But This Is That which Was Spoken by the Prophet Joel
But This Is That which Was Spoken by the Prophet Joel

But This Is That which Was Spoken by the Prophet Joel

Joseph Banda
Born 1979, Malawi; Residing Malawi
24 x 43 x 1.5 in.
Acrylic on canvas, chitenge material, and banana fiber

Award Winner
Purchase Award
Using chitenge cloth commonly worn in Malawi, Banda depicts the day of Pentecost foreseen by the prophet Joel, who spoke for the Lord saying, "I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh" (Joel 2:28). On this day, described in Acts 2, listeners from many nations were able to feel the spirit of the Lord. Despite their different cultural backgrounds, many were baptized and joined the Church.
"This is the story that happened on the day of the Pentecost in Jerusalem."