Young Men OrganizationYoung Men Organization Timeline

Young Men Organization Timeline

Young Men Organization Research Guide

Providing definitive dates for firsts can be challenging. It is important to note that many of the activities associated with the Young Men or youth programs initially began in wards and stakes and were later adopted by the general Church.

This timeline is not comprehensive but provides a basic understanding of how the Young Men organization started and has evolved to meet the changing needs of a global Church.

1874     The first Young Men’s Mutual Improvement Association organized in the Salt Lake Thirteenth Ward1

1875     First central YMMIA committee organized; Junius F. Wells was named president2

1876     Beginning of full-time YMMIA missions3

1877     Bishops encouraged to ordain most young men to the priesthood4

1879     The Contributor first published

1880     First General Young Men’s Superintendency called5

1888     First MIA General Annual Conference6

1891     Young Men organization manuals printed and distributed by the Church7

1896     The Contributor discontinued

1897     The Improvement Era first published

1898     Central Committee renamed to General Board

1901     YMMIA separated into two grades (juniors and seniors)8

1901     YMMIA changes focus of study to include theology.

1905     Full-time YMMIA missions discontinued9

1909     General Board created eight committees to help run the Young Men Organization10

1913     YMMIA becomes affiliated with Boy Scouts of America11

1920     YMMIA changes grades to juniors or MIA Scouts (12-16 years old), seniors or M-Men (17-21 years old), and advanced seniors or adults (22 years old and older)12

1921     M-Men and Gleaner departments introduced in the MIA worldwide to meet the needs of those young men and young women aged 17 to 23 years old13

1924     First roadshow presented in the Granite Stake14

1925     MIA Jubilee15

1928     Priesthood quorums meet during Sunday School hour for gospel instruction as part of a correlated experiment. It lasted until 1938. Tuesday nights were reserved as an activity night for MIA.16

1929     Young Woman’s Journal merged with (“married to”) The Improvement Era17

1931     First Presidency announces Aaronic Priesthood Correlation Plan18

1932     Senior Department created to address the needs of men aged 24-35 years old19

1937     First Presidency officially adopts practice of ordaining young men into the Aaronic Priesthood at specific ages20

1939     M-Men and Gleaners to include young women and young men up to 30 years old; Senior Department discontinued21

1940     Special Interests Department formed for members over 25 years old22

1952     New Senior Aaronic Priesthood program introduced for men over the age of 2123

1955     Duty to God award introduced24

1962     Worldwide Youth Conferences begin

1962     Correlation between Scouting and Aaronic Priesthood established25

1965     For the Strength of Youth pamphlet first published26

1969     Bishop Youth Councils held in each ward27

1970     The Improvement Era discontinued

1970     Aaronic Priesthood Personal Achievement Program introduced28

1971     Youth magazine The New Era introduced

1971     “All Church” sports tournaments and festivals discontinued29

1972     Melchizedek Priesthood took over adult groups of 18 and older (including M-Men and Gleaner groups)30

1974     Presiding Bishopric to direct the youth of the Church; Young Men Presidency released31

1974     The name Mutual Improvement Association (MIA) is retired32

1975     June Conferences discontinued33

1977     New Young Men’s presidency is announced, and the organization’s name is changed to the Young Men Organization, under the direction of the Priesthood Executive Committee34

1978     All worthy young men could receive the priesthood, regardless of race35

1980     New consolidated Sunday meetings for Church; a meeting dedicated to Young Men is part of the “Sunday block”36

1997     Special Aaronic Priesthood Sesquicentennial Fireside broadcast “Faith in Every Footstep”37

2001    Aaronic Priesthood Achievement program introduced38

2001     New For the Strength of Youth pamphlet introduced

2004     Young Men Presidency members no longer composed of General Authorities39

2010     Fulfilling My Duty to God booklet introduced40

2011     For the Strength of Youth pamphlet updated41

2012     Young Men can be called as missionaries at age 1842

2013     New youth curriculum introduced43

2018     Priests can officiate for baptisms for the dead at the temple44

2018     Change in ages for advancement and ordination: young men are now ordained to priesthood offices at the beginning of the year they have an important birthday (i.e. 12, 14, or 16) rather than having to wait until their birthday arrives.45

2019     Church ends partnership with Boy Scouts of America46

2019     New Young Men’s theme announced47

2019     Ward Young Men presidencies discontinued; Bishopric Youth Committee changed to Ward Youth Council48

2020     Church starts news Children and Youth Program49

2020     For the Strength of Youth conferences introduced in conjunction with stake youth conferences50

2021     New youth magazine For the Strength of Youth replaces New Era51


1. The Improvement era; 1920-1930 (Volumes 24-33); 1924-1925 (Volume 28); 1925 June (No. 8); Church History Library, (accessed: December 10, 2020)

2. “Young Men Organizations,” Church History Topic, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, (1 December 2020).

3. “As will be seen by the following letter, the committee is authorized to call missionaries, which it has already done to some extent. Salt Lake City, U. T., February 16, 1877. To the Central Committee of the Young Men's Mutual Improvement Associations: Junius F. Wells, President; John Nicholson, Secretary. Dear Brethren:—It is very desirable that you call missionaries from the associations under your direction, as often as possible, to visit the various wards and settlements throughout the territory; in this way giving to our young brethren the great privilege of bearing testimony to the truths of the gospel and enjoying its spirit, while they gain an experience as teachers of its divine principles. Praying the Lord to abundantly bless all your labors amongst the youth of God's people, We remain your brethren in the gospel, John W. Young, Daniel H. Wells.” The Improvement era; 1920-1930 (Volumes 24-33); 1924-1925 (Volume 28); 1925 June (No. 8); Church History Library, (accessed: December 17, 2020)

4. “Young Men Organizations,” Church History Topic, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, (1 December 2020).

5. The Improvement era; 1920-1930 (Volumes 24-33); 1924-1925 (Volume 28); 1925 September (No. 11); Church History Library, (accessed: December 17, 2020)

6. The Improvement era; 1920-1930 (Volumes 24-33); 1924-1925 (Volume 28); 1925 August (No. 10); Church History Library, (accessed: December 17, 2020)

7. The Improvement era; 1920-1930 (Volumes 24-33); 1924-1925 (Volume 28); 1925 June (No. 8); Church History Library, (accessed: December 17, 2020)

8. The Improvement era; 1897-1910 (Volumes 1-13); 1900-1901 (Volume 4); 1901 August (No. 10); Church History Library, (accessed: December 18, 2020)

9. The Improvement era; 1897-1910 (Volumes 1-13); 1904-1905 (Volume 8); 1905 July (No. 9); Church History Library, (accessed: December 18, 2020)

10. The committees created were class study, athletics and fields sports, music and drama, social affairs, library and ready courses, conferences and conventions, missionary work, and debate and lecture. The Improvement era; 1897-1910 (Volumes 1-13); 1908-1909 (Volume 12); 1909 October (No. 12); Church History Library, (accessed: December 18, 2020)

11. The Improvement era; 1910-1920 (Volumes 14-23); 1912-1913 (Volume 16); 1913 September (No. 11); Church History Library, (accessed: December 18, 2020)

12. The Improvement era; 1910-1920 (Volumes 14-23); 1919-1920 (Volume 23); 1920 September (No. 11); Church History Library, (accessed: December 18, 2020)

13. Deseret News Church almanac / prepared and edited by the staff of the Church News ... in cooperation with the staff of the Historical Department of The Church ...; 1981-1990; 1981; Church History Library, (accessed: January 8, 2021)

14. Granite Stake Young Women’s Mutual Improvement Association minutes and records, 1909–1969, Church History Library, Salt Lake City.

15. The Improvement era; 1920-1930 (Volumes 24-33); 1924-1925 (Volume 28); 1925 June (No. 8); Church History Library, (accessed: December 17, 2020)

16. Deseret News Church almanac / prepared and edited by the staff of the Church News ... in cooperation with the staff of the Historical Department of The Church ...; 1981-1990; 1981; Church History Library, (accessed: January 8, 2021)

17. “Wedding announcement: Mrs. Y.L. General Board announces the marriage of her daughter Miss Young Woman’s Journal and Mr. Improvement Era on Saturday, June the eighth, nineteen hundred twenty-nine,” June 1929, Church History Library, Salt Lake City.

18. “Young Men Organizations,” Church History Topic, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

19. The Improvement era; 1930-1940 (Volumes 34-43); 1931-1932 (Volume 35); 1932 September (No. 11); Church History Library, (accessed: December 18, 2020)

20. Deseret News Church almanac / prepared and edited by the staff of the Church News ... in cooperation with the staff of the Historical Department of The Church ...; 1981-1990; 1981; Church History Library, (accessed: January 8, 2021)

21. The Improvement era; 1930-1940 (Volumes 34-43); 1939 (Volume 42); 1939 May (No. 5); Church History Library, (accessed: December 18, 2020)

22. The Improvement era; 1930-1940 (Volumes 34-43); 1940 (Volume 43); 1940 September (No. 9); Church History Library, (accessed: December 18, 2020)

23. Deseret News Church almanac / prepared and edited by the staff of the Church News ... in cooperation with the staff of the Historical Department of The Church ...; 1981-1990; 1981; Church History Library, (accessed: January 8, 2021)

24. “’Duty to God’ Award Set Up For Youth of Church,” Church News, 8 January 1955.

25. “Plan Outlined to Correlate Boys’ Program,” Church News, 10 February 1962.

26. The Improvement era; 1961-1970 (Volumes 64-73); 1965 (Volume 68); 1965 September (No. 9); Church History Library, (accessed: December 18, 2020)

27. “New Bishop’s Youth Council,” Church News, 3 May 1969.

28. “New A. P. Program is Outlined,” Church News, 19 December 1970.

29. “Big Changes in MIA Programs,” New Era, September 1971.

30. “FYI: For Your Information,” New Era, January 1973,

31. “Priesthood to Direct the Youth of the Church,” Church News, 29 June 1974.

32. “Priesthood to Direct the Youth of the Church,” Church News, 29 June 1974.

33. “Report of June Conference,” Ensign, Aug. 1975,

34. “Youth programs are refined,” Church News, 21 May 1977.

35. “Race and the Priesthood,” Gospel Topic,

36. “Church Begins a New Era,” Church News, 8 March 1980.

37. “Aaronic Priesthood Satellite Fireside,” Ensign, August 1997

38.  “Fulfilling Our Duty to God,” Ensign, Nov. 2001,

39. Deseret News Church almanac / prepared and edited by the staff of the Church News ... in cooperation with the staff of the Historical Department of The Church ...; 2011-2013; 2013; Church History Library, (accessed: January 8, 2021)

40. “Fulfilling My Duty to God: for Aaronic Priesthood Holders Manual,”

41. “Message to the Youth from the First Presidency,” in For the Strength of the Youth (2011), i–iv.

42. Thomas S. Monson, “Welcome to Conference,” October 2012 General Conference.

43. Church Announces New Youth Curriculum for 2013,” Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, (accessed 11 December 2020).

44. “Ordained Priests Who Serve in the Temple Will Be Blessed, Young Men General Presidency Says,” Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, (accessed 11 December 2020).

45. “Age Changes for Youth Progression and Ordination Announced,” Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, (accessed 11 December 2020).

46. “Joint Statement: Church and Boy Scouts of America,” Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, (accessed 2 November 2020)

47. “Read the New Aaronic Priesthood Theme for Young Men,” 17 November 2019, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, (accessed 11 November 2020)

48. “Ward Young Men Presidencies Discontinued, Other Organizational Changes for Youth Announced,” Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, (accessed 11 December 2020).

49. “Children and Youth,” Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, (accessed 2 November 2020)

50. Find an FSY Event,

51. “For the Strength of Youth: A New Magazine for Youth,” Gospel Library, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, (accessed 31 December 2021).