Newly Accessible Collections, January 2023

By Jeffrey Tucker, Church History Library
24 January 2023

Explore dozens of recently digitized collections to enable your research wherever you are in the world.

Below, you’ll find a list of materials in the Church History Catalog that are newly accessible. You will see three categories of collections: 1) previously open collections that have been digitized, 2) previously closed collections that are now open for research (but not digitized), and 3) collections that are both newly opened and digitized.

Consider, for example, the newly digitized Returned Missionary Registers, 1898-1913. These notebooks contain the names of missionaries who served between 1898 and 1913 along with each missionary’s mission assignment, hometown, date set apart, and return date. If you are researching the life of someone who served a mission during this period, you may find them here.

For more information on how the Church History Library determines access to materials, please see our access policy. For some collections, login may be required to view them online.

Previously Opened, Newly Digitized Collections

Local Record Collections

Manuscript Collections

Photograph and Map Collections

Print and Rare Collections

Church Record Collections

Oral History Collections

Newly Opened and Digitized Collections

Church Record Collections

Local Record Collections

Manuscript Collections

Newly Opened Collections (But Not Yet Digitized)

Church Record Collections

Manuscript Collections