
Transcript for Frontier Guardian, 7 Mar. 1851, 2

MR. EDITOR : Owing to the different opinions in regard to the North and South Routes to Salt Lake Oregon and California. I feel it my duty to give my opinion in that matter. It is well known there were more persons crossed at this point last year, than at any other point above St. Joseph, Mo., and continued until the 6th of July, which made a very large emigration; when on the North of the Platte, there was not a man crossed after the 1st of June, therefore there will be more sickness where there are large quantities of persons than where there are none. Especially when they were more than one month later in the sickly season, and a large portion were just landed from steamboats, and therefore were liable to any disease, more or less that might be in the country. I also see the travels of Elder Hyde, misrepresented; he crossed the Missouri river at this point last July, on the 5th or 6th. He returned sometime in December, and crossed here also.

It is stated by some that Elder Hyde returned on the north of the Platte, which is untrue, he made an effort to come that way, but found it impossible to do so. Crossed back on the South of the Platte, and crossed the Missouri river at Platteville. It seems those men will recommend to the public a route, which they could not travel to be the nearest, best and only route. But I look at it in this way; it is done by men who are interested; the object is to gull the people into Kanesville, and sell them their out-fit at three or four prices, which has been the case heretofore. They do not tell you of your ferriages, which will be some $8 different than the South Route; but will tell you of the dangerous Salt River, which is about 40 feet wide, and about 8 inches deep, rock bottom; also the South Platte, having no Ferries, where there are two within one and a half miles of each other in crossing below the Platte, every one knows after striking the Government road which is 18 miles from this, the travel, will be on that road, and kept up by the Government.

It is plain to be seen by those that can see at all, the advantages that Platteville, possess above any point in the Upper Country, must and will make this the permanent starting point and deposit for the West.

Emigrants to Salt Lake, Oregon and California will find plenty of goods and groceries at this place and at fair prices as can be found elsewhere. And in addition to all, your ferriage is free across the Missouri river, as we have two boats expressly for that business and all pains taken to render satisfaction. S. MARTIN.

Platteville, Iowa, Feb. 15th, 1851.