undefined undefined Sarah Miles | Church History Biographical Database

Church History Biographical Database

Sarah Miles

Alternate Names
Sarah Tingey (Married Name)
Sarah Naylor (Married Name)
Birth Date
On 1854 June 14 (Born)
Death Date
On 1935 October 9 (Died)

Sarah was indirectly listed in the company roster in William Chipman's notebook under her father Isaac Miles.

There is a lot of inconsistency concerning Sarah's date of birth. Many records including her death certificate and the 1900 Census state and imply a birth date of 14 June 1854. Other censuses imply she was born sometime between 1853-1855. A christening record was located which states she was christened 19 June 1854. The Centerville Ward records (at the time of her baptism, 24 March 1867) state she was born 13 April 1853. However, in the case of the Miles family, the Centerville Ward records seem to be inaccurate. Due to the inconsistencies, it is difficult to know for sure when she was born. At this time, the date provided in Sarah's death certificate will be used.  

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1854 June 14

Date Details

Occurred On 1854 June 14

Traveled in William Henry Chipman Company (1866)

1866 July 11 – September 16 (Age 12) Pioneers in Company

Date Details

Started Between 1866 July 11 – 12
Joined Company
Ended Between 1866 September 15 – 16
Company Arrived

Married Henry Tingey

1871 January 9 (Age 16)


1935 October 9 (Age 81)
Sarah Miles (1854 - 1935) Profile
Sarah Miles (1854 - 1935) Profile


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