Recently Digitized Collections, February 2022

By Jeffrey Tucker, Church History Library
22 February 2022

Explore dozens of recently digitized collections to enable your research wherever you are in the world.

Below, you’ll find February’s list of recently digitized materials to explore in the Church History Catalog, such as “A Purse of Gold,” an account of how a kind stranger in Philadelphia helped Orson Hyde—who was traveling without purse or scrip—reach the Holy Land in 1840. The man who funded Orson’s voyage eventually joined the Church and traveled as a pioneer to Utah, where he and his wife raised 14 children in the city of Spanish Fork.

All the following collections feature one or more items that have been digitized and are available for viewing online. For some collections with copyright restrictions, login may be required to view them online.

Church Record Collections

Local Record Collections

Manuscript Collections

Photograph and Map Collections

Print and Rare Collections

Liahona (Chinese): Hong Kong (M205.5 S546CHI v. 1- 1959-)