Recently Digitized Collections, June 2022
Explore dozens of recently digitized collections to enable your research wherever you are in the world.
Below, you’ll find June’s list of recently digitized materials to explore in the Church History Catalog, such as a “sketch” (her choice of words—it’s really quite an extensive book) of the life of Patience Delilah Pierce Palmer, an early Saint who joined the Church in New York in 1835. She and her husband experienced many notable Church history events firsthand, including mob violence in Missouri and the resulting exodus westward.
The following collections feature one or more items that have been digitized and are available for viewing online. For some collections with copyright restrictions, login may be required to view them online.
Church Record Collections
Logan Temple account book, 1881–1883 (CR 308 41)
Golden gleaner scrapbooks, 1948–1953 (CR 13 137)
Local Record Collections
Darien Branch general minutes, 1972–1973 (LR 14925 11)
Oral History Collections
Manuscript Collections
Cutler family papers, 1856, 1884–1902 (MS 6338)
Serge J. Lauper journal, 1925–1927 (MS 14234)
Katherine L. Paxman journals, 1884–1888 (MS 6714)
Henry W. Nichols autobiography, 1921, July (MS 22382)
Aurelia S. Rogers collection (MS 6414)
Asa S. Hawley autobiography, circa 1912 (MS 9982)
Davis family histories, circa 1995 (MS 24911)
Mary Minerva Judd papers, circa 1872–1998 (MS 21598)
Eulogy on Elder Erastus Snow, 1888 (MS 4260)
George Albert Smith statement, 1859 (MS 4159)
Naomi C. Wood autobiography, circa 1889 (MS 19303)
John B. Fairbanks papers, 1881–1910 (MS 11085)
Phineas H. Young papers, 1846–1898 (MS 14458)
Philo Dibble biography, 2016 (MS 31944)
Photograph and Map Collections
Print and Rare Collections
Across the continent / by Jenny June (M230 C944a 1887)
An epistle: Apostle Woodruff’s cheering counsels to the Saints (M230 W893e 1886)
The downfall of Mormon polygamy (M234.71 W893d 1890)
Officieele verklaring / Wilford Woodruff (M234.71 W893oDUT 1890)
Heroines of “Mormondom,” the second book of the noble women’s lives series (M270.07 H559 1884 no. 2)
Dedicatory services, Ensign ward chapel, Sunday, April 1, 1923 (M255.84 E59e 1923)
Prof. J. Whiteley / Wilford Woodruff, Geo Q. Cannon, Jos. F. Smith (M266 W893p 1891)
The successful missionary: letters to missionaries in the field (M256.1 W641s 1947)