undefined undefined Fannie Aldred | Church History Biographical Database

Church History Biographical Database

Fannie Aldred

Birth Date
On 1855 April 7 (Born)
Death Date
On 1947 September 3 (Died)

An entry for Reuben Perkes states that Fannie's mother Mary Ann Botright (Mary Burthwryte) traveled to Utah in 1868 with the Simpson Molen company. Family Tradition and Passenger lists state and indicate that Fannie, her mother, step-father, siblings, and step-siblings traveled together.


1855 April 7

Date Details

Occurred On 1855 April 7


1947 September 3 (Age 92)
Fannie Aldred (1855 - 1947) Profile
Fannie Aldred (1855 - 1947) Profile


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