Accessing Church History Library Collections

The Church History Library collects, holds, and shares hundreds of thousands of historical records about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and its members. These records consist of an ever-growing number of:

  • Printed materials (200,000+)
  • Manuscripts (35,000+)
  • Oral histories (19,000+)
  • Photograph collections (16,000+)
  • Local Church unit records (110,000+)
  • Audio visual files (5,000+)

Commitment to Global Accessibility of Collections

Most of these records are available for research at the Church History Library in Salt Lake City, Utah, or digitally through the Church History Catalog. The Church is committed to digitizing its records, often referred to as collections, and making them more easily accessible to all, independent of location.

Each year, thousands of items are digitized, reviewed, and uploaded by a dedicated team of archivists and volunteer missionaries based on department priorities and patron requests. Patrons can then access these records through a robust offering of online research tools, including:

  1. Church History Catalog
  2. Church History Biographical Database
  3. The Joseph Smith Papers
  4. The Church Historian’s Press

A list of newly digitized and accessible collections is published monthly on the library’s blog, The Historical Record, as well as information about upcoming releases and general research updates.

Standards and Guidelines for Accessing Collections

Like other archival institutions worldwide, the Church History Library upholds specific standards and guidelines for accessing its collections. These standards and guidelines ensure access to the library’s collections while also protecting the privacy of individuals and some confidential Church matters.

While many of the library’s collections are available to the public, some records are closed to research. These can include:

  • Records containing information about individuals protected by government privacy laws
  • Confidential records of Church members, employees, leaders, business dealings made in non-public settings, and information about temple rites and ceremonies

The Church History Library is dedicated to maintaining the trust and integrity of all who interact with The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, both past and present. Adherence to these standards and guidelines ensures the Church can continue to share these wonderful records that testify of Jesus Christ and His restored gospel and document the efforts of men, women, and children who follow Him.

For more information on why specific records may be closed to research, please view our Access Policy.

How to Access Church History Library Collections

There are two ways to access library collections. The first option is through viewing digitized images of collections online through the Church History Catalog. The second way is to view items in person in the reading room. Follow the steps below to access collections:

Accessing Digitized Collections Through the Church History Catalog

  1. To access digital collections in the Church History Catalog, we first recommend that you log in to your Church account (you do not need to be a Church member to have an account) using the Sign In button at the top right of the catalog screen for optimal catalog use. This will enable the viewing of materials protected by copyright. After signing in, and performing a catalog search, take note of the color of the banner and accompanying icon included in each search result:
  1. Items with no colored banner and image thumbnails are immediately available to access online with downloadable files.

(No colored banner)

b. Collections with a yellow-orange banner and caution icon have copyright restrictions and require you to log in with your Church account before you can view the image.

(Yellow-orange banner with caution icon)

c. Collections with a blue banner and clock icon indicate the images require a request and digital “checkout” before they are viewable. You will find a link on the item to “Request Digital Access” (you need to be signed in to your Church account to see this link). An email with a link to the images will be delivered within one business day.

(Blue banner with clock icon)

d. Collections with a red banner and padlock icon have access restrictions based on our Access Policy. See the Restricted Access section below for more information on how to request access to these materials.

(Red banner with padlock icon)

Accessing Physical Collections in the Library Reading Room

  1. Before visiting the Church History Library, connect with a Church history consultant through the “Ask Us” service to identify collections you would like to view on site. They will help determine if any access issues exist with the material you would like to view during your visit.
  2. Register for use of the reading room.
  3. Review library hours of operation and location.
  4. Schedule a reading room appointment with the link provided by the research consultant following your consultation.
  5. Walk-ins are welcome, but because our physical holdings are stored in dozens of locations around the world, the library may not be able to facilitate immediate access to all materials a patron wishes to view. Scheduling an appointment is recommended.

Requesting Digitization

If you need online access to materials that are not yet digitized, work with a Church history consultant via the "Ask Us" service to place digitization requests.

The library receives hundreds of unique digitization requests per month. Requests are typically completed within 25 days, but timing can vary. Many factors influence the amount of time a digitization request can take, including:

  1. Size of the collection: Collections range from one folder to hundreds of boxes. Smaller collections can be prepared, digitized, and delivered to patrons much more quickly.
  2. Material type requested: Certain audiovisual materials or file storage formats take longer to process. Scrapbooks with small pieces, photographic materials that require higher resolution capture, or letter books with fine paper also require more time to digitize.
  3. Condition of materials: Some collections require conservation care before they can be digitized.
  4. Content of collection: We closely review material before it is posted online to ensure private and/or confidential information is not released online irresponsibly.
  5. Location of Materials: Not all collections are stored at the Church History Library. Items located at offsite repositories may take longer to digitize.

Due to resource constraints, the library may also deny a request due to the factors above.

Restricted Access

Some materials in our catalog are listed as “closed to research.” This can be due to several conditions listed in our Access Policy. When the collection you wish to see is closed to research, work with a Church history consultant via the "Ask Us" service to request access. When applicable, it is often helpful to identify the specific part of a collection you desire to see. Requests are made through an online form provided by the Church history consultant. On average, these requests take 15 days to process and roughly two-thirds are approved.

Support for Accessing Collections

The Church History Library continues to explore and implement emerging technologies and resources to accelerate its ability to digitize and share records with the public. Resources such as the Church History Catalog and Biographical Database are also continually updated to ensure greater patron support.

If you need research help or would like to request access to a particular collection, please use the library’s “Ask Us” service. Our professional Church history consultants are happy to assist you.