Newly Accessible Collections, June 2024
Explore dozens of recently digitized collections to enable your research wherever you are in the world.
This month’s newly accessible collections article comes with many digitized songbooks, manuals, and more. You may find interest in Samuel Openshaw’s diary of his journey from England to Utah; it also details his travels with the Martin Handcart company. The 1905 Logan Temple Ordinance Worker Photographs contains over 80 images of temple workers, including Marriner W. Merrill, who was the president of the Logan Temple at the time. You can also peruse the many digitized young women’s organization manuals (Beehive, Mia Maids, Laurel) included in this article. Accompany your research of these manuals with the Young Women Organization Research Guide.
Please note: You may need to log in to view certain collections online. Please see the library’s access policy for more information on how the Church History Library determines access to materials.
Church Record Collections
Bishops' Reports, 1848–1866 (CR 100 592)
Local Record Collections
Kwa Mashu Branch Annual Historical Reports, 1980–1983 (LR 318302 3)
Manuscript Collections
Samuel Openshaw Diary, 1856 May–November (MS 35780)
Photograph Collections
Tithing Office Buildings, circa 1875 (PH 12002)
Print and Rare Collections
Banebrydere over hele verden: primarys sommerprogram 1977 (M257.5 S955DAN 1977)
Beehive Girls Handbook / Illustrated by Richard L. Gunn ; Cover Design by Heidi Eldredge (M257.46 B414g 1963–1964)
Beehive Girls Handbook / Cover Design by Heidi Eldredge ; Illustrated by Mary Scopes. (M257.46 B414g 1964–1965)
Beehive Manual 1 (M257.46 B414 1989)
Beehive Manual 1 (M257.46 B414 1990)
Beehive Manual 2 (M257.46 B414CHI 1985)
The Children's Friend Festival (M257.5 S955 1968)
Den Danske Mission 120 ar: Jesu Kristi Kirke af Sidste Dages Hellige : sangbog (M285.28 D186dDAN 1970)
Des pionniers dans le monde entier: programme d'ete de la Primaire, 1977 (M257.5 S955FRE 1977)
Existen pioneros en todo el mundo: programa de verano de le Primaria, 1977 (M257.5 S955SPA 1977)
Focus: Laurel Manual (M257.46 L378 1972–1973)
Focus: Laurel Manual (M257.46 L378 1974–1975)
Focus: Laurel Manual (M257.46 L378 1976–1977)
A Girl’s World of Discovery: Beehive Manual (M257.46 B414 1972–1973)
A Girl’s World of Discovery: Beehive Manual (M257.46 B414 1974–1975)
Guardian (Second Year) Beekeeper's Handbook, 1963–64 / Illustrations by Jon Burton ; Cover Design by Heidi Eldredge. (M257.46 B414 1963–1964 no. 2)
Horizons: Laurel Manual (M257.46 L378 1973–1974)
Horizons: Laurel Manual (M257.46 L378 1975–1976)
How Lovely You Would Be My Lass (M288.1 M217h 1855?)
Hymnau, wedi eu cyfansoddi a'u casglu, yn fwyap neillduol, at wasanaeth Saint y Dyddiau Diweddaf (M285.2 H99WEL ENG item 2)
Hymns: Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Tamil (M285.29 H9965TAM 198-?)
Hymns [Music] (M285.26 H996 19--?)
An Invitation (M288.1 M217i 1852)
Kindergarten and Primary Songs / By Frances K. Thomassen. (M285.13 T241k 1919)
Kom sjung en sang / [Primary Association]. (M285.25 C732SWE 1951?)
Lamanite Songs (M285.17 L214 197?)
Latter Day Pilgrim (M288.1 L364 1846?)
A Laurel Greets Her World (M257.46 L378 1967–1968)
Laurel Manual (M257.46 L378 1962–1963)
Laurel Manual (M257.46 L378 1963–1964)
Laurel Manual (M257.46 L378 1964–1965)
Laurel Manual (M257.46 L378 1965-1966)
Laurel Manual (M257.46 L378 1969–1970)
Laurel Manual (M257.46 L378 1970–1971)
Laurels, 1971–72 (M257.46 L378 1971–1972)
Learn Wisdom in Thy Youth: Mia Maid Course A, Young Women (M257.46 M618 1977–1978 no. 2)
Learn Wisdom in Thy Youth: Mia Maid Course A, Young Women (M257.46 M618 1979–1980)
Learn Wisdom in Thy Youth: Mia Maid Course B, Young Women (M257.46 M618 1978–1979)
Look Unto Me in Every Thought: Mia Maid Course B, Young Women (M257.46 M618 1980–1981)
Merrily We Sing (M285.81 R421m)
Mia Maid Manual 1 (M257.46 M618 1984 no. 2)
Mia Maid Manual 1 (M257.46 M618 bk. 1 1988)
Mia Maid Manual 2 (M257.46 M618 bk. 2 1988)
Mia Maid Supplement, 1969–70 (M257.42 M618 1969–1970)
Mia Maid Supplement, 1971–72 (M257.42 M618 1971–1972)
The Morning Breaks: A Sacred Duet [S.A.] / Music by Evan Stephens ; Words by Parley P. Pratt. (M285.17 S832mor 1908?)
My Personal Progress (M257.42 M995 1978)
My Personal Progress (M257.42 M995 1980)
My Personal Progress (M257.42 M995 1981)
Paionia uma i le lalolagi: polokalama a le peraimeri o le taumafanafana, 1977 (M257.5 S955SAM 1977)
Personal Progress (M257.42 M995 1992)
Personal Progress (M257.42 M995 1995)
Pien pu shih chieh te hsien ch'uè chu (M257.5 S955CHI 1977)
Pioneerit kaikkialla maailmassa: alkeisyhdistyksen kesaohjelma, 1977 (M257.5 S955FIN 1977)
Pioneers All over the World: 1977 Primary Summer Program (M257.5 S955 1977)
Pioneiros em todo o mundo: programa de verão da primária, 1977–1978 (M257.5 S955POR 1977)
Pionerer over hele verden: Primaerforeningens sommerporgram 1977 (M257.5 S955NOR 1977)
The Pioneer Program (M257.5 S955 1969)
Pioniers over de hele wereld: zomerprogramma 1977 jeugdwerk (M257.5 S955DUT 1977)
Pionieri in tutto il mondo: programma estivo della Primaria per il 1977 (M257.5 S955ITA 1977)
Pionjärer över hela världen: primärs sommarprogram för 1977 (M257.5 S955SWE 1977)
Primary Is: Summer Program 1972 (M257.5 S955 1972)
The Primary Song Book Including Marches and Voluntaries (M285.25 P952v 1935)
A Promise of Something New: Beehive Manual (M257.46 B414 1971–1972)
A Promise of Something New: Beehive Manual (M257.46 B414 1973–1974)
A Promise of Something New: Beehive Manual (M257.46 B414 1975–1976)
Sange til brug for kor (M285.27 S225DAN 1957?)
Sange til brug for de Sidste-Dages Helliges søndagsskoler (M285.23 S225DAN 1898)
Sange til brug for de Sidste-Dages Helliges søndagsskoler (M285.23 S225DAN 1906)
The Seagull (M205.2 S1945 1981–2012)
The Search for Meaning (M257.46 L378 1968–1969)
Sekaino koitakushatachi shotokyokai kaki puroguramu (M257.5 S955JPN 1977)
A Selection from the Primary Song Book (M285.25 S464 1940)
A Selection from the Primary Songs: Published for Use in the Mission Primaries (M285.25 S464f 1939?)
A Story to Tell and a Song to Sing: 1974 Primary Summer Program (M257.5 S955 1974)
Summer Sing: 1975 Primary Summer Program (M257.5 S955 1975)
Uèberall gibt es pioniere: PV-sommerprogramm (M257.5 S955GER 1977)
Young Women Camp Manual (M257.43 Y78 1992)
Young Women Handbook (M257.42 Y78h 1975)
Zions Sange / samlede af Charles Sørensen missionær. (M208 C475DAN ENG item 18)
Zondagsschool en jeugdwerk liederen (M285.23 Z87DUT 1936)
전세계 개척자: 1978 년 초등협회 여름 프로그램 (M257.5 S955KOR 1978)