Lorenzo Snow
Time Line of Life Events

Born in Mantua, Ohio, to Rosetta Leonora Pettibone Snow and Oliver Snow.
Lorenzo's mother and sister, Leonora, join the Church
They met Joseph Smith in Hiram, Ohio.
Hears the Prophet Joseph Smith preach in Hiram, Ohio
Awarded a lieutenant's commission at the end of his military career
Leaves home to study at Oberlin College in Ohio
Meets Elder David W. Patten of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles on the way.
Lorenzo's sister, Eliza R., joins the Church
Leaves Oberlin College and moves to Kirtland, Ohio, to study Hebrew
Baptism and confirmation
Embraces the restored gospel and is baptized and confirmed in June.
Ordained an elder
Receives a patriarchal blessing from Joseph Smith Sr.
Preaches the gospel in Ohio
Preaches the gospel in Ohio, Missouri, Kentucky, and Illinois
Served through May 1840. Also works as a schoolteacher during the winter of 1839–40.
Leaves Nauvoo, Illinois, to serve a mission in England
Under the direction of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, presides over the Church in London, England, and the surrounding area. Publishes a pamphlet titled The Only Way to Be Saved. Presents a copy of the Book of Mormon to Queen Victoria.
Ordained a member of the quorum of the Seventy
Ordained a high priest
Receives a revelation on the nature of God and man
Arrives in Nauvoo, Illinois, with 250 Latter-day Saint converts from England
Supervises a campaign in Ohio to elect Joseph Smith as president of the United States
Returns to Nauvoo after learning of the martyrdom of Joseph and Hyrum Smith, which occurred on June 27.
Travels through Ohio to collect donations
Appointed by President Brigham Young to collect the donations for the construction of the Nauvoo Temple.
Marries Charlotte Squires and Mary Adaline Goddard
Enters into plural marriage, as then practiced in the Church, by marrying Charlotte Squires and Mary Adaline Goddard.
Leaves Nauvoo
Leaves Nauvoo with family members and other Latter-day Saints after receiving endowments and sealings in the Nauvoo Temple.
Lives with his family at the Mount Pisgah settlement in Iowa
Presides over the settlement for a time. In the spring of 1848, leads a group of Saints to Salt Lake City.
Arrives in Salt Lake City
Ordained an Apostle in Salt Lake City
Gathers donations for the Perpetual Emigrating Fund
Serves a mission in Italy
Also serves in England, where he supervises the publication of the Book of Mormon in Italian, in Italy, Switzerland, and Malta. Publishes a pamphlet titled The Voice of Joseph. Served through July 1852.
Organizes the Church in Italy
Sends elders to Malta and Bombay, India.
Serves in the Utah legislature for 29 years
Names Brigham City
Called by President Brigham Young to preside over a settlement of Latter-day Saints in Box Elder County, located in northern Utah. Names the principal city Brigham City. Serves for many years as a leader in the Church and the community.
Becomes president of the Box Elder Stake
Serves a short mission in the Hawaiian islands
Served with a group led by Ezra Taft Benson of the Quorum of the Twelve. Served through May 1864.
Organizes the Brigham City Cooperative Association
Serves as president of the Utah Territorial Legislative Council
Served through 1882.
Tours parts of Europe and the Middle East, including the Holy Land
Toured with a group led by President George A. Smith, First Counselor in the First Presidency. Participated in the dedication of Palestine for the return of the Jews.
Instigates the United Order in Brigham City, Utah
Becomes assistant counselor to President Brigham Young
The United States Congress passes the Edmunds Act
The Edmunds Act made plural marriage a felony and prohibited polygamists from voting, holding public office, or performing jury duty.
Serves missions among American Indians
Served in the northwestern United States and the state of Wyoming. Served through October 1885.
Imprisoned for practicing plural marriage
Released February 8,1887.
The United States Congress passes the Edmunds-Tucker Act
The Edmunds-Tucker Act, another antipolygamy law, allowed the federal government to confiscate much of the Church’s real estate. The act became law on March 3, 1887.
Reads the dedicatory prayer at sessions of the Manti Utah Temple dedication.
President Wilford Woodruff had dedicated the temple on May 17.
Sustained as President of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles
Serves as the first president of the Salt Lake Temple
Served through September 1898.
Becomes the senior Apostle
Becomes the senior Apostle and presiding leader of the Church at the death of President Wilford Woodruff. Receives a divine manifestation in the Salt Lake Temple, in which the Lord instructs him to move forward with the reorganization of the First Presidency.
Sustained by the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles as President of the Church
Sustained and set apart as President of the Church
Preaches the law of tithing
Travels to St. George, Utah, where he receives a revelation to preach the law of tithing to the Saints. Begins sharing this message in St. George and leads an effort to share it throughout the Church.
Serves as general superintendent of the Sunday School
Death and burial
Dies in Salt Lake City, Utah, at age 87. Buried in Brigham City, Utah, the same day.