Church History Biographical Database
Transcript for McQuarrie, Lillie Mikkelsen, [Biographical sketch of Robert McQuarrie, 1962], 2-3
Tuesday June 2 We layed around all day and settled with James A. Little for wagons, cattle, etc.
June 3rd We started the next morning, with a company of 31 wagons. Jesse B. Martin Captain of the company. C. R. Danna [Charles Root Dana] was captain of the 1st 10 wagons. James Carrigan captain of the 2nd 10 wagons. Oliver Workman, captain of the 3rd 10 wagons. Brother [David] Curtis, captain of the guard. Traveled 5 miles and camped. From the 3rd to the 9th traveled from 5 to 12 miles a day. Had good feed for cattle, but water was scarce. Wood plentiful. Every day was bout the same, traveling a few miles and camping. We had many visitors come to see what the Mormons looked like.
June 13th Camped for noon, when Jeseph [Joseph] Young and Brigham Young came and preached to us. From the 13th to the 20th was about the same.
Sat. 20 We started at 7 o’clock in the morning, we had not traveled far when we were met by four brethren from Salt Lake City on their way to Canada to preach the gospel. Traveled 16 miles and camped for the night.
Monday 22 We buried a little child belonging to a Mrs. [Charlotte Tarrant] Banford that died at 11 o’clock.
23rd We started at 9 o’clock. Traveled 11 miles and camped at Council Bluffs.
24th We started at 6:30 in the morning. Brother Grimer’s wagon got upset in a creek. A little child was in the wagon, but got out safely. We traveled 10 miles and camped at Florence.
25th We layed around all day, got provisions ready for the plains.
26th Could not travel on account of rain. Bought a yoke of cattle for $90.00.
29th We traveled 19 miles that day and camped near 18 wagons of apostates.
30th We met 70 men from Salt Lake City, going to assist in the rear migration, for the U.S. troops were close behind going to Salt Lake City to kill off the Mormons. We traveled 5 miles and rested 4 hours. Good feed and water. Here we met 50 men from Provo. We traveled 5 more miles and stopped for the night. 80 head of cattle strayed in search of food, so we could not start too early. We traveled 16 miles and stopped in Green River, Wyoming.
Sept 9 This is September now. We traveled 20 miles a day until we got to Big Mountain.
Sat: On Sat. Sept. 12th Brother Robert Baxter met us. We went into Salt Lake City and camped on the public square. At 2 o’clock Brother Baxter took us, my father’s family to his house and kindly entertained us for 1 week.