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Online Historical Resources

This section lists websites and databases that are useful in providing some context to Church history but are also useful in a broader study of history. The Church does not maintain or control these sites and is not responsible for their content.

General Resources


This database hosts a variety of material from a multitude of different archival institutions to help researchers find primary source materials held in archives, libraries, museums, and historical societies.

Archives West

This website provides access to descriptions and some digital versions of primary sources in the western United States.

Digital Library of the Caribbean

This database provides access to a variety of resources from or about the Caribbean and circum-Caribbean held in its partner archives, libraries, and private collections. It also has a collection of digitized newspapers.

Digital Public Library of America

This website includes material from libraries, archives, museums, and other cultural heritage institutions across the United States.

FamilySearch Digital Library

FamilySearch hosts this vast digital library of books and other resources. Access to much of the content requires creation of a free account.


The online digital library of the Bibliothèque nationale de France (National Library of France) provides access to millions of images from collections held by the national library and partner institutions.

History Hub

Sponsored by the U.S. National Archives, History Hub is a crowdsourced site where experts, enthusiasts, and everyday people can ask questions, share information, and connect with other historians and researchers.

Library of Congress Digital Collections

The Library of Congress hosts this online portal to digital collections they hold on a variety of topics.

Mountain West Digital Library

This is an online collection of databases and materials from various institutions in the Mountain West region of the United States.

Original Sources by Western Standard

Western Standard, an electronic research and translation technology company, has created this compilation of historical sources comprising original documents, eyewitness accounts, and historical accounts. It includes the following categories: World History, U.S. History, Social Science, Science and Mathematics, Political Science and Law, Philosophy and Religion, Literature, and Language.


This is an online archive of books, images, newspapers, maps, and so forth focused on Australia and the Pacific and provided by the National Library of Australia.

Map Resources

Historic Map Works

This site contains over 100,000 land ownership maps detailing the geographic and development history of the United States since its beginnings.

Library of Congress Sanborn Maps

This online collection is a searchable database of fire insurance maps that were created by The Sanborn Map Company, Inc. The collection contains maps from over 30 states, with some maps of cities in Canada and Mexico. This database is hosted by the Library of Congress.

Map Images at the National Library of Scotland

This online collection of maps includes resources primarily related to Scotland and dating from 1560 to 1964.

Old Maps Online

This database provides maps for many locations around the world. The site offers a search function with options to narrow the date range of the results and the map scale.

Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps of Utah

This collection contains large-scale, detailed maps of Utah cities spanning 1884 to 1950. This database is hosted by the University of Utah.

Newspaper Resources

Chronicling America

This website provides access to historical U.S. newspapers and some digitized newspaper pages from all U.S. states and territories. This database is hosted by the Library of Congress.

Hemeroteca Nacional Digital de México

Hosted by the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (National Autonomous University of Mexico), this database provides access to historical, public-domain newspapers of Mexico. Those digitized items still under copyright are accessible only at Hemeroteca Nacional de México (National Newspaper Archive of Mexico) facilities.

Illinois Digital Newspaper Collections

This database contains issues from 146 newspapers from the state of Illinois. This database is hosted by the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

Utah Digital Newspapers Project

Holding over one million pages of historic Utah newspapers, this database continues to add more material monthly. Newspapers can be browsed by issue or searched by keyword, article title, wedding date, death date, and birth date. This database is hosted by the University of Utah.

Utah State History Digital Collections

Hosted by the Utah Department of Heritage & Arts, this database features digitized photographs, manuscripts, and films from the collections of the Utah State Historical Society.

Welsh Newspapers

Provided by the National Library of Wales, this database offers access to 15 million Welsh newspaper articles. It includes a mix of articles in Welsh and English.