Newly Accessible Collections, October 2024
Explore dozens of newly accessible collections to enable your research wherever you are in the world.
Among this month’s newly accessible collections, you will find the Young Men's Mutual Improvement Association General Board Minutes, 1898 through 1954, which contains presidency, general board, and executive meeting minutes held separately and in conjunction with the Young Women's Mutual Improvement Association (YWMIA), or Young Women organization. The Church Certificates Collection, 1832–1934 is also available to research, with Church-related certificates for various individuals, including baptismal and priesthood certificates. Or view photos of President Brigham Young’s house (Beehive House) and the Eagle Gate, both of which still stand today.
Please note: You may need to log in to view certain collections online. For more information on how the Church History Library determines access to materials, please see the library’s access policy.
Church Records
Local Record Collections
Cache Stake Letterpress Copybooks, 1879–1908 (LR 1280 23)
Oxford Branch General Minutes, 1951–1976 (LR 6647 11)
The Union Banner, 1888 (LR 8179 21)
Manuscript Collections
Orissa A. Michaelson Journals (MS 26575)
Plat of Church Property at Washakie, 1894 (MS 11842)
Photograph Collections
Portrait of Thales H. Haskell (PH 1700 4621)
Oral History Collections
Print and Rare Collections
100 Jahre Gemeinde Herne der Kirche Jesu Christi der Heiligen der Letzten Tage (M274.3 O584GER 2001)
Blazer Course A (M257.56 B645a 1970)
Choose the Right Course A (M257.56 C548a 1970)
Choose the Right Course B (M257.56 C548b 1971)
CTR B (M257.56 C548b 1992)
Die märtyrer: Oratorium / Aus dem Englischen von Friedr. Radichtel; geschr. W. Döring (M285.3 S832mGER 19--?)
Himnos de Sion (M285.2 H99SPA 1942)
Im Lande der Mormonen (M200 R328ig 1939)
Im Lande der Mormonen (M200 R328ig 1939 no. 2)
The Latter-day Saints Anthem Book / Vol. 1 / By Local Composers (M285.17 L365a v. 1 1897 no. 2)
Merrie Miss Course A (M257.56 M568a 1970)
MIA Music Supplement, 1959–1960 (M257.43 M987 1959-1960 supp.)
The Oneida Stake of Zion's Sunday School Song Book (M285.23 O58 1887)
Pioneer Celebration (M284.5 P662 1912–1927)
The Preexistence of Spirits: (A Mormon Doctrine) Refuted by the Bible / R.P. Boyd. (M233.3 B789p 189-?)
Sangbog: samlet og udgiven / af F.W. Blohm (M285.1 B652sDAN 1891)
Singing Lessons on the Tonic Sol-Fa Method (784 C146s 1863)
Some Fatal Objections to the Mormon Tithing System / R.P. Boyd (M252.1 B789st 19--?)
Songs of Sigma Gamma Chi (M285.17 S577s 1974)
Songs of the Heart: Hymns of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Poetry Form (M285.2 S698 199-? no. 2)
Songs of "The Mormon Way" / Claton S. Rice. (M209 R495s 1930)
Sounds of Lambda Delta Sigma (M285.17 L2194s 1984)
Sunbeam Manual (M257.56 S957b 1986)
Thanh ca (M285.2 H99sVIE 1975)
To Sing Is the Thing: Lambda Delta Sigma (M285.14 L2194t 198-?)