was covered with Sage brush & Greasewood. passed Sweet water Station & camped at 9 P.M. for the night between Independance [Independence] Rock & Devils Gate. Independance Rock is a large mass of Stone near a quarter of a mile in len[g]th at the base & Stands alone[.] the Top is a little rolling but almost flat & has a large cistern in it Cistern in it & is about fifty Ft High. Devils Gate is a mass of Rock about three rods wide & between two & three Hundred ft High, & has a large aperture through it through wich the Watter Rushes with tremendious Voilence[.] some Soldiers were quartered at the Station & one of our female passengers Staid there but I learned afterwards came along.

Monday 14th Sept Camp rolled out at 8 A.M. the road lay between the Rocky Mountains by the Sweet Water which is a Narrow Shallow but verry rappid Stream. passed the Devils Gate. Bros. Sloan[,] Gad & myself took our rifles bouth to hunt & to explore. saw Antelope but could not get within shot of them. crossed a verry heavy Sage plain & struck for the Mountains, & here I must make a remark respecting the purity of the atmosphere. the Air is so clear that Objects a mile off only appear to be a few yards[.] I saw what I believed to be two Antelopes Standing with their Heads almost together. I cocked my rifle & marched stealthily along, believeing they were not more that 300 yds off, but finding they did not move I thought I must be deceived, & Judge of my surprise when I had travelld about two miles to find they were two large boundiers of Stone of several tons weigt each. Sloan & gale crossed a small mountain on our right but did not find any game[.] we then rested. After which we travelled over some small Rocks & dow[n] ravines untill we came to a cave in the main ridge of Mountains up which we climbed & over the ridge but found it much more dificult to decend than to assend but we Jumped from one boulder to another & when almost half way down we came to a Spring[.] the waters of it were strongly impregnated with alcoli [alkali.] here we rested again to gaze on the High Rocky Mountains on each side of us that appeared to be Split up by violent volcanic eruptions as the Rock near the base was black & the whole mountain Side showed the effect of intense heat[.] the rock lay one pile above another from one 100 to to many Tons weight[.] lover [lower] we came to verry large Sage brush & wild Roses[,] then through Grass four or five Ft. high untill we reached the end of the Kanyon [canyon] & what is most suprising Cedars & Scotish Firs Grow all over the Mountains of Stone[,] some are immence size appearantly without any earth for the roots. saw the train about three Miles behind us[.] we bathed in the Sweet water & wated for it[.] Noone(d) oposite the Kanyon, the afternoon I went out with Sloan & he shot two Hares. Camped for the night by the river about two hours after dark well satisfied with our days work & the sights we had seen.

Tuesday 15th Sept 1863. Started at 7½ A.M. I took my Rifle accompanyed by my Son, G. W. to hunt but could not find any game[.] Nooned by the River, & had hare Pie for dinner[.] This afternoon we started again acompanyed by Bro. Gales. we travelled in a North West direction & when the Sun was about an hour high saw 7 seven Antelope at the bottom of a bluff. we crawled to with(in) 200 Yds of them & fired bouth at the same time[.] Bro. Gs Shot was to high, mine struck a fine buck he fell back but before we could reload recovered & struck off a a slow pace after the others. We then crossed a fine rolling Prairy [prairie] several miles in len[g]th & bredth & then Struck for the train which we reached after about seven miles travel at dark & traveled for an hour & half & Camped for the night at the three croosings of the Sweetwater. We had a Strong pirceing cold head wind, & the Air was Keen & frosty.

Wednesday 16th Sept 1863 Started about 8 A.M. I again took my Rifle acompanyed by G. W. & bro Sein Carson from Dixie. we Struck for the Mountains on the South side of us. as soon as we reached ther Sein shot at an Eagle which was high up on a Rock & knocked the feather out of it but did not kill it. we then crossed some high hilly country & saw seven Antelope which we hunted towards the camp. they then rounded some Rocks & we directly started for a cave in the Mountain up which we mounted & start[l]ed two rabbits. we passed some very large Ceeders [cedars] some of which appeared to be burned down but Sein said it was not so although the wood was black & very hard[.] when we got to the top of the Mountain saw the Antelope about a mile off looking around[.] we descended about halfway down & hid behind a large boulder of Rock[.] they came towards us but rounded the Peak so we did not get a shot at them. we then went down & I was very much interested in examineing the Rock which lay in rows or Layers one upon another from the bottom to the top of the Mountain almost as regular as a Mason could lay them. faceing towards the South, & in the craggs at the bottom a verry pretty plant grew[.] the toop [top] of the leaves were of a deep green & the bottom a very beautifull purple. we then crossed the river & got a shot or two at a flock of Wild Geese. Nooned by the sweetwater, which we had to cross three times to day. this afternoon I went out again with Gale but did not get a shot. Our road to day was over large bluffs which made it bad traveling. This morning before we burried Bro. [John] Farn[e]s from who died suddenly. Lou[i]s Chalvin a Deaf & dumb Frenchman also died to day[.] he had been ill for some time, & was buried at Noon at Sweetwater crossing[.] had a dry camp to night haveing travelled about two hours after sun Set. (Chas. Wm. Read took their own flour to day)

Thursday 17th Sept 1863 Started at 6 A.M. Nooned by the River which we crossed & left this afternoon, at a Telegraph Station & travelld over some very high hills, & had a dry camp again to night[,] unexpected by all in consequence of the dangerous traveling. thirteen of our passengers took the wrong road & travelled to Jackman & Shirtliefs [Shurtleff] Train of freight ahead of us & stoped for the night. This morning accompanyed by my Son G. W & Bro. Gale I started to hunt Antelope. saw hundreds of them in all directions. we struck toward the North for the river, after a fine buck Elk, & saw him between the Hills standing in some tall sagebrush, & crawled to within 95 Yds of him[.] Gale fired as he stood broadside of us & missed[.] three others Jumped up & I fired but missed then as they were to far off[.] we then separated & Geo. & myself went toward the River were we saw Antelope Graveing [grazing] & others running south of us[.] I fired at 500 Yds at one & the ball passed just over his back which made him stoop as though he was hit. we then made for the Camp, which we saw about five or six miles off. after we had Nooned I went out again with Geo. & Ruben Watters[.] we crossed some high hills covered with small handsom Pebbles & all manner of precious stones some of which we colected. we then struck a bed of coal[.] we then crossed several Hills covered with burnt earthenware some of which was like that that Stone bottles are made of in England & some like or similar to the yellow & brown wares intermixed with Iron Stone an(d) Clinkers from furnaces. we then crossed the bluffs & came to in sight of the bed of a beautifull Lake to which I went (& Geo. & Waters went round the bluff & I saw no more of them untill I arived at the train.) & west of the Lake I saw the End of a large Chalk bluff of a singular appearance resembleing the ruins of the front of a large high House. went & examined it. at the sides & back were large bouldiers of of Chalk of all conceiveable shapes some standing upright & all separate from each other[.] I went round several of them & found they were the haunts of Wolves[,] Turkey buzzards & Ravens. Flocks of the two latter were feasting on the carcass of an Antelope that had been recently Killed, near by. I then climbed the top of the Bluff, (& saw the train on the oposite side of the River) along which I travelled for several miles carefully examineing all the caves & slopes for Antelope, & when I reached the Oposite end the decent was allmost as steep as the assent. but was small Rocks of various sizes[.] as I was going down a Hare Jumped up before me. I fired but the ball struck just behind it. the bottom was covered with large Sage brush through which I pusshed my way & along a deep ravine to the waded it & arived at the Train as it was leaving the River & assending a high hill to the right. Geo. & Bro. Waters arrived soon afterwards travelled about two Miles & camped for the night.

Friday 18th Sept 1863. I took my Rifle & left camp at Sunrise. Gale had started about 15 minutes before, & Struck the rocks on the South side of us, & Just after I saw three Antelope cross the Road by the side of the Bluffs oposite me. I immediately made for the Rocks in a South West direction up which I climbed at a spot were they were very Craggy & saw Gale comeing West on the top of the bluff[.] I then went along the oposite side of the Rocks & as I was decending I saw the Antelope in a Great basin at the bottom in front of me. I crept to within about 200 Yds. of them when they saw me & ran a Short distance then turned round & looked[,] the buck in front, I rested on my right Knee levelled my Rifle & fired at his heart[.] he wallowed round a time or two & fell dead. I ran up to him fearing there might be Wolves or bears near. Gale soon followed & we carried him by turns up the bluff at a sloping point & wa[i]ted for the Waggons & put him in Jas. Findlays[.] the boys said he was two Yrs old & weighed about ten Stone English weight & was by far the largest one brought into camp & the first one by any of the Emigrants. Gale & I then started to find the other two Deer & after about half an hours hunt over the Hills saw them & got as near as we could & fired but they were too far off. we then started for the Train & saw Jackmans Just as they were breaking corrall. cross several Hills[,] the Valleys were densely covered with Sage & other Shrubs. saw a large flock of Sage hens & about an hour Afterwards saw three Antelope feeding but they saw us & ran off[.] I fired at the middle one & the ball struck between his legs which made him Jump straight up. this finished our hunt as the Train was close by & we ware tired. Nooned shortly afterwards & the boys skinned the Antelope[.] the ball struck & broke the left Shoulder passed through the Heart & seperated the liver from the Lungs[,] broke one of the Ribs on the other side[,] made a hole through the Skin & was found lodged in it quite flat. I took possession of it intending to keep it[.] I reserved one hind quarter & the head for myself & sent bro Sloan some for the sick in camp & gave the rest to my friends. this Morning camp rolld out at 6¼ A.M. the Road was Rough[,] Stoney & Hilly[.] Jackman train travelled Just ahead of us. Nooned a(t) Straburry Creek. Bro. Eb. Farns from the Valley arived with tents for the Trains & left five with Bro. Sloan for our train. This afternoon we crossed Rock Creek, & Willow Creek & arived at the upper croessing of the Sweetwater[.] went on to the Telegraph Station & Camped for the night[.] all well.

Saturday 19th Sept 1863. Started at, 7.¾. A.M. We crossed the South pass this Morning[,] Struck the Pacifick Springs & two miles further on crossed the Pacific Creek, & from the pass the Waters all runs west wereas up to this point they run East.) & Nooned by Jackman & Shirtleffs Train. We started agin at 6½ P.M. the other train having gone on about two Hours before. The New Moon shone splendidly & it was a delightfull evening. we passed an Independany train of our Emigrants Camped on our left. also J & Ss. Train & camped about a quarter of a Mile above them[.] had a dry camp to night. Traveling to day pretty good. We also left Wind River & struck the Rocky Mountains

Sunday 20th Sept 1863. Camp rolled out at 7 ¼ A.M. Jackmans train passed us as we just as we were ready to start. Bro. Sloan & myself went on ahead of the trains to write. we reached Little Sandy between 1 & 2 P.M. & bouth trains camped by the side of each other & Stopped[.] the remainder of the day Geo. Obtained some Salt from the other train which was verry acceptable as ours had been out for some time[.] we had a very nice meeting this evening. almost all the Passengers in bouth trains were present, & Bro. Sloan addrest us. Travelling pretty good through Sage & Greacewood plains

21st Started at 7¼ P.M. Country level Roads good but Sandy[.] Crossed big Sandy River & Nooned. Started at 3¼ & travelled to 9¼ & camped for the night about two miles west of Carroll Hollow. the Capn. pointed out to us were Lot Smiths Men burned the government Waggons know[n] as the Utah Expedition[.] in each waggon as it was burned left a black place in the Hollow. Capn. Canfield of the independent train haveing occupied the Ground were our train camped comeing down[.] went two miles further on & camped on the sage plains.

22nd Started at 8.10 A.M. Bro. Robt. Locks Child died this morning & was burried at a bend of the Big Sandy were we Noond[.] Started again at, 3. P.M. & Crossed Green River were it was 16 Rods wide with a verry strong current & Pebbley bottem [.] Travelled about 13 miles further & camped at Midnight on a Sandy Sage plain. food for the Cattle was again verry scarce & the Captain was very ancious about it. The Country now presinted quite a new feature[;] the bottom was still covered with Sage, but here & there were large & high Mud Hills that had the appearance of Gas Lime & without a tree Schrub or plant of any kind growing upon them

23rd Started at 8½ A.M. Arived at Hams Fork at 1. P.M. & rested the remainder of the day. Capt. Canfields Train arived afterwards & done the same[.] We washed bathed & got all the baking done we could & at night bouth camps had a dance. the country was bare Rugged & barren & covered with large blue Hills. Sloan & myself took our Rifles & saw but a Wolf & he went down in the craggs & we lost him. Cleaned our Rifles to day

Thursday 24th Sept 1863. Started at, 8. A.M. Travelled to Blacks Fork (about 11 Miles) & Nooned[.] Started again at 6 P.M. Travelled seven hours & had a dry camp[.] Capn. Canfields Train camped beside us. we took the Muddy Road & crossed the Stream at 7½ & to the suprise of all[,] the Stream was clear & beautifull, although the Capn. & Teamsters expected it would be dried up. the two captains had gone on ahead & soon we could hear nothing of them & the passengers of bouth Trains were alicke [alike] ancious [anxious] about them but shortly after we had camped they arived & told us they had taken the Bridger Fork of the Road by mistake. the ground now became more Loommy & large Sage grew in the hollows but the riseing ground was verry bare, as were the Mud Hill all over the Country[,] some of which were verry high with Shelveings of Sand Stone projecting from their sides, which plainly showed the water mark.

Friday 25th Sept 1863. A day long to be remembered by bouth Trains, as the following will show. This morning at half past seven oclock, A compy of Armed Mounted Men Calling themselves, U.S. Soldiers, which they turned out to be, wrode into or rather between the two Camps & d(e)manded the Capns. to take their trains to Bridger & reprimanded our Capn for not going the Bridger Road. he told the Officer in command he had come the Muddy Road to save the Cattles Feet as they were verry tender & protested against taking the Train to bridger as he had had no orders to do so, but had made the inquiry at Hams Fork & the Officer in charge there told him he could go which Road he chois [chose] & there was no nessesity for him to go the Bridger Road unless he liked, & Offered if they had any right to search his Wagons to do so & he would go with all the Men in his Wagons Train to bridger & take the Oaths required of them, but they said they had orders they said & were determined the Train should go. The Capn. again appealed as the Oxen had had no water for two days & but verry little food, & he was afraid on account of the Roughness of the Road they would give out, & die & informed them he had to travel to the Virgin River after he got to G[reat]. S[alt]. L[lake]. but was told if he would not take the Train they should & that they had 500 Men ahead to assist them if wanted. The Capn. then told them he did not care if they had 500000, five hundred thousand as he had broken no Law & had the right to travel which Road he Knew to be the best for his Cattle & also for the Passengers, under his charge but all was of no avail the Train must go Bridger, (during the time of the Parley was going on A fiend in human shaps addresst his comrades & said why done he meening his Oficer give us orders to Pitch in[,] we have all got our Rifles readdy & not Stand parleying there, & his looks showed he was readdy if he had it in his power to Murder us there & then, but they did not know the God whom we served & that he would protect us as long as we done right & Served him.) So the Capn. told them after his Passengers had had something to Eat & were readdy to go which would take about two hours he would go, at the same time protesting against it[.] the armed Men then went on a short distance & dismounted to wait for & guard us to Bridger. At the Fork of the Road they again halted untill the Wagons came up, but our captain was to wise to offer resistance & Hawed the Wagons at the turne of the Road. they then rode on untill we came to a verry steep hill. the armed men Staid at the Top untill we had got several of our Wagons up they then went on. we got our Train up about two Hours before sun Set. we had to double our Teams to do so & the Bretheren trode the Wheels & otherwise assisted so that we got up all safe[.] Capn. Canfields Train came along with us & had to get up the Hill after us[.] we then went on to Bridger & camped for the night, & some few of our people were so mean & foolish as to go to the Fort Theatre. A Large bang [band] of Shooshone [Shoshone] Indians came to our camp[.] they had some splendid Horses with them & were the best looking Indians we had seen

Saturday 26th Sept 1863. This morning A G Auston per [blank space] 2nd Lieut. 3rd Inft. Cal. V Post Agt. came with Sergt. Jacket, & administered the Oath of Allegiance to the citizens in bouth camps, & Neutrality to all the Alians from 18 Yrs of age & upwards[.] We travelled to the Little Muddy Springs about 12 Miles & camped for the Night. the Road was Hilly & Steep[.] we went the two or three Miles by the New Road[,] A Kanyon [canyon] between the Mountains which were of a reddish Colour

27th Started about 6. A.M The night had been verry cold & the wind was blowing almost a gale from the South West, & the dust flying in our faces in thick dark clouds untill we reached the Quaking Asp or dividing Ridge between the Colorado & Gt. Basin a distance of about 15 miles & it was traveling up hill almost all the way & verry Rockky. we passed a Saleratus & Copper Spring[.] A Kiota ran along the right side of us for quite a distance[.] Just after we passed the Ridge we came to a beautiful Cold water Spring & Bro. Andrews our 2nd Capn. gave me an acc(ou)nt of the fortifications near this place that our people built in 1857, when the Soldiers went up to Utah. we now went through a pass with Low mountains & Rocks on either side of us[.] further on to our right the Rocks presented the appearance of Old Castles in every Stage of decay one of which had the appearance of a Carrage way from the bottem to the top, on either side of which was what appeared a Stone Wall about four F[ee]t High & looked much like the work of man[.] the Rock was not red & at the Foot was a wide Spring near by[.] I found a Wodden [wooden] Keg with Iron Hoops & a brass Screw Stopper[.] the scenery here & around was most Magnificient & interesting[.] the Road was verry winding & at places low through thick willows & brushedwood & across deep cuttings or Creeks. we traveled on to Bear River & camped for the Night pretty tired.

Monday Sept 28th 1863, This morning we were called up at daybreak it was verry cold & quite a white frost on the ground. as we were breakfasting Bro. Sloan introduced to me Bro. Myers[,] Keeper of Bear river mail Station who brought me a messaage from Sister Furguson, formerly Merrill of Cambridge & he offered to hire Chas. Read the boy & his Bro. Wm. Were bouth willing he should do so but as he left home under my care I went with him & Bro. Myers to our Capn. to ask his council upon it & he said if the boy was willing & Bro. Myers would be answerable for his emigration act to let him stay, which was aggreed upon & I went with the boy & his Bro. to his new home & left him quite happy. Camp rolled out 8½ A.M. Travelled through a beautifull Valley which we called Squarrell Bottom on account of the great number of small ground Squarrells therein. feed for the Cattle was now plentifull & good. we passed a number of springs & Nooned a[t] Needle Rocks[.] just as we started again I climbed up the Rocks & to my supprise when I had reached the highest point seen from the Ground I found another ridge of Needles about as much further & higher as the first appeared to be from the Road which I assended & looked down on the Train which at this time was half rolling but the left side of the carroll had not broke & it presented a verry pretty appearance with the bretheren & Sisters Young & Old traveling along on foot[.] I then Climbed to the Highest Needle & looked all around, but could see nothing but Mountains all around some of which were much higher than were I then Stood. I then took a large stone & Knocked several small ones of varrious collours from the Needle which I put in my pocked & began to desend when about half way down a small animal resembling an English Rat Jumped up before me & I Killed it[.] I then went down was highly gratified with the Sights I had seen & the information I had gained. we crossed yellow creek. our Road now lay over a verry high hill upon which & all arround the Grass & Brushwood had been burned suposed by the indians as we had seen several large fires in the Mountains since we left Bridger. I crossed it with my youngest son on the right side & so made a considerable cut off & <reached a> bend of the road & rested, & looking back saw some of the Waggons comeing down the Hill others along the top & others just riseing to the Summit[.] the Road was verry winding comeing down & it was a verry pretty sight. we now began to desend & it was desent indeed at places which Kept the Cattle on the run & continued son [on] untill we reached the mouth of Echo Kanyon [Canyon] were we camped for the night. to the left of Cache Cave it was now very cold & frosty. we burned Chips or <dried> Ox Dung with dificulty as they were wet. Sister Weebs [Webb's] Child that had been born on the plains & had been sickly ever since died this morning & was burried at this place. I had a very interesting talk with Bro. Jas. Andrews our 2nd Capn. upon Men & Principles connected with the building up of the Kingdom in these last days & the sending of young men out as Missionaries[.] this was one of the most interesting days we had had

Tuesday Sept 29th 1863. Camp roled out & traveled to within a mile or so through Echo Kanyon & camped again for the night. This morning at daybreak I went with my boys & paid a Visit to Cache Cave[.] it was with some dificulty we assended the Mountain. The cave is in the shape of a large Bakers Oven & in the Centre a tall man can stand upright in it & it will hold as near as I can tell 50. persons comfortably & has altogether a singular appearance, & is about two thirds up the North West side of the Mountain. As soon as we reached the Mouth of the Kanyon the Mind is struck with wonder & amazement high rugged mountains of various coloured Rock of all immaginable forms & Shapes on the right hand side. I noticed in particular one of the Monstrus Elephant in a Kneeling position[.] Another that of a Woman in the attitude of prayer. others the remains of Ancient Gothic Buildings[,] Castles[,] Palices [Palaces], &.c. & on the face of many the appearance of Hyroglipics [hieroglyphics] Figures almost as natural as if they had been the work of Man. wilst on the left side the Mountains are covered with Brushwood & slight herbage. A beautifull stream ran through the Kanyon with Willows on either side. when we reached that part of the Kanyon were the Rocks were purpendicular it was very dificult traveling[.] some of our Teamsters that were out to vex the Soldiers in the Utah war of 57 showed me the fortifications on the Mountains also were the Generals quarters were, & the embankments made to fill the Kanyons with water. some of the Rock & Stones that were got to the edge of the highest Mountains readdy to hurl down were laying there then & could be seen from the bottom[.] we Nooned about the Middle of the Kanyon in a beautifull spot & got our fire wood from the Sides of the Mountain on our left hand. Bro. Mansfield from Portsmouth England died this morning after a long illness & was burried at this Place. This was one of the most usefull interesting & instructive days we had had on the whole Journey & as long as I live I shall not forget Echo Cannon [Canyon]

Wednesday Sept 30th 1863. This morning my Wife & Son Jos. W.[,] Ruth[,] Hannah[,] Wm. Read & Self started on before the Train & Passed some beautifull scenery. just at the Mouth of the Kanyen, on the right side the Rock[y] Mountains were verry high & of Red Sand Stone, with two large masses of gothic shape Sand stone at the top, & all around Ceeders [cedars] were growing between the two masses of Stone above named[.] the Moon was going down & oposite the Sun had risen above the Mountains reflecting its bright Rays on the High Rocks oposite presenting the most beautifull Picture imaginable. we went on by the Weeber [Weber] river about four miles, & then found through a bro Franklin at the crossing we had come the wrong road. we then returned & was more than ever interested by the beautifull Mountain scenery with its high peaks towering up to the Sky. the Tops & sides of which was covered by beautifull varigated vegetation. Passed through Chalk Creek the first Mormon Setlement we had come to[.] it was about five yrs Old, & situate(d) by the Weeber River & saw the fields Irigated for the first time & were told by the settlers they yielded good. there were some splendid Farms[.] the principle one was owned by Bro. Eldreidge [Eldridge]. Capn. [John W.] Wooleys Train was just comeing out of the Kanyon as we passed & he camped at the Setlement & we Stopped & had some refreshment with our freinds that were in it[.] they were all well & had had a good time crossing the plains[.] Bro. Lemon one of our Teamsters comeing up at the time we went on with him & were treate(d) exceedingly Kind by the Setlers[.] we went through fine cultivated fields & passed Capn. Canfields Train & arived at our camp a[t] Silver Creek about 9. P.M. well satisfied with our days work[.] the Brotheren & Sisters gave us Bread, Cheese, Butter Milk & some Peaches as we passed along, which was quite a treat

Thursday Oct 1st 1863. I left Camp with my Son Geo. early this Morning & Travelled through Silver Creek Kanyon[.] we passed Capn. [Isaac A.] Canfields & a government Freight Train, one of the latters waggens had been upset[.] the Pass. or Road was Da(n)gerous on account of its being so Narrow & verry slopeing at places & the Mountains were verry high[.] we arived at Sister Fergusons formerly Merrill of Cambridge England about Noon & Staid the remainder of the day & night[.] in the evening my Wife & Sister M Larkins arived[.] Sister Furgesen was verry glad to see us, as was her husband & treated us well[.] they live at the Foot of the Summitt, 22 Miles East of Gt. Salt Lake City[,] have a nice Farm & very good Stock[.] Old times were freely talked over & we enjoyed our sevels [ourselves] in first rate style.

Friday Oct. 2nd 1863. This morning Sisters Ruth & Hannah arived & breakfasted with us. the Train came along & the four women went on with it[.] Geo. & myself Staid & helped Bro. Furgeson [Ferguson] to raise the three Ribs of a new Log House he was building[.] we then Started on our Journey & overtook our Train in Parleys Park or Kanyon, which was more dangerous traveling than Silver Creek[.] the Mountains were verry high & Steep, & the Stream was verry swift & a strong current[.] we camped in the Kanyon for the Night. several of our passengers went on to the City amo[ng] them was Wm. Read.

Saturday Oct. 3rd 1863. This morning I started early with my boys & arived at my Unkles [Uncle's] Clarks Sugga[r] House Ward, Salt Lake City about Noon were gladly received[.] my wife & the remainder of my family arived shortly afterwards[.] after partaking refreshment the Train came along & Off we started to the Camping Ground in the eigth Ward of the City were we were met by several old friends.