Church History Biographical Database Frequently Asked Questions
What is the Church History Biographical Database?
The Church History Biographical Database contains information on Church members who participated in specific Church activities. It was created in 2022 by merging the Pioneer Database2 and Missionary Database.1 We have since added information about the people who traveled with the Mormon Battalion on its trek to California. This database is a single resource that allows researchers to access multiple biographical details about individual people.
On the surface, the Biographical Database may seem like an encyclopedia, however, it’s easier to view it as more of an index. We provide references to the sources that help show how an individual participated in a specific Church activity.
What are the Church Biographical Database datasets? And what is the scope?
Church members included in this database must fulfill the following requirements: 1) Evidence that shows their involvement in one of the datasets. 2) Fit within the scope of the appropriate dataset. Currently, we have three datasets: Pioneer, Missionary, and Mormon Battalion. The numbers listed below represent the count as of February 2024:
Pioneer: There are currently 58,664 pioneer profiles in the database. Pioneers included in this database needed to have come to the Utah Territory between 1847 and 1868. They can’t have just passed through Utah; they need to have been part of a company that ended its journey there.
Missionary: There are currently 46,964 missionary profiles in the database. Missionaries included in this database had to have served a proselytizing mission between 1830 and 1945. We currently do not include missionaries who served after 1945, or those who served in non-proselytizing missions (i.e., colonizing, labor, medical, genealogy, education, etc.). In the future we hope to increase the years served as this is a rolling figure.
Mormon Battalion: There are 616 men, women, and children who participated in the march of the Mormon Battalion. Only members of the Church who were part of the march are included in this dataset. This dataset begins on July 16, 1846, and ends on the date of discharge (July 16, 1847).
Will you continue to add to the database? (What is the future of the Database?)
Over time we plan to add more datasets of Latter-day Saints in various capacities. For instance, we are working to add general and local Church leaders, women who served as midwives in their communities (1830-1920), and residents of various Latter-day Saint settlements, like Nauvoo (1838-1847).
We are constantly researching and reviewing potential datasets to include in this database and plan to add new datasets regularly moving forward.
What is Primary Documentation?
Primary Documentation is drawn from sources and artifacts created during the time of study. Examples of primary sources include authentic diaries, letters, photographs, maps, recordings, reports, speeches, newspapers, military draft cards, etc. These sources are what we consider authoritative.
The following examples are not considered to be primary: published biographies, historical monographs, dissertations and theses, journal articles, book reviews, etc. Most of these items would be considered secondary sources because they are current or modern interpretations of the past (not from the actual time period).
What Primary Documentation do you use?
Most of the primary documentation we use comes from the Church History Library resources. We link to digitized documents made available in the Library’s catalog. In some cases, we also link to the Harold B. Lee Library at Brigham Young University, the Family History Library, and other online digital repositories. Here are a few examples of primary sources we’ve used in researching and adding to this database:
*Note: parenthesis holds Call Number used to locate item in the Church History Library Catalog
What is your relationship with FamilySearch?
The Church History Department and FamilySearch are two separate entities, however; both are affiliated with The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The Church History Biographical Database is a product of the Church History Department. But, where we can identify them, profiles in the database are linked to the individual’s FamilySearch profile.
This link allows the researcher to see other possible resources when learning or researching about a particular individual.
The “Show My Ancestors" feature also uses the link between the Biographical Database and FamilySearch to present you with a list of your direct ancestors found in the database rather than making you search each one individually. It uses your FamilySearch Account login to link to individuals in your family tree to names in the database.
How does the Church History Biographical Database work?
Similar to other library databases (i.e. the Harold B. Lee Library Brigham Young University or Church History Library Catalog), we have a search function to get you started.
Begin by typing the name of the individual you are searching for. You may also search directly in one of the datasets (i.e. Pioneer Companies, Missions, or Mormon Battalion) by selecting one of them (located under the search bar). If you’d like a more advanced search, leave the search bar blank and click “Search.” It will take you to the advanced search options.
Filters on the left-hand side will help narrow down your search. You may also refine your search by selecting a specific dataset (i.e., Pioneers, Missionaries, and Mormon Battalion).
From the search results, select the profile or organization you want to view. A page will open showing the information we have for that individual or organization.
Scroll down to see their “timeline.” This will show specific events in their lives; birth, mission, travel journey (pioneer activity), marriage, etc. To view more information on a specific event, click on the arrows to the right of that event, and a dropdown information tab will open.
If you want to search for specific activities, the filters at the top of the timeline can help narrow your search.
At the bottom of the page, you will see labels called “Media” and “Sources.” Media presents a representative sample of photographs we have found of the individual. Sources presents the documentation we have for this individual or organization.
Clicking the arrow to the right of the sources will open or close the drop down with the additional information.
Can I send feedback or more information?
If you have questions or would like to send information to us, click on the “Feedback” or “Submit Additional Information” buttons under the “Sources” section of the page.
We accept vital information and photographs from direct descendants of any person in the database. Approved information will be added to that individual’s profile. We also welcome primary evidence of individuals missing from the database, if their participation in one of the Biographical Database events can be verified.