Research Church History
The Church History Library contains vast collections of documents, photographs, and other artifacts related to the history of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. To help you find the items you need—and to help you write and publish your work once your research is complete—library experts have assembled the following resources:
Key Resources
Understanding CHL Collections
Featured Collections
A collection of our most popular and useful resources
CHL Policies and Guidelines
Get up to speed on a variety of policies pertaining to accessing collections and researching in person at the library.
Online Historical Resources
A diverse list of helpful online resources
Institutions with Holdings Related to Latter-day Saint History
Church History Catalog
Access hundreds of thousands of collections—and millions of digitized images—right at your fingertips.
Accessing Church History Library Collections
The Church History Library collects, holds, and shares hundreds of thousands of historical records about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and its members.
Reading Room Registration
Patrons who use the library’s reading room are required to complete a registration process.
Preparing to Publish
Tips on how to access and publish images from the church History Library’s collections.