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Transcript for Shelton, Charles, Autobiography, 1857-1882

In the Spring of 1854, when the majority of the Branch left for the vallies of the mountains, I took my departure with them in the Steamer, John Warren, arrived at Fredricton @ 5 P.M. May ll th . My father, eldest Sister Ann[,] Martha, Eliza, Emily and Albert my youngest brother, were there awaiting our arrival. my father was at that time nearly blind and it was with great reluctance that we left him behind but we had to do so, and trust in Providence for the future. We all left the Province but him my Sister Lucy and Brother W[illia]m

May 11th 1854 We left Fredricton New Brunswick for St. Johns on our Way to Boston, en Route for Utah T[erritor]y. We arrived at Boston on the 13th at 4 P.M. and Immediately engaged our passage to Chicago at 9 dols. per head in Williams' and Co's train baggage to be moved free of Charge. All hands safely lodged in the Buffalo House until monday morning, train to start at 1/2 past 7. A.M. Spent the Sabbath at Boston in a pleasant manner.

Monday morning, May 15th Started in the Cars as per arrangement arriving at Albany 1/2 past 5 P.M. Stopped at the Boston Hotel, fare 7 Dols.

Tuesday 16th continued our journey travelling all night and arriving at Buffalo 12 noon[.] got on board the Ocean Steamer Lake Erie 9 P.M. Started for Detroit, (Here we lost a quantity of baggage) (very valuable), Arriving at Detroit 5 P.M. Stopt at the Eagle Hotel (fare 8 Dols.)

On the 19th Started for Chicago, 1/2 past 12 traveling through the night Arriving on the 20th[.] next day Sunday Stopped all day they charged us $16.50

Monday the 22nd Started for Lasalle at 7 A.M. Arrived there at 1/2 past 5 P.M. Started from there in the Steamer Ben Campbelle on the Illinois River at 2.50 per head[.] Sailed down the River to its mouth in the Mississippi Arriving at St. Louis at 4 P.M. on the 24th. Here we found Bro. H. S. Eldridge who engaged our passage up the river to Fort Levensworth, the camping ground of the Saints. On our arrival at Camping Ground the Diarhea just attacked my little son David Booth finally Cholerea carried him off. My wife was also taken with it and our youngest child and both died. So that my wife and two children were buried near the camping ground and as soon as sickness would permit we started forward on our journey, in hopes to get out where a healthier atmosphere pervaded. My little girl died on the way and was buried while on the road with our teams, next my little boy Wm. Slason was taken and the last one Charles Edwin died at big blue and buried there. Thus I left on the way to Zion my wife and five children.

We arrived at Salt <Lake> City Sept. 19th 1854[.] After being in the City a short time I went to work for Bp. Haywood and my Sister Ann was sealed to Elder J. W. Crosby and My Sister Martha was sealed to Elder Th[oma]s. Obrey. (My Sister Louisa died on the way) She had been married to Elder Obrey at the camping ground before we started.

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