Martha Jane Mecham

Birth Date
On 1852 January 29 (Born)
Death Date
On 1927 April 7 (Died)

Martha was an infant when her parents crossed the plains, as confirmed by her obituary. She later married William Madison Wall and had 11 children. She is buried in Vernal, Utah. 

The obituary of Martha confirms the family's travel to Utah in 1852.

Her birth and death dates are confirmed by her death certificate, which shows her name as "Martha Jane Wall."

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1852 January 29

Date Details

Occurred On 1852 January 29

Married William Madison Wall Jr.

1869 November 25 (Age 17)


1927 April 7 (Age 75)
Martha Jane Mecham (1852 - 1927) Profile
Martha Jane Mecham (1852 - 1927) Profile