Remembering World War I: The 100th Anniversary of Armistice Day
In this post commemorating the 100th anniversary of the armistice, archivist and military historian Alison White shares library collections related to World War I.
It was the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month when hostilities between the Central and Allied powers ceased, bringing an end to the conflict then known as the Great War. Millions of lives were affected by this conflict, including the lives of members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. To honor and remember those affected by this conflict and to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the end of the war, we have gathered some highlights from our digital archival collections.
PH 3043
This collection of photographs shows parade crowds gathered in downtown Salt Lake City to celebrate the end of World War I, also known as Armistice Day.
Armistice Day parade, Salt Lake City, Utah, 1918; military service report
CR 4 298
This collection of stake and ward “Form F” reports contains information about members who entered military service prior to December 31, 1919. The information includes name, age, priesthood office, date of entering service, and class of service. It also includes the names of women who served as nurses, as well as death dates and places for those who died while in the military.
MS 19547
June Bennion Sharp served in the 148th Field Artillery during the war. This typescript copy of Sharp’s diaries, dated from January 1918 through April 1919, records events from his daily life, including details about his trip overseas, front-line conditions, interactions with other Latter-day Saint soldiers, and sites visited in Germany after the armistice. It also includes an article published in the Deseret Evening News on May 3, 1919, that describes battles in which Sharp was engaged with his gun crew and cannon, “Gila Monster.”
MS 26321
This letter—written by the president of the Northern States Mission, German E. Ellsworth—shows the impact the war had on the Church’s missionary program. It mentions government control of the railroads and other resources. Ellsworth also expresses his concerns about the lack of missionaries coming to the field and the likelihood that many of the missionaries would be “called up” for government work.
PH 7400
This collection of missionary photographs includes a certificate of early release due to war conditions, signed by LeGrand Richards and dated October 3, 1914.
Missionaries transferred from France to Britain at the outbreak of World War I; Lewis B. Parkin, Lake Bourget, France
MS 9705
On July 6, 1917, Lewis B. Parkin of Bountiful, Utah, enlisted in the army and was assigned to the 145th Field Artillery. This collection contains his journal entries, photographs, and postcards that illustrate the horrors and complexities of war.
Battery A of the 145th Field Artillery, Camp Kearny in San Diego, California
PH 2683
This collection contains photographs of the 145th Field Artillery, which was attached to the Utah National Guard and was inducted into federal service in October of 1917.