Que Dios Prevalezca
Que Dios Prevalezca

Que Dios Prevalezca

Silvana Rodhes
Born 1967, Argentina; Residing Utah
44 x 56 x 2.5 in.
Standing in a font carried by gold oxen, a figure buries another under water. Generations of waiting participants oversee the scene. We all must be baptized, and that ordinance is universally available through temples. For many who died without being baptized, or for those who were baptized with improper authority, members can perform proxy baptisms. "We are all purified by the blood of Christ," writes Rodhes, "and made equal before God, heirs and joint-heirs with Christ."
"Todos somos purificados por la sangre de Cristo, y hechos iguales ante Dios, herederos y coherederos con Cristo."