
Transcript for William Draper autobiography, 1881, 33

. . .now it was in the Spring of 1849) i was counseled to imigrate to Salt lake that season) i responded to the call and made speedy Preparation to go with co[mpany] that was to imigrate that season on the 5th of July i bid farewell to my home and friends at Council Point and started to join the co at old winter quarters. Where they were wa(i)ting to organize for the travel and when i arrived we was organized and i was apointed by Geo[rge] A Smith to take part in the oversight of the traveling co in connection with judg[e] [William I.] Ap[p]l[e]by and judg[e] [Isaac] Clark[.] We then started out to cross the Plains for Great Salt lake[.] we traveled on slowly and nothing special ocured worthy of note thare but little sickness and no deaths in camp)[.] But i will name one little insident that occured on the 2nd of October near the South Pass[.] We was cau[gh]t in a great storm that lasted 36 hours which killed over 70 head of our cattle and horses: that weakened our team some; But after the storm ceased we shoveled our way out and traveled on again[.] We did not travel many miles untill we came to where thare was no snow and all was fair weather. Which continued untill the 26 of October when we arived safe in Salt lake City. and broke up camp entirely. having been four months & a half on the Plains. But was happy now to meet with our Bretheren that had also come up through great tribulation and made them a home in the m[oun]t[ain]s

[Variant version of text also in Our Pioneer Heritage, 20 vols. (1958-77), 15:82]