Church History Biographical Database
William B. Pace autobiography, 1904
Pace, William Byram
Title: William B. Pace papers, 1847-1904 William B. Pace autobiography, 1904
Call Number: MS 1658
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William Byram Pace Autobiography 31
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Chapter 1
Birth and Boyhood
I William Byram Pace was born Feb 9th
1832 near Murfreesborough, Retherford County
Tennessee. My Father James Pace was the son
of James Pace who was captain of the Light
horse cavalry and went with his company
to the support of General Andrew Jackson
and was killed at the battle of New Orleans
Jan 8, 1815.
My father was a thorough farmer and spent
most of his time on a farm except during the
six years we lived in Nauvoo he was a police
man or life gaurd for Joseph Smith the
Prophet and Brigham Young his successor
My mother Lucinda Gibson Strickland Pace
was the daughter of Judge (Warren Gibson) Strickland of
Murfreesborough she was highly accomplished
and well educated and the source from
which I received my early training in music,
arithmetic, grammar as well as the rudim-
ents of education, when I was two years
old (my parents) with Judge Strickland and others
moved to Shelby County Illinois and
established themselves on farms, where I
grew to be seven years old, my earliest recolect-
ion being mixed up with trying to help
drive a prairie team of five or six yoke of
oxen in breaking up the rolling prairie of
which Illinois was so justly celebrated.
About the year 1838 my parents
joined the church (of Jesus Christ) [word crossed out] of latter Day Saints
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and early in the spring of 1840 they moved
to Nauvoo Hancock County Illinois where I
was baptized into said church in April
1840 being about two months over 8 years old
Upon our arival at Nauvoo we camped on
the outskirts of the town, after dinner my
father proposed going down into town and
call on the Prophet Joseph Smith. I boy like
insisted upon going along too which was
finally agreed upon but we had not gone
far when I heartily wished (myself) back again
in camp for all of the boys of my size and
larger in the neighborhood seemed to be
following us.
I suppose I looked like a “country
Jake”, to them, and they wanted to
pick a quarrel, this did not suite
my idea of right, so I kept close
to my Father and tried to not notice
them, untill their taunts were observed
by my Father
When he stopped of a sudden and pick
-ing out on the largest boys among them
(a crowd of about twenty), told me if I
did not give that fellow a whipping
he would give me one when we got back
to camp, here was a dilema; I had been
raised thus far in the country where
I had been taught that fighting was wrong
yet I did not relish two whippings so there
seemed no other alternative only to “pitch
in" and do my best. By accident I
mannaged to knock or push the fellow
[Page 5 of 80]
down. Then useing my advantage jumped
on him but he soon cried enough and
I let him up This was my first intro-
duction into a town and I had no
further trouble with them after that.
I mention this as showing that
the boys were up to date at that
remote period.
The first two years in Nauvoo were
mostly spent in school after which
there was more or less excitement about mob
violence in the settlements near around.
As a precaution the Legion was inspected,
Silver Greys were reorganized and armed with
slings, haver sacks and cobblestones and
added for defence All the boys from eight
years up (not capable of bearing arms) were
organized into what was called Boy companies
to learn drill and dicipline and attached
to the Nauvoo Legion as “reserves”. This was
no “paper hatboy play” but sober reality the
companies were invaribly uniformed with
white pants a kind of blouse or sailor
shirt. sailor hat and wooden guns made
so they would snap at the command “fire”.
At this organization I was dully elected
captain of one of the companies of “fifty” and
commenced my carreer in the celebrated
Nauvoo Legion when I was ten years old
My father being an expert drill master
I was soon innitiated into all the myster-
-ies of drill and command so (as) soon as I
got over my scare I managed very well.
[Page 6 of 80]
I recall the names of a few only of the boys
that figured prominently in these companies
viz Wm H Kimball, Henry P. Richards, Nelson A.
Empy Joseph Smith Jr. (son of the prophet)
William W. Cluff. Benjiman Cluff Abram
Hatch and John R. Murdock most of whom
are or have recently occupied prominent
places in church but now released on account
of old age
In about one year I was taken out of the
company and sent to Edward P Dusettes
drumming school, where I found Jesse
Earl, H. P. Richard, N. A. Empy and others
learning to drum. In a few weeks
we were assigned to the Nauvoo marshall
band and did service there during the
remaining days of Nauvoo much drill
and guard duty was required of the
band such as field playing [words crossed out]
nearly every day or staying at head
quarters and beating the alarm at night
If any, being a boy with no particular
family cares I came in for much of the
latter hence my associates almost from
this time became men and not boys
The summer the Prophet Joseph was
killed I was twelve years old the previous
February yet the scenes of those days ar
vividly fresh to my mind as if done yesterday
During that season I was on [words crossed out] duty
almost the entire time, was present on
the square when the prophet adressed the
Nauvoo Legion on the importance of obeying
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the Governors reqisition for the public
arms on June 22 1844 a synopsis of
which I here with insert for its
“Brethren we will give up our arms
as the Governor requires we will give to
them that asketh of us and trust in
the lord for future wellfare I wish to
tender you as soldiers and citizens under
my command, as your general, you have
done your duty faithfully in guarding
this city and in guarding ad preserving
the lives of the people as well as mine
in a special manner for I have seen you
on duty without shoes and comfortable
clothing and if I had the means to buy
or could obtain those necessary things for
you I would gladly do it but I canot
mortgage any of my property to get one
But I will say, this “you will be called
the first elders of the church and your
mission will be to the nations of the
earth you will gather many people unto
the fastnesses of the Rocky Mountains as
a centre for the gathering of the people
and you will be faithful because you
have been true and many of those who
come in under your minestry, on account
of their much learning (will) seek for high
places and they will set up and raise
themselves to emminence above you
but you will walk in low places
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unnoticed and you will know all that
transpires in their minds and those that are
your friends are my friends
This I will promise you that when I come
again to lead you forth for I will go to prepare
a place for you so that where I am you will
I now dismiss you with my blessing
to go home
The last discourse that Joseph Smith
delivered in Nauvoo on the top of a frame
building close to the Nauvoo house on the
twenty fourth of June 1844.
Laying his hand on the head of Levi W
Hancock saying, “This day the lord has shown
to me that which he has never shown me
before that I have thousands of friends
that never pretended friendship while others
have sought to crawl into my bosom on
account of my good feelings toward them
and now are vipers and seek my life and if
they shall take it they will pursue you
they will do it anyhow, when you are obliged
to fight be shure that you do not stain your
hands in the blood of women and children
and when your enemies call for quarters be
sure you grant them the same and then you
will gain [word crossed out] (power) over the world you will be
forever called the nauvoo Legion and as I have
had the honor of being your general and leader
I feel to say a few words for your comfort and I
wish to ascertain your interest and faith in
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your future mission of life that you are
engaged in even the same cause which
[word crossed out] the power of the priesthood sealed
upon you and your callings to minister
life and salvation to all nations on the
face of the hearth although things appear
at the present time bad.
The work of our enemys that they
hold at the present time overwhelming
over us, but I will liken these things to a
wheel of fortune if we are at this time under
the wheel, It is sure to be rolling on and as
sure will the saints be sometime on the top
of this great wheel if they hold on to the
object in view
Our enemies are after me to trust [cross out] myself
amongst them by thier crouching the honor
of the state by the governor and authorities of
I will therefore say to you as saints and
elders of Isreal be not troubled nor give
yourselves uneasiness so as to make rash
moves by which you may be cut short in your
preaching the gospel to this generation for you
will be called upon to go forth and call upon
the free men from Maine to gather themselves
in the strong holds of the rocky mountains
and the red men from the west and all
people from the the south and from the north
and from the east to go to the west and estab-
lish themselves in the strong hold of thier
gathering places and there you will [word crossed out]
gather the red men to there centre from thier
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scattered and dispersed situation to become
the strong arm of Jehovah who will be a
strong bulwark of protection from your foes
These things I feel to tell you before hand
that you may always be ready for your duty
for at this time I need the best of friends to
stand by me and on this occasion I would
like to know of you all by your answering yes or
no. Are you willing to lay down your lives
for me”? (pause) when the answer was with a
unanimous voice, “Yes” “I am your father
shall I not be your father?” when all with
one exclamation said, “Yes” when again he
said then “I am willing to lay down my life
for you and if innocent blood is spilt on
this occasion (drawing his sword out of its
scabbard and raised it above his head.) “I will
call upon the gods to bear witness of this
I will draw my sword and it shall never
be sheathed again until vengance is
taken upon all your enemies and I will
call upon the Eternal in your defense,
the winds with the whirlwinds, the
thunders and the Lightenings and the
hail-storms. The heavens shall tremble
and with earth-quakes shall the earth
be shaken.
And the Seas heaving themselves beyond
their bounds, these things shall be
brought to bear against your enemies
for your preservation, as the people
of the Lord.
We have given up our arms, and
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they have taken away our right of
protection, by our City charter; And
now they desire that I shall surrender
myself into their hands, which I have
consented to do.
I only go to return to you again.
With his blessing upon us we were
dismissed to go home.
[words crossed out]
I am indebted to Alfred Bell of
Lehi, Utah for the above two Sermons
taken on the spot by him, and
supposed to be very correct.
The next event of note, was
the arrival of Sidney Rigdon, Brigham
Young and the Twelve who were absent
at the Prophet’s Death, and the struggle
that followed.
Sidney Rigdon spent, what seemed to
me several hours, harrangueing the
people on the importance of making
him their Leader, After which, Brigham
Young arose and said only a word,
when it was observed by the whole
congregation that the mantle of “Joseph”
was upon him, in word, gesture and
general appearance.
The people arose en-masse to their
feet astonished, as it appeared that
Joseph had returned and was
speaking to the people.
I was small and got upon a bench
that I might more fully witness
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the “phenonomia”
There was no longer any question as
to who was the Leader.
Work on the Temple was then completed
by instruction of the Twelve under
Brigham, endowments given to many
thousands, and preperation made
to go west, to appease the mob element
that was rageing around Nauvoo.
In the mean time the mob element
exercised such an influence on the
Governor and Legislature that they
repealed the City Charter of Nauvoo, and
left us without any City government,
or any means of controlling the
rougher element, hence the town was
soon over-run with all manner of
ruffians from the mob camps around
As we had no authority to arrest or
protect the town, the Boys resorted to
That is, every boy generally
could whistle and most of them had
knives from ten to fourteen inches long,
in scabbards, “Al-la-Buoy”, and when
any of those fellows became boisterous,
or showed any signs of meddleing, the
Boy discovered would draw his knife
and commence whittleing and whistleing,
soon a crowd of his pals gathered,
then they would surround the
obnoxious element, be he large or
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small, many or few, and whistle and
whittle in his direction and stick
by him untill he was out of town.
This lasted but a few weeks when it became
apparent that to “go into Nauvoo men must
mind thier own business and not meddle with
the people” or they would get [word crossed out] whistled out.
This was rather an amuseing process not a
word was said but an unearthly whistle (and
generally every one had his own favorite
tune) and an incessant whittleing with
those large-knives was enough to strike terror
to the hearts of the victims and he got out of
town as quick as his legs could carry him
Remember the City Charter was taken away
and there was no law against whistleing or whittleing
and when fifty or a hundred boys got after a
victim there was no protection and he
had to “git”.
Chapter II
The exodus
On the first of Februrary 1846 the people
began to cross the mississippi River and
rendesvous on what was called sugar creek
about six miles from the river
I think it was the 6th of February that
my parents crossed and camped on the said
sugar creek with a two horse wagon loaded
with such necessaries as we could take
leaving the ballance with good comfortable
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homes (houses and lands) to the mob, for which
no recompence has ever been recovered.
Our camp was made in the snow about 8
inches deep and was a rather (uncomfortable) introduction into
camp life without tent or any shelter save it be a
wagon cover made from common sheeting
Here we stayed for some time waiting
the arival of all those who could
possibly supply them selves with teams.
At length the companies were organ-
ized and began moving west through
mud and slush. Several days were
consumed in reaching Bonaparte on
the Des Moines river a distance of
probably forty miles.
Here we crossed the river and moved
out into hills which were intersperced
with many nice farms
Soon it became apparent that the
camp was getting short of provisions
hence a halt was made and some
went over the Missouri line all however
found work, and were literally paid
in corn, meat, bacon and potatoes
The produce of the country.
As soon as the larder was replenished
the camp moved onto chariton River
where we encountered a series of storms
and were compelled to lay over several
Here I saw the first timber cut down
to brouse the animals in lieu of hay
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From here we moved on through
rolling hills and wild uninhabited
prairie land to a place called
“Garden Grove”, where it was decided
to make a temporary settlement,
raise a crop, and send thier
teams back to [words crossed out] help
others to leave Nauvoo, a few
were selected for this purpose,
The camp moved on to a place
about forty miles, they designated
Mt. Pisgah and here my parents
stopped with others built some
log houses and prepared to raise a
crop sending thier teams back to
help others while the main body
of the camp moved on to Council
Bluffs on the Missouri river
Here they were overtaken by Capt.
Allen of the U. S. dragoons with
a requisition from the president
of the U. S. for five hundred men
to form a Batallion of Infantry
and march through and be disch-
arged in California at the expiration
of one year. Brigham came back to
Mt. Pisgah called upon my father
and others to volunteer which they
did promptly and on the sixteenth
of July the now famous (mormon) batallion
was mustered into the service of
the United states and started
for Mexico Via Santa Fee.
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In the organization my father
was elected first Leutenant Co. E.
and was therefore entitled to a
servant at $15,00 per month
persueing his usual economy he
concluded to take me to fill that
position as I was too young to
enlist hence he got a furlough from
[words crossed out] Col Allen and came
back to Mt Pisgah for me. and
thus I became indentified with the
Mormon batallion
Crossing the country we overtook
the batallion at St. Joseph Mo.
On approaching Western Mo.
Col. Allen being desirous of showing
off his Mormon boys to the Missour-
ians selected Levi W. Hancock and
Elisha Averott as fifers, and Jessie
Earl and myself as drummers at
the head of the command, being
two of the smallest boys in the
Batallion about 14 ½ yrs old we were
of course very conspicuous. however
I do not recolect of ever feeling prouder
or weighing more in my immagina-
tion in life than on that occasion
tho I have since figured conspicuously
before the people as general, member
of the legislature ect.
The march through the city and
subberbs was about three miles of
continuous beating so when we were
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through we were wet as “drownded rats”
from prespiration yet it paid in
vanity for many callers at Ft. Leaven-
worths the next day requested intro-
duction to those two little boys
that drummed through the city
of Western Mo.
The batallion was fitted out with
teams, wagons, old flintlocks and
bayonets at Ft Leavenworths set out for
Santa Fee a march of over one
thousand miles, on foot.
They had only made a few miles and
camped when it was learned that Col
Allen was dangerously sick in the Fort,
and the next day brought word that he
was dead. Here was unforseen diffi
culty the [word crossed out] (command) legitamately belonged
to capt. Jefferson Hunt of Co A. but after
a council of war it was decided that
Lieutenant James Pace (my father)
was to return to Council Bluffs,
see president Young, report progress,
and ask advice etc
He started alone leaving me in
care of Lieutenant Andrew Lytle.
We moved on to Hurricane Ridge
and camped (so called from a
violent storm that overtook us
here demolishing tents, and spreading
havoc in camp so that we were
compelled to lay-bye a few days for
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Here we were overtaken by
Lieut Smith of U. S. dragoons and a
Dr. Sanderson, Smith claimed
the command and a second
council of war gave it to him through
the modesty of captain hunt who
The next day Smith assumed
command and the batallion moved
forward nothing furthur of note
At the crossing of the Arkansas
River My Father accompanied by
John D. Lee and Howard Egan
overtook the batallion bringing
news from the bluffs.
Here we shipped water mostly
in vinegar barrels to do us across
the Semirone Desert 90 miles
much suffering followed yet we got
through safe and finally arrived in
santa fee where we lay in camp
several days. Here the batallion was
divided all the sick and most of the
women was sent back to Pueblo on
the outskirts of mexico under
command of captain James Brown
of company “C”. and the Batallion was
placed under Lt. Col. Phillip St. George
Cook, and ordered to make a force
march through to California to the
support of Gen. Kearny who had already
gone there, with only one company of
[Page 19 of 80]
Dragoons, with pack mules.
I am at a loss as to dates, but as this is
my History, and not that of the Batallion
I must be excused, for every digression of
positive data.
Memory says, it was some time in October
1846 we left Santa-fee with teams to make a
force march through to Santeago Southern
Cal. When about five miles out of Santa-fee,
(in sight of abundance of Government supplies)
we camped, and were placed on “half
rations.” our line of march took us through
Alberquerke, Socora and many small
Mexican settlements where we could buy onions
and many other garden productions that
added to our half rations, kept us in fair
Spirits, but on the River Del. Norte another
detachment was selected and sent back
to Pueblo under Lieut Willis, leaving the
Batallion only about three hundred strong,
then we soon turned west leaving
civilization, as it were, into the wilds of
the Desert, making our own roads and
letting our wagons down over mountain
sides with ropes as circumstances demanded.
On arriving on the San Pedro River, our
rations, were getting low, in the extreme,
many were actually suffering for want of
supplies, there is a vast difference in
men, as to their ability of endurance under
such circumstances, some can endure
all manner of hardships, on half or
quarter rations, while others require more.
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Hunting parties were sent in search of
game but the country was so poor little
was accomplished untill after we reached
the San Pedro.
Here we encountered wild cattle, and layed
in an immense supply of Beef, while
traveling down this river, some of us engaged
in fishing a “Battle Royal” seemed to be
raging in the command.
In order to ascertain what was the matter,
we simultaneously took to trees, when to our
astonishment the whole cammand were
engaged in a general “Bull-fight.”
It appears that a large herd of wild cattle
were enjoying a quiet “siesta” in the tall
grass along the San-Pedro, where the command
came in and surprised them, result, an
open battle in which several mules were
killed in the teams, five or six men were
wounded by being gored and tossed up
fifteen or twenty feet in the air, some of them
seriously, and an inumerable number of
wild cattle left dead on the ground.
After the smoke was cleared away, the wounded
cared for, camp was made and a fresh
lot of meat added to our rations.
This was the famous Bull fight of the San-
Pedro and proved to be the only Battle the
Batallion engaged in during their term
of enlistment.
We traveled a few miles farther down the
river when our scouts returned and
reported one of their number arrested and
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held in custody by the Sonora commanding
officer at Tuscon, also instructions to Col.
Cook to keep around to the north or he would
serve his whole command the same.
Here was an unexpected dilema, we could only
muster about three Hundred men and the
idea of attacking the whole army of the
province of Sonora Mexico, would seem absurd,
Yet Col. Cook made camp, issued a large
supply of amunition, put the men on drill
in the afternoon, then decided to go by Tuscon
and “See if they would put his whole command
under arrest.” Consequently the next day
found en-march for Tuscon distant about
60 miles, teams worn and gaded could not
make much more than twenty miles a day.
At our first camp we were met by an
officer of the Mexican (army) in Tuscon and a posse,
with a request not to come through Tuscon
but keep around and we would not be
molested learning that one of the Generals Son’s
was in the posse, Col. Cook placed him under
a strong guard, then told the officer of the
posse to go back to his General tell him he was
on the road to California, that he should pass
through Tuscon, that if our scout was not
returned to him before midnight he would
execute his Son, then go after his scout. etc.
Hence a little before midnight of the day
specified the Scout was returned, and the Son
On the next day the Batallion marched into
Tuscon and found it evacuated by
[Page 22 of 80]
several hundred cavolry, Infantry and
The people were friendly and contributed
much by way of beans, corn & fruit for
which they took all they could get.
We stayed here one day and replenished
our mules, siezed some Government
wheat, Beans, etc. had a false alarm at
night which aroused the camp, but hurt
no one.
It was learned afterwards that our picket
Guard fired on a herd of cattle in the
night killing one, supposing them to be
cavalry causing alarm.
From Tuscon we crossed a 90 mile desert,
consequently we started in the after-noon,
when fairly on our way the Mexican troops
returned to Tuscon, then followed us I
suppose intending to give us Battle
by night, but Col. Cook marched late
built fires as if to camp, then moved on
3 or 4 miles built another fire, then
moved on and camped without any fire.
From deserters we learned that the
Mexicans, being re-inforced from neighboring
posts, decided to catch us on the desert,
that they came and surrounded the
second “campfire” but not finding us went
back, thus we probably escaped being
Another evidence of divine Providence
in our behalf.
We arrived on the Gila River, safe from
[Page 23 of 80]
the Desert and had a feast of water mellons,
at the Pima Indian village, on Christmas
day 1846
Lieut. Rosecrance said he enjoyed the
luxury of a piece of roasted “Rattle Snake,”
with an old Indian Chief, same day and place.
From here we traveled down the South bank
of the Gila River to the Colorado River without
any particular mishap, save it be toiling
through excessive sands, and an effort to
Boat some of our baggage down the Gila in
some of the Zinc Government, wagon boxes,
that resulted in a failure.
In the stranding of the wagon boxes on some
of the sand bars of the river, and the
loss of boxes and cargo (Provisions) thus
shortening our rations again.
On reaching the Colorado River, a day was
spent in fixing up some more Zinc
wagon boxes, with a view to having to
Ferry the river.
The boats were made ready and loaded,
and run aground, then it was
discovered that by wading the boats could
be got across, then the teams were hitched
up and the river forded before night,
thus saving several days in ferrying.
From here, we entered upon another 90
mile Desert, water was however obtained
in two places by digging, sufficient for
the camp, on reaching the main chain,
or California mountains, we followed up
a wash untill it became too narrow for
[Page 24 of 80]
our wagons, not being able to get out,
there was no other alternative except to
hew our way through which was done,
and we arrived at Warner’s Ranch the
first settlement in California on the
8th of January 1847, got a fresh supply of
beef and fared luxuriously on beef alone.
From this place to Santiago our road was
interspersed with many difficulties but
were overcome.
At San-Louis Rey we had the first view
of the Pacific Ocean, the country was
green with wild oats and mustard, the
hills were covered with fat cattle which
proved our salvation, as there was no
flour in the land untill Commodore
Stocton brought it from the Sandwich
Islands some three months after, hence
our beef rations grew to 7. lbs. per day
before we got any bread, coffee and
When we reached Santiago, on the coast,
Gen. Kearney was gone to Monteray leaving
orders for the Batallion to retrace their
steps to San Louis Rey Mission and take
up quarters, after one days rest, spent
mostly on the Beach, we took up the
line of march for San Louis Rey where
we were quartered for several months,
with not anything to do, only eat beef,
and drill 2 hours forenoon and 2
hours in the Afternoon
Here, tho’ not required to do any military
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duty, I found it a pleasure, to borrow a gun
of some sick man, and join in the “drill”
from which I obtained a fair knowledge
of Infantry tactics, that became very useful
to me in after years.
Here, we also demonstrated the fact, that a
man can make way with 7 lbs of beef a day
when reduced to beef alone, as we were for
several months, before supplies came from
the Sandwich Islands.
We had roast beef, boiled beef, fried beef and
every other kind then known at once.
There was some trouble came to the surface
between Gen. Kearney and Fremont resulting
in Fremonts arrest and the Batallion being
moved from San Louis Rey to Los-Angelos and
the taking possession of many pieces of
ordinance in the hands of Fremonts men at
San Gabriel mission 12 miles from Los-Angelos
Fremont was charged among other things with
stirring-up a conspiracy with the Spaniards
against the Mormon Batallion holding forth
some of his Missouri Mobocratic spleen
against the Mormons; But as usual he
signally failed, and was taken back to the
States under a Guard of members of the
Mormon Batallion, Kearneys death, soon
after they reached the States, caused
proceedings against Fremont to cease,
and he struggled hard to become great
during the rebellion but failed, and
died a pauper.
Thus it will be, to every man, who tries
[Page 26 of 80]
to injure the cause, or predjudice the
minds of strangers against the Latter
In June, I think, there was a report of
an uprising of the Spaniards through-
out California, whether true or not, the
Batallion was concentrated on the Ben(ch) [letter crossed out]
above Los-Angelos, and breast works
built around the camp, Company “B”
was sent to Garrison Santiago and
every thing prepared for a fight but it
did not come.
The only thing of note I remember, that came
of this, was “John Allen” a “Deserter reputed,”
who joined the Batallion at Fort Levenworth,
was sent out on picket duty during the
most exciting time, Well he left his Post,
came into Town, traded off his gun and
accoutraments for wine, got drunk and
was found next day in an Indian
Rancherie by an officer of the guard.
He was court-marshaled and sentenced to
have his head “shaved” and be “Drummed
out" of the service. Being requested I
joined the Drum Chore and assisted in
drumming him out of camp, and out of
For the information of those that never saw
a man “Drummed out” I will say he was
a tall well proportioned man with
heavy beard, one half of which and
one half of the hair of his head was
shaved off clean, leaving the remainder
[Page 27 of 80]
to show up. He was then brought on the
Parade Ground by the guard (a file of Soldiers)
The band was formed and Sentence of the
Court-Martial Read to him.
Then it became the duty of the Fifers and
Drummers to play the “Rogues March” untill
he was well out of camp, and out of town,
then he was turned loose with instruction
to leave the country and never be seen, or
he would be subject to arrest and be
shot on sight.
About the first of July (1847) we began to prepare
to return to Council Bluffs, or wherever the
main body of the Church was, horses, mules,
Saddles, etc. were being bought.
A good well broke riding horse would cost
from $3.00 to $6.00 Mules less and Broncho’s
for $1.00 Saddles were scarce and cost more.
On the 16th of July 1847 the famous Mormon
Batallion was mustered out of service of
the United States and Honorably Discharged.
A few young men re-enlisted for six
months to help guard the country untill
more troops could arrive by water.
But the main body of the Batallion organized
under James Pace and Andrew Lyttle as
Captains and prepared to return.
[Page 28 of 80]
Chapter III
The Return, Sutters Fort
Sam’l Brannon, Capt. Brown, Fort Hall,
Salt Lake, Trip to the Bluffs. Etc.
Again I am at a loss for dates, but
Memory says about the 20th of July 1847
we set out for the Missouri River or to
find the main body of the Church,
whether it be in the Rocky Mountains,
in Oregon, or yet on the banks of the
Missouri, where we left it.
We journeyed to Gen Pico’s Ranch, about
40 miles, many had wild animals, and [word crossed out]
unbroke and the number of Stampedes and
demolishing of Packs was immense, especially
for the first day, some loosing their entire
outfit and had to replenish at Pico’s.
At Gen. Pico’s we bought two or three
hundred head of Beef cattle thinking
We could drive them, but after a few
days effort and loosing many, it was
decided best to kill them, jerk the meat,
and try to pack it, as our animals we
becoming accustomed to their loads.
Hence camp was made, scaffolds built,
then a wholesale Slaughter commenced which
lasted two or three days.
After the Slaughter, we packed up and
moved by way of Tulare Valley, here
we encountered Hostile Indians, though
by an effort they were brought into
camp where a general Pow-wow ensued,
[Page 29 of 80]
during which Father Brown, an aged
veteran of the Batallion, spoke in Tongues,
at some length, which proved to be
understood by the Indians, after which
they could not do too much for us.
Guarding our animals and helping us across
the San-Joakin River which was [word crossed out] (swolen) and
had to be rafted.
We finally reached Sutters Fort, a trading Post
on the American and Sacramento River.
Here was an american settlement near by and
great inducements were offered for laborers,
consequently those having jaded Animals were
induced to stop over winter, among them
was Henry W. Bigler, Wilford Hudson and
others who during the winter were conspicious
in discovering Gold in California.
From Sutters Fort we took the Trucky River
route across the Sierre Nevada Mountains,
on the summit of which we met
Samuel Brannon direct from Salt Lake
Valley, who informed us that the Church
had established Head Quarters in Salt Lake,
that the Pioneers had returned to the
Missouri River, but several companies were
in the valley and more coming this year
This was the first reliable word we had
received of the Churche’s where-abouts which
was enthusiasticaly welcomed.
Brannon was the man that had charge
of a company of Saints that sailed in the
Ship “Brooklyn” from New York in 1846
to California anticipating that the Church
[Page 30 of 80]
would gather to Oregon, and his visit to
meet President Young was to induce him
to settle in California, failing in this,
he was returning “Solitary and alone”
(and very indignant because of failure)
to his home in San Francisco where he soon
became very rich but refused to gather
with the Saints in Salt Lake and finally
died a Pauper.
The next day, I believe, we met Capt.
Jas. Brown of the Mormon Batallion and
a company of men.
You will remember he was sent to Pueblo
from San-tafee, their term of enlistment
having expired they were mustered out of
service, but he had to go to California
for their pay hence this trip.
From his statement of things in Salt Lake
Scarcity of provisions, etc. many not well
provided were recommended to go back
to California and winter, hence many
went back with Brown.
The next day we struck the head waters
of the Trucky River which we followed to the
Desert, thence to the steam-boat hot springs
on the overland route, thence to, and up
the Humbolt River passing over the
Goose Creek Mountains to Snake River
and Fort Hall.
Here we left the overland route and
struck South (without a trail) for Salt Lake
where we arrived during the last days
of September 1847 finding the people
[Page 31 of 80]
generally engaged in building a Fort which
was at that time about breast high in the
highest place, very little was known about
the surrounding country, at that time, but
all seemed to have an abiding faith in the
words of the Prophet Brigham that “this was
the place he had seen before he left Nauvoo.”
and had gone to work in earnest to
prepare for winter.
The emigration was mostly all in, when we
arrived, many were short of provisions but
all seemed sanguin that they would “pull
Here some of the Batallion Boys found their
families or relatives and stopped over,
others were compelled to stop, for want of
sufficient outfit, to cross the plains, a distance
of over one thousand miles, while we had
traversed over fifteen hundred miles from
Los-Angelos via, Sutters Fort.
Finally a company of between 30 & 40 under
Lieut. James Pace began preparing to brave
the dangers of crossing the plains during
the winter months, provisions being scarce
in the Valley we were told we could get
Supplies at Fort Bridger and at Laramie
reasonable, and it would be a great
help to the people if we would leave our
provisions and replenish on the road.
Having a common interest we unloaded
our supplies, taking only what was
supposed enough to do us to Fort Bridger,
(one hundren and fifteen miles) and moved
[Page 32 of 80]
out, late in October.
At the head of Echo Canyon we encountered
our first snow storm, and the cold
seemed to have a chilling effect on the Animals
as they were from a warmer climate but
before 10 o’clock the next morning it
cleared up the snow soon melted and we
was on our way rejoiceing; arriving at
Fort Bridger we found that they had not
anything to sell.
Here we were (as) it was over 400 miles to
Fort Laramie and nothing to eat, a council
was called, consisting of a committee of the
whole (camp) much time was taken up in
trying to decide whether the party in Salt Lake
who advised us to leave our supplies and
depend on getting more on the road acted from
sinister motives, whether we were to go back
to Salt Lake and fight it out during the
winter with the others, or go ahead without
anything to eat, however no one thought
for a moment but what we could get
what we wanted at Fort Laramie so
it was unanimously decided to go ahead,
and depend on game.
This was made more easy by our
experience “living on Beef alone” when
we first arrived in Southern California
and that Buffalo were supposed to
be plenty for our demand.
Well we started on what proved to be
a 900 mile jaunt in mid-winter
without anything to eat.
[Page 33 of 80]
By scrimping we managed to get over on
Sweet Water where we killed a Buffalo and
fared sumptuously, at length we reached
Fort Laramie where we expected relief but when
only 24 lbs of dried Buffalo meat could be had
at any price, it looked rather blue, we could
not now go back, we could not stay nor
could we cross the prarie land without
something to eat.
Another council was called and decided to
go ahead and depend on the Buffalo, so
away we went.
Near Scots Bluffs, about 40 miles from Laramie
we got a genuine snow storm, freezing nine
mules to death, and generally demoralizing
the balance, besides to add to our trouble
the snow which was about 8 inches on the
level had covered up the grass, and
driven the Buffalo to the hills, where with
our jaded animals we could not reach them,
but we went on, in the course of the day
Wm Maxwell and others succeeded in
wounding an old blind Bull, that was too
decriped to go off with the rest, and after some
time was spent, they finally killed him, camp
was made and Mr. Buffalo utilized, he
was roasted, on Buffalo chips, fried & boiled,
but no matter how cooked he was pronounced
“Tough” in fact a close inspection made
by our scientific man, decided him to
be one of the Buffalo left by “Noah” from
the Ark in an early day, but whether
Noah passed over this region, or not,
[Page 34 of 80]
History is very silent.
We had now left the timber line and
was dependant on, what was termed
Buffalo-chips for fuel, and that under
8 inches of snow, but we lived and
dug out fuel, made fires and roasted
the old Ante-deluvian Bull and moved
After many days of starving and roasted
Bull meat, in frozen snow, we saw
the timber on the head of Grand Island
in the Platte River, here one of D. P.
Raineys Donkeys concluded he would go
no farther. after a hurried consultation,
I was told to drive him into Camp
at Grand Island and they would kill
him and thus draw wolves from which
we would get our supper, the idea of
wolf-meat for supper was a great
inducement so I willingly consented to
try and bring him into camp, the
camp moved on and Mr. Donkey seemed
to change his mind for he pricked up
his ears and took the trail after them,
so I had little to do only follow.
At camp when I arrived, Elisha Averett
and Abram Hunsucker took the poor
donkey from me, put a rope around his
neck and armed with their old flint-
lock Muskets led him off to the nearest
tree where he was shot, hung up and
skinned for the benefit of wolves but
the fact was, it froze as fast as the
[Page 35 of 80]
hide was taken off and no wolves were in
sight to shoot.
About this time D. Q. Dennett, a very aged
veteran getting tired of waiting for wolves,
took his knife and cut off a large
piece from the Donkeys ribs and
threw it on the fire; the stench was
immense, the camp was electrified and
in a few moments “Poor Donkey” was on
the fire roasting and men cutting off
slices and eating as it cooked.
Here was a discovery, no body had
thought of eating Donkeys or mules untill
this experience, but after which we always
had a mule for supper and no questions
asked only that it was the poorest.
A few days brought us to the Loup Fork of
the Platte, and further trouble, the river
(a quick sandy bottom) had frozen over, except
a few feet in the center, and that was
washed out till it was deep enough to
float a steamboat, after testing it, we
decided to keep down on this side to the
Pawnee Reservation and there possibly
get a boat, but after three days hard
traveling through snow and ice we
got opposite the reservation but found
it deserted, and no boat, then we had
to stop and wait for the river to
freeze up.
The weather was intensely cold, and the
river full of floating ice, and by cutting
some cotton wood trees and tieing them
[Page 36 of 80]
in the channel the mush ice was arrested
and began to congeal, but it required a
round week before it was considered safe
to cross.
On the morning appointed to cross a Band
of several hundred “Pawnee Indians” pounced
down upon us, and showed war like
intentions, but after coming into camp and
finding Mules heads and Sights lying around
loose, they seemed to change their minds,
became friendly, took some of the Boys home
with them feasted them on “fat dog meat”
then loaded them with corn, wild Turkey, etc.
From here to Winter Quarters, on the Missouri
River, we had no further trouble, only
wading through snow and slush and
eating mules (Which by this time had become
second nature) where we arrived a day or
two before Christmas 1847.
Here we found all our folks, disbanded,
and settled into quiet life.
Now our troubles appeared to multiply, we
could not eat enough to satisfy our
appetites without being sick, but finally
after a week or ten days, we began to
become naturalized and acted as other
Having become climated, I took a
stroll about town, which I found nicely
laid of in streets, but the houses were
simply “rude huts” and “Dug-outs” located
on the west bank of the Missouri
[Page 37 of 80]
Everything had the appearance of a camp, yet
all was “Bustle,” and Business” an old fashioned
flat bottomed boat, was flying between
Winter Quarters, and the Eastern shore, and
there seemed to be much travel, on enquiring
I found that the largest part of the Emigration
had located and built the town of Kanes-ville,
Cutler-ville, Keg Creek and many other
settlements on the east side of the river.
In January my parents moved to a little
town called Summer Quarters about a half
days drive above Winter Quarters, where we
put our mules on what was designated the
“Rush Bottoms” of the Missouri River, here we
wintered and in the Spring moved back,
crossed the river and moved on a farm
near Keg Creek with a view to prepare to
move to Salt Lake Valley another year, traded
mules for oxen and sent team across the
plains to help emigration, later it fell to
my lot to go out on the plains and drive a
team for “the after-wards famous” John D. Lee.
We traveled in President Youngs Company and
arrived on the Upper crossing of the “Sweet
Water,” to be near South Pass in September 1848,
where we met teams from Salt Lake Valley,
here we unloaded and started back.
I had three yoke of oxen and a wagon to go
back with, nothing of note occured more than
usual except while encamped at Independence
Rock, on the Sweet Water, some 75 head of our
oxen managed to elude the guard and started
on some time in the night.
[Page 38 of 80]
In the morning great was the consternation
in Camp in yoking-up, some was
entirely gone, and as they did not take the
road, but struck through the Hills, visions
of Indians were seen by Some, while others
thought they had only strayed away, finally
this opinion prevailed, we then divided-up and
moved camp, while a few of the “brave” took the
trail of the oxen.
We traveled on to the North Platte and found
our lost oxen and the men waiting us, they
had simply got restless and started on the
home-ward trip, taken a cut-off through the
hills, while we had several days around, this
proved that their instinct was great for home,
of course we were pleased to get our oxen,
Yoked them up and set out for Missouri in
joy not having lost any.
On getting home, I spent winter in School and
my Father went to St. Joseph Mo. to work for
more out-fit (for) to go to Salt Lake Valley.
In the Spring of 1849, not having the necessary
out-fit my Father deemed it wise to tarry
another year, consequently in the summer of
1849, he moved the family to St. Joseph Mo.,
and settled in an old log house about a
mile out of town where I got a job of
cutting hay and hauling it into Town and
and done well for a boy.
In the winter moved nearer town and
my Father got work at a good salary in
a Pork packing house as civil engineer
while I was employed as a roust-about at
[Page 39 of 80]
$1.25 per day.
I had not long been at this work before two
of the Lard cutters got “drunk” Saturday night and
failed to show up on Monday morning, when the
Boss and owner of the packing house, came
around, he set me to do their work temperarily
so I soon cleared the Block, and kept up easy,
when he came back in the afternoon with two
men to take their places, he asked me where all
that lard was, when I told it was chopped-
up and in the kettle rendering, he enquired
who helped me, finding I had done it my-
self he turned and said I have paid two men
for years, to do that work, if you choose to do
do it alone, your wages will be $2.50 per day,
of course I chose, as it was an easy job to
keep up with the trimmers, and held it
down all winter.
This shows that while working for an out-fit
to gather to the valley, men were often blessed
beyond expectations.
[Page 40 of 80]
Chapter IV
Trip to the valley killing Buffalo,
Bear scarce, Location of Payson.
[sentence crossed out]
In the Spring of 1850 we set out for the
Valley of Great Salt Lake.
Arriving opposite the mouth of the Platte my
Father was elected captain of 100 wagons and
after ferrying across the Missouri River, set
out on our journey, on the South side of the
Platte River with fair out-fits.
About 300 miles up the Platte the Cholera struck
us, and three or four died and were laid by
the road-side.
This struck with terror, the hearts of the people,
but through frequent administrations of a
few brave men, the calamity was averted
and the company moved on.
In the Black Hills, I was appointed hunter
for the Camp, and spent most of my
time supplying Buffalo and Antelope
meat for the hungry, and had many
thrilling experiences during the season, one
which I will mention.
While the company was laying over Sunday
in the Black Hills, Alex. Sessions and
[Page 41 of 80]
my-self, made it up the previous [word crossed out] (night) to go out and
kill an Antelope before breakfast.
Sunday was a day of rest, when the grass was
good, and the camp generally layed over and
held meeting, and we should have stayed, but
our Boy Zeal was too great, so we went off by
day break and tramped over hill and dell
untill about 10 o’clock without getting even a
shot at any-thing, at last we gave up and
started for camp, passing near some currant
brush in a ravine we thought it probable
we would find water to drink, turned down in
that direction and finally got water, on starting
back, I saw a fresh bear track in the sand, and
said to Alex, “we had better get out of this” when
a large Grizzley Bear jumped off the cliff
above us, and landed within 6 ft. of where
we stood, not caring for any Bear meat
just at that time, we took the trail and by a
stupenduous effort beat him running for
some 50 yds. though I had the satisfaction
of punching him several times in head
with my gun, as evidenced by the blood and
hair afterward found.
On reaching the open country Mr. Bear
retreated leaving us master of the field, but
two of the worst scared Boys it was possible to
find any-where, I had been in many Bear
fights and succeeded in coming off victorious
but this one, some how we neither of us,
seemed to want possibly the growl, which was
terrible, and the manner he had of introducing
himself caused us to decide rather quickly,
[Page 42 of 80]
then our legs done the rest, well we told
it in camp, as a narrow escape which was
variously criticised, it is strange how brave
some men are, when there is no possible
One man in particular “said” if he had
been there he would have taken a Butcher
knife and carved him up, but you see
neither of us wanted him that bad, how-ever
I remembered this man, and a few days later
the camp layed by for a general Hunt of
Buffalo, my special attention was given this
man to go in my crowd and was successful,
on going out we soon came on a few scattering
With mischief predominint, I got them to let
me go ahead when I soon wounded a Bull by
breaking his shoulder, and he stopped for
fight then I insisted, when the company
came up, that my special friend have
the honor of killing him, this being
agreed to, I told him to walk up to within
20 feet of the Bull and shoot him in the
head, well he got within 30 yds. and drew
up his gun to shoot, when the Buffalo made
a lunge for him, my friend dropped
his gun and took to his heels, then the
crowd had the bad taste to yell “run”
“take your knife to him” etc. while the Bull
only made one jump and stood his ground
my friend run 200 yds at break neck speed
without looking back.
The Bull was killed by one shot when the
[Page 43 of 89]
fun was over and many others before the
day was over.
I mention this to show that men who
are so awful brave where there is no
possible danger, will not always do to tie to.
Laying in all the dried Buffalo meat
we could haul, we moved on, with no
unusual incident. Arriving in
Salt Lake Valley near the last of September
1850 and disbanded.
Many went north to Ogden, then known
as Miles Goodyears Ranch, the title
to which was extinguished by Captain
James Brown (of the Mormon Battalion)
about this time, and the City of Ogden
Others went South to Dry Creek (North end
of Utah Valley) where David Evans
established the now famed City of Lehi.
L. E. Harrington and others were sent
to build-up American Fork, while my
Father was sent to Peteetneet creek in
the south end of Utah Valley to locate.
Where I had the satisfaction of helping
build the first house, in what is
known now as the City of Payson. (named
from my Father James Pace, (& Son) by Brigham
Young in March 1851.)
Aaron Johnson and a few others were
sent to locate on Hobble Creek where
the famous City of Spring-ville is
now situated
Settlements were made in Provo and
[Page 44 of 80]
Manti as early as the Spring of 1849.
Provo had some trouble with the Indians
in the winter of ‘49 or ‘50, and the Fort
was moved up on higher land which was
only partly accomplished when I arrived.
We landed on Peteetneet creek about the [word crossed out]
[words crossed out] 20th October 1850 with only three families
viz: James Pace’s, Andrew Stewart’s and
Courtland Searl’s. The trouble seemed to be
that few would go there on account of
Indians although all was peace at that time,
but my Father had been sent by President
Young to colonize this place and so great
was his faith that I presume he would
have went alone rather than to have failed.
However we built a double log house with
a sod chimney in the middle and were very
comfortable. Stewart and Searle’s turned an ell
to the north, then we all set up pickets of
cotton wood and made a nice little Fort so
that we wintered nicely.
In December 1850 George A Smith
with a company, came along on their way to
establish settlements in little Salt Lake Valley
where Parowan and Cedar Cities now stand;
thus settlements were extended throughout
Utah as fast as emmigration would justify
In the spring others came to Peteetneet farms
were laid off and water ditches made, but
the first year there was a scarcity of water
for eight or ten families and much doubt
was expressed as to their being able to
build a permanent town there for want of
[Page 45 of 80]
President Young was appealed to in the
course of the summer to settle their
differences during which he told them to
stop their wrangle, go to work, and the
water would increase as fast as settlers
came. Anybody visiting the City of Payson
now (1904) will be able to tell whether the
prediction was correct or not.
It was in March 1851 that Amasa Lyman
and Charles C. Rich with a large company
came along and rendesvoused at Peteetneet
on their way to California to colonize and
gather the Saints in that land to some
place in Southern California.
President Young, Kimball
and others came up to organize them and
were surprised at the number that were
going. They stoped over a week at my
Father’s trying to turn them back, as they
were weakening settlements previously built
in Utah but no, the most of them would go.
It seemed that it was not the intention
of the Presidency to send only just enough
to be safe on the road from Indians, and
gather from California such as wished to
become identified with the Mormon people,
but they finally organized and moved on.
At this time President Young named Peteetneet
Creek “Payson” after my father “James Pace & Son” I
suppose out of respect for service rendered
in Nauvoo, or maybe, in the Mormon
While trying to settle the “Lyman-Rich”
[Page 46 of 80]
company, we had a dance in a log school
house we had recently built, with frontier
Puncheon floor and I seemed to be the
only chance for music. I had learned to
play the Flute under Elisha Averett while
out with the Mormon Batallion, but while in
St. Jo. Missouri I found it hurt me to blow
the Flute hence I had invested in a
“Six bit” (fiddle) and made some proficiancy as a
puncheon floor fiddler. But it did not
suit President Young who stoped, took my
fiddle, looked at it, said it was no
account, but if I would come to his house
in Salt Lake City he would give me one
he had paid $50.00 for, that I was to
practice and play for the people etc.
Well the ball went on, and I done my
level best during the evening.
When he got home he had the
instrument repaired, so that when I
went down to Salt Lake I found it ready.
This brought me into some
notoriety, and by associating myself with
James Stewart, one of the best violinists
then in the country, we soon had the
run of Salt Lake, and the country from
there to Payson, which I kept up for
years, untill other public matters
made it necessary to quit.
Here I met and fell in love with
the Daughter of Alexander Williams
who at the time was very prominent
in Church matters in Provo, Well to
[Page 47 of 80]
be brief we were married on the 25th day
of March 1852 and two month after I
was on my way to California with my
Father-in-law. “Alexander Williams” and
my Brother-in-law. “Thomas Williams” in
search of wealth. Well I have been in
search of wealth most of my time ever
since but have not found it. I did
not have time to get acquainted with
my wife before I left, all was bustle
after the Almighty Dollar, they seemed
to have plenty, while I was poor,
but I was enthuastic over the prospect
of immense wealth to be got from the
California Gold fields, of course I would
get it, at least so I figured.
To commence with, they managed to
scrape to gather about 300 head of
cattle, and several wagons loaded
with furs, and some thirty men
joined the outfit and went as teamsters,
cow drivers etc. for their board. So great
was their zeal “just to get there”
My position was a kind of “third boss”
I rode a fine horse and was rather
looked up to, as I had been over the
road before. Sometimes I looked out
a camp, or done some trifling job.
Well we got through in June 1852 with
fat cattle generally and established a
butcher shop in Mormon Island on
the American River where it fell to
my lot to deliver beef to various
[Page 48 of 80]
mining camps for ten or fifteen
miles around for 25¢ a pound,
other shops were started at Placerville,
and Nevada Cities, and a thriving
business was the result. Though I
was getting one hundred dollars per
month for riding around in a
buggy it was too slow, I wanted to
get out in the hills and “just scoop
it up” and finally during the
winter months I got away for a
season, and went to Placerville
where I joined some boys from
Salt Lake and went to mining.
The first day, three of us cleared up
$89.00 thus we continued a few days
variously from $75.00 to a $100.00 then I
took the Small Pox and laid up
for repairs for three weeks, at the
end of which my Father-in-law
hearing of my misfortune visited
me. For some reason at this
time I wanted to go home I had,
had enough of California, and
while I had about money enough
left to take me there I wanted to
go at once. I succeeded in winning
over my Father-in-law, and we
agreed to go by water to Santiago
then over land by Los-Angeles and
the Southern route.
Ten days after this we were steaming
down the coast for Santiago.
[Page 49 of 80]
arriving at Santiago, we purchased a
wagon and a pair of mules, got some
supplies and set out for Los-Angeles.
Here we fell in company with Nathan
Adams and Brother bound for American
Fork, Utah. and Abrams the Jew who
wished to put on a pair of Mules
and go through to Salt Lake with us.
Buying some goods we fitted out and
started for San Barnidino, 75 miles distant
and the last settlement untill we reached
Arriving at San Barnardino I found
many old friends, among them John
and William McDonald, as we had to
lay here a few days for more company,
the McDonalds, myself and a few
others gave a minstrel concert, to
the no small amusement of the people,
who turned out enmasse.
We finally pulled out of San Barnordino
with Alexander Williams, myself the
Adams’, Abrams the Jew, William
Perkins and his wife who were
returning from a mission to the
Sandwich Islands, and one other
man whose name I disremember
two wagons eight mules and six
riding horses.
With this outfit and a goodly
supply of provisions, we took leave
of the good people of San Barnordino
and wended our way through
[Page 50 of 80]
the Cahone Pass early in April 1853, and
soon reached the Mohave river.
Our trip home ward was without any
incidents of moment untill we
reached the Santa Clara creek in
Utah. On our way we had met
Amasa Lyman and Charles C. Rich
and a few others, at Mountain Springs
about twenty-five miles west of Los-Vegus,
who were on their way back to San-
Barnordino from Conference in
Salt Lake City. They seeing our
numbers few, cautioned us, as to the
Indians from there on, untill we
reached the settlements.
Hence every precaution that could
be, was taken and we moved on
slowly, but from there to Los-Vegas
across the Vegas Desert and all up the
Rio-Virgin, no sign of Indians until we
began to feel safe, crossing the Mesa
and a chain of mountains we saw
no sign of natives, here we reached
the Santa Clara Creek and stoped
and turned our animals out for
noon taking no precaution for
danger, the cooks went to preparing
dinner, and Abrams the Jew, as
was his custom when oppertunity
offered opened his pack of goods to
give them air I suppose.
I being teamster, was doing
something about the wagon near
[Page 51 of 80]
Abrams, all of a sudden eight or ten Indians
came walking into camp, on looking farther
I saw we were completely surrounded by not
less than four hundred of the blackest looking
Indians nature ever produced.
“Here was a pretty kettle of fish,” we were
eight strong, poorly armed, and one of our
number a woman, it was no use to go
after our animals for most of them were
already in the possession of the Indians,
to say it looked like all was lost, does
not express it. Well to be brief, all seemed
to stand where they were, the Indians on
their way walked into camp, and as
Abrams was all unpacked, they made
him the first call, appropriating some
trifling objects and tucking them under
their clothing, to this he demurred and
drew an old Allen’s Pepper Box pistol as
if he would annihilate the whole tribe.
Standing close by him, it suddenly
occurred to me that this would not
do, hence I grabbed for the pistol and
at the same time gave him such a
shove that he went sprawling over
the wagon tongue, droped the pistol,
which I picked up and proposed to
empty into his carcass if he did
not keep still.
He was a man that weighed
over two hundred pounds, while
I was rather small, this or some
other power changed the minds of
[Page 52 of 80]
the Indians in a twinkling, for before
I had fairly finished with the “Jew”
the old chief was patting me on the
back and saying “Big Captain”, then
he jumped on a big rock close by,
and made a speech to the Indians,
presently our animals were driven
back, and two Indians told to herd them
then all the Natives except the Chief
and the two herdsmen “Vamosed “ up the
This relief from what appeared to
be annihilation, was great, we finally
settled down, got our dinners, fed
the chief and the two Indians, when
our animals were brought in and
we hooked up and pulled out.
The Chief and two Indians going
with us.
About five miles up the Creek
where the road passed under a cliff,
we overhauled the Indians busily
engaged removing the obstructions
they had placed in the road to hinder
our progress. It seemed they had
calculated on our coming past this
place before we stopped for noon,
but having stopped where we first
struck the Santa Clara, they had
concluded they had force enough
to over power us there, and hence
moved down, with the result above
[Page 53 of 80]
The obstructions removed the old chief
made another speech to the Indians and
they left us, we drove on to about where
the little town of Gunlock now stands
and camped.
The old chief and the two
Indians, came into camp, took our
animals and made us understand
that they would place them on good
feed, and return them in the
morning. We gave them something to
eat and trusted them, the old Chief,
which we now learned, was named
“Tutsagubet” stayed with us, as
surety I suppose, for the safe return
of the animals
The next morning our animals
came in alright, and we drove to
the Mountain Meadow (the place
since famous for the Lee Massacre)
and camped, Tutsagubet” and the
two Indians still with us, they
took our animals as before.
The next day we drove to Antelope
Springs, the Indians still guarding
us, and the next day when we
came in sight of Cedar City
Tutsagubet wanted to go back, said
we were safe now, we gave them
some presents and parted.
In after years I had occasion
to organize a mining district in
that country, which was designated
[Page 54 of 80]
“Tutsagubet” Mining District, in
honor of the old Chief, long since dead,
as the only moments I could make
for his kindness in thus saving
our lives.
At Cedar City one of (the) settlements
established by George A Smith in
1851, we soon traded for some
Butter & Eggs and fared sumptously
from here to Provo the end of our
journey, nothing of note, except
plenty of high water at Beaver,
Sevier and Spanish Fork occurred
which was overcome and we
reached Provo safely in May 1853,
finding all well my wife having
given birth to a daughter on
January 5th [number crossed out] 1853, which added to
my joy in getting home.
At Payson I met my mother and
family. My Father was gone to
England on a mission and every
thing looked like it needed looking
after, so I decided to locate there,
as soon as the Spanish Fork was
[Page 55 of 80]
Chapter V [crossed out]
Moved to Payson, Indian war,
Return to Provo and permantly
locating there. Elk Mountain Mission etc.
In July 1853 I moved to Payson and
intended settling down as a farmer,
I had thirty acres of land, good teams
and everything necessary to start.
My return from California with little or
no money made it hard to start.
On the 18th of July Kiel was killed
by the Indians, and the celebrated “Walker
Indian War” followed. Women and children
were gathered to the School-house in the
night and the men posted on duty to try
and prevent a further disaster, as there
were known to be over four hundred
Indians within five miles under Chief
Walker, but for some reason they did not
The next morning relief came from
Provo with Gen Peter W. Cownover in charge,
who was the commanding officer of the
County. efforts were made, by him, to get
some men away from the Sawmill, some
four or five miles distant, up the Canyon,
and in doing so, they discovered that the
Indians had left in the direction of San-
Pete County.
As the San-Pete settlements were
weak, it became necessary to send them relief,
[Page 56 of 80]
more troops were called from Provo
and Springville, and an expedition
fitted out for San-Pete Gen. Cownover
going in charge, leaving a strong guard
at Payson under Major David Canfield.
I now recall that at the re-organization
of the Nauvoo Legion in September 1851
I was duly elected 1st Lieutenant in
Company A. Payson Cavalry, though
I had not been called for any
particular duty, I found that the office with
all of its responsibilities were expected of me
now that war had broke out, Hence nearly
all of my time for the balance of the season
was occupied in army matters.
Not wishing to give a detailed account
of the Walker War, I simply say, the whole
Territory of Utah was more or less effected by it.
Fort walls were built around every settlement,
requiring an immense amount of labor
and toil. I sent my wife to Provo, which
left me untrameled for whatever was required.
Late in the fall after all was quiet I went to
Provo to move my family back but was
induced to remain over winter, in the early
spring I made arrangements to go back to Payson
and raise a crop, my wife not wishing to return
to Payson I traded my thirty acres of land
at that place, for an old Adobe house and two
City lots worth at the time probably $75.00
though called $250.00, then I arranged a
partnership with one James Smith and
became a “Stone and Adobe Mason,” and as
[Page 57 of 80]
building was the order, I done well that season,
Late in the Autumn of 1854. Smith,
myself and Goddard built the first
music hall in Provo 28 X 64, and
completed it for Theaters and Dancing
that winter and for several years thereafter.
At the April Conference (Apr 6th) 1855, I was called,
with a number of others, to go on a mission
“to the Indians” And was on the 30th of April
ordained a Seventy, and set apart for
my mission by Apostle George A. Smith.
In the following blessing, reported by
John B. Milliner
In the name of Jesus Christ, and in the
authority of the Holy Priesthood and Apostleship
confered upon us, we lay our hands upon
thy head, and we set Thee apart to go
forth as a messenger of the Gospel unto
the Laminites, to be a Savior upon the
Mountains of Israel unto the redemption
of the Seed of Joseph, and we say unto
Thee be humble and the Spirit of the
Almighty shall rest upon thee and thou
shalt have influence and great power
to do good in the redemption of the
children of Israel, thy name shall be
had in perpetual remembrance, and
thousands shall rejoice in thy testimony,
exercise wisdom and faith, and thy
dominions shall increase, thy children shall
increase as the sands upon the Sea shore,
thou shalt be prepared to inherit Eternal
Glory in celestial kingdoms, we seal all
[Page 58 of 80]
the blessings of this mission upon
thee in the name of Christ our Redeemer.
The above is inserted for its preservation,
I have had many [word crossed out] Blessings, before
and since the above, all pointing to the same,
but have been lost or destroyed.
On the 14th of May 1855 I bid farewell to
wife and home, and joined the company
that was designated as the Elk Mountain
Boys destined for Grand River, then in the
eastern part of Utah, where we were to build
a Fort and try to civilize the Ute Indians in
that vicinity.
At Payson I tried to sell some land
to help my family, and some things I needed
on the way, but no one seemed to care for
land, seeing I was going away, though in
great demand before I was called, after
spending some time I finally met George
Patten who condecended to give me a $10.00
Rifle and one pound of Powder for seven and
one half acres of land next to the City,
worth at that time, not less than $75.00. Now
it would bring several thousand, but as
I had to have a Rifle, I was compelled to take
it and go as the company had gone ahead
the day before.
Thomas Wilson and Myself, then took the
trail for Salt Creek, on foot, but succeeded
in catching the train at Pungeon Springs
(now Willow Creek) at noon, at night camped
near Salt Creek. Thomas J. Patton and
[Page 59 of 80]
others from Manti, met and camped with
us, I traded guns with Patten and got 100
pounds of flour at Manti for the difference.
When we got to Salt Creek, now Nephi, the
Boys for the Los-Vegas mission parted
company with us, and we took the road for
Manti where we arrived on the 19th of May.
On the 20th got my flour re-packed our
wagon, got a Steer from James Ivie to work
with John McEwan’s cow, making four
yoke to our wagon in which myself, Clinton
Williams, John McEwan and Thomas G.
Wilson were interested.
On the 21st moved out to Six Mile
Creek in a storm, at night the Company was
organized with Alfred N. Billings President,
Joseph Rawlins wagon master, and Oliver
B. Huntington clerk. At South Salt Creek,
now Salina, we turned to the East, left the
road, and crossed the Wasatch Mountains
to Huntington Creek where we met some
Green River Indians who were very friendly
and wished to Pilot us across the Spanish
trail, and save us two or three days, some
of our boys went with them as far as the
ridge and we decided to go that way.
On the 2nd day of June 1855 we
reached Green River, river very
high, valey large, covered with
large cotton wood trees, the next
day being Sunday we held meeting
and in the afternoon met with
some of the Indians of the vicinity
[Page 60 of 80]
who made us welcome.
Fourth to Eighth was occupied in crossing
the river, broke camp at Four thirty P.M.
and started for Grand River where we
arrived on the 10th after a perilous journey
for want of water, river very high, and
wind blowing a gale.
It took untill the 15th of June before
all got across (the river) on account of high winds.
Sunday the 17th President Billings selected
Joseph Rawlins and William Holden as
his counsel, and some arrangements
were made as to farming, joined mess
with James A. Ivie’ [letter crossed out] making a total of seven
men in all.
On the 18th we commenced farming some of the
men pulling (& burning) sage while others plowed & helped
to clear the land, some were called to burn coal;
one to make a grindstone & others to building
a dam across Elk Mountain creek, for the
purpose of turning water for irrigation purposes
as the farming land had to be irrigated previous
to planting & sowing, etc.
On the 23rd we finished planting gardens, etc.
Seven Indians came in & camped (close) by us
the next day being Sunday we called in
the Natives & held meeting. They seemed
pleased to have us among them, after they
were told our business, etc. they became interested
& wanted to learn to farm.
The fort was made at the foot of the East
Mountains near a spring not far from the
dam in the river. Wagons etc. were moved to
the Fort. I was left in camp & worked on a
[Page 69 of 80]
saddle tree. On the 27th we began cutting logs for a
correl which took us two days, we finished the
correl in the afternoon, the Elk Mountain chief
(St John) with three or four of his men came down
to see what was the matter in the north end of
the valley, he saw great smoke (from the boys burning
sage) he did not know we were there untill he
came in sight of the wagons.
After a conversation between himself & the Interpeter
as to our business there on his domains, etc., he
expressed himself as well satisfied & said we were
welcome to a share of his country, that we were the
first white men (or red) that he had ever given any
priviledges to stop on his premisses any longer than
they had time to get away. He told them he had a
dream the other night & that he saw the Mormons
coming here to live on his land. How he went & got
his men togather & was going to drive them off,
but the Great Spirit told him to let the Mormons
alone, that he must be good friends & not fight any
more, etc. he said he knew it was good for us to be
there & wanted us to learn his wild boys how to
plow, raise grain & work like we did etc.
Sunday July 1st I went with Joseph Rolllins & others to
accompany the Chief St. John to his farm, some twelve
miles from our camp. his corn and mellons looked fine
though it had not been irrigated for some time.
We assisted him in getting the water out of the
creek & turned it upon his corn etc. then returned to
camp leaving him well pleased
On the 3rd [word crossed out] (William) Hamlin & James Ivie commenced
cutting hay for our mules. & working on the farm
the next afternoon [word crossed out] a company of St. John’s
Indians came in to trade. In the evening we
[Page 62 of 80]
held a council meeting for the purpose of taking
into consideration the holding a fast meeting on
the morrow & decided we should.
Thursday meeting at 10-o'clock good speaking from
different ones: all voted to hold fast meetings on
the first Thursday of every month (as they do in the Valleys)
The following day the teams commenced hauling
stone for the Fort. I worked on the Fort walls
laying stone.
Sunday the 8th we held meeting in the
afternoon good speaking from the boys.
The following days I laid stone on the Fort walls.
as the wall began to rise Old Nicholas (a relative
of the [word crossed out] Chief St. John) & others did not like our
staying on this land & hauling the [word crossed out] (stones) & piling
them up as we pleased etc. (as they called it) which
was soon settled satisfactorily. The next day
large bands of Indians kept coming from all
directions. The Arropean Chief of Utahs came in with
the mail from Manti. the following 3 days we layed stone
& rested part of the time.
Sunday the 15th I wrote home several letters,
Meeting was held in the afternoon with the natives
Chief Arropean gave them to understand our business
here, with some good instructions relative to how
they should do towards us; he spoke lengthy & with
great power, which seemed to take deep root
in the minds of the leading men of the natives.
On the 17th President Alfred N. Billings, John Lowery
& myself finished laying (our share of the Fort) stone wall.
on the 18 I worked for Oliver B Huntington
Laying stone, about noon a heavy shower of
rain came down which done much good to
our crops. in the evening I wrote home to my family
[Page 63 of 80]
[word crossed out] The 19th Huntington’s men finished their share of
the Fort; In the [word crossed out] (afternoon) Bros. Wm R Holden, John
Crawford, James A Ivie, Wm Hamblin, John Lowry
Wm T Carroll, Stephen Moore & Columbus Perkins
started for great Salt Lake City. with the mail, myself
& others accompanied them as far as the River
& ferried them across.
The next day I went to the river after some
timber for a house. hauling stone the following
day to build a house while the boys finished
hauling hay in the afternoon.
The 22nd being Sunday we held meeting. In the afternoon
several natives came forward for Baptism, we went
to the river where President Billings Baptized 15
including several leading men. among them Chief
St John’s Brother & family, two of St. John’s sons. St.
John was absent at this time. On returning to the Fort
they were confirmed members of the church. Some (were ordained)
Elders & were set apart to preach to their tribe, etc.
23rd hauled stone for the house while 4 men went
to the mountains to look for timber for a gate to
the Fort. I commenced laying stone on our house
in the afternoon. the boys returned from the
mountains the following day reporting there
was an abundence of timber, rather hard to
get (at) a road would have to be made.
On the 26th I finished laying stone on the house
Put the roof on which was made of willows
covered with hay & dirt.
We moved our things into it.
The 29th Sunday we held meetings with the
Indians Brother O. B. Huntington & John Clark
presiding. The native Brothers felt well toward us.
a few visiting strangers seemed to take some
[Page 64 of 80]
interest in the work.
The next few days was spent making a
saddle & covering it. I traded one of my oxen
for a horse.
The 2nd of Aug. Being Fast day we held meeting
a good spirit prevailing. the next 2 days we
made fence around our hay & I covered another
5th Sunday Held meeting Bros. Moses Draper
& Wm Freeman presided, had a good meeting
On the 6th in the afternoon Spoods one of Arropean’s
Band returned from the navijos reported that they
(the Navegoes) were friendly & that 4 of their chiefs were
coming in with Arropean.
On the 8th Arropean in company with the
Navijos Indians arrived at our Fort, the object of
their visit was to make a treaty with the Elk.
Mountain Utes, that they might travel the road
& visit the Mormon settlement, they seemed well
pleased with us & wished to get acquainted
with our habits & customs. In the afternoon
we killed an ox & gave them that they might
have something to treat upon, etc.
The next day was occupied by the Indians
in making a treaty which I believe was
made satisfactorily by both parties. Arropean
started for Manti & the Navijos for this
12th Sunday meeting was held in the forenoon
in the afternoon I crossed the river with
some of the boys expecting to meet the
mail from G.S.L. City but returned without
success. The next 5 days were spent making
a saddle & a gate to the Fort. [words crosssed out] which was
[Page 65 of 80]
[word crosed out] hung (one side was made of cottonwood logs
hewn to 8 inch thick hewn doubled & pinned togather)
[words crossed out] 18th we hung the other side in the
morning, in the afternoon I was shoeing my
horse & fixing for going home with the mail.
the next morning John Lowry, John Crawford
& Stephen Moore returned from G.S.L. City bringing
mail. I received two letters from home.
It being Sunday we held meeting with the
Natives. A number was called upon (all those
that had horses sufficient) to take the mail back to
the Valleys in accordance with the instructions of
President Brigham Young.
I being one of the number, on the 20th we commenced
fixing for a start on the morrow.
I traded another ox for a horse, but in
consequence of it not being [word crossed out] (in) good [word crossed out] condition
I left it with John Clark untill I returned which
I expected would be about 5 weeks.
At half past 12 o’clock I started in company with 15
others for G.S.L. City we traveled 12 miles to Quincy
Rock springs & camped had some little trouble with
some of our animals they being wild, at night I stood
guard with Joseph Rollins & others around the horses.
22nd Packed our horses & traveled 36 miles to Green River
crossed & camped on the west [word crossed out] bank
23rd five of our company took the old trail for Manti
while the remaining ten took the Spanish Fork trail
for Utah Co. & traveled 30 miles to Dushanes Fork on
Green river & camped. muddy water & poor grass.
24th We traveled 24 miles & camped on the Whitbeck
Creek for the night.
25th Traveled through several deep ravines in
Duchesne Fork distance of 24 miles & camped at
[Page 66 of 80]
the foot of high Bluffs
26th we traveled 19 miles killing a mountain sheep on
our way & camped in the tops of the mountains.
27.th traveled 31 miles across mountains down canyon
forks reaching the rim of basin then (14 miles) down Spanish
Fork canyon & camped for the night.
28th traveled (on) down the canyon to Springville here
I left the company & rode on to Provo. where I
arrived about 8 o’clock found my family all well
& good spirits remained at home the next 3 or 4
days receiving visits from my friends.
September 1st I went to Spanish Fork after a horse
(I left there on the 28th) hunted all day without
success, spent the night with my Uncle Wm Pace.
2nd I got Wilson Pace to assist me in hunting,
after searching the brush several hours we found
the horse in the field near the river. Being
near Payson where Mother lived we concluded to
go there for dinner. I found my Mother & family
well, spent a couple of hours & started home
arriving about dark.
I spent the remainder of the month at
home settling accounts against the Provo
music Hall of which I was a partner, also
paid Zemira Palmer two hundred dollars for
an adobie house & two lots.
October 1st Began to prepare for going back to
Elk Mountain (in a few days)
2nd an express came in from Manti
stating the Indians had become hostile on
Grand river & drove them from the
mission killing three of our Boys & taking
possession of the Fort, provisions, Cattle,
[Page 67 of 80]
clothing & everything, the Boys barely escaping
with animals enough to get away on, that they were
in a bad condition & was not able to get home,
having drove without eating for several days.
On the 3rd I got Joseph Clark to take his wagon
& horses & go with me to their assistance, we started
about noon; I rode out on horse back for the purpose
of assisting in driving their loose animals.
Called at Springville & got Bro. J. G. Metcalf to
accompany me on horse back, arrived [letters crossed out] at Payson
after dark & stayed all night at Mother’s.
4th We were prepared to start early, when Brothers
Orson Miles & Brigham Lamb came in from Manti
& informed us the Boys were getting along well &
would not need the assistance of a team.
I then selected Brother Joseph Clark, J. G. Metcalf &
myself we went on horseback with some
provisions for them & met them about two miles
beyond Summit Creek Bros. Clinton Williams
Stephen Moore & [word crossed out] (John) Clark. gave them some
refreshments & returned to Payson [word crossed out]had
dinner at Mother’s & came on to Provo in the
6th I went to Great Salt Lake City with [letters crossed out] Stephen
Moore arrived about dark.
7th & 8th attended Conference & was informed
that we would not go back this season,
returned home on the 9th staying at home
untill the 16th I went to Payson with my
wife to get my corn down from there
which I had raised on my land.
18th returned home, this afternoon C. A.
Huntington, Wm W. Sterret & Richard James
[Page 68 of 80]
of the Elk Mountain mission arrived in Provo
they having undertook to come on the
Spanish Fork trail from Green River, but
lost their way, was out twenty four days having
eaten one dog & the greater portion of a horse
in consequence of lack of provisions.
19th assisted in getting a team to take the
boys home. & get Clinton Williams to
take them down to Great Salt Lake City.
Chapter VI
Re-Organization of the Utah County Militia etc.
20th I attended a re-organization of the Utah
County Militia & was elected Colonel of the
1st Regiment of Cavalry by a unanimous
22nd Drilled the Regiment on horse in
forenoon, in afternoon inspection of
Arms etc.
The remainder of the month at
work laying adobies for different
On November 4th my Father James Pace
arrived from England having been
gone over three years on a mission.
At home untill the 8th. I went to
Payson with my Family on a visit to
see my Father & family spent the 9th
& returned home on the 10th & continued
laying adobies untill December 20th when
[Page 69 of 80]
I had to leave off in consequence of bad weather
Dec. 25th I made a party at an expense of Seventy five
dollars for supper, etc. & had my Father & family, C. B.
Hancock & others to attend it at the music hall.
Dec 26 I commenced doing business for Alexander
Williams Sen. selling goods untill Feb 4th I went to
Salt Lake City in company with my wife, Father & Mother
for the purpose of attending the Mormon Batallion
festival, we stopped at the home of Thos. S. Williams.
On the 6th we attended the Ball & enjoyed the entertainment.
7th I bought a lot of merchandise from Levi
Stewart & Co. in exchange for the Music Hall
$750.00 for my interest, & returned to Provo on the 9th
putting goods in store & selling them continued
in the store untill the latter part of February,
about the middle of this month a band of
Utah Indians under the command of Tintic &
Squash-Head & their chiefs, became somewhat
troublesome in killing Cattle, stealing horses etc.
and upon the same being made known to
the United States Judges; Writs were issued for
their apprehension & a posse summoned of
some 40 persons under the direction of
the U. S. Deputy Marshall Thos. S. Johnson to
take their chiefs & some others & bring them
up for trial, and on the 21st of Feb. a
detachment of the above Posse under George
Parish came upon Tintics camp with the
intention of taking him. but the Indians
arose in arms to defend him, whereupon
a fight persued which resulted in killing
one White man, one Indian & a squaw, the
remainder of the Indians getting away
[Page 70 of 80]
without any serious injury.
This only helped to kindle the flame in the
ignorant Lamenites, & they likewise went to
a herd ground from that place, & on the
morning of the 22nd they killed 2 Carson (Bros) & his
Comrad (Young Hunsucker) who was there herding cattle & horribly
mutilated their bodies, drove off a number
of cattle & horses to the mountains, this day
an express was sent to the Governor. to know
what was best to do in regard to the matter.
Consequently orders were issued to Brigadier
Gen’l. Peter W. Cownover to Call out the Malitia
of Utah, County. & follow the Indians into
the mountains, & return the Cattle to their
owners. And on the 26th I received the
following orders from General Cownover.
(Head Quarters Brigade Secretary
Orders (office Provo City Feb 26th 1856
(To Col. Wm B. Pace.
You are hereby ordered to
call out from your Regiment one hundred
men well armed, mounted & Provisioned
with ten days provisions, to march at
9 o’clock on the 27th the remainder to be ready
to march at a moments notice to any
point where their services may be required
By order of Peter W. Cownover.
Brig’d Gen’l. Com’d.
John McEwan
Brigade Sec’y & Quarter
Persuant to the above order I made
the following selections
[Page 71 of 80]
twenty five men from Co. A. twenty five from Co. B.
fifteen men from Co. E. ten men from Co. C. &
twenty five from Company D.
After issuing the above order an express came in
from Cap’t. Willis’s command (that were in search of
some cattle that were scattered on the west side
of Utah lake) of being surprised by some Indians
& three of their men killed (two, Carson brothers & young Hunsucker) & several of their horses
taken from them, & that Utes drove off one hundred
& fifty head of cattle at the same time to the
mountains. The Gen’l ordered me to send Cap’t
Sords Co. D. around the north end of the Lake
to scour the county & if possible find where the Indians
had gone & check them intill the main command
overtook him. [sentence crossed out]
We crossed the lake on ice & camped in the
canyon west of Goshen, the baggage was sent
to Cedar Fort for want of roads, we followed the
Indians (who killed Hunsaker & the Carson brothers
& stole their cattle) to Homansville & Eureka canyons,
through snow from 4 to 6 feet deep, on a biscuit
a piece for breakfast or what could be found
in our scant supplies. That night we camped
at Shivery Point without supper or blankets.
We must either catch stock next day or starve.
We caught the stock next night near
Seveir Lake, the Indians took fright & left
the stock behind, except a few saddle
horses & the expedition returned with
the stock.
[Page 72 of 80]
The following was in a diary of Wm B. Pace
Was Col. of Nauvoo Legion 1st regiment
Cavalry, Utah Militia District Nov. 1855
Aug 1st 1857 was given notice Soldiers from
the East were coming to invade the Territory.
Nov. 9th 1857 was given orders from Colonel
Commanding N. V. Jones to march immediately
with forces under his command for
& defense in Echo Canyon.
May 1st 1864 was granted a license with
Haws to work as butchers in the state for
1 year.
Copy of (part of) a letter written to James Jack Esq.
by William Byrum Pace while
confined in the Utah Penitenuary for
unlawful Cohabitation.
Utah Pen.
Jan. 26th 1891.
James Jack Esq.
Dear Bro:-
Enclosed, please find
memoranda of Sentence of Henry Sudweeks,
James H. Jenkins, Hans Jespersen, Rasmus
Justesen, Albert G. Slater, Charles A Terry,
John A Powell and Thos. Sterland.
If not sufficiently explicit, will endeavor
to make them so later on.
Personally, I have the next longest time,
yet to serve, on the list, hence will submit
the following--”tho’ not to be used, if in
[Page 73 of 80]
any manner, liable to check, or hinder the
release of older men.
I first entered the service of the United States,
when about 15 years of age, as servant to
Lieut James Pace Co. E. Mormon Batallion in
July 1846 (Mexican War) and marched on foot
from Ft. Levenworth Missouri to Los-Angeles
Upon the organization of the Territory of Utah
I became identified with the Militia, grading
from a 1st Lieut. to Brig. Gen’l in a few
years. During the Walker Indian war of
1853 & 4 I was in active service the most
of two summers and in two regiments.
In the Tintic war of 1856, was Col. Of
Cavalry and with part of my Regiment
succeeded in rescueing a large herd
of stock from Tintic’s Band of Indians
near Sevier Lake.
From the opening of Black Hawk
war in 1865, I was in active service
over 3 years, rendering aid, and protection
to the settlements of Utah, Sanpete, Sevier,
Piute and Juab counties, for all of
which service, in Utah, covering a
period of many years I never
received any remuneration.
balance of letter was lost or burned
[Page 74 of 80]
Copy of a letter written by William
B Pace to his Comrads.
My dear Comrads:
I am pleased to meet you,
on this the 12th Annual anniversary of
the Veterans of “Utah Indian wars”.
While I am not quite as active or
able to move around, as I would wish,
yet I retain a vivid memory of the
Past, of the many hardships endured,
and difficulties surmounted, in the
various efforts to Establish and maintain
settlements in the Rocky Mountains.--
Which has made it possible for the
present and future development of the
Great State of Utah.
For this the country is immensly indebeted
to you and your associates. You, through
the dictates of that Devinely Inspired man
Brigham Young, Subdued the Savage
and warlike Indians, and made it possible
for flourishing Towns and Cities to be
built and occupied in peace, throughout
all the Vallies of the mountains, you are
virtually responsible for the settlement or
Colonizeation of Nevada, Wyoming, Idaho
and many other flourishing mountain
States, while they may have encountered the
Savage, Government came to their rescue,
put the Indians to flight and left them
in peacable possession of the country
priviledged to mine, raise stock, Farm
or follow the vent of their own
You were quite differently situated,
[Page 75 of 80]
were in the middle of the Desert, near one
thousand miles from aid in any direction,
surrounded by the most savage and unscrup-
ulous Indians all determined on your
Did Government come to your aid, No,
You were poor, destitute of clothing and
suitable arms and outfit needed, with no
resource, but you had to simply furnish
your own Horse, Saddle & Bridle, or go on
foot, your own gun, amunition, and rations
or go hungry, if you had any blankets, you
were supposed to take them, or sleep without.
You were minute men then and moved at
a moments notice to the aid of any
settlement no matter how remote.
This you done without Pay or reward, or
even the hope thereof, so far as this
world goes, truly you aught to be
Thus it was, that through your efforts,
under a devine providence the first
Settlements were established and maintained
in Utah.
Now had you failed, had the efforts to
colonize what is now known as the
State of Utah failed, when would the
surrounding Mountain States come into
existance, probable not in this age,
hence you are entitled to the credit of
being the means of populating this
whole mountain region.
Well there is some satisfation in this,
[Page 76 of 80]
if you never get any recognition or
pay from government.
While I do not wish to censure [word crossed out]
Government, the fault properly belongs to
ourselves for not sending the right
kind of men to Congress who have the
“Poor-mans” interest at heart, and are
willing to devote at least three minutes,
of their term to the men who made it
possible for this mountain region to
be occupied.
Beware of those Congressmen who on
the eve of an Election get a bill before
either House of Congress, in behalf
of the “Poor Soldier” that is only filed
to catch votes, it will not be called up
again only to be laid aside, even if
re-elected, if they meant business, they
would commence earlier in the term.
Now all is Peace, you may travel from
the Colorado River on the South, to the
northern extremities of the State and
not be molested by an Indian, (if you
behave yourself.)
How was it in 1853, when Keel was
shot down by Indians at Payson
while on guard, and Chief Walker with
400 or 500 warriors known to be camped
within three miles up Payson canyon.
Payson had but few in numbers then,
families were rushed to the School house
and men distributed to protect them,
expecting an attack before day light,
[Page 77 of 80]
but you came to the rescue, and Walker
drew off into San Pete county.
Then came the rush to protect the weaker
Towns and Ranches of San-Pete; the
engagement of Major Nowlan with the Indians
on San Pete mountains--
When Walker again drew off, threatening the
most Southern Settlements and you were
sent home to “Build a Fort wall”, for the
protection of your families or parents,
Stand guard and hold yourselves in
readiness to go to the relief of Cedar City,
Parowan or Fillmore and Probably the
next day or two would see you on your
way leaving home and all that was near
and dear to the watch care of a kind
providence and a few [word crossed out]
decriped old men.
This many of you will readily [word crossed out]
call to mind
Then in the Tintic war of 1855 & 6 and
especially in February 1856 when you
crossed Utah Lake and the “Ice”, sent
your Baggage from near where Goshen
now stands, to “Cedar Fort” and follow
the Indians who had killed the Carson
Boys, Hunsucker and others and fled
with the stock on the west side of
Utah Lake through, what is now known
as Homansville & Eureka canyons,
through 4 to 6 feet of snow.
This you done on a Biscuit a piece
or what ever you could snatch from an
[Page78 of 80]
exausted or nearly depleted Breakfast
table in camp.
As you could not make connections
with Baggage (for impasible mountains)
you were compelled to “Bivouch” on
what was named “Shivery Point,” in
west Tintic, without supper or Blankets.
The next day, it became a question
of “catching the stock” or perishing
on the Desert.
Well you got the stock at night, near
the Sinque of the Sevier, then you
had Beef alone, broiled on Sage Brush
fire, without any Salt, until you got
back to Nephi, when the People there
came to the Rescue, many incidents
Similar could be mentioned, but will
not detain you.
Black Hawk war was prolonged from
July 1865 until May 1872 when a
treaty was finally made with the
last band of Utah Indians at Fish
Many of you served through the war
and certainly are entitled to some
remuneration, but if you never get
it, console yourselves with the fact,
that you have aided in paving the
way for flourishing Towns, Cities,
States and Railroads to be built up
throughout this entire mountain
I am proud to be numbered with
[Page 79 of 80]
you, to see the prosperity that follows your
labors through we may not enjoy an
abundence of its results.
Thanking you for your kind attention
I am truly yours
W. B. Pace.
Some of the activities of William B. Pace.
He was appointed assistant assessor for division
No. 4 of the territory of Utah 9 Oct 1866.
Assistant assessor for [crossed out] Internal Revenues
for 4th division of District of Utah 11 Oct. 1866.
Appointed assistant Assessor in Utah,
Wasatch, Juab and Sanpete Counties 6th May 1868.
Council man 10th Feb. 1874 of Provo (1 term)
“ “ 15th Feb. 1876
House of Representative member
from Aug. 1865 to 1878 inclusive.
Elected delegate to help draft State
Constitution 9th Feb 1872.
In City Council
From 1861 to 1877
Elected Brig. Gen’l 8 May 1866 1st Brigade.
Militia of Utah Military District.
In 1880 William B. Pace was called to go to southern Utah to help
develop the Iron Mines.
Emma A. Empey speaks of William B. Pace as being active in
mining and a leader in many activities in St. George Utah and in the
vicinity during his sojourn there. He led the Orchestra and directed
many plays and entertainments.
The Pinafore was the most successful musical entertainment
ever staged in St. George up to that date. He wrote much of this music
to suit the people whom he had to train for it. He gave freely of his
time to develove the resourses of the community in which he lived.
He married Maria Empey Gould 20 Feb. 1880, by whom he had four
children. She died 3 May 1891. [words crossed out]
He returned to Provo to live. He made another trip [word crossed out] to
St. George and while there, suffered a paralytic stroke 18 July 1900
As soon as he was able to travel he came back to his home in Provo.
In 1902 (because of the care he needed, due to his infirmity,)
he came to live with his son, Sidney A. Pace and family on Provo
Bench, now Orem City. He died there 18 June 1907, five years and
eleven months after his first stroke. During this entire time his
right hand and arm was useless. He learned to walk, with the aid
of a chair or a cane, about the house and yard, dragging his “game
leg" as he called it, slowly about.
He was the father of nineteen children. He was a kind and [crossed out]
affectionate father and friend.. He died, as he had lived, a faithful
member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, honored
and respected by all who knew him.
His first wife, Epsy Jane Williams died 16 Jan. 1910 at her old home
in Provo. She was the mother of fifteen children. As the development
of the Iron mines and other projects for the development of Southern
Utah demanded her husband’s time and attention, it fell to the lot of
this good mother to rear, educate and care for her family. She did this
faithfully with the help of her children, eleven of these she raised to
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