Newly Accessible Collections, July 2024
Explore dozens of recently digitized collections to enable your research wherever you are in the world.
In this month’s Newly Accessible Collections, you can view photographs from the Ghana and Africa West Mission in 1983–1984. You may find interest in J. Golden Kimball’s letterpress copybook he kept from 1888–1902, which contains letters to family, business associates, and other Church leaders while he served as a member of the First Council of Seventy. You can also view President Wilford Woodruff’s correspondence between local Church leaders detailing administrative and member matters in over 40 stakes.
Please note: You may need to log in to view certain collections online. Please see the library’s access policy for more information on how the Church History Library determines access to materials.
Church Record Collections
Local Record Collections
Manuscript Collections
Sarah G. Miller Family Collection, 1867–1944 (MS 34545)
Photograph Collections
Morgan City Branch Primary, 1957 April (PH 5533)
Oral History Collections
Print and Rare Collections
50 ausgewählte Liedtexte aus dem Gesangbuch der Heiligen der Letzten Tage (M285.2 H99sGER 1950?)
Accompaniments for Songs Selected from "Sing with Me". Japanese (M285.1 A172JPN 1983)
Ajatuksia alkeisyhdistyksen syntymäpäivän viettämiseksi (M257.5 S955FIN 1978)
He That Seeketh Me Early Shall Find Me: Laurel Course B, Young Women (M257.46 L378 1978–1979)
He That Seeketh Me Early Shall Find Me: Laurel Course B, Young Women (M257.46 L378 1980–1981)
Beehive Supplement: 1962–63 (M257.42 B414 1962–1963)
Beekeeper's Handbook / Illustrations by Richard L. Gunn. (M257.46 B414 1961–1962)
Canta a A.M.M / compilado por Clery Pereira Bentim. (M285.14 C229POR 1963?)
Delight in the Law of the Lord : Family Home Evening 1982 (M268 F198 1982)
Evangelio restaurado (M256.12 E92SPA v. 1–4 1927–1930)
Family Home Evening Manual (M268 F198 1967)
Favorite Seminary Songs (M285.1 F275s 1961)
Favorite Seminary Songs (M285.1 F275s 1963)
Förslag till primärs hundraårsjubileum (M257.5 S955SWE 1978)
Gospel Principles Manual. Hindi (M230 G6762HIN 1992)
Gospel Principles Manual. Tamil (M230 G6762TAM 1994)
GFV-Liederbuch (M285.14 M989GER 1965)
Handbook for the Bee-hive Girls of the Y.W.M.I.A (M257.46 B414g 1934–1935)
Ideas para la celebracion del aniversario de la Primaria (M257.5 S955SPA 1978)
Idee per la celebrazione dell'anniversario della fondazione della primaria (M257.5 S955ITA 1978)
Ideeën voor de viering van het honderdjarig bestaan van het jeugdwerk (M257.5 S955DUT 1978)
Ideer til primærforeningens fødselsdagsfeiring (M257.5 S955NOR 1978)
Idéer til Primaryfodselsdagen (M257.5 S955DAN 1978)
Idees pour la celebration de l'anniversaire de la primaire (M257.5 S955FRE 1978)
Idéias para a celebraçao do centenário da primária (M257.5 S955POR 1978)
Laurel Manual 1 (M257.46 L378 1984)
Laurel Manual 1 (M257.46 L378 1989)
Laurel Manual 2 (M257.46 L378 1985)
Laurel Manual 2 (M257.46 L378 1988)
Laurel Manual 2 (M257.46 L378 1993)
Learn of Me and Listen to My Words: Laurel Course A, Young Women (M257.46 L378 1977–1978 no. 1)
Mafaufauga o le faamanatuina o le aso fanau o le peraimeri (M257.5 S955SAM 1978)
Mia Maid Manual 2 (M257.46 M618 1985)
Mia Maid Manual 2 (M257.46 M618 1992)
Musik in der PV (M257.52 M987GER)
Ngaahi fakakaukau ki hono fakafiefia'i 'o e 'aho fokotu'u 'o e palaimeli (M257.5 S955TON 1978 no. 2)
N.V.K. lauluja (M285.14 N992FIN 195-?)
Principios del evangelio (M230 C561pSPA 2003)
Principios do evangelho (M230 C561pPOR 2003)
Principles of the Gospel (M230 C561p 1976)
Primary Birthday Celebration Ideas (M257.5 S955 1978)
Primary Birthday Celebration Ideas. Chinese (M257.5 S955CHI 1978)
Primary Birthday Celebration Ideas. Japanese (M257.5 S955JPN 1978)
The Prophets Speak (M257.5 S955 1979)
Rodeheaver's Sociability Songs: Songs for Everyone (M285.14 M993r 1929?)
Vorschläge zum gedenken an das hundertjährige bestehen der PV (M257.5 S955GER 1978)
초등협회 창립 기념 행사 제언: 1978 초등협회 창립 행사 (M257.5 S955KOR 1978 no. 2)