Lorenzo E. Camomile
Son of Daniel and Emma Palmer Camomile. Evidence from emigration and genealogical records proves that the family traveled to Utah either in 1858 or 1859. Loranzo was born in Missouri in 1858. The first documentation to the family in Utah are the re-baptisms of both his parents in October 1859. In the 1860 Utah census the family surname is spelled "Caunmomile." Further research is needed to determine the year they came to Utah and the name of the company they traveled with.
Traveled in Company Unknown (1847-1868)
1847 – 1868 Pioneers in Company
Date Details
Started On 1847
Joined Company
Ended On 1868
Company Arrived
1858 June 24
Date Details
Occurred On 1858 June 24
1937 February 16 (Age 78)
Lorenzo E. Camomile (1858 - 1937) Profile