He Doeth That which Is Good among the Children of Men
He Doeth That which Is Good among the Children of Men

He Doeth That which Is Good among the Children of Men

Erica Stenkrona
Born 1961, Sweden; Residing Sweden
41 x 34 x 1 in.
Wax pastels, acrylic paint on rice paper, photographs, paper collage

Award Winner
Purchase Award
A joyful family—Mathilda, Arju, Noah, and Alvin—sits surrounded by their favorite things. Sharks, sloths, flowers, chameleons, even the historical wharf in Bergen, Norway, give the family happiness and energy, gifts of a loving Savior.
"I made a visual manifesto to inspire the members of the family to remember all the great things that our Savior has created and that He wants to do good in their family."