Valley of Ezekiel
Andrew Kosorok
- Born 1969, Washington; Residing Utah
- 21 x 9 x 9 in.
- Etched and fired glass with found earthenware bowl and fossils
Biblical Ezekiel had a vision of spirits entering bones and putting on flesh, foreseeing the promise that all will be resurrected. At the center of his work, Kosorok has placed an earthenware jar of fossils surmounted by high clarity glass, which rises from an egg-shaped chamber (a symbol of resurrection) to a gothic arch scribed from three points representing the Godhead. The arch is elongated, representing the longing of God’s children for their heavenly home.
"Although the vision of Ezekiel is related in terms specific to Israel, the prophet’s vision is a declaration of the promise of resurrection to all living things."