Errata for Saints

1 November 2018

Updated August 2024

The following errors appeared in early English print copies of Saints, volumes 1, 2 and 3. The errors have been corrected in electronic versions of the English text and, when applicable, in other languages. The print edition has been or will be updated in subsequent printings.

Volume 1

Page xiii. Japanese archipelago missing from map.

Page 31. Remove “on his property” from the sentence “Josiah had hired the young man and his father to help him find buried treasure on his property.” Remove “the Stowell farm in” from “When Joseph and his father came to the Stowell farm in Harmony, Pennsylvania.” Joseph Smith Sr. and Jr. were hired to help Josiah Stowell locate treasure near the Hale property in Harmony, Pennsylvania, not the Stowell property in South Bainbridge, New York.

Page 85. Change “His word ye shall receive, as if from mine own mouth, in all patience in faith” to “His word ye shall receive, as if from mine own mouth, in all patience and faith.”

Pages 96–97. Replace “Soon after the revelation, Joseph and Emma traveled to Colesville, where Emma and the Saints there ​were finally confirmed. As the new members received the gift of the Holy Ghost, the Spirit of the Lord filled the room” with “Soon after the revelation, Newel and Sally Knight visited from Colesville, and Sally and Emma were confirmed. As the two women received the gift of the Holy Ghost, the Spirit of the Lord filled the room.”

Page 108. Change “before He created to physically” to “before He created it naturally.”

Page 342. Replace “starting” with “started” in “a mob had starting setting wildfires.”

Page 346. Change “open and armed defiance” to “open and avowed defiance.”

Page 390. “Him” should be capitalized in “all who turned to him in their trials.”

Page 410. Change “John and Jane owned a spacious white brick home” to “John and Jane rented a spacious white brick home.”

Page 453. Change “On May 4, 1842, Brigham Young, Heber Kimball, and Willard Richards found the upper room of Joseph’s store transformed. On the wall was a newly painted mural. Small trees and plants stood nearby, suggesting a garden setting.” to “On May 4, 1842, Brigham Young, Heber Kimball, and Willard Richards found the upper room of Joseph’s store transformed. Small trees and plants stood around the room, suggesting a garden setting.”

Page 464. Change “including John and Jane Benbow, who had sold their large farm in England” to “including John and Jane Benbow, who had left their large farm in England.”

Page 551. Change “His body went numb and he crashed against the windowsill, smashing his pocket watch at sixteen minutes past five o’clock” to “His body went numb and he fell to the floor. His pocket watch was damaged during the attack, stopping at sixteen minutes past five o’clock.”

Page 594, note 11. Add explanation: “The Lord repeated this promise not long after, in what is now Doctrine and Covenants 10:53.”

Page 645, note 10. Change “Eliza Partridge Kimball” to “Eliza Partridge Lyman.”

Page 680. Change “Watson, Eldon J.” to “Watson, Elden J.”

Page 699. Add subentry under index entry for “Woodruff, Phebe Carter”: “near-death experience, 373–74.”

Volume 2

Page 48. Remove the sentence “Since leaving Nauvoo, the apostles had continued to perform spiritual adoptions among the Saints.” In the next sentence, add the word “spiritually”: “Brigham observed that a few Saints were urging friends to be spiritually adopted into their families.”

Page 298. Change “While in New York City, he had told an official at the Japanese embassy about the Saints” to “While in New York City, he had told a visiting Japanese official about the Saints.”

Page 444. Change “were rapidly become urban centers of manufacturing and commerce” to “were rapidly becoming urban centers of manufacturing and commerce.”

Page 730, note 5. Delete “Topic: Brigham Young’s Family.”

Page 766, note 10. Change “Apr. 4, 1884” to “Apr. 3, 1884.”

Volume 3

Page 29. Change “parents in the St. George Temple” to “parents in the Logan Temple.”

Page 146. Switch the labels for Colonia Juárez and Colonia Dublán.

Page 206. Change “a million dollars” to “a thousand dollars”

Page 374. Change “Santiago Mora Gonzáles, a branch president in central Mexico” to “Santiago Mora González, a branch president in Puebla, Mexico.”