Young Men OrganizationAaronic Priesthood

Aaronic Priesthood

Young Men Organization Research Guide

On 15 May 1829, Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery prayed to know more about the ordinance of baptism. In response, the Lord revealed to them instruction about baptism and the Aaronic Priesthood through His messenger John the Baptist. John the Baptist conferred the Aaronic Priesthood upon the heads of Joseph and Oliver.1

The Aaronic Priesthood was not originally associated with Young Men. It was not until the creation of the Young Men organization that young men became associated with the Aaronic Priesthood. In fact, it was only in 1877 that the First Presidency began encouraging bishops to interview young men to be ordained to the Aaronic Priesthood.2

Gospel Topic: Aaronic Priesthood

Gospel Topic: Deacon

Gospel Topic: Teacher (Aaronic Priesthood)

Gospel Topic: Priest

Church History Topic: Restoration of the Aaronic Priesthood

The Priesthood Restored: A Joseph Smith Papers Podcast

Aaronic Priesthood Quorums,

Victor L. Brown, “The Aaronic Priesthood MIA,” Ensign, April 1973,


History of the Aaronic Priesthood awards program, circa 1967, CR 240 71

A compilation of instructions and standards for awards programs within the various Aaronic priesthood handbooks, containing years 1936 through 1967.

Organization of Lesser Priesthood, circa 1845, CR 100 396

Account of the structuring of the quorums of the Aaronic Priesthood on 21 March 1841.

Local Records

Aurora Branch Aaronic Priesthood minutes and records, 1960-1971, LR 2975 12

Minutes from the Aaronic Priesthood meetings for the Aurora Branch, Chicago Illinois South Stake.

Bloemfontein Branch Aaronic Priesthood minutes and records, 1959-1961, LR 785 12

Minutes from the Aaronic Priesthood meetings for the Bloemfontein Branch, South Africa Mission.

Downey 1st Ward certificate stub books, 1889-1981, LR 2314 23

Certificates of ordination to the Aaronic Priesthood for the Downey 1st Ward, Arimo Idaho Stake.

Owensboro Branch Aaronic Priesthood minutes and records, 1971-1972, LR 6643 12

Minutes from the Aaronic Priesthood meetings for the Owensboro Branch, Evansville Indiana Stake.

Randers Branch Aaronic Priesthood minutes and records, 1960-1964, LR 7323 12

Minutes from the Aaronic Priesthood meetings for the Randers Branch, Denmark Mission.

São Carlos Branch Aaronic Priesthood minutes and records, 1967-1968, LR 8122 12

Minutes from the Aaronic Priesthood meetings for the São Carlos Branch, Brazilian Mission.

Singapore Branch Aaronic Priesthood minutes and records, 1973-1974, LR 8323 12

Minutes from the Aaronic Priesthood meetings for the Singapore Branch, South Asia Mission.

Washakie Ward Aaronic Priesthood minutes and records, 1903-1915, 1935-1959, LR 9928 12

Minutes from the Aaronic Priesthood meetings for the Washakie Ward, Box Elder Utah Stake.


Site of the Restoration of the Aaronic Priesthood, PH 2013

Photograph of the Church historic site of the Restoration of the Aaronic Priesthood.

Susquehanna River near home of Joseph Smith Jr. where Oliver Cowdery and Joseph Smith were baptized after the Aaronic Priesthood was conferred upon them by the angel John the Baptist, PH 679

Photograph of the Susquehanna River, near where Joseph Smith Jr. and Oliver Cowdery were given the Aaronic Priesthood.

Other Materials

Aaronic Priesthood personal achievement program, M251.4 P933ap

Booklet of an experimental program in Ogden, Utah, which later became the Aaronic Priesthood Personal Achievement Program.


1. “Restoration of the Aaronic Priesthood,” Church History Topic,

2. “Young Mens Organizations,” Church History Topic,