Newly Accessible Collections, December 2024
Explore dozens of newly accessible collections to enable your research wherever you are in the world.
This month’s newly accessible collections include fotografias dos batismos iniciais em Florianópolis, Brasil, 1946, 1960–1962 (photographs of early baptisms in Florianópolis, Brazil) and John H. Hinckley’s mission journal kept during his service in the East Tennessee Conference of the Southern States Mission from February 1895 to October 1896.
Please note: You may need to log in to view certain collections online. For more information on how the Church History Library determines access to materials, please see the library’s access policy.
Church Records
Local Record Collections
Manuscript Collections
Atwood Affidavits, 1881 September (MS 262)
Charles Warnick Mission Papers, 1897–1901 (MS 32190)
Photograph Collections
Fotografia de William F. Heinz, 1970 (PH 12695)
Audiovisual Collections
Rare Books Seminar, 2011–2012 (AV 3800)
Print and Rare Collections
A ke yissere me ce le mbete ne ndjapa (M230 G6762BDA 1990)
Be Creative with Recreational Singing (M285.14 B365 1972?)
Bee Hive Songs (M285.14 B413s 1953?)
Canciones de Sion ó del Culto Mormon (M285.2 H99SPA 1911)
Centennial Award Songs (M285.14 C397 1947)
Community Songs : (Selected and Adapted for the M.I.A.): June Conference 1920 (M285.14 C735s 1920)
Deni medoe (M230 G6762AFA 1991)
Favorite Seminary Hymns: For Chorister and Organist (M285.1 F275s 1966)
Gospel Principles Manual Simplified. Byelorussian (M230 G6762BEL 1994)
Gospel Principles Manual Simplified. Divehi (M230 G6762DIV 1992)
Gospel Principles Manual Simplified. Ewe (M230 G6762EWE 1988)
In Freude singen wir!: GFV-Lieder (M285.14 I35GER 196-?)
Konferenz der Kirche Jesu Christi der Heiligen der letzen Tage, Gemeinde Hannover (M204.5 G373kGER 1925)
Lasst uns singen: Liederheft (M285.14 L347GER 1958?)
The Life and Record of Anson Call: Commenced in 1839 (M270.1 C156L 1985)
Like Unto Us: [For Voice] / Dennis L. Crockett. (M285.1 C938L 1979)
M.I.A. Songs: June Conference (M257.44 M993ms 1938)
The Old Family Album / Words by Marilyn P. Adams ; Music by Newell Dayley. (M285.14 D275o 1973)
Songs for a Better Way: Course 12 (M285.1 S698f 197-?)
Thursday, February 14th, 1878 (M288.1 W214t 1878)
Trail Builder Lesson Book for Blazers (M257.56 B645 1945)
Trail Builder Lessons for Blazers (M257.56 B645 1942–1944)
Ziyambidwe za uthenga wabwino (M230 G6762CHW 1988)